The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 615 of the iron clamp

When the command above the Air Force No. 1 conveys the commander of the Northeast Battle District, in the headquarters, Kong Wenhong, Chen Cheng, Zhang Zizhong, the next offensive, launched a discussion.

Currently, there are three places in front of them, one is the coastal line near the library page, here is the final line of the Allies. The Allies of the Allies, and there are a large number of tanks, which is the most powerful force currently in this place.

Another place is the library of trees, because the weather is warm, Zhang Zizhong advocates, send paratroopers, direct air reservoirs, with the Marine Corps, direct landing of the library, and occupy the treasure island. At the same time, it can also prevent alliances from coastal coastal troops, with the aid of the bay, retreat, and heavy soldiers are the treasure island.

The third place is the first in the distant east, and Vatrid is the first. This far East fortress, more than 20,000 Kantong's sleepy beasts, attempted to use Vladivostok's fortress to defend, and keep them the last colonial of the Empire here.

Three goals, the strategic value is very large. However, three of the soldiers is the taboo, especially in their front, and nearly a million Allies, these Allies are also an elite troops to teeth. In particular, they also have more than 10,000 tanks and the same number of armored vehicles. It is not a soft persimmon.

Chen Shao conveyed the order, there is not much help to the discussion of the three people.

Which one is played first, it has become the key to the current Northeast Theater.

"According to what I mean, you must first eliminate the millions of allies. Just destroy this heavy military group, the enemy is here, it is not worthy of any wind and waves. And Valadivostok, we don't have to attack, using the cloud burst, The 'mouse' inside will be bored directly, or then apply it to the yourself, it is directly to the nuclear explosion, and it is very simply very simple. As for the library of the island, we will prevent the opposite heavy military group, without the strait. We solved this heavy military group, the library page is is the thing in our bag. "Chen Chengdao.

For the resolutions that can't be discussed, Chen Cheng's words are still relatively hospitalization.

"Don't think about it. Your Majesty will never agree. Vladivostok is not a green city, for a fine port, wasted is shameful. However, the cloud burst, there is no scruple. Little devil thinks Very good, we will not let them like. "Zhang Zizhong Road.

"Vladivostok, the complexity of the inside is better than the green city. Whether it is the Soviet Union or a small , it is a bitter business. There is no problem in the hundreds of thousands of people waiting for food, and it is enough to produce it according to the amount of food storage. For more than half a year. In my opinion, it is completely unhappy about the Valadivostok. Our current main goal is the heavy military group, I want to see, change a command, the enemy has improved how much combat power. "

"I have just known the instructions of my Majesty. In this case, it will concentrate on the power, kill this heavy military group, since then, East Siberia has no war. We can also get out of hands, and the light reservoir island and Vausa."

"Well, since this, then first decide this heavy military group."

After the unity, it is the time to develop tactics. When three people continue to discuss, the heavy trousers in their mouth are not idle.

When I was officially picking up the command, I started to make a combat command. The young commander, the order, is not interrupted at all. The idea of ​​his mind will become actual.

Behind the regional battle in China, a deep ditch was excavated. According to the mastery of the Chinese tank, it is judged that the other party's climbing capacity, Abrams quickly developed the depth and width of the trench.

The width is 8 meters or more, the depth has reached six or seven. This is completely considering the body of the Chinese tank, and the anti-tuning trench built. Moreover, it is not just a piece, but a depth of the depth of one.

And behind these trenches, a large number of anti-tank infantry is arranged. A large number of anti-tank mines and anti-press mines.

This idea can be completely tired of nearly 30,000 Allied Forces, and the ice and snow is gradually melting. If you want to dig out such a trench, it is not an easy thing, and such a trench is even more surname. Cross a few kilometers. Listening to the extreme horror, let alone do it.

Also, make a lot of allied soldiers feel gratified, they seem to have a number of engineers like excavators.

But the sky is not willing, and the Chinese plane is patron every day, and where they will let them build such a big project. Although the Allies have set up the air defense weapons as much as possible, protect the excavated troops, but the Chinese fighters directly launched the missile outside the air defense weapon, and fry the busy excavation. Scrap iron.

Just half a day, nearly a million Allied soldiers, looked at the engineering vehicle that became scrap iron, helplessly took out the shovel, facing the loess, slowly dig it!

A hot fire, if it is a Chinese fighter, it is really like the scene of China's large construction.

If you really give these allies a day, perhaps Abrams is the ideal defense position, it will be truely perfect. However, the war is time, Kong Wenhong and others are not a fool, and where they will let them go to Wow deep ditch, block the armored troops.

Under the continuous trembling of the earth, the Chinese armored cluster after the rest, started a new round of attack, and the last round.

ZTE's 16th year of June 4th.

For this perhaps the longest day in the year of the Allied soldiers, the vast East Siberia is also covered in a dark night, still falling asleep.

At 2 o'clock in the morning, the first line of the main commander of the China armored cluster's main force entered the departure position, and the senior generals of the China National Security Army on the four fronts have begun to enter the field command.

At 3 o'clock in the morning, the China Army started to take off at several thousand aircraft of several air teams in East Siberia, and prepared to air strike the Allies, and the armored armored troops included in the Allies, the exposed commanders, just constructed Defense position, bunker and trenches.

At this moment, the Chinese army combat aircraft from the Wild-Siberian Forest and Snow Airplanes is close to the scheduled goals, including the institutions of the Senior Staff Command, have been reconnaissance, and each The artillery positions of important places, especially the cannon position, the key defense, the tanks, the tanks, and the logistics warehousing base and oil and port facilities along the Baltic Sea, the sea coast.

In the 200,000 midnight ghost, the midnight ghost of the dragon-shaped pattern, at this time, the driver who has been in a hundred wars, uses the night cover, the driver's border, the people are scarce, not easy to find, implementation The first wave of attack, and behind them, nearly 3,000 various combat aircraft, even including transporters carrying two empty divisions into the second echelon, black-compressed follow-up.

At 4 o'clock in the morning, at the same time, at the first bomb of the Chinese army, the Chinese army deployed hundreds of artillers deployed in the border area, and all kinds of artillery began to the Allies' defense frontline and the depth of depth areas. The fire is covered with a surname of 1 hour.

From April 4, the Allied Forces in the morning, the Allies of the Defense Police was also built in the entire front, especially the Allied soldiers were a heavy loss, and five armored divisions more than 1,000. The tank that is in the rest is destroyed.

There are not many allies, and the fighters who are venting and takeoff are also crashed. In the case of absolute empty, the Chinese army is divided into the north, the central, and the south, as if it is a mighty iron flow to the Allied Million Army rolling.

Sudden offense, let Abramus have a little incredible, he has never thought that China's attack is so fast, so that he can't do any response at all. As a armored soldier, he has already concluded that China's armored troops take a few days, in order to form a combat force once again, it is impossible to organize effective offensive.

Only everything happened in front of him, overthrew his ideas and played his body without a skin.

Ten thousand Jierui Army has more than two hundred kilometers from the east of Qingcheng, and then the Qingcheng has extended to the middle of the 230 kilometers, and the armored troops use the wedge formation. It is very fragile. The military border line, and then a large number of mechanized troops and motorized infantry, together with the artillery force extension, and the Chinese army's Air Force has already made a large-scale bombing of the Allies.

The main force of the Northeast Theater has a total of more than 600 million huge attacks. These troops are taken into three group military groups in accordance with the highest commanders in the theater. According to the direction of the North, the Central and Southern Group military groups, and each group army has a aviation engineer and a land sailor support, and it has achieved full air power protection. .

Among them, the size of the Northern Group is the smallest one in the three groups. It consists of a armored cluster and two infantry army, with three armored divisions, six mechanized infantry divisions, plus Northern Heavy Cannon Cluster And a airborne man and a landless division.

In the early morning, the group army crossed Berktale from the northern part of the Qingcheng, and then turned to the northeast of Barletia to attack the direction of Zhengdong.

The three armored divisions of the Northern Group have more than 1,600 tanks (the elite army of China Army - Tianqi Tank and Rhino Tanks have nearly 800, which has become the absolute fist of the northern cluster), plus the Chinese army unique With the armored armor, the light tanks in the subsequent motorcycle troops, the engineering air fire tanks, heavy assaults, etc., have a total of approximately 3,000 units. It is a thousand aircraft for the seventeenth aircraft for the China Army Air Force. With the strength of the China Army Air Force, with the advancement of this steel beast, the defending section of Su Jun North is defeated.

However, in the overall situation after the war, in the north of the Bibey Battlefield, the Sino-China Army is in the attacking Fang China army, and this advantage has an overpower and a sudden surname.

The Chinese army served as the Central Group military group of the Central Breakthrough is the largest group military group in East Siberia, which includes two armored clusters and a group army, with twenty-one divisions, including twelve armor, seven or six mechanization Teachers and Motorians, they have formed two powerful forceps of two armored clusters.

The remaining nearly 200,000 second-line soldiers troops have become a strong subsequent cluster and auxiliary offensive force. They have a breakthrough from the tanks, such as flooding the Allied soldiers army Get up, and then segment annihilation.

4 The wars in the early morning broke out, the Group's military quarters, from the East Siberian protruding department, I launched a large opening clamping attack. In order to solve the Allies of the Allies of the Coastline, the two armored clusters of the Central Group military group were divided into two directions in the north and south.

It can be seen from the number of force in the Northeast Battle District, and in the main strike direction in this battle area. The China Military Central Group military group has a large strength advantage, and the group also occupies a favorable terrain, because in this area, the Allied army is largely curved, forming a long 100, width in 200 .

This protruding department exposed the Allied Birandon to the China Army. The South China army's offensive is from the two wings to the Allies to the Allies, and try to destroy them in this area, and clear the final obstacle for the land that is about to incorporate the China layout.

Under the cooperation of the armored clusters in the north, the in the evening is in the evening. The armored clusters in the south are fully launched from the Qingcheng to the coast of the coast, and the tanks and mechanized troops will be advanced toward north.

The strong armored armored troops in the north-south road have an elite armor division along with a strong motorful component to configure the armored troops to protect the two wings of the central group military group, and ready to adjust the first line of the attack.

There is still a consideration in the Northeast Theater, so you can use the Green City as a center point, then extend two sides, pull off a wide ground to form a huge steel giant pliers, prepare a bite to swallow the last power of the Allies.

The troops of the Southern Group military have a total of 14 elite master troops, which form a strengthened armored cluster and two group army. There are eight armored divisions, seven mechanized infantry and motorization masters form an unprecedented armored cluster.

In their rear, the second-line troops have formed two groups of two overall states, so they already have nearly 60,000 powerful strength. When three clusters added, counted the second-line troops, in fact, China is above the number of people, has completely exceeds millions of Allies. Such a rich, China can rarely beaten.

From 4 to 6, the three-day battle has made the Allies in the first line of five groups have nearly one-third of the troops to be destroyed, collapsed, and retransmitted or in chaos.

However, the army of the Allied second-line three-line has begun to build effective defense, and began to fight strong resistance, but because the troops layers are too baked, and the defense is not prepared, the Allies soldiers still caught greatly Among them.

Confused the Chinese army, after the war, the various troops closely cooperated, and deployed an orderly implementation offensive program before the war. In particular, the armored troops implemented wedge-shaped breakthroughs in the vast plains, big roundabits, boldly inserted, two wings, division surroundings, etc., have achieved quite obvious effects, three days, the front line troops have advanced 180 to the Allies 180 --220 km, the Chinese army has undoubtedly mastered the initiative of the battlefield.

Only if I left the Allied Army, I will be guilty, although I Brams has constructed a lot of anti-tuning trenches in the front line, a large number of anti-tank mines are also buried. However, in front of the Chinese powerful mechanization force, only useless work.

Bridge tanks, anti-mines, and other special tanks have ruthlessly destroyed the efforts of Ahibrams. And his remaining armor power often, it is fast by Tianqi Tank and rhino tank, quickly shred, then not being captured, it is a bunch of burning scrap.

At the beginning of the war, the result was already destined. The previous failure, you can blame the failure in the event of a loss, it is a complete failure. (Untrained.)

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