The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 565 Diligent Conference

ZTE fifteen years, December 29.

Han Jingcheng Zi Ban City, Jiang Baili, Cai Wei National Defense Forces Lu Haiye Third Army Minister and the military high-level empire, the ministers of the Imperial Administration, the ministers of the Minister of the Empire, the deputy professions and the government ax high-level personnel are in the Qi Dynasty, waiting for Chen Shao to close the full period.

If you have been left, Xie Yuxin and Liu Fiya have been waiting outside the door.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the big door of the resort room was opened on time, and Chen Shao's figure also appeared at the door.

"Yu Xin, the front of the front, let you fall in danger, this is the fault of husband, I didn't have to protect thoughtful obligations." Adapt to the brightness of the lower out, Chen Shao immediately came to Xie Yuxin, and Say.

"Don't tighten it, isn't this a little bit?" Xie Yixing shook his head, approaching, showing the sunshine, some pale cheeks for a month.

"Fu Jun is the owner of a country, please don't make a referee next time, the so-called country can not be a singer, ..."

"Let your heart, there will be no next time." I haven't waited Liu Feiya to finish, and Chen Shao is guaranteed. In this month, he thought a lot, discovered many problems with the past experience and the processed method, and found a lot of problems. After a month, he is not an endless. At least, he believes that there will never give the enemy too much opportunity.

"That's good, although I and my sister are a female surname, but we all know that victory or defeat is a very precious experience." Liu Feiya comforted.

Chen Shao did not speak, but a two wives. In fact, he should be comfortable to comfort them, did not think of it is to comfort himself. Chen Shao did not have excess words at this time, indicating his own mind.

The husband and wife gathered a little, and then, Chen Shao took directly to the Diligent Hall.

When Chen Shao's figure appeared in the gate of the Qian Dynasty, everyone waitinged at the same time, respectfully: "I saw His Majesty."

"Sit down!" Chen Shao hooks his hand and walk straight to the home position.

"Thank you." Everyone began to seize, but Chen Shao did not sit down, but standing in his own seat and looked at the high-rise of the empire in the Qian Dynasty.

The atmosphere began to become silent, the house was outside the house, and the snow fell again. The heating system in the Qian Dynasty hall will leave the outer cold winter, warmly surrounded by everyone.

After a long time, Chen Shaoai broke the calm.

"I didn't see it in a month. It seems that everyone seems to be a lot, I am not in this month, is everyone not sleeping on time?"

"Your Majesty is not in this month, we don't dare to lax, I am afraid of a big problem, so everyone is relatively busy, slightly tired." Vi Ren got up the mouth, despite the words of Chen Shao I am unhappy. But they only have deep movements in their hearts.

"I don't care deeply, but you have to remember that you are the top beam column of the empire. The body is the biggest cost of life, the rest is still going to rest on time. Every day, there are things that can't finish, that is not every day Don't have to rest. Work and rest, it is the role of long-lasting. "From behind the Diligent Hall, Chen Shao saw that many people's face had already appeared, and the look is full of tiredness. He is clear, you are not in this month, these old people, must have no job without night. Although he has already required it, he must rest on time. But seeing their look, he is not really punishing them. After all, their starting point is also for this country, the great cause of this nation. However, warning is inevitable.

"I am waiting for your concern, but I will be relieved, and our people are still rising, and now I can't see the Imperial truly in the world. We will not fall." Jiang Baiye got up.

"Okay, I know that they are all healthy, but the years are like a knife!" Chen Shao shook his head and felt. Then transfer the topic, continue: "Now everyone says things that need to be reported. Len, you come first."

"Yes!" I heard Chen Shao's name, and Vi Ren immediately got up and said: "The last fifteen years summary will be held after the meeting, I have already put this year's fiscal and all aspects of government affairs, form a form, please Overview.

Regarding the planning of provincial and cities in Southeast Asia has begun to start, a large number of Southeast Asian ethnic groups in the pilot city have begun to return to the ancestral land, helping the politicaist staff to carry out this work.

At present, civilians in Southeast Asia, the calls of the [***] team are not bad, the military does not disturb the people's policies, gain a lot of praise, planning the work of provincial and cities and civilians, and there is not much hindrance. "

After saying, Len has taken a document from his own conference table, handed over to Wang Jie.

"I will see it as soon as possible, for the monitoring of people in Southeast Asia, we must implement it as soon as possible, and the government ax must immediately launch reconstruction work. Multi-military coordination, let the armed police, police troops carefully, unable to have malicious bleeding Caidaine. It is also necessary to search for the small shares that have fallen into the jungle. Southeast Asian aborigines, any people who have any sneakers, can not let go, in accordance with the Imperial law, "Chen Xiao nodded, said: "What is it?"

"I understand, there is no other thing." Wei Ren shook his head and sat down.

The clock is directly uploaded, the opening: "The allied countries have made the status of the world, attacking our bombings of the Tsuen Island, and the approval of our violation of humanitarian and moralism.

Germany's ambassador, two days ago, submit the country, convey Hitler's request, I hope we can increase the export of weapons in Germany. In particular, we use the cloud burst and burning bomb, Germany, claimed to be high prices. "

"This matter is handed over to Zhang Xueliang to handle it, so that the total equipment department proposes a data as soon as possible, calculates the proportion of production and consumption, and sells to Germany as appropriate. As for foreign news media, it is not necessary to take care. Do our own things It is enough. "Chen Shao opened.

"I immediately told it." Zhang Xueliang, who has just been the minister of the total equipment department, immediately got up.

After that, the senior official of the Chinese Empire's internal affairs department got up, and the problem of the emergence of this month was reported to Chen Shaohui, and quickly arrived in the military.

As the minister of the general staff, the general chief of the three armies, Jiang Baiyi took the lead in his life: "The Southeast Asian war area has saved, the first division of the Southeast Asian Battle District and the Marine Corps, currently truly jointly drill. Pacific Wood, already officially completed Mali yesterday The Occupation of the Anar Islands. At present, the Pacific Warcas is preparing the next stage of offensive.

The four major airspaces such as the Northeast Battle District, the Siberian Battle District, the Western Aater, and the Southern Avenue, have completed all logistics. All new weapons and equipment have been in place, and the tactical drill is being launched. "

Jiang Baili's voice fell, Cai Wei said: "The Office has set up a number of the next period of action in multiple battles, and the plan has already been submitted, waiting for the Your Majesty.

The Middle East War has begun, and the Arab Peninsula has concentrated nearly 100,000 Allies. At present, the army is launching an attack to Iraq. The Jewish army and the Iranian army have entered the territory of Iraq to help Iraq jointly resist the offense of the allies. At present, the war of the two sides is in a state of glue.

The Germans of Turkey, the idea of ​​help, but they were rejected. After being rejected, Germany also wandering Iraq and Iran and add axial countries. However, it is rejected. Germany is under our attitude and has no persecution.

Afghan area, the Soviet army has begun to go to the north, currently concentrated in the western region of my country's border line. General Zhang Zizhong, the commander of the Western Warcorn, has been held many times, but they are all shelved. "

The army minister Chen Fuqin, the Air Force Minister Qian Pengfei, the Navy Chen Shao Guan, also made a short report.

After listening to Jiang Baili and Cai Wei and other military generals, Chen Shao nodded, said: "The Empire joined the war has passed for more than half a year, and it has achieved such a result, and it can't say small, and it is not very big. North now positive Winter, not conducive to large-scale military actions. However, after entering the spring, such a situation will change. Order, the three military regions in the north must be prepared at any time. At the same time, he will warn the Command of the three battles. Don't worry that there is no fight, wait until the weather is warming, enough for them.

Middle East, let the Western Aordators pay more attention. Their enemies are not the Soviet Union in the north, but the West.

Caution Southeast Asianat and Pacific Woods, don't be self-satisfied because of a little bit of grades. Although the Pacific Theater has occupied the Philippines and the Mariana Islands, in the south, there is a large area under the control of the allies. Now it is absolutely not allowed to breathe, and the tiger does not die. Winter is the best time in the southern attack, telling Du Ming and Qianhai, before the end of next spring, I have to see the plan to attack Australia and India.

At the same time, although our Air Force has been destroyed by the local land for three consecutive days, this nation is a country that reported a strong heart. In addition, we have to be careful to be biting. From now on, all provinces in the Empire are close to the eastern provinces, must conduct an air defense drill in each worship, the shore radar and the early warning machine must be highly warned, the shore air defense army and the land base air defense troops, twenty-four hours. "

After the plan of Chen Shao Dache, he is expected that will definitely not let go of China. With the support of the United States, it will definitely revenge from China's local. Chen Shao is very clear, I want to use this bomb to force the surrender, it can only be a delusion. In this case, the sky of that is definitely will never calm.

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