The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 531 War - Sorrow of civilians

Civilians are equal to vulnerable groups.

Civilians refers to peaceful residents in the traditional war laws in the territory of the war. The broad civilians should refer to all peaceful residents outside the war in the war. The civilians constitute the vast majority of the world's population, but the number of overwhelmed advantages did not bring them at least the safety guarantee. In the face of the full equipped army, their name can only be "weak".

Civilians are often championship, old and young, slow, no self-defense ability, low survival skills, easy to become an attack and injury object, easy to be armed for molecular weighting, and these are often a direct victim of conflict, some armed factions Specialized with civilians as a violent object, causing the median casualties in conflict.

Under the complex environment of war, weather, terrain, strategic objectives, tactical coordination, weapon performance, and soldiers sentiments may result in unable to kill, and the largest victims are mainly innocent.

Half of the dead people in the second World War II are civilians. Especially from the 199th major conflicts in the 1990s to the new century, 4 million people died, 90% of them were civilians, 80% of them were women and children.

Later World TV video screens on a panic child, crying women, disabled youth, weak old people, bring huge impact to people's minds. Relatively speaking, the fierce bleeds of military bleeding is difficult to exchange similar sympathy.

The origin of the tragedy.

In general, there are several reasons why civilians killed in the war: one, intimidation. Civilians are the basic components of the country's population. If the invaders make the civilians in the wild, the blood flow into the river, not only the price is slight, easy to implement, and can use an unusually strong shock effect to quickly destroy their national resistance will, it is difficult to achieve it. The result of the result.

During the war of invading China, after the Japanese army entered the Nanjing City, the squats of the unarmed civilians and soldiers who put down the weapons were trying to kill a hundred, let the vast Chinese people witnessed the miserable people and pushed people, gave up resistance, and actively returned to achieve them. Strategic concept. Of course, there is also a private desire to vent.

Second, the enemy. A larger-scale docner incident occurs during ethnic cleaning. The history of the European Crusaders in history is the fanatic Christians in order to extincertors and do not hesitate the expedition.

Whether it is today's second world war, the German laughter of the World War I have larlaron 6 million, the "inferior national" Jews, the excuse is to maintain the purity of the Tiben nation. The violer believes that as long as the other's civilians will be annihilated, their race can become the only master on the land and obtain the wealth of the other party.

Third, retaliation. When the national army was hit on the battlefield, or the opponent was too strong and unable to carry it forward against the resistance, some people thought of a simple and easy retaliation (looking for yours). In the second World War II, the German police head Hedrich was killed by the guerrilla, the party sanitary army slaughtered a village's Czech people, which clearly a white signal is: You have to pay for this. Du Liched during the World War II was bombarding to the Chinese mainland, and returned to the United States with the help of Chinese people, and then the Japanese army used biochemical weapons to sweep more than a month in Jiangsu, Zhejiang.

Fourth, misunderstanding. The word is more sensitive because it is easy to be used as a trick. Objectively, under the existing technical conditions, it is difficult to avoid completely avoided, but as long as this is really valued, it can be greatly reduced in reality. With the continuous renewal of weapons and the gradual strengthening of prevention awareness, the number of accidents in the war has been reduced. However, it is undeniable that some of this can be avoided is not a mistake, giving it a "misunderstanding", just to escape public opinion condemnation.

Civilians are the main components of any country. The security of civilians is not guaranteed, which will directly affect the normal operation of the state and the normal life of the national.

The step-by-step improvement of the status does not mean basic safety. In any case, as a weak person who is difficult to change in the war, civilians cannot completely avoid the invasion of war.

In the spirit of the United States, the United States attacked Iraq's war, which caused a large number of casualties in the Iraq's war, and there was no government behavior that had organized government. But this is an asymmetrical war, which is difficult to fight against the US military on the front-end battlefield, only the strategy of the military in soldiers, so its civilians may be regarded as a threat, guerrilla warring and The huge price of the lasting battle is the loss of civilian interests.

The US military claimed: "All civilians are considered a threat by the US military before proven that civilians do not have a threat. This is a war. We are in a hostile country, even if we sit in the corner of the corner or eat, we are still fighting. "Self-safety, personalist thinking is almost motto for each US military. In order to eliminate threats, sometimes it is only the threat you imagined, they often launched people, shot to civilians who do not threaten.

In the Korean War, American soldiers have created this Avoided Honorus, and they often determine his possible identity according to the reaction of someone after being fired. "First shot, and ask you who you are" became the traditional and standard self-defense model of the US military. High-level officials also vibrate the resignation to defend, ease the US soldiers shoot civilians are "legitimate defense for special strives."

The general response order of the US military's crime allegations is: refuse to recognize, narrow the number of people, shirk responsibility, and regret, apologize.

The characteristics of civilians determine the tragic role of it is difficult to escape. However, civilians as an individual can not always be bullied. Grow melons, seed beans, people who have cultured hatred will necessarily face the challenge of Avengers. In this Iraq war, a large number of peaceful residents who were not loyal to Saddam picked up the weapons because they killed their brothers and sisters were the Americans invade Iraq.

The human meat bomb makes the US military, and will lead to more civilians to be nervous and suspected of being nervous and suspected in the US military. The red eyes will leave all the scruples of the original, and revenge as the only life goal. This resentment is reported that the retaliatory reaction of the ring ring is the instinctive demand for humans to ensure their own safety. It is difficult to get out of the safety and dilemma, say more regrets, Iraq's land will have more suicide heroes, and truly suffer from deep disasters or the general civilians who are unphanly helpless.

People can't rest. The words of the oral apologize with the wind, leaving any traces, and the relatives and friends of the disabled and the victims will live in the dream. In any case, those who have passed away in the war, those who suffer from sickness, hunger and fear threat, those kind and innocent, those who are kind and innocent, and they should be more extensive protection and sympathy!

Moreover, since the Iraq war broke out, the US-British coalition in the land of Iraq's land, in addition to the impact of the Iraqi army, but also killed a lot of Iraqi civilians. In the intensive air strikes, precise guidance weapons did not bring the exact bombing effects in the imagination, and the shells on the ground on the ground often fall in the people who do not have armed. If these can be explained by "distance far, not clear", then the US soldiers scan or launch rockets to Iraqi civilians in close range, causing a large number of innocent civilians, it is difficult to order the condemnation of public opinion.

The blood of Iraqi people has been reddish in the Middle East, the land that once gave birth to ancient civilization.

Civilians and war no matter which era, the relationship they play is the same.

Look at the World War, from the mainland Wang Dong, where there is no war, where there is no bleeding, there is no homeless civilians.

It is the vast people of the countless people, and there are also the survival of this giant ship. The power of the people, such as the hundred people in the sea, carrying a country's rise and fall. Guoqiang is not a strong military, but in the hearts. Directive is the country, and the people are rich.

Chen Shao is very thorough, he is very clear that the people love him, not because he is really a god. And he truly pays for the people, and solving the people's truly difficulties. He always pursues a sentence, you want others to respect the heart, you must respect others first.

Depending on the people as equality, you can truly let the people regard you as adults.

Since ancient times, there are several real put themselves on a part of the people. A sentence of adults, a long live, just a compromise.

Nowadays, a new era is coming.

The game between the big state is confirmed, and the fairy fights miners. The most dead is still the people, which is the most serious in the Soviet Union. In order to resist Germany, 50% of the young people in the Soviet Union put down the agricultural tools, they were forced to join the army, with the flesh and blood, to block the German artillery fire, and took the explosive bag to open the huge tank group behind.

This also leads directly that a large number of people join the army in less than a few days, all fell on the battlefield. There is no one in farmland in the rear, and the food production is rapidly reduced. And the military spending is taxed, in fact, the civilians of each Soviet Union, every day, just a dark bread.

There are a lot of old people and children every day, starving to the home, and the colored food, they have no "qualifications" at all.

You die on the battlefield, the military is full of life, which is dead, but those civilians? ? ?


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