The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 576, paratroopers

In the dark, outside of Die Baru City, the air is covered with dense flower.

It seems to shock the aircraft whispering the eardrum, suddenly the air defense alarm, the intensive search light, bring together the sky. However, the expectations of the big out, when listening to the intensive airplane sound, all people run away from the air defense.

It can be half a ring, and there is no explosion, and the buzz of the plane is still. When someone spent a courage, he saw the "snow" of the sky.

The air defense machine gun position in the city began to play, no commands, nor did you need to indicate. The Army Air Defense Force in Jane City, all poured the bullets in the city. But when they shoot, it is found that it seems very close to the paratroopers, in fact, they are far away from them. Both are outside their range.

The things have not ended. The sky is more desperate whistling, the high altitude in the dark, suddenly an intensive flare, a rocket to drag the long tail flame, and smash the army defense position.

Under the illumination of the searchlight, the Chinese fighter that pilked down appeared in the eyes of the ground air defense troops. At a flash of a flashes, it is always accompanied by spark flash. The huge cluster covers the sky, whether it is the city's allied airport, or the air defense fire point in the city. Soon, I was caught in a fire sea, the intensive explosion, illuminated the night.

The entire Jane Baru has already become a group, whether it is the headquarters of the army, or the resident, intensive telegraph, announced the panic and busy.

Things have been obvious, a large number of Chinese paratroopers have been successful to umbrella, and they have formed a hollow gesture for Dan Baru. In the sky, there are Chinese fighters, ruthlessly launching the mushrooms of the ground. Two large airports have become a contact with the city.

Whether it is Matsi Stone, the martial arts of the allies, no one will think that China will have such unexpected attacks on Sumatra. No one thinks, China has avoided the coastline of heavy soldiers, and chose the center to flow.

Directly send paratroopers to attack the center of Sumatra, straight to their command headquarters. The goal is that they have a military officer of more than one hundred people in Sumatra, and gathered in the military officers in Jaibal City, just provide the most clear attack points to China.

In this case, in the Command of the Army Dispatching Army in Juma City, the brow of Matsi Roots has been deeply screwed together, and a sound of the report was received. Nothing is not letting his headache, but he is only deep in your heart now.

He has confident in the face of China's large-scale login operation, and many sets of plans to deal with the strong firepower, violent offensive. But there is no effective solution to cope with the Chinese sudden paratrooper attack.

"General, Qingchuan clue sent a request for telegrams. Half an hour ago, they had just encountered the Chinese paratroopers, and they were overwhelmed with death. The Qingchuan team requested tactics until it took half an hour, and the Chinese army will attack. Arrive outside Dirbaru. "

"General, City Air Defense Brigade calls, the air defense brigade in Jane Baru has been lost, the brigade is also killed by the Chinese fighter artillery. At present, there is no anti-air blowing in Jaibar City."

"General, the city's whale troops sent a blessing, the Whale Field Brigade stationed in the field airport, the Chinese paratrooper troops have occupied the Dan Bulu Naoto Airport."

"General, French Urban Defense Office calls, the French resident is suffering from the violent attack of the Chinese army, and the French defense is currently off."


Half of this half, Matsi Roots have been in a torment. There are not many defensive troops in Delumu, or because of many countries in all countries, Jane Baru is not even a 50,000 army.

I have never thought about this time, China will have the ground forces threaten the safety of Dan Baru. I thought as the army of the preparatory team, this time became the main force of the China Military!

With continuous messages, no matter whether it is a troops, or the army of other countries, there is no good news.

I have not arrived at the expectation, I will be killed here? Songjing Stone will only have endless exhaustion. Although he is doing his best to understand the Chinese tactical warfare, whenever he feels some understanding of the Chinese military tactics, China has begun new tactical warfare.

"Pass all the troops around Jaibar, don't need to order, all see the Chinese army, resolutely annihilate. Order the Seventh Division in the city, and immediately go to the city outside Cliff Mountain, build a defense position. Block China's attack. "Songjing Stone roots has no other rooms that can be selected.

At this moment, the suffering is not just a Songjing Stone root, and the military officers in other countries have all replied the station of their troops. The problems they face are the same, and the darkness of the Chinese attacked artillery fire.

The Air Force has never returned a lot of shells, the dark sky is flying, and the intensive bullets are intensive than rain, and the Chinese paratroopers' battles continue to stroke.

The fading of the focus is unable to describe their feelings, this thought that there is a rich battle experience, it can play their value here. In the past, they did not laugh at the Sudokin and the Soviet Union, but they now understand that their opponents are facing, how powerful.

In Europe, many people have traveled their hands in Germany, and they also teach the firepower of German armored divisions and have also seen the offensive of German paratroopers. But they have never been seen, to the army of the Chinese Army. The intensive firepower, accurate shooting, let them not dare to open, even if it is now dark, it is true.

In the order of the Military Sumatra, the Sumatra Tunal, Castro is already an anger. At this time, he has not had the romance of the French, nor does it always sort out a whole look.

Outside the guns did not stop at a moment, and sometimes there was an artillery fire to the top of the head, the explosion of the rumbling, letting the French romantic, have lost all the demeglings. Anxious mood, full of boundless anger.

"Colonel, we can't resist it, China's attack is really too fierce. We just put a tank camp, and immediately destroyed by the China Military, it did not play. Their anti-tank artille is real. It's too powerful. "A middle school was climbed to Castro, and his body was full of smoke, his face was covered by blood, and the frightened look, it looked very wolf .

"Bast easter, your guys do what to eat. A whole teacher can't stop hundreds of people, I really will send you all the military courts." Castro has been hit by bad news, and constantly The roaring: "I don't care what the reason, I only tell you, it is all dead, but also give me a blocked. Who dares to take a step, I will hide him."

Looking at the middle school left by the Huang, Castro only has a boundless angry.

At this time, in the dark sky, as the air defense fire in Jane Baru is completely pulled out, the two-in-one electronic warplane starts hovering over the battlefield. Bloated and huge fuselage, slow flight speed. This is the first generation of electronic warplanes in China, .

I can't take it out from the two , all of the Allied electronic instruments have failed. All radio stations have successively, radar, and all wireless communication devices have become a display.

The contact between each headquarters was interrupted, and when they intended to contact the fixed phone, it was also found that the phone was gradually played.

Because when the outer paratroopers played in hot, the number of special reconnaissance rows in the city did not be idle, gradually cut off the military telephone line in the city.

In the outer trill of Jane City, there is a simple temporary commander, which is calm in the temporary headquarters, and issued an instruction.

"The command will immediately start the motor combat, and the whole army is at the fastest speed. The transfuge camp immediately started the airport repair work. Borneo's transport machine unit has come, and it must be organized within half an hour. The runway landed to the transporter. "

"Ask the subsequent landing troops to arrive, now the convergence time has passed for five minutes."

As the elderly in the southwest, Xu Du You and the paratroopers play a lifetime. In the paratrooper troops, he is one of the oldest qualified military officers except Luo Rong. This time, the battle task led by the Southeast Asianat area, Ju Shi You once again in-depth enemy. Perform a long-distance attack attack task. This is the second time for the second time in his decades of military career.

For the first time, it is the first battle task of the paratrooper, and the first time the Southwest People's Army is handed over with the little devil. At the beginning, it was only a head of a head, airborne Jinan, and a deeper dried a.

This time, the whole two divisions, airborne Sumatra, the direct center of the army. The biggest difference between two times is that this is a battle task that is far from the national door, and it is significant for the paratroopers.

"Outline Camp calls, the airport damage is not very large, and it can be simply repaired after half an hour."

"The Sundi Forces calls, one hour ago, they have broken through the coastal blockade of the army, rush here. It is expected to reach Delumu City after five minutes."

This time, not the paratrooper and the Air Force are the protagonist, wherever Borneo and Singapore's landing troops also join. Provide low-altitude fire support for the parachute troops. Of course, the Availability Triass also brought our own land war forces.

This is a battle of real high-tech weapons and equipment. At this moment, the real offensive has just begun.

"Little devil, Laozi greets you! Wang Ba eggs, let us crowd in this small space." Search in the periphery of Jaibar City, searching in the wheel paratroopers in the first arrival of the soldiers. The whole class is a heart, and the country is the whole family.

In fact, it is not that these allies have provoked them, let them all the crowds, which is this wheeled paratroopers. This is the new Dongdong, the speed is fast, the firepower is fierce, but it is not good, but it can also resist the direct hit of the rifle bullet and the fragments of the grenade rocket explosion. With it, it is equal to wearing a few flies .

But it is really too low, so that these northern big men have been inside, it is a kind of torture! There is no way to do not do and short, or if the transport machine is not loaded. In view of this, it has become reasonable for the torture. The high son is in the reason of the enemy in front of his eyes, and the little in the little in the little, and the whistle is still whistling. Why didn't I find that the original is so good?

Of course, they have no way. This wheel paratroofer is not their equipment at all. It's just a night, and there are no one with many equipment. They found this paratroopers, which was very good. Although they should find crawler paratroopers, who can only find this one. As for the crawler paratrooper, if it can be found, it will not be such bitterness.

At this point, their task is to search for the proversion of the whole, search for reconnaissance, and find the trail of the Allies. As long as there is no resolute resistance, I have been moving until I touched the true defense line of the Allies. Writing the Hou is a very efficient job, of course, it can't go forward as before, so I entered this paratrooper chariot. The paratroofer's chariot is flying quickly, and there is a big body from time to time, which is a good thing for the first troops.

Due to the cause of umbrella, the various troops are scattered. There is only one location in the assembled command, that is, Jane Baru City. Those who are more close to Dry Baru, as a pioneer offensive force.

At the beginning of the fire, everyone kills his eyes. Seeing the allied army, no matter whether it is always a man is a woman is a woman is ugly, the airborne heavy machine gun or even the machine can cannon, it is a madness, until the ground I can't see a living material. Xiao Yan has used tens of thousands of young and strong, prepared to build a defense line. Only a young man in these hands has become the best target. A large number of paratroots are mad, and they will become rivers, the blood flows into the river, the bones are wild, see I have numb. Xiao Guangxi even rushed a bunch of bodies that were smashed, and smiled and said, "until today I found out that the Indonesian monkey is so handsome!"

Zhao Gang turned over white, a bunch of horrible bodies were very handsome in his eyes, and this child's aesthetic is really special. Through the observation hole, the squad leader looked outside and said, "Indonesian monkeys really want to be hurt, this is finished, I am only afraid that the entire Indonesian widow, no family is complete."

The class deputy said: "They live! I don't think it is cheap! Dealing with this white-eyed wolf, you should learn from the district, killing them, can't smell people in a few hundred kilometers, only thousing can always remember This lesson, even if it is a hundred years, I think of still scaring the diaper! "

Xiao Guangxi is called: "The class is really too right! It is really no need to be polite with them. If you can fight, you can play a dead monkey is a good trick, trick, make it out It is! It is recommended to simulate the imitation army, play the three-shine policy, the effect must be very good! "

The squatting is a glance: "I'm afraid of the world!"


Talking is true, the battle is suddenly heavy, and a hot waves with steel atmosphere have rushed over, the chariot is almost over, stop. Zhao Gang has a feeling of feeling, and asking: "What is the driver?"

The driver is very depressed: "His grandmother, take the anti-Tanker! Everyone gets off, can't get a devil nearby, stay in the car is not safe, a rocket is enough to send the vehicle to the sky - - "The words have not been finished, a rocket dragged the tail flame, wipe it from the left side of the chariot, and the pores are instantly contracted to the limit, the sweat is inverted, no longer hesitate, open the latter door. Just jumped off the bus, a grenade hit a nearby, the fragments flew, and the floating land did not breathe. Just in the bamboo forest in one hundred meters, more than a dozen military uniforms wearing a mess, the little devil on the rifle was called out.

"Mom, I am ambusted!"

The bullets will be placed around, and the rockets will pick up two, playing Zhao Gang and others can't lift their heads.

That kind of fried chariot suddenly sent a roar, double-mounted 30 mm machine guns spurt more than one meter long flame, the shell was tight, and the two fire snake crossed rolls to the little devil, those screams In the blurred small devils, the hot fire tongue, only came to a half-sound, and it turned into a bloody. After all, 30 mm caliber killed grenades can not play. The little devil who did not be hit was shot on the ground, and the whole chariot was shot.

Taking this opportunity, Zhao Gang rolled into a depression, effectively avoiding the cross firepower of the little devil, and pulling the assault rifle, with a dense firepower, with a color, the road fire snake, the bamboo is poured down. The devil's offensive rhythm is unavoidable.

On one side of the squad leader, he still stayed in the chariot in the chariot. The driver broke the enemy.

The driver shouted: "I stopped there, the devil will immediately rush, and I can't run it. You will go, don't worry about me!"

Zhao Gang struggled to have two hand thunders, "" You fuck fart! Of course, you have to go back, how can you throw it down! You hurry to roll down, you can't believe that I bounce you with a gun. ? "

The driver said: "My leg is broken, I can't walk!"

At this time, the three little devils jumped to fire, and he responded very fast, and the organ gun turned the three guys into a meat sauce. A rocket is accurately unimported, and it is easy to wear the body like the coffin board. Drilling into the battle car, the hot dark red flame is rushing from every small slogan from every small slice In addition, the whole chariot turned into a fireball, and the driver had completely disappeared in the flashes.

Everyone is red, rushing every enemy who exposed to the field of view, sweeping a little devil who rushed over, a pour. The other party is not vegetarian, and after the loss is nearly dozens of people, it is probably not good to deal with, finally serious, connecting the discharge line alternately covering the use of terrain steps, military movements are extremely skillful.

This is a big problem! Soon, the casualties appeared in the class: the communication soldiers of the back radio fell, and the radio on the body killed him, a bullet shot from the bullet shot his heart.

Xiao Guangxi immediately with color, with a precise point to explode three little devil's head. At this time, the Allies have been approaching to less than 70 meters, and the hand is a large piece of a large piece, and the dust of the big piece of man is blown up. Almost every person is scratched by the slice, and there is no such ability. They repel the way, even no way to retreat!

The squad leader was also hurt, a hand thundered in his side, the shrapnel scored a one-foot wound in his left leg, revealing Bai Yessen's tibia, he hurt his face twisted, hard supporting the assault rifle sweeping A magazine, screaming: "You must repeat them! Let them have all the fals more than ten meters!"

Deputy said: "They have too much people, can't stop!"

The squad leader said: "That is also to fight!"

Zhao Gang saw a rocket tube in a devil's hand pointing to the squad leader, raising the automatic rifle and hit a three-shot, at least two bullets shot his left chest.

These little devils suddenly saw the ghosts, they were running, and they got Zhao Gang, Ming Ming, self-speaking: "It seems that there is such a brave, can three bullets can scare hundreds of people? Listen I feel unbelievable! "

At this time, Xiao Guangxi is called: "Tank! Tank! Our tank is coming!" Walking in the direction of him, but not, more than a dozen light tanks roared, and the machine gun puts a huge force. The diameter machine gun bullets hampered to the back of the little devil, and the little devil running is like a huge electric saw saw, one by one, the waist is broken into two, and death is extremely fierce.

Smart and hurry, but when they see what monsters, they have revealed a desperate look: What is it? With the weapons in their hands, I can't help the tank, and I only have a shackle of mud!

Everyone can count a bad breath, rushing to those cute tanks: "Tell them!" Tell them! "No matter what armored soldiers can hear.

Of course, the armored soldiers can't hear the sound. In fact, I can't hear it. The helicopter landed outside the 20 meters away, a show of the show came from inside, screaming: "What is you still there? Hurry up the plane! Do you want to taste the tank tips? "

"Rely, when the Availability is so fast, this is only half an hour." Zhao Gang looked at the helicopter that gradually flew over the sky and couldn't help but slam.

After that, he saw the familiar face on the helicopter. Familiar sounds, the faces often emerge in sleep, is this in the dream. The rumbling explosion from the surroundings, let Zhao Gang understand, it is not a dream. But not a dream, how can she appear her figure.

Zhao Gang is still rushing into the plane, waiting for everyone to have the body of the body, the helicopter took off. A long string is playing, it makes a beautiful motorized action, open the vitious air defense fire, and launched a simple guided aviation rocket, the old high-spirited rainy shot The machine gun was immediately unloaded eight.

Until now, Zhao Gang was discovered that I didn't know where to get so many tanks, there is a little devil's bean chariot, and there is a light tank of the parachute troops. Hundreds of tanks are not in the expectations, and they will become a piece.

I don't know if the enemy is still ambush, it is a little devil, anyway, there is constant tank behind the horizon, rolling the sky, like the top of the snow mountain! One power huge tank cannon quickly turns rapidly, quickly locks the other party under the command of the car radar, spurt the Thunder's fireball, and a tank and armored car immediately exploded the fire, and burned violently.

Everyone who took the helicopter and looked at it, and the squad leader and half talented, called: "This is impossible! Even if it is the first devil, there is no armored armor troops! These dogs have a tank, the other Where did you come out? "

Xiao Guangxi said: "The squad leader, you are not knowing!"

The squad leader is inexplicably: "I know?"

Xiao Guangxi said: "You don't say these tanks are the dog's mother, know that they are asking for the dog, not knowing what is it?"

The squad leader is completely speechless.

Zhao Gang can do not have a mood to pay attention to them, so they look at the beautiful female surname on the helicopter, and the red cross on the white military uniform is very obvious in the darkness, until her face is red and reacted. Silently asked: "How come you?"

Say these at the same time, Zhao Gang couldn't help but play the experience from a small to a big experience. The world is impermanent, he never thought, will see the people who want to think about the night in the battlefield.

"Can I not come? How, see I am not very unexpected?" The latter took out the medicine box and began to help them cleaned the wound, busy, the pointed chin rushed into a group of armored armored troops. Yang: "You are lucky, if you arrive at 30 seconds, you only have a meat sauce."

"It is very surprised, I have never thought of you will appear here." Zhao Gang's eyes have never left her.

"I was originally a professional, this time, as the troops came to the battlefield, it was for the first time to treat the injured soldiers."

"But it is very dangerous, you shouldn't appear here."

At this time, Xiao Guangxi seems to have listened to what, smiled, smiled and opened: "There is a situation! Lao Zhao, frankly from wide resistance to strictness, and this beautiful white angel is related, Converation! "

Zhao Gang is shames, I want to talk, the helicopter pilot help Zhao Gang said: "I am aunt!"

The helicopter is then urgently rotated, and Zhao Gang and that female soldier can't prevent it. Zhao Gang squatted with a blood of the blood and DC, "" What ghosts are you doing! "

The pilot said: "There is a air defense machine gun, I am taking advantage of us! It is the American air defense armored car." The distance between the electric light is flashing, the warning equipment in the cabin, the wolf crawled, through the porthole, you can see at least two fire tongue helicopters Copy. The ground, the lauga tank troops revealed several air defense armored vehicles.

The pilot roared: "If you want to live in Laozi? Then you have to give your own life!" In the broken big, he was a helicopter to make an unbalanced but extremely fast, and avoided the air defense machine gun from the strand. bullet.

After the crazy pilot, he just took a helicopter from the danger, and then launched a number of rockets, on the ground, two air defense armored vehicles turned from hunters into prey, one of which hid a little slow, two rocket artillery The chopsticks stamped with tofu into the body, barking to fly it into a group of expensive but style single fireball.

Another is still a big life, it will drive the death of the rocket, but because the speed is too fast, it has been very brought. An paratrooper light tank is a gun, although the diameter is not large, but the power of the armor is not weak.

Cannon elasticized fire snake flashing, that speed can be much faster than the rocket, this poor anti-defense armored car has no chances of dodge, being hit, turned into burning fragments.

At this time, the collision between the tanks has just begun on the battlefield below.

Xiao Nalang is a troops of the seventh division of the Seventh Division, and I will enter the army for six months. According to the small devils, it is a glorious tradition, a soldier is not good, like scrubbing the body, bullets, and the hard work such as rubbing the body is he doing, and it is often the veteran, and it is .

However, it is also very glorious in such a historic troops. It is necessary to know the seventh division, but the gorgeous army war - although it is just a heavy force, then Taiwan is a bonfire, the little devils are tight, the seventh division will be integrated as a teacher, and invested Taiwan's battlefield suppressed Taiwanese resistance, performance is still quite good, since then good luck, step by step, becoming a small devil.

After the battle, the is an increase in the investment of the army, and the seventh division has also strengthened, and the shakes change into armored troops. At first deployed in the cold Hokkaido, it can be supported at any time to resist the energetic Soviet. The Soviets may start at any time. In that the most arrogant , the seventh division has become a very important armor. Force, although only dozens of tanks throughout the seventh division, it is not as good as the Soviet army.

With the outbreak of World War I, Xiao Shan's resources have enriched, the seventh division has ushered in a golden period, the best equipment, the best officer, is preferred to allocate them here, making the seventh division a small devil The first strong army. A person who has not accepted higher education like Xiaomango, and it is a lucky thing that can enter such a troops.

Xiao Yan is a country, narrow island, resource lacking status, frequent earthquake tsunami, making this country from top to bottom, desperately expanding to seek security, really unable to expand Just seek the wings of the big country, it has been like this for thousands of years.

Today, the destiny of the little devil has been very critical. Southeast Asia is a service, and the small devil Southeast Asia dispatched army is completely covered. It is completely kicked out of Southeast Asia. Domestic is a ruin under the hitting of the China Powerful Strategic Air Force.

Under the strong military pressures of China, the little devil has a feeling of being litted, and it is cold.

In Indonesia, I have stayed in the seventh division of the son, the stuffy and wet climate, the seventh division of the seventh division of the sea has been uncomfortable in the cold Hokkaido, and some soldiers suffer from malaria and spit. According to reason, the Seventh Division is best to take a while, but there is no time, the Sino-China Army offensive is too fast.

When the Chinese army appeared in Die Balu, the seventh division can only take the initiative, or it has to be blocked in the city. Although the entire division did not have the Chinese army, the Chinese army was already a prestigious. At the time of departure, the soldiers in each tank, the mood is very heavy.

The entire division is in such an atmosphere. The team of Xiaoyonglang is in the striker, and the hills in the city are quite in the mountain. With a powerful mobile capabilities, the joint team rushed to the Ya Mountain, which was unexpected. This strategic location is very important, and there is no attack so far. The Chinese army is probably ignored.

Stupid support. The leader studied the terrain and thought that this belt was dense and can be effectively concealed, so I decided to play a volt fight here. The whole team was arranged in the fields and bamboo forests. Such as a flying cut, waiting for the Chinese army to join Go to the cutter blade. The squadron of Xiao Nalang is still the most upstairs. I really don't know where the squadron is guided by the leader, every time, it has been topped at the forefront of the battlefield. The squad leader is full of arrogance, and the command squad is constructed, and the tank is camouflaged.

I am busy living, the tower brought a bad news: "The Toya Brigade hit the Chinese Army in Mason Bridge!" The captain got almost gave the telescope, this is good, the ambush circle has not completed it. With the Chinese army, I still have a fart, I'm hiding here to feed mosquitoes! The mood of the entire squadron suddenly became extremely bad, no one thought of a textbook armored ambush war will evolve into a war, and the promotion of Chinese paratroopers quickly unexpectedly, this battle is only afraid that it will not One sail. The squad leader gasped a few mouthfuls, ordered to build a defense work, after all, the situation is unknown, they are likely to have lost the initiative of the battlefield, always in the face of the Chinese army, such as the champion of the trend, or more .

Xiaoyuiro gave the tank to the camouflage net, complained to the front of the front: "How to do it, it is so fast! This is good, it is huge!"

The captain patted the 97-style tank's gun, some worries: "I heard that the Chinese army is that the main gun diameter of the light tank has reached 75 mm, and the shells are very fast, I really want to touch them. We are afraid that it is difficult to discuss the benefits! "

The gun hand smiled, knowing that the 97-style tank main gun caliber is only 57 mm, and this caliber is obviously behind. He turned his gaze into the bamboo forest outside the two kilometers, where the 97 sets of tanks and an anti-tank squadron were arranged, and they had a large number of anti-tank rockets. They had a side wing. I should be relieved?

But he also understands that the anti-tank firepower, China is really powerful. Although the anti-tank squadron of the US anti-tank rocket is equipped, it is unknown.

If the car is thinking, the Chinese tank is very fierce, and our current equipment is not allowed to fight. Hey, if the four tanks have not been adjusted to the front line. With the four-style tank's surname Don't be afraid of the Chinese tank at all. But now, we can only go up. "

When the distance came from time to time, it came that the pool field brigade was extremely fierce with the Chinese paratroopers, and he didn't know if they had a loss. With this concern, this squadron will continue to hide and pray for the Toya Brigade. They don't know, don't say that the pool field brigade, even they, can't go back to my hometown. (Untrained.)

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