The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 481 Login Manila

At about 5 o'clock in the morning, I took the car, and I have been ran away from the big rear, and he just got rid of fear. He had to rest, and he received the news that China has started to land.

In addition to the Bay of Manila, the China Landing Force and the fleet have arrived at the near sea when launching an attack.

Eight two inbretective deck landing ships, 32 full-deputy armed helicopters began to take off, and opened to the beachhead outside Manila. The ship's ship's ship's ship is open, and the roasting boat and amphibious tanks are risen, and the armored armored cars grow up toward the beach.

Next to these eight most advanced landlift ships, a total of 16 large landing ships have opened the door of the ship, revealing the deep cabin, and a two-way tanks and armored vehicles entered the sea from inside, towards the beach. go ahead.

The front of these amphibious tanks and armored car offensive queues is a heavy amphibious special tank, which reach a huge round iron rake in front of these heavy special tanks. With the advancement of these special tanks, the huge iron plow is like a rotating big wind, the intensive iron thorn seems to be plowed through the sea bed, which will bury the anti-tank mines in the seabed.

Even those lightweight mines, will also be detonated directly under the cleaning of these special tanks.

More than a dozen special tanks continue to advance, open up a safe landing route for the latter tanks and armored vehicles.

The landing ship and the amphibious special tank are busy, and the battle ship is not idle. The intensive rockets and ships, uninterrupted towards the beach head toward Manila tilted ammunition. The intensive fire shines through the city of Manila, the sky of the southeast is dyed into a red blush.

With the increasingly close to the beachhead with special tanks, it began to be buryed in the mine buryed in the seabed. The long nail on the huge iron rake, mixed a cloudy sea, and the long spike is a lot of silt and seaweed. And always because of the huge water column from time to time because of the immersion mine. However, all this seems to have no relationship with these special tanks, and more than a dozen special tanks continue to advance.

When I saw the Chinese landing force, I have been hidden in the four-door 220mm heavy guns that have been hidden from a downstream bunker from the distance.

More than a dozen Japanese artillery quickly fill the shells, and the four-door surviving 22mm heavy guns were sprayed at the same time, and the shells splashed in the landing troops. However, this sudden shelling did not affect the troops of China.

Just when the four heavy guns began to counterattack, they also fell in the eyes of the landing troops. Especially the thirty-two armed helicopters, the eight of them have moved toward them quickly.

Under the dark night sky, the huge humming of the propeller caused the attention of the Japanese defenders, through the shooting port, through the explosion of the fire, reversed the helicopter's figure.

However, there have not yet, but they have begun to attack when they understand what is on the sky.

The two rocket launches on both sides of the fuselage are aligned with the bunker of exposed gun.

" ..." The sound continued, four bunkers showed the guns, and the fire was firmly covered by the guns. After the dust is scattered, the four heavy guns have been scrapped, and the Japanese artillery inside also instantly fell below the rocket.

At this time, I saw that these strange aircraft were not good, and I started to have a Japanese army to open fire, and they did not leave quickly.

At this time, the special tank has been boarded on the beach. The huge iron rake left a dense hole on the beach, flipping the fine sand. There is also a barbed wire and a triangular iron frame in front of them, and the wire is rolled directly by the iron rake, and the iron wire is rotated, and the dead is wrapped around. And those triangular iron frames are directly pushed, cleaned up a dozen straight routes.

With the rear of the amphibious tank troops, they also boarded the beach. The armored car followed, and then the next is a landing boat filled with soldiers.

However, at this moment, the Japanese army is surprisingly quiet. In addition to the four-door heavy guns destroyed by helicopters, the gun is a few times, but the gun is very quiet.

However, the troops landed did not take these. As the landing boat was put down, the soldiers of the Marine Corps were quickly rushed out of the landing boat, hiding behind the amphibious tanks and armored vehicles, moving toward the beach.

Just starting to counterattack when the first two-to-habit tanks have been closer to a ruins.

In an instant, it was the tongue spray in the hundred, and under these ruins, he suddenly emerged from dozens of shooting ports and launched sudden attack towards the landing force.

Some of the Navy Marine Corps soldiers behind the tank and armored vehicles suddenly fell into the blood, and those who had already concealed the Navy Marine Corps avoided the sudden attack of the Japanese army.

The counterattack of the Marine Corps has also come very fast, 105 sandwers on the two-toch tanks, immediately aligned in the darkness of the darkness. The robot on the armored vehicle also begins to perform dense firepower suppression.

On a time, the entire beach, the guns masked the sound of the tank engine. In the dark, there is a beautiful arc flashing from time to time.

The Japanese army is very good, I want to wait for the Chinese land team soldiers to approach a little, causing a lot of casualties to China. But they ignored the training intensity of these land warfare soldiers, except for the soldiers who were too late to avoid. They did not cause too much casualties on the landing soldiers.

Instead, because the distance is approaching, China has reduced the distance of the assault. This is definitely fatal to Japan who is not familiar with the Chinese Navy Marine Corps.

When the landing tank is close to these fire points, only 20 meters of the Japanese line, a few anti-tank weapons began counterattack. Several amenities are directly hitting the tanks helpless in the middle of the crawler because of the distance too close. Just count the nest, but the tank gun on the tank can have no stop attack.

This is also the last effective counterattack of the Japanese army at the front of the beach, because when the armored car behind is nearly 60 meters, it indicates that they have been finished.

On the dark battlefield, a dozens of fire tongues that were suddenly illuminated, close to the armored car of the opponent's firepower, and sprayed the flames of death. The injection distance of 80 meters is reached, and it attacks in the range of 60 meters. The hot flame, jets in the Japanese shooting hole.

The entire dark castle was lit, this is a connected steel molate cement bunker. When these flames are sprayed, the entire bunna is fully lit. In this bunker, four light passwords were printed, it was obvious that this should be the entrance of this bunker.

At this time, the soldiers of three-dimensional landing through helicopters began to fall under the cover of the armed helicopter, and they descended after a line of defense in Japan.

They did not explore immediately, but the fast anti-envelopes were copied. Just four translucent holes indicate the direction of them.

The leading marine team soldiers who have a successful descendant, no order, quickly divide four groups, and run towards the four translucent holes.

When they came to the cave, he screamed and smells. At this time, the Japanese army in the landlift has stopped counterattack, there are countless wanyes.

Not much time, more than a dozen Japan rushed to the globes, attempted to escape the birth day. It's a pity that it has been held by the land team. In the fire, the figure of the rushing the Japanese army was printed. The assault rifles in these land team soldiers, unresponsible, shot the barrage of death. These more than a dozen have just thought that the Japanese army did not feel the fresh air, and they were sent to the natural bullets that were taken in the dark.

The next 30 seconds, from time to time, there is a Japanese soldier to escape, but it is also dead in the gun of the Chinese soldier. Regardless of whether the Japanese soldiers running out have a flame, they have no smile. If you are struggling to run out of the flame, you will also send them. Because that sound screams, it is really troubled.

When the Japanese in this bunna was completely destroyed, most of the amphibious tanks had crossed here, some of which were advanced toward Manila's defense line, and the other partially attacked Manila's port.

On the back of them, more and more landing troops began to board the beach, now, it can be said that it is successful. When these logins are logged in, they don't stay, just on the front attack. Follow the footsteps of offensive, gradually expand the offensive range. Forming a fan-shaped offensive radiation network with a landing point.

In fact, if it is close to the shelling of the one day, when the Air Force's bomber troops will take care of time. This landing war will never be so easy. In fact, on the beach, there have been a lot of defense political opportunities to be destroyed. The basically is basically the defense point in the landlift, and the attack range of these bunker is not very large. If those fortifications are not destroyed, then these works can form firepoints. At that time, the Chinese landing force is not only to face the Japanese lightweight machine gun and the rocket tube, but also face the cross-fire network and warfield anti-warfare.

However, if there is no world, if you want to destroy Japanese defense as much as possible, you will not wait for one day after another day. And the continuous bombing is fast, and the number of bombers attendance will not be said. It is the fleet outside Manila, I don't know how much shells are pouring here.

This hair cannonball is all money! It is estimated that the whole world is only such as China and the United States.

Perhaps for some people, soldiers are not countless, even if they are piled up with life, it is also normal. In contrast, "of course, as long as the victory can be achieved, this thing is a section of Chen Shao. These shells are not countless than the life of the warrior.


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