The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 497 Malay Tiger

The most end of the Malay Peninsula is also the easiest to control the Singapore fortress of the Malacca Strait. On behalf of the Japanese unique plaster flag, since the British rice flag was pulled up in this earth, he waitedd in the highest point in the Philippines and became an alternative feature of the Malacca Strait.

He represents the complete failure of the British Empire, and also represents another master here.

Fengwen, under the mountain, the Allied Forces called the Far East Tiger. However, the title of this title will say something to such title. Because in the mountains of Fengwen, the so-called tiger is just bullying, he is afraid of hard, and only the cowards who have won the food all day. So, in the mountains, the Wen Wen is in the name of the Western countries, and there is a feeling of being flattering.

For the tiger, he has his own opinions: "Tiger this thing, it is just a small and dangerous beast, and it is a person who has a dull movement than his own weak opponents. It is a tiger who eats people. It can be said that it is a poor beast! "

In the mountains, the Japanese Army General, the advocate of the Japanese Mechanization War, is known as "infantry gun" due to high body type. The most famous record is to ride a bicycle in Singapore for 2 weeks, 20,000 kilometers of bicycles, 800 kilometers, captured 130,000 British Australian Australian coalition, leading to the colonial rule of the United Kingdom in the East.

This world is in the past, there is no experience in the later generation, compared to the military career of the third world, this world can be said to be a sense of enthusiasm. In the military system in the entire Japanese occupied area, he is only under the temple, and the Philippines is elegant, and it is unable to compare with him.

It is to know that the entire Southeast Asian dispatch army is all the elite troops in Japan, a whole 10,000 Japanese military else, guarded and the neighboring Southeast Asia. The thirteenth Army, the fourteenth Army, two major troops constituted the military system of the Southeast Asian dispatch army. In order to defend the old neighbors, the Southeast Asian dispatch army, the 14 steps of the 14th Steps and the mountains, including 2 tank teachers from the Guan Dongjun, more than 550,000 people. (Not all the divisions of the armor) must know the entire Japanese, and its military power is six million, and the second-run troops will be deducted, the real elite army is one or two million, and the mountains are all account for three or forty. Wan, you can see his authority. In the future, the scenery is the most beautiful scenery, and it is also his last day, and the peak is more than 300,000. And the mountains at this time will be equally compared.

Even if the lack of life in the later generation, there is no such thing as today. This is also the direct effect of the Tiger name of Malay, is also the talents of the mountain, letting the Eastern English machine finally decided, let him deal with China, use his unique mechanization war skills, to curb China has always been Tactics used.

Not only the mountain is rich in the mountains, Japan's generals advocated the new warfare, and they also have great improvements in a short time. Whether it is the Navy's general, or the army general, as long as it is a hand of the mechanization war, it is basically sent to the surrounding China.

And in Japan, since the joining the franchise camp, it began to change the wind direction. The Eastern Boys of the Army began to change the idea of ​​the base camp, and strive to build the arm armored armor. Its purpose is obvious, which is to shorten the ground battlefield, and the gap between the China National Defense Force.

This results are not seen in a short time. Nowadays, the mountains will face a choice. Standing at the highest point of Singapore fortress, looking at the calm Malacca Strait, stunning.

Since China has been a busy international waterway, this originally busy international waterway seems to be silent overnight. Everything stops at this moment, standing in the waterfront of the Philippines, and then you can't see the boats that come and go, some are just quiet and quiet.

At the Indian Ocean, Nan Yunzhong repeatedly hide and seemed again, before his opponent was the British Oriental Fleet, now his opponent is replaced by the Chinese Indian foreign fleet, two sea steel power, but like a child to hide the cat, in the ocean Play a small game.

It is officially disappeared in the Malacca in the Maxa Strait, whether China's vessel is still in Japan. Of course, there are also the most direct relationships in this, and the Malacca Strait is controlled by Japan, and the South China Sea is the Chinese site. The result is very obvious, and all ships from the Indian Ocean have to pass through the South China Sea. This is why this is a busy waterway since the Aviation Sea era, and now it becomes a door.

However, there is no trouble to the harvest of the sea, his troubles come to China. He has never been a passive person, and it is his own nature. Before Japan and China were in the war state, he has not only simulated the future of the future.

It's not a self-purple, every time the result is very unsatisfactory, because the most time is that both parties reached a glue battle. In the jungle, there is a confidence in the mountains to block China's attack, but that is just passive defense, there is no huge funeral, the winner of this war is ultimately China.

And if you actively attack, rely on the four-way transportation network in China, especially in Guangxi, there is no way to avoid it. To attack the West of Myanmar, open the channel to connect India in Southeast Asia, which is also a very difficult task. Because in his surroundings, there are more than one million Chinese army, including 300,000 elite troops.

Don't say those powerful armored troops and air force, that is, those field troops, are also a hover. Its powerful firepower, the Southeast Asia sent a military dust in the mountains. Even those second-line troops are also a semi-automatic rifle, which also brings a lot of pressure to the mountain.

The gap brought by the national industry, this mountain is very helpless. Even the most elite main division of Japan, it is also equipped with the ninety-nine-nine-nine-tier guns, the lightweight machine gun and the artillery. It is not allowed to be compared with the China second-line troops. This is also why he has to come from the Kandie army to come to two tank teachers, come to strengthen the power of Southeast Asia, because China has brought him a lot of pressure.

However, the tank troops of the two divisions, in front of the Chinese powerful armored cluster, the strength is still too tender. Of course, the mountains will not be stupid to hold the two tank teachers to hurt China, unless his head is teasing.

Therefore, in the beginning, the mountains and the habits of the Wen have changed their habits, but did not attack, but chose to make a special warfare and destruction, making troubles in the Southeast Asian Battle of China. There is also a clear in the mountains, like Chinese and Germany, are the first countries with special war experience. But he didn't choose.

The China Myanmar Railway was attacked. This is the last time I received a message about my own team. After that, his special team seems to have no trails in the world. China's large-scale assembly forces in the border, whether it is the first line of Myanmar, or Yunnan Guangxi first line, all the heavy troops gathered, let him have a feeling of black clouds. This feeling is very bad.

Just in the mountains, I saw the treasure of the hustle and flying, I was known as one of the three major statements of the Showa, and the face was unusually umperwered. She took a telegram to the mountains.

"Commander, all the teams sent to Myanmar, this is the

I heard the news that the Japanese Southeast Asian dispatched army staff, the news, the mountains, the body, the body, after a long time, turned, and sonned: "Take it to me."

After reading the telegrams on the hand of the government, after reading, the mountain is slowly put into the telegram and put into the pocket.

"Commander, we must do something for them." He said that he is a three major statement of the Japanese Empire, naturally not a stupid.

"What can I do now? But ..." I said half of the mountain, and a communication army ran. The footsteps interrupt the words of the mountain.

When the Communications soldier just came up, he can wait for him to call the report, and the government has walked in the past, and he is two big ear poses, and the anger: "Eighth, panic, where is it like It is the soldier of the empire. "

"Hey! I'm very sorry." The latter did not think that there were two big ear poses first. I thought that he came here to come here, the heart has a report: "Report, the second fifteen The division is called, in half an hour ago, a small troops attacked the logistics center of the 25th Division, led to a large number of arms were blown up. At present, the Second Fifth Division is counting casualties. "

"Eight Hey." The Guan Zhengxin roared, but he did not shoot again. Instead, I looked at Fengwen under the mountain. After all, he is the highest commander of the Southeast Asian dispatch army.

"I will give it to the 25th Division, this is the last mistake. If there is such a situation next time, let their division guilant don't appear in front of me." The mountains said that this is here. Out of the sound: "Command all the teachers, enter the highest level alert state, and ensure that the 24th Division will not appear."

The mountain is clear, this is China Beginning. He is doing the first day, China does fifteen. Since he can send a special team to enter China, China can also dispatch special soldiers to sneak into the Japanese occupation area for retaliation attacks.

However, things are still far from being over, just when the communication soldiers are justified, a rush is here.


"Report, the twenty-seventh divisions call, Yamazaki team, Changshan, Shanazaki, Sniper, stemmed in the zone, current ...."

It is a bad news, but there is no step in making two people, it is a communication soldier running. Next, the Communications soldiers of these Southeast Asia dispatch army's Command are here, their Every time, the mood of the mountains and the mood will increase.


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