The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 484 captures Manila (middle)

On the sea, the fleet that has been parked is quietly waiting outside Manila. The sky is the carrier machine of the patrol alert, in addition to the destroyer of the peripheral warning military submarine, the remaining cruisers and battleships make up a word, all the main guns are aligned with Manila.

On the largest HOW, it is located above the Pacific Avenue Tactics Command Center. Here is the command center of the Nanhai Fleet Battleship Fleet, also known as the battle center. Control all tasks and actions of the entire battleship fleet is the brain center of this battleship fleet.

At this time, attacking the Philippines's naval ship through temporary group. At this time, the hollow path is controlled here, and there is a Kunlun Mount Warcraft and all air defense cruisers, exclusive tasks, mainly to support the ground attack, the Marine Corps, provide them with an artillery attack or cover.

Within the Temporary Fleet Command Center, there are more and more intelligence over the ground forces, while the fleet of the ship will roar every minute. This also shows that the heavy and Japanese defensive capabilities of the ground combat mission.

"The ground troops call, southeast area, coordinate XXXXXX, need ship support, target diameter three meters, for round goals. Our troops are 50 meters from the target."

"Command the fire control center, focus on 20 meters around the coordinate XXXXXX,"

"The ground troops call, request the rocketgille intensive fire support, the attack target is centered on the coordinate xxxxxx."

"Command the Fire Control Center, deliver the coordinate of the cruiser, and evaluate the rocket attack strength."

...... The sound is constantly sounding in this battle center. Every Navy communicates the headphones, constantly answering the news from the wireless reception, then shout out, the battle commander to the fleet fire control department, convey attack The command.

Ground battlefield, in the city of Manila, Lin Xiaohu's battlefield in the team.

Under the cost of paying two soldiers injured, the battle class of Lin Xiahushang destroyed the east side of the bunker, and the other two bunkers lost cover, and the power was reduced, and they were broken by the other two sets of sharp knife classes. The defensive Japanese army will die, no one surrendered, of course, even if they surrendered, China will not accept.

At this time, the city center's key defensive goals have been exposed to the attack front of the Marine Corps. It is not only the headquarters of the Japanese army to defend Manila, and it is also their greatest reliance.

They can capture three Japanese army bunkers so quickly, benefit from mobile flexible tactics, and give full play to the melee advantages of the assault rifle. The role of the flame injector is also very important, both mutually cooperate, complementary advantages, and tacit.

Of course, they can also call the gunfire support, but the results are not ideal. These Japanese Dark Forts are really strong, unless the big diameter ship is continued twice, maybe it can be directly broken. Just like the Japanese army defense group at this time, and the dinner of the previous shoal. These unusually sturdy fortresses did not be destroyed under the attack of the gun.

It is not to say that China's ship is not sharp. If they at this time, the attack target is big and big and the shooting, and the cannon can be bombarded to a three or four meters. You can take a lot of effort to face the thick reinforced concrete. It is necessary to make the reinforced concrete in the action of the steel bars, there is no small toughness. It is not so fast to break.

The most central Japanese army defense circles in Manila, why they boldly built the defense circle under the attack of the China's ship and the airport, that is, because these Japanese Forces have enough confidence in this area.

The fact is true, whether it is the shelling before landing, or after the landing of the finished shell, there is no more structural injury to these buildings surrounded by reinforced concrete. Even now, the outer structure of the reinforced concrete has been bombarded, but the overall architecture has not caused too much damage.

To deal with such guys, maybe you need missiles or use the overweight airline used when bombing the three mountains. In this way, this defense circle will result in a large area of ​​damage.

After ten minutes of fighting, the sharp knife is connected to the initial attack task, all personnel quickly configure. Leave the wounded to other troops to take care of them, let them help to send medical boats on the sea.

Others continue to advance towards the city, the target Japanese headquarters. They have been inserted at high speeds, ignoring a small number of Japanese soldiers to hide in the ruins, and rut to the Japanese headquarters located in the center of the city.

After passing through a ruin, the Japanese army headquarters stands in front of the front 100 meters, the peripheral defense is divided into three-way configuration, the trench is dense, and there is a barbed wire to block the iron wire, and the defensive is extremely strict.

Lin Xiaohu, Zhang Dawen and others are the first to close the Japanese army headquarters, immediately use the hand-held radio (the oldest mobile phone, super super big brother) and the department directly to contact the department, hoping to focus on the focus of the force. Especially need to support support.

The Japanese army is strict, and if the sharp knife is another attack, it is afraid that it is difficult to break through the Japanese defense. At the same time, there is no help in tanks, forgive attacks, will also cause huge casualties.

"Teacher, I am a sharp knife. At present, we have already advanced to the Japanese army headquarters, and now ask the armored support. Please return."

"Here is the department, the current roadwlood has gradually cleaned up the past, and it is expected that it takes half an hour to pass. When the tank can pass. The other party is already the , so you must wait patiently, don't blind offense, So as not to cause unnecessary casualties. "

"The sharp knife is clear." Lin Xiaohu finished, after reading an eye, the other battle classes have arrived at this time. When the knife is connected, it will stand behind him at this time.

"How's it going."

"Reported to the teacher, I have requested to support the Department. Just say that the Department said that it takes half an hour, the tank will arrive here. And the Department requires us, not blind attack before the tank arrived. "

"Continue to observe, there is any wind blowing, you can't let go." After the long said, he also took out a handheld station from his backpack.

This technological content of this handheld station is not very high. In the late Second World War, there have been in the US Navy Marine Team. Usually used as some sharp knife troops, use it deep into the enemy. Limited communication distance makes this handheld station in some places and is not applicable. Generally, there is no way to receive twenty kilometers, and there is no way to receive it.

After the sharp knife, he saw the Japanese army defense position, got contact with the hand-held radio and fleet, requested 20 minutes of gunfire support, and reported the orientation of the Japanese army.

After that, he ordered all the team members to withdraw 20 meters, concealed for life, just watched "Fireworks".

The Japanese army is hidden in the defensive workplace. From the surface, it is impossible to see its key defense area. It can only bomb the fire, destroy some of the works and barbed wires on the ground, mitigate the attack.

Supporting the fireworks to change, almost all the artillery of more than 100 mm of the diameter, including 12 406 mm, powerful, and a gun. However, this is only usually in the headquarters of the Japanese army, and it takes a lot of shelling to work.

When the sharp knife ends the coordinates to the fleet battle center, the battle center is directly turned to all the main guns on the Ho. Because this is the key attack target of the Marine Corps, it is the most valuable, and it is also the hardest bone.

The population of shells in groups broke out, and the explosions came to the sound, and they were shocked, and they were very eye-catching.

The Japanese Command is covered by countless shells, which is completely destroyed, and now it is completely destroyed. The iron refused to be curved and refused to be removed, and the barbed wire was also fried seven zero, exposed many vibrators, lost blocking.

The Japanese army headquarters still stand in the gunfire, there is constant reinforcement, a layer of reinforced concrete wall, which is also a big article, internal coconutum and sandbags, the top is more thick, unless it is 406 mm caliber heavy guns directly twice or more, otherwise it is difficult to destroy it.

The main gun of the Chinese Defense Force's temporary attack fleet continued, thirty minutes did not have intermittent attacks. It seems that all the anger will vent it, and there is no energy to save the shells.

The Japanese army in the Tibetan Defense will never encounter such a fierce gunfire attack. The previous shells are only uninterrupted, never once, such a strong and intensive shelling.

In the face of such a fierce gunfire, feel the sounds and vibrations of the three sides of the arrssion. Many Japanese soldiers were blown out to lose their reason, and they were shouting out of the work. They ran and hit, and they were fried and turned into a meat, and they flew.

Even the shelling of the attack fleet seems to have lost the temperance. It is scheduled for twenty-minute gunfire to make up, but it is not seen to stop, and the bombardment density is also gradually strengthened.

At this time, a large bulldozer has been moved here, and the conical push surface, with the roaring of the mountaineer engine, push the large stone in the ground to both sides. Open a road for the back tank troops.

Lenovo is still driving the shelling, he already understands what is going on. Obviously, it is definitely that he supports the request to change content. Of course, this is estimated that there is also a fleet to be dissatisfied with this architecture in front of him, which is originally an invincible ship. I have encountered a helpless mountain before, and now I have encountered buildings that can't be bombed in a short time.

There is no way in the mountains, they can also accept it. After all, it is the product of nature, and the head has long been defensive. The goal facing today is a few buildings. This is not a war. It is blocked by such things. It will of course be very uncomfortable in the attack fleet. It is also a very normal thing to play more, and the shells are made up of the consolidated ship. It is used, and the comprehensive replenishment can come back to the mother and port.


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