The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 462 Japan High-level Meeting (below)

Now Japan's high-level meeting, in fact, only four people, Yun and East Boys are naturally , there is a foreign-faced Songgang Yogang, the right, and the representative of the allied countries. The rest is the minister of the East British Machine, and the army minister has always been held by the east bob.

(Like the United States, there is no independent air force forces, and the Air Force is directly planned to be Army Air Force and Navy Air Force. Japan's Army and Navy are dualization, no unified military or uniforms. The Army military agency called the Staff, the chief is a staff member. Total long. The Naval Military Order is called the Minister of Military Order, the Chief Executive is the Minister of Military Order.) In fact, at the beginning of the war, Japanese invasion is the southern part of India, and the first step in South Jinjin is greatly damaged in Southeast Asia. Fafuling, the United States has begun to press in Japan, freezing the Japanese, and requires Japan to give up the ambition of the Pacific Ocean.

Japan temporarily does not want to have a positive conflict with the United States, you want to concentrate on dealing with Southeast Asia Lean, dare not to rash with the United States. So there is a freshly known negotiation.

But in fact, negotiations are just like the east strokes, and the prostitutes that advancing the south into the aggression aggression, accelerate the scorpion of attack.

There is no "sincerity" at the measures on the negotiating table. They asked the United States to recognize the legal occupation of Japan to the Southeast Asia, and agreed to obtain resources from Southeast Asia from Southeast Asia. The two sides are all inconsistent, and contradictory differences are getting bigger and bigger.

At that time, there was no state-of-the-art Matsuka Ocean, the right to claim "The direct purpose of our current foreign policy is that according to the lofty spirit of the Imperial Road, the establishment of Japan, Chao, Indonesia), South Asia, and the Group is one of the chain. Great East Asia Circle '".

The so-called big East Asia is a circle of Rong, in fact, it has already entered the most of the Pacific Ocean, and even within the scope of Australia.

In this conference, only Yiren is alone, and the remaining two can be said to be the proposal to the Eastern British, which will not refute any proposal of the Eastern English. At the beginning, Yuren did not agree with the Eastern British Machine to assassinate Chen Shao. Now I have come to this step, Yunren is already very unsatisfactory. However, the current situation is strong, and now I can only go to black.

"Once we join the allies, then we have to face two people's suffering. The first is the safety of the athle transportation life, and the other is that we will completely sin. Germany, lose all of Germany to our assistance. First point we can't keep it Others, but the second point, we must talk to the Allied representatives, we must have enough benefits, we will choose a new camp, otherwise the risk we are too big. "The meeting started, Yunren Take the first to open the mouth.

"The emperor, in fact, I don't worry about the second point. Our conditional Allies have promised to consider it. I think they will never refuse the conditions of the empire. Now the Chinese soldiers are crushing, India is not in the early days, and the Allies have begun. And the Chinese navy began to block India. They thought that they would send the aircraft in India, and they have become very difficult. "Eastern Bar's open mouth.

The conditions opened by Japan are also settled in one hand, and he believes that the Leverage is definitely no reasons.

Joining the League Camp, as long as the China, the Japan will quit Australia and most of the Pacific islands, and they will also return them to the Allied countries, and will return the Soviet Green City. In the future, the Southeast Asian area occupied by the Chinese, and the Japanese side will not be one inch.

The Allies must pay, and after defeating the axis, we must help Japan attacked Chinese land. The land occupied, Japan has priority options. And before the end of the war, there must be unconditional support for the weaponry and various military materials needed by Japan.

The above is only a general condition, of course, there is still a need for rules.

"The adults are worried about our maritime lifeline." Songgang Yantang opened.

"Yes, the Conditions we give the Allies cannot refuse. We should now consider that once we announce the conversion camp, how to protect our sea life line." Eastern Boys is already full of confidence.

As the island country, all things in Japan need to transport back from the sea road, and the sea traffic line has always been the most important goal of Japan. Although now Japan occupied Southeast Asia and southern and Indonesia and the islands in the Pacific, don't forget, the South China Sea has always been controlled in China, especially Borneo, and Taiwan have been in the Ryukyu Islands.

Even if Japan has completely controlled the Malacca Strait, don't forget, starting from the Malacca Strait to Japan, this road, everywhere is China's power range.

From the South China Sea to the Ryukyu Islands, this route has always been a must-walk route, because its distance is the most recent route. If you want to bypass the range of China's forces, then you need a large circle, not only increase the burden of freight, and will also affect the current transportation capacity of Japan.

For an alteration, the previous cargo ship can only be able to return a batch of goods in five days. At this time, all freighters, five days, 5,000 tons of materials can be shipped. But if Rao Yuan Road, it turned into a 10-day to transport a batch of goods, which is equivalent to the decrease in carrying capacity. This is especially the war period in Japan, in particular war, will affect all aspects.

Therefore, this route is also called the sea life line by the Japanese, and it is crucial to Japan. Now, it is also an important route connects to the Southeast Asian occupying area and Indonesia, especially the Southeast Asian occupation area. In order to avoid Southeast Asia to become overseas, it is necessary to ensure the smooth flow of the route.

"Dong Bi Jun, do you have any good way?" Yunn saw the self-confidence coming on the face of the East Boh, couldn't help but ask.

"I have a little clue. In fact, this lifeline, we are not a point in China. Once we joined the Allies, there are Navy in the United States in the Pacific, we have been more pairs to the US Navy. The US Navy's strength is tracking sprouts. Nowadays, the US Navy has begun to resume combat power. If there is a US navy, it is a little embarrassment. "Eastern Boys nodded, continued:" Even if China's Navy is strong, It is also impossible to face the Joint Navy's joint, as long as it takes the initiative to take the initiative in the naval, it is naturally not a problem. "

"But this route is completely within the attack of the China Airlines, even if our navy accounts for an advantage, but how to deal with the world's first air force? Especially their jet fighters, it is not our ordinary aircraft to be more "If you hear the east of English, Yunren is not very satisfied. In the eyes of China, the most powerful thing is their air force, it can be said that it is uncomfortable.

"This, please don't need to worry about it, the jet fighter technology sent by Germany has accelerated the research and development of the Empire jet fighter. Our latest cherry blossom jet fighter has produced the testing machine. How long does it take? A large amount of equipment. And after the German jet fighter appeared in Europe, the US jet fighter has started equipment forces. At that time, the advantage of China's jet fighter will be in our chase. "For Yuren's question, the East Big Machine has an answer," And the US bomber is not much better than the Chinese, as long as the empire can combine the United States, the Chinese threat will disappear. "

Yinn nodded, but he did not be so optimistic as the east bob in the depths of his heart.

"Now, these are some early, today's main purpose is to say how to deal with Germany and China's counterformation." Yun Ren said.

"Now China has stopped and all of our trade, in fact, the relationship between the two countries has dropped to the ice point, this point to us, there is not much impact, and the Army and the Navy have entered a highly alert state, also Not afraid that China suddenly attacked us. "Since it is already preparing to convert camps, the east boberts have naturally began to prepare," We rely on the import of Germany, this time is slowly reduced. Waiting for us to talk about us. Conditions, it will not rely on Germany without relying on Germany, with a wealth of money, the help of the empire will be bigger. "

"The words say this, then the German consultant in our army has the German Liaison Officer in Tokyo?" Yunren opened again.

"This emperor doesn't have to worry about it. When you get it, you will be handed over to the League, it is our determination to represent and a little gift." Eastern Boys said directly.

For Germans who often finger hand painting, there are not much good feelings. Although he used to like Germany before, it is more close to Germany, but he feels more and more annoying with time. Especially before, Germany said that I didn't know how to assassinate Chen Shao, which allowed the Eastern British Machine to Germany's uncomfortable.

If you don't want to stall a more uncomfortable name, it is also a sketched, and the east English machine has long put his secret police force, and the Germans have been processed. Save every day, in the Japanese military, you are upset.

The meeting is still continuing, from which it is not difficult to see, the Eastern British Machine has iron, and the United Allied army and China are doing.

In fact, in the past, the Japanese Navy is forwarded to the British and American compromise to jointly changing China. Only the Army tends to German at that time, plus the army's power and Germany, this has today's situation. If Japanese, Japan is the general of the navy, it will not look like this today.


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