The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 494 Southern Poison Snake

Sitting on the roarned Ju Peng transporter, the tiger special forces poisonous snake squadron squad leader, the inner and transporter engine huge noise, . This is the first special task they first executed, and all the players are the excitement of a face.

After receiving the command to Wang Hill, they immediately prepared to dress, boarded the transport plane to the Southeast Asia, and participated in the first ground special combat on the day.

Northern poisonous wolves, southern poisonous snakes, this is the two special squadrons who have been extracted in the tiger, and they have always been the first candidate of royal prohibited. When I choose Royal Division, I have been in the most. Top squadrons are preselected. And every year, whether it is a northern poisonous wolf, or the southern poisonous snake, is preselected in this column.

Ordinary soldiers are proud of entering the special forces, special forces to enter the ghosts and tigers, and the tigers and ghosts are proud of entering the royal ban guard, and the prohibition is proud of being selected by the royal body. At first-class level, in the National Defense Force system, full of countless competition is for the little and little honors. It is too much to have a wooden bridge than the thousandth of thousands of people.

This atmosphere is that Chen Shao has been hoped, and the plain life is definitely can't appear in the army. Especially the army to be fighting at any time, more passionate and competitive.

The strong survival, the weak people were eliminated. This is not only the rules of the world's jungle, but the same thing in the army. The strong is more powerful, with more convenience and has higher honors and treatment.

The poisonous snake squadron is a famous famous, which is a squadron that is comparable to him, very few, very few. Their squadron's long and poisonous snakes have given up the opportunity to enter the banned guards. In his opinion, bring this squadron, more valuable than entering the ban. Therefore, since the establishment of the snake, he has always been the captain of this special squadron, the soul of this troops.

His approach also seems to have become a tradition, tiger, several famous squadrons and squad, and now their captain has always been the same. Just like a poisonous snake, he has always been a poisonous snake, and the leading squadron is also named a poisonous snake squadron, and he has always been a snake leader. Even if he retired one day, the name of the poisonous snake still exists, the captain's position is taken by the next poisonous snake.

As the founder of the poisonous snake troops, the snake has passed a difficult intervention of countless difficulties. Just like he had a special forces with deep terrorism, it has become simply simple to go home. The efforts in this are not three words.

At this moment, in the heart of the snake, the instructor is inexplicably parachuted, the instructor is full of snoring in the mind, the sound of the sound comes to 13 years ago, his first time the parachute training.

Located in the high altitude of 800 meters, on the greenhouse transport machine used by the skydiving training, the biochemical official Thunder sound is completely in the cabin. The sound covered all noise, so that all the first parachute special soldiers listened clear.

"Don't look down, two eyes keep flat!"

When he went to the snake, he moved forward, a cool breeze rushed to his face, he felt it cold, and his brain was blank. He accidentally looked at the next place before standing in the cabin, and the earth seems to be away from his footsteps. He began to shook it, feeling that his heart has jumped to the eyes, and his face has become very pale.

"Chief, I think I am the first parachute, can I wait for me to go back to the skydiving tower and then practice after a week?" The snake still wanted to try to convince the instructor at the end.

"Do you want me to go?"


"That don't talk nonsense!"

"Jump!" The snake bite his teeth, closed your eyes, fierce jumped forward, jumping down. After five seconds, he opened the umbrella, the huge umbrella flower suddenly opened, and the poisonous snake felt it and then slowly went down.

This skydiving, all special soldiers are all qualified. This is a small dish for those veteran veteran veteran veterans, but it is not the same for people who have just been selected into special forces. This is the first time I jumped from 800 meters of high altitude, I have to say this is a courage to test.

They just tried twice on the skydiving tower, and immediately conducted eight hundred meters high altitude umbrella, which had to be a test of their courage. The first skydiving, the poison snake defeated himself.

In fact, when I was in the machine, the poisonous snake had a dialogue with the instructor.

"Reporting the Chief Executive, we can't jump!" Poisonous snake.

"Why?" The instructor is very angry.

"They all participated in the umbrella training, but we simulated a few times on the skydiving tower, do you let us jump?" The snake said the reason.

"Shut up! Then I tell you, someone has a parachute tower, you believe it, do you believe?" The instructor asked.

"I believe, but that person will definitely fall!" The snake has some ridicule.

"The man didn't fall, but also to be your military instructor in front of you!" The instructor said something angry. "Do you want to jump? Eth, I will take you?" Two you choose one. "

"Then I will jump!" The snake robbed.

Plus this time, the snake only and the instructor two times, and there has been no longer appeared in the third time. Because on the day of the first parachut, he has overcome the fear of his heart.

After the first parachute of the poison snake, the training team conducted a second parachute jump training, this time it is a dense skydiving. When the two teams walked to the door of the cabin, the instructor shouted: "Fast! Fast! Fast! ..."

At all, there is no time, everyone jumps down, the umbrella is opened, and then falls on the ground.

The poisonous snake didn't have the last tension, perhaps this time, I didn't give him a nervous time.

After the skydiving training, after the collection is completed, the instructor went to the side of the snake and other people. "How do you feel?"

The poisonous snake gave him a white eye, said: "Fortunately, it is now a little floating. Think about it, the skydiving is not difficult?"

The instructor laughed, "This group of players did not skip umbrellas. So you are afraid. But if you can't overcome this time, don't want to go to the plane skydiving! I first When I was frightened than you, my instructor was Americans (virtual), he went to me with a foot. I will fall into the fall, wait until I think I can pull the umbrella, I am fierce. One pull, the umbrella is open. It is so simple. "

------ At this moment, even if you skyroche, you will be in front of every feeding, he will recall the scene of the year before every feet.

"Poison Wolf squadron should pay attention to the schedule, please give parachute."

"Everyone is ready to bring all guys." After the voice of the prescription, the poisonous snake shouted.

The huge Jupeng transporter, the latter large hatch is slowly opened, and the gloomy sky appears in front of the viper and other people.

The green signal light sounds, standing on the side of the poisonous wolf, looking at the prepared players, shouted: "Jump, jump, jump ..."

When the players of the last poisonous snake team, he as the last one, also jumped into the plane, behind the parachute behind leaving the plane, the drawstroke actively hangs on the plane. The parachute has been opened in two seconds after he went out.

In the jungle not far from the snake squad, a pair of hidden eyes will fall to the umbrella, and they will see clearly ...

After fifteen minutes, all the team members of the Snake Shuquen team were overlooked in the Southeast Asian soldiers. With a complicated equipment, in the eyes of the ordinary wilderness, I envyed in the temporary tent specifically prepared for them.

I saw the latest information sent by the Southeast Asianat, and the poisonous snake began to hold a temporary operation meeting.

"According to the latest intelligence sent by the Imperial Intelligence Department and the Southeast Asian Battle area, the opponent in our bank is a training and is extremely good at hiding itself, and we can absolutely do not have any despise.

The identity of the opponent is still unclear, but according to the intelligence department and the Southeast Asian Battle District, the other party is a member of the Japanese Special Team. There is no such means in Japanese Mei Machine and Tricho. There is only one possibility, this Japanese army is a member of the Southeast Asian dispatch army. Most of the other are also trained in the German Munich Special Forces School, have a certain understanding of us.

One point, the number of the other party and the fire power configuration, this is now notes any effective evidence.

Coupled with us is a search, the other party is hidden in the dark. The enemy is mighty, we are in an unfavorable situation.

Based on the above unfavorable factors, this action task, everyone should maintain 120,000 points of spirit. Remember our slogan, special soldiers do not allow failure. "

The poisonous snake said that he tasted the team's firm look, he opened again: "Of course, we are not a good advantage.

First, the other party is under the strict surrounding of the field troops, and a battle helicopter of a land sailing is rotated over the woods. Even if they are severely trained, they will expose the flaws in the heavy rings.

Second, although we are in a mortification, we have mastered the initiative. As long as the big army here does not withdraw, they can't run out. So, the time left to us is very sufficient, we don't need to hurt hard.

Third, we are home, you can call the fire and the support of the ARC. Although I don't want to use this, but when I have it necessary, it is still the main purpose of destroying the enemy.

Finally, there is nothing to say, everyone understands no. "


"Give you a minute, check your ammunition."

After five minutes, the two small teams in the snake squadron broke into the dense jungle. And the snake is a team leading the remaining team and boarded the transport helicopter.


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