The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 620 Drinking Horse North Sea (below)

The third group army from the Krare Ross's first line has concentrated thousands of tanks to expand the breakthrough in the southeastern direction of New Siberia, and the right wing is taken to the frontier position of the Soviet army.

In order to solve the crisis of the front line, the Soviet commander will be invested in the battle of the Candarings of Guibi Soff, Omske, and attempted to fight in the southwest of the front of the front of the front. To smash the attack of the Chinese Defense Force, these attempts have not succeeded.

The battle is still developing in the direction of the China National Defense Forces. New Kuznetsk is finally occupied, and Abakan's Soviet No. 62nd Group's military dismissal has escaped to Balna, where the original Soviet 21st Group 21 is composed. New defense line.

On April 26, the 6th tank cluster of the Soviet army, the 11th tank cluster, and the 38th Group 38 were forced to start backwards to the Suburbs of New Siberia. All Tomosk, Kemerovo, Abakan, and New Kuznetsk were all comprehensively occupied by the Chinese Defense Force.

The Surma has concentrated five groups (four of which have lost heavy losses, including the 16th Army of Tomoske's dead escape), established the final line of Siberian military regions in New Siberia - Balna.

After the third group of the China National Defense Army and the Tenth Collection Army had a strong force of 8 army, we finally surrounded New Siberia from the east and north.

At the same time, the Northern China National Defense Army Ninth Army occupied Sulgui and Norrillsk region, and the new Uliego was opened in April 26, and one group army was annihilated by the Soviet army.

Ninth Group Army's 93rd Army occupied Nardham. Now, under the command of the Supreme Uralfu, the troops in the commander Cui Kefu, along the Ob River from Nikam, Surgut, and underwork Waltovsk, in Qimeoming, Kurgan, Yekaterinburg There are also 2 group forces in Jiabinsk.

Since more than half a month, the tenth group army has progressed in the South, the 101st army and the Chinese Defense Forces occupied the Ashhabad in Iran, the 82nd army, and the 91nd army has occupied the heat of Tz Kazi. In front of the north of China.

The Military Army has occupied Kara Dan, Astana, ready to attack Pavalodar, the Soviet Turkoman military region lost 4 Army (all the unfull-filled infantry army), concentrated the last A total of 2 groups in the army, a total of 2 group army, defensive to Breward, providing defense support for New Siberia.

By the end of April, with the success of Chen More Peng Zhongline Breakthrough, the Chinese Defense Army broke the deadlock, showing a rapid offensive situation. Now, the Soviet army is deployed along the border, there is the last nail. - New Siberia.

May 2, New Siberia, Soviet Siberian Military Region Command.

In the past few days, the Soviets had stopped large-scale military operations with the Chinese Defense Forces, and the purpose of raising the avenment was to make the next round of brutal killing.

At this time, the Soviend East Line General Command Knevi has been promoted to the marshal, because he timely adjustment deployment, making the Chinese National Defense Forces accouprmabately in a single-and-a-half month battle.

"The big camp sent a brand new rank, the bright military power chapter, but they did not send our most needed things!" Cognac is now a new promotion of Marshal, but he does not seem to be happy. One month ago, he was a commander of the Total Preparatory Team Group Army, but now he was transferred to the East Line to serve as a general command, and the burden on his shoulders made him feel that he didn't breathe. "We need a tank now ... a lot Tanks, but Ural's factory is not able to offer us enough, advanced tanks ... "

"I said the brother of Shelk, how is you?" Wat Taki also did not have much good mood at this time, but he understood that this is not a prison, you should try to drag Chinese China. It seems that I will never eat the tank army. "Don't say this, don't you forget them, now you don't say these words."

"Hey ... this time I remembered the morale? If I can ... If I can ..." Cogna still didn't finish the rest, "in Moscow day before yesterday, I saw Tiemu Xinshi and Mei Lie. Zkov, the situation there is not very good. Germany has a large scale of Moscow, very unauthorized ... "

"Oh?" Wat Taki went to the front line for two days, so until now, there is time to speak with the master of Marshal, who has just accepted from Moscow, "I heard that Pavlov has been caught. Moscow, Germany, did not play down, this consumption, not so fast. Hold Moscow ... "

"Merentskov's scorpion is not good, um ... Rocusovski, which takes over the northwest, is also a huge pressure, and he has to have been there." Cogna picked up a cup of coffee. Although it is already cold, he still lifted a bite. "When the family puts forward in Moscow issues, I think that Tiemu Xin does not seem to have that capability. Because we don't have much advantage to support Two-sided war. In order to keep Moscow as much as possible, you must have a minimum three-strong defense line in Moscow ..., oh! Forget it, we still have a troubles of a brain, and you can't get the West Line battlefield. "

"What is the idea?" Wat Taki asked.

"Passing the troops occupying Copophevo, from there, the top of the E Bi River, hit the north of Tomensk, disturb the enemy's force deployment, let them raise more forces again, we take the opportunity to strengthen the front. defense."

"Yes ..." Wat Taki knows this completely to compete, the sword is tired, "But Xiell, we should send the troops to? Or in this case, we are in New Siberia 5 Group Army, there is a troops in line with our requirements, can you complete such a task? "

"The few main troops can never move, especially in New Siberia, now there is no damage to the 10th Assault Group Army, which is our most combat, it is, I have a fight against it ... "Cogna has once again closed his eyes. He knew that this is definitely a task with no return, and sent a past forces to stand at least a week, and how much will be coming back after a week," Let you first The group army went, "

"That army took only one division from Tomoske," Wattiki didn't guess, "Of course, those good warriors who have been exercising, and they are fighting the defense Excellent troops ... "

"Calling their commanders to see me." Cogna said, "I want to get a command personally ... Does their commanders still live?"

"I want to call their true commander," Tutan said, "Toba Camp, one in a middle, before the war broke out, the enemy's attack is imminent, privately ordered the troops to enter the war, but by the military committee I was arrested to Moscow, and then I was caught, and I am still confined, I am still confined! "

"Okay, call him, I think we should put him out." Cognac said, "Such people are absolutely not confused, in the sinister situation, the soldiers need this Commander! "

After half an hour, Toba Camp was here, but at this time he wears the clothes of the travel-level commander (equivalent to the school): "Marshal Comrade, Commander Comrade, Tobacchfa to report ..." This is a A very practiced commander, the face of the face made him look much more than the actual age of 39, at this time, his face is firm.

"Comrade Toba Cai, I am now appointed as the Siberian Group's 16th Army," Cogna took the shoulders of Toba Chaffin, "I want you to lead your troops to complete a task. Of course, it is an incomparable task ... "

Tobwa Camp quietly heard the introduction of Cogna on the battlefield, and focused on the task of our troops, no doubt that he would almost have no return, but he still did not show timidity The expression: "Comrade Marshal, I accept this task, but I have two requests."

He said very simply, there is no slim sloppy water.

"Very good, let's talk!" Cognac and Wat Tujing paid a look and said.

"First, when you are in the river, I need gunfire and air support. Second, my troops are too few, only less than 15,000 people, I hope to reinforce, at least 30,000 people." Tobacchf Keep a positive posture.

"Yes, I will call you two strengthenings from the 10th Army, and the 38th Group Army. At the same time, the students of the military school military schools will be handed over to you, and the guards of the military are also handed over to you." See the commander What else does Cognac say?

On May 5, in the early hours of the morning, after a few hundred meters away from the Hubi River, Tobacchv took the telescope in his hand, and detached the China National Defense Army Beach Head Place in the river. The China National Defense Army in the river has obviously noticed the tension of the atmosphere. In the telescope, it can be seen in the trench, and the top helmet flashed from time to time. In the farther place, the enemy is repaired by a seat, which is like scattered stars, and can be seen everywhere. Although the depth looks can't see, there will definitely have a lot of artillery positions.

"Comrade Tobacchov, we should start." The military preparation, Yang Qi Yang Qi, is just a vice manager, but because the commander has too much mad, he has risen three levels. He put down the telescope in his hand, looked at his pocket watch, turned his head to Tobacchov.

"Oh?" Toba Camp took out his own pocket watch, looked at it on it, the above shows that it is 3 o'clock in the morning, "Okay, you will order, Da Yangqi comrades."

"Start." Da Yangqi did not resign, he put his hands behind him and said faintly.

"Attack start!"

"Attack start!"

The center of the buning, the two reporters behind them did not show the microphone, and the staff started to play.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The sound of the earth-shaking ground sounded in the rear of everyone, which is the group army organized a strong artillery force to cover them. Tobwa Camp clearly felt that at the moment that the gun sounded, the earth was dramatically trembled, and a shell was launched, and the effect was naturally amazing. Borrowing the telescope in his hand, Toba Chaffi once again looked on the river, at this time, he saw it is a deputy scientific picture.

On the other side of the river, the Chinese National Defense Force's position rose a group of fire, the intensive sharp shrapnel scattered around, especially in the China National Defense Forces trenches close to the river bank, a population of people was thrown out of the shock wave of the shells. Clean the flame, the messy falls on the empty rove.

"Commander comrades, the group army headquarters calls." The newsletter got to go to the near, report, "the air support has come, ordered us to cross the river immediately!"

"Comrade Datangkuk," Toba Chaffmanship took the shot on this shorter to shoot, "the order takes 47 teachers, and the other two teachers who organized it immediately followed it, immediately kneel, grab the beach position!"

"Yes! Resolutely guarantee the implementation" to see your own governor filled with new people, Yang Qi said.

Until 3:20 in the morning, the Soviend's artillery fire did not have a thorough destruction of the Chinese National Defense Force, and the Su Jun was a fight against the China National Defense Force.

The 16th Group Army was a complete troops, and the 19th division of the infantry was launched three large-scale attacks on the End of the End of the End of the Ob River Beach head in two hours. In the third attack, the first team of the 47 division even has already rushed into the beach position of the Chinese National Defense Force, but after some of your life battle, the warrior of the Chinese Defense Force was returned back, and the Chinese National Defense Force The gunfire has also begun to sound.

In the sky, the Chinese Air Force supported will also arrive at the battlefield. However, this battle, China is not too big to resist. The air force in a hurry, just got a passer, so far away. The big rear, I have no arrival.

"Don't tell me, what is wrong with me!" Tobwarciv's roaring voice sounded, "How many people who died, I want it that the main force of the whole army spent over the river before 6 o'clock ... How many people have, I will look back to you to add ... "

"Comrade Toba Cai, I want to put more troops now." Staff Dad, Yangqi, said, "I decided to transfer the 48-way soldiers of the northern place, they are from the 10th Army And the 38th army, the combat power is also very strong. "

"So far, the offensive combat of the 47 division has become more difficult. The enemy of the river has obviously strengthened the fire block lock against the Ob River," Toba Camp immediately said, "Immediately put the 48 infantry." Go in, no longer dragging ... "

The battle is now, and the two sides of the attack must be red.

"!" "!" "!" Three lighting bombs, rose from the Soviet place in the river, the Soviet 48th infantry division Strong troops only, it is ready to go in the morning - this is the first morning Four wave offensive.

After less than half an hour, "Comrade Torwa," Da Yangqiu rushed from behind, and did not go to Toba Camp's side, "48 teachers have news Their master personally calls. "

"Oh, look at your expression, I think this should be a good news?" Toba Camp turned, huh, huh, huh, then he has exposed a smile in a few days.

For the Soviets, this is indeed good news, and the 48th teacher Chang Lechkov (the deputy director of the original Group Army) reported to the military, the troops of the 48th have breaking through and defeat the first line of the Eavective The Chinese National Defense Army, currently, his leading troops are advancing to southwest, preparing to help the 47th resolution.

When I was close to 6 o'clock, the sky had already lit up. The Soviend's plane flew to the battle scene at this time. They madly poured the bomb from the second direction of the Chinese National Defense Force. This battle has not been there. The Soviets finally broke through the defense line of the Corpherso China National Defense Forces at 6:20 am. A Soviets who were nearly 30,000 people suddenly broke into the north of Tomusk, and threatened from the side wings to the Safety of the Chinese Defense Forces.

Attacks New Siberian battle has already conducted a whole half, this ten days, the Chinese Defense Force did not make great progress on other fronts, but this kind of attacking battle test is the willpower of both parties, who first seize The fighter, who may set the other party in the dead, but this time, the maximum of the two sides of the war can only be obedient with each other.

New Siberia front lines outside of more than 400 kilometers, the 53rd army advancement, a young man is cold. Dai Tianli feels very bad at this time, in Tomusk, it is good, the matter can be said that it is already exhausted, his army appears, so that the balance of the war is completely turned over.

"Is it uncomfortable? I see you didn't sleep well or didn't eat?" No. 53 of the 53th Army Prefair, Zhang Zhongkui, I saw my commander Dai'an, I will cover a fur collar, the son army coat, shrink into one on the chair. The group said.

"Fay, less to tell me those, not because I am giving trouble ..." Dai Anzhen didn't have a good air.

Zhang Zhongkui immediately did the original situation: "Isn't it to call the telegram? If you have to transfer the two Luhang groups in the Northeast Theater, what are you afraid of?"

Dai Anzhen is soaked, it doesn't think it is said: "I am not afraid of two words in my dictionary? Just now look at the countdown to attack, getting closer, the assembly of the troops has not been completed, some are anxious."

"Booming ..." A low loud sound came, the ground in the command was slightly shaking slightly, Zhang Zhongkui and Dai'an looked at each other, and did not peek outside the door of the command center. After running outside the door, I went to the direction of the train gun position on the railway line of the eastern side of the New Siberia.

"That kind of sound ... must be the six hundred and fifty millimeter giant train set yesterday, I have to go to see?" Zhang Zhongkui asked Dai'an, the feet have taken a big step forward. And Dai Tianzhen is certainly going to go, and the two have a personal guard, and the small running towards the heavy gun position on the railway.

The two quickly wrapped around the two small hills in front of the Command. In the small valley passed by a railway, there were several temporary construction railway complex, six steel beasts were in the sky, and they were loaded in these Next to the carriage, surrounded by shells close to the two meters high, and the hills next to them are crowded with a lively population, most of them are young new soldiers, or from the military academies, they are seven The tongue discussions.

"My day, this is much more! ..."

"I almost gave my ear to waste ..."

"I didn't expect that we still have such a powerful thing ..."

"The shell shell is so heavy, and the whole shell is not higher than me ..."

"Said that the shell does not have a ton, I don't believe it, I am afraid that the crane can't live ..."

"That kind of gun is going to pull out something ..."

Dai Anzhen and Zhang Zhongkui, a middle general and a Major General, and the warriors and the middle and lower-level officers saw the two shoulders of the army, and hurriedly jumped up to respect the salute: "Chief Executive!"

Dai Tianzhen saw that the soldiers stood up, so he waved to everyone: "Well, the brothers, don't be restrained ... Everyone sits down, come together to see a fresh."

The warriors sat down, and the legs were left immediately, helped their knees and waist. Two people smile, it seems that their arrival disturbed the interest of the soldiers.

At this time, on the railway line, the commander on the artillery position also found the population of the crowd. A artillery colonel saw Ouyang Zhiyun and Zhang Zhongkui. Two of the two wearing a pear yellow wool uniform. The general, busy shooting, then commanding all the warriors, and then running on the highlands, to Zhang Zhongkui and Dai Wei Jingxi Road: "The Chinese National Defense Force Northwest War District Special Artillery Force, the first train cannon is ordered to be enemy shooting, Please ask the head instructions! Head of the first train cannon head. "

"Well ... well, continue shooting." Dai Tianzhen feel a little fun.

"Yes!" The colonel has been angry, then excitedly ran down, ordered the soldiers of the artillery group to the artillery team: "The army is coming, don't give me a face, hurry, hurry, give me Tell! "

The artillery was encouraged, and it was excited at this time, all of which did the heat.

I saw that the two generals did the ground, and the cadres soldiers started to say seven tongues. This is a voice, "Don't quarrel, look, I have to fight."

After listening to this sentence, the soldiers held their ears in the same place. Dai Anzhen and Zhang Zhongkui certainly did not mistaken, in order to protect her ear.

A gun of the gun, "Boom!", It is more loud than the thunder, and the shock wave is immediately spread. The ground around the cannon shakes, and it has been smashed, followed by the five-door fire. Open the gun in turn, the earth is shive. .

650mm Railway siege, also called the train to attack the city, using a 18-fold diameter of the gun, installed on the left and right shot, twenty fixed gun racks. In order to ensure accurate surnames, the artillery is equipped with a large hydraulic anti-filling system. The whole cannon is more than one hundred and twenty-five tons, and the bullets launched more than one ton, and the maximum range is 25 kilometers.

Although the giant train runs soon after the war, it will be over time, because it will rely more on the air fire. But now they still need them, especially in dealing with the Soviet Union in Siberia, this siege can be essential.

May 10th, the forest in the north of Tumiusk.

"Comrades of Commander." A pilot sent a letter to the Soviend's 16th Committee commander Tobhachev, "Comrade Marshal said that your heroic battle makes us concentrated a large number of reinforcements, and Comrade Lian Dalin knows , He will give you a trust in the car, so you will go with me! "

"No, my dear comrades." Tobwazhi knew that their troops, more than ten thousand troops, now only less than two thousand people, they are already breaking around the River I hope to go back, but it seems that the situation is very bad.

And at this moment, he is still very clear that the defense of the China Army is not expected. Although I am offense, I'm also observed by the Chinese army.

It is also in this case, Cogna hopes to send a plane, and the "criminal" of the war (he incited the military's heart is still not revoked), "the letter is very Clear, we have set a new force now, I am very happy, Comrade Stalin wants me to give me a glory. However, I can't leave them, my soldiers need me, please Go back to Marshal Comrade, if I can go back, then I have once again over the Ob River again with my soldiers. "

When I heard my commander, the surrounding Soviet cadres soldiers were surrounded, a dirty clothes, plus the eyes that didn't have a good rest for more than ten days, and these two thousand soldiers have no different.

"Comrades, Collections!" Tobwacchv shouted, his good comrades, Comrade Datang Qiku has sacrificed three days ago, heard orders, two thousand soldiers quickly set the whole team, and the rectangular station front.

"Comrades!" Toba Chaff lifted his right hand. "We have completed the task of holding enemy, and our main force has already formed a new defense line in New Siberia, and Comrade Stalin has also known. Our heroic battle! "

Perhaps you know more, your mood is more heavy, and now, he doesn't want heavy news to the soldier. They can't get back at all, because when he succeeds in the river, the China's army has begun to come into north. It seems to be joking with him, the predetermined line of defense has not been obtained, and the large-scale armored cluster of China has attacked the New Siberian cluster.

Their last two thousand people, no matter which direction is, it is the place where the Chinese heavy soldiers is assembled. Even the New Siberia is also in the evening.

"Ula!" "Ula!" "Ula!"

A low cheer sounded, and if it was not an enemy, this sound would be loud. Soldiers can't experience their commanders, Tobacia's calm face, hidden the boundless bitterness.

"Now, we have to retreat, go back to New Siberia, participate in new battles." Toba Chaff looked at the enthusiasm of the soldiers, "Let us meet the new military flag."

Three soldiers have hosted a new fresh red army, just now, the pilot took this new army flag. The new number of this troops is indicated above - "Lenin Medal, Red Flag Medal, Suvolov Medal, Tomensk, New Siberian 16th Naval, Armochadying Army", and also embroidered a large-class Teacher Lenin comrades' avatar.

"Let's swear to Lenin's banner!" Tobacchv kissed the army, then turned his head to raise his right hand and held a fist.

"Oath!" A fearless eye greets the bright red flag, countless sounds in the face ...

On the evening, Toba Camp moved to the shore of the Obi River with his own soldiers, attempted to cross the river again, but they finally sacrificed. The body of Toba Chaff is found on a Warrior of the 51st Army of the Chinese Defense Army at a pond.

The waiting for nearly one month is that the real time of China has arrived. East Siberia threatened Northeast Theater, has been westward, using the far East Railway, the Northeast Battle District, which has been built, has arrived in this battlefield.

With the most elite Northeast Battle of China Army, with the development of China's new round of offensive, this war has become no suspense.

The Soviet Union set up a two million army in the Siberian Plain, and under the joint attack of the Northwest Battle District and the Northeast Battle District, instantly landed. They want to use the old way to deal with the Chinese army to deal with the Northeast The Northeast Battle of Weapons, the Outcoming Outcoming.

When the daytock and a large number of rhino tanks and Luhang helicopter troops, once again acting as the universal front of the team, the Soviet Union truly realized that the true gap between the two wars.

With the quantity, maybe it's okay to attack, but in the face of the current China Army, it is not only the number of Soviet Union, even if it is a combat power, it is also enough.

The Dalin, the trip, once again led the high-rise, left, facing the splock of the center, they completely left the Soviet Union.

When the offensive troops saw the delayed sea, looked at the Polar bear, the country of the Soviet, there was nothing left. (Untrained.)

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