The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 465, the advanced black

On the next day, in the media in the United States, they have begun to change the wind, and they no longer say how Japan is how, but how the China is.

Whether it is a wireless broadcast or a TV media channel, or from newspapers to various news comments on the magazine. It seems that all the people's understanding is changed overnight. Just a few weeks, the evil Japanese empire was shaken, and became the Savior of the world. The famous name has been in the middle of the Chinese, the reputation has become evil than Germany, even if it is Satan, it is estimated that there is no evil.

The Washington Post is a big headline in the header of the headline: the evil empire force exposes the claw to the world.

The black English letters are neatly arranged under the title: the Chinese Empire, governing the country, and the oriental tyrants, and the poor soldiers. Waving the butcher knife, the iron hoof stepped out of the country and started the first step in bloody battle.

Detailed: The Empressist countries of the Vicious, the Chinese Empire Military Army not only killed hundreds of thousands of Southeast Super League, but also stretched the butcher knife to innocent civilians. ... Under the cruel rule of the empire, civilians in Southeast Asia are living in the deep heat. Their life is not guaranteed, free to stay away, and justice has disappeared in that land. They will not only face hunger and oppression and labor, but also fear that will be extended at any time. ... they need help, great American must rescue them from the devil's hands as soon as possible, bring peace to them, dispel over all suffering of them. The great beauty, the great beauty of the United States, the country needs you, the world needs you, peace needs you. Pick up the weapon, join the army, become a brave soldier, let the peaceful world returns. ... Waiter: The first, a group of civilians bundled in a deep pit, and the black and white photos can see their oriental holes from the clothes. It can also be seen from the clothes of the Southeast Asian ethnic minority. Some people who can't see the appearance, holding the shovel, pit, and fill the soil, a live buried.

The second, a huge stone mine, the inside is densely numb all the miners, in the corner of the photo, can also see a bunch of dead bodies. The photo is from far and near, nearly a place, the people in the photo, there is no expression, and the skin is like a fire, as if it is a walking dead. Also is the face of the Oriental, is also a clothes of the Southeast Asian ethnic minorities.

The third ... The fourth .......... Only this picture, did not see the Chinese soldier. And the layout of the entire newspaper reveals how the Chinese empire is how.

The US promotional means will not only have this, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, International Weekly Some US domestic visits have also reported a lot of "things" about the Chinese Empire, and the content and Washington Post are roughly the same. The headlines on the Wall Street Journal are also about the news of the Chinese Empire, as always.

Can such reports like Japan in their eyes? Even the speech wording is almost, the photos published, also look familiar.

In the US broadcast, the voice of the broadcast host is also sounded:

"According to the latest survey, the remote bombers of the Chinese Empire were air hocked in New Delhi. They were not only to fight military goals and threw a lot of flight to the residential area in New Deli. At the time, the New Delhi of the night was in a piece. In the fire sea, a large number of civilians died directly under the dream of the evil imperial bomb, and the injured did not count.

At present, New Delhi has not been slowed down from the bombing. Although the bombing has passed a week, most parts of New Delhi still have ruins, a large number of civilians lose their houses and food, can only be treated on the street, food shortage, and injured people cannot get timely Medical treatment. In New Delhi, because this bombing, a lot of civilians die every day. They are died of wound infections, some died of hunger. At present, the Allied Command has begun to treat these injured civilians, but lacks food and drugs, and cannot take care of every civilians at all. May God bless, these suffering people can get rid of hardships.

The evil imperialism still exposes its own nature, and finally can't help the civilians, and the mouth is full of morality, but the murder is countless. He called on the people of the United States, we must do something for this world. Defeat the cruelty, and also a bright peace in the world. ...... "

If this kind of bombing is evil, what about the allies? Do they bomb Berlin did not hurt civilians? And these civilians are also white, not they have always been able to see the people of the second world and the people of the Third World Countries.

How many civilians in Europe died because of the war, and how many Africans died in Africans. In particular, the army of the colonial civilians, under the muzzle of the Allied soldiers, was forced to launch the death charge. These indirect death in the hands of the Allies are afraid a lot than the casualties of bombing.

In the above report, it is even more ghost. What lacks drugs and food, but the Allies have not intended to use these things to be truly used in Indians. The cut route is less than the replenishment. Who will be a major food and medicines to use significant foods.

"According to the survey, the front-end explosion occurred in the United States. It is also from the Chinese hands. These institutions that have been hit the explosion are the US weapons and research sector. China is afraid of the development of military strength in the United States, and has adopted this penetration destruction. Means, combat national defense research capabilities. ... "

In the TV media, only a few channels have begun not to leave the powerful publicity.

First, a fragment that Americans are familiar with, and when the pearl port attack, precious retained an aerial photographs. The smoke masked the sky, like a volcanic outbreak, although there was no sky shake, but the smoke of the flames everywhere, its destruction scene did not lose to the destructive force when the volcano broke out.

Continuous burning a new week, Hawaii also caught a darkness of a worship, a rainwater that brought together, but even the ground burning flame could not be extinguished. After the picture, there is only one pile of bare rocks left, and the bustling pearl port is nothing.

The sound in the TV is also transformed with the picture.

"On October 25 last year, it was set to the national shame of the United States of America. Because the evil sneak attacks not only destroyed Pearl port, but also destroyed the Meet of the Meijian's Pacific Fleet with sneak attack, half a summer is also destroyed in the fire This is a national humiliation that everyone can't forget, and the evil attacks must pay for this.

It was thought that this is what is done in Japan, but after many aspects of this year, our intelligence department has confirmed that the real sneak attack is China, not Japan. They disguised aircraft and disguised the radio directive, which was to pull the United States to the battlefield. The Chinese Empire is good at sitting on the US loss of national power and reaches its evil ambitions and purpose.

All the people of the United States must reflect as soon as possible, and the real enemy of the United States is the Chinese Empire, not Japan. Japan is just another victim country of this war. Everything they do is completely yield under the oppression of the axis Germany and the evil empire.

We must join all the strength to face the evil empire to help the Chinese overturned the cruelty, and another government governed to the Chinese.

...... "

On the TV, a "evidence" is placed on the screen, a "intelligence" to the Chinese military is revealed. The content inside points the spear to China, and the behind-the-scenes behind the pearl of Pearl is buckled on the middle. Originally evil Japanese empire, it has become another victim.

In just a few hours, these news appeared in the streets of the United States and became the focus of the US civilians. Some radical sentiments began to walk on the streets and protesting the atrocities of the Chinese Empire.

Most of the Chinese car on the street is also destroyed, and the supermarkets and small spots of Chinese goods are also sold. Some people who have lost control have begun to riot. Some are deliberate, some are uncomfortable, some is a brainstone. There is a habit of seeing opportunities, people with unemployment, people who are incited by brain.

The Chinese goods in the supermarkets that were smashing were not destroyed, but the disappeared as the crowd disappeared.

China's products have become the hottest products in the United States, trendy costumes, stockings, fragrance, underwear and various kinds of cosmetics have always been the highest pursuit of American women. Leather, car, briefcase, office appliance, learning supplies, toys ..., as long as it is a commodity hanging on the Chinese logo, it is a best-selling product in the United States.

However, in order to cope with heavy tariffs, these Chinese products are also hung on the label of luxury goods. Especially after the war broke out, China has stopped supplying US agents, and the price of China's commodities is three high.

The Chinese car in the street can be smashed, because the car can't get back. However, the Chinese goods in the store can not be hired, and the people who follow the wind will rob a shop with the people of the demonstration. More and more people join the robbery, rush to grab more things before the police arrive before. Leave only crying owner.

At this time, where did they go back to what news, have an opening, it is hard to stop. The protest has become a robber of robbery. When the police came over, multiple streets have been robbed by the crowd. Many people's arms and pockets are drums, which is clear that they are not small. When the police arrived, these people also disappeared in the crowd.

Of course, there are still many kind people to skeptical attitudes to these concentrations, and there are also many people who report these reports. But these people are only a few parties, which affects the plan of Dulun.


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