Allied soldiers in the attack, only feel that behind the ground, the huge explosion seems to have to pierce everyone's eardrum.

The impact wave produced by the explosion dispetes the north wind, and the rolled dust smoke covers the big battlefield, and the wind is holding the blood flowers.

406 mm main guns, each can reach a lot of weight, especially after using powerful high-explosive grenades, it is not the same.

One of the Allies of the Allies is slow, not soldiers, began to feel faintly swollen to venture, and the Allies who are not far away are not far away. Although it is not directly dead, it is impossible to avoid it under the shock wave.

The shelling point is in front of the Jasque line, only one kilometer from China's first defense line. A lot of soldiers waiting for attacks here are gathered here. The intensive gunfire just smashed on their head, dramatically exploded, and formed a broken film, will become a human hell.

The shelling did not end, this is just the first round. In the Jask Base, the self-organic gun troops in the Heavy Cannon and the armored group have also begun to shoot. The guns that gave the shells sent the shells to Jasque first defense line.

The ship cannot guarantee absolute precision, especially in the late line, so the target of the gun is to be a kilometer away from the Chinese soldier from the first line. The ground artillery troops have no such concerns. Their error can be small to ten meters, not afraid of the cannonballs on the head of their own.

There are also intensive rockets in the shell, which will have an erosive land and again. The body of the ground is difficult to find a complete, it is the residual limb, which is a big bloody water insection meat. It can be seen everywhere.

Thermal Weapons War has already turned this area into a compartment, if non-cardios and firm people, they can't facilitate such a scene.

This original native yellow desert land, in the future, it is difficult to see the original colors. The sand has been dipped by blood water into black, and it is a large piece of land, even if it is dug a few tens of cents, such a color still exists.

Ten thousand allied soldiers have created the current situation here. No one wants to clean up, and when the time is, it is extremely valuable. No one dares to waste time on this.

Explosion in the corpse pile, the slice of blood, the allied soldiers in the attacks were added to the corpse, and became a part in the blood flowers. During the exclusive dirt, it has been seen a bright red land. Even the soil that is blown to the waves of the boom is dark red.

It is not too much to say this as a human purgatory, used to depict the word hell in the blood sea of ​​the corpse, can also be used here.

The flowing blood can be made into rivers, and the bloody blood, and it can make people live a nightmare. If the soldiers who participate in this battle can go back and recover. Then, any fear in the world will not affect them. Because they have already worked enough enough.

The mourning of the injured soldiers, the explosion of the shells, the sound of the object burned, is now staged here.

The war is ruthless. When the attack of the attack, death is home to the house, everyone needs to face, habits.

The first round of shells, the second round of shelling, until I don't know that it is the first few rounds of shelling, the entire battlefield has been completely smoked.

A signal light shining with yellow, broke through the smoke, appeared over the battlefield.

"Attack!" Is ready, waiting in the Chinese army around, and the command of attacking.

The tank roar on the earth, the sound of the torn is torn the sky, the engine's bang sound hits all sides. It is different from the guns of heavy guns to the earth, and the intensive gunshots, countless balances, poured to the Allied Forces.

The ship stopped shooting, but in the sky, the Battle Eagle-3 and the carrier machine group once again arrived. The bombing of the bomber exploded in the crowd, torn the earth, the landlift, the missile turned a union truck into a fire group, the aircraft guns shot the bullets on the earth and sweeping out the blossoming flowers.

Inside the Jask defense, the powerful Chinese tiger king crossed the hills, rushed through countless flesh, and brought a strong blood, 125 mm slide, the death drum, the heavy machine gun sprayed in the gun, toward the alliance The military offensive troops launched anti-strikes.

The rear of the infantry chariot followed, the large and thick wheel crushed the meat mud on the ground. The low tower on the car, the double-mounted twenty millimeter machine guns continue to pour the allied soldiers, the automatic bomb shells have smashed the "" sound in the surface of the steel armored vehicle. Some infantry battles are sprayed out of the flame. The shooting port of the body surrounded by a muzzle and cleaned the allies of those who have fallen.

In the end, it is to run out the defense line to join the Chinese soldier of the offensive team, carrying the respective tactical backpacks, ignoring the meat on the ground, no matter the blood and shredded meat, follow the tank and armored vehicles, for these steel giants Beast.

Outside Jask, the Allied Command. The phone sounds continuously, and all the officers in it have been busy.

"Report, frontline troops call, the Chinese army in the Jask Base dispatched a large number of tanks and armored vehicles, to start against us, and the current frontline troops have been defeated. Request to increase the front forces"

"Adjust the US Eighteen armor division, must ensure our frontal battlefield safety." Edward Road.

"Report, our army has a large number of Chinese troops, launches our left-wing troops, and our army has been in battle. But the other party has a large number of tanks and armored vehicles, and the left wing force requests to increase."

"They raised from where they came out, how didn't be a little more information before." Edward Road.

"Look at the military style, it is the China's Marine Corps.

"The main officer of the army responsible for the warning of the left-wing, the commander of the sin, convey my order, that is, death, I have to give me the attack of the Chinese army." Edward Road.

"The right wing has a large number of Chinese troops, ... our army can't resist, request support."

"The two divisions of the rear of the rear have been defeated by the Chinese paratroopers, requested to support."

Continuous bad news, let Edward almost crazy, no one is good news, all sides are called calls. This will make this American land army that touches the big life on the battlefield, it is difficult to believe.

The situation turned too fast, only three days, China's aids arrived in a thousand miles. It also organizes so comprehensive attack, four-sided heaven. What makes Edward feel hateful that he has not figured it out so far, the number of China's aid forces. Call is a message that constantly defeats, and does not provide much useful intelligence.

"Immediately report to General Brid Lead, please ask if you continue to attack, or directly break away." Edward now can't pay attention to your feathers, the form of the battlefield is very disadvantaged, must make a decision as soon as possible. And what to do next, he directly handed this puzzle to Bradre.

"The command and the Chinese army exchange all the troops must die. I will die. Tell them that there is no aid, there is no help, strict positions, no one is not retreat. Or order the troops that have not participated in the war, immediately gather, to our part, Fully move to our army, start against attack. "

No matter how powerful in China, the Chinese army of Jasque is absolutely the weakest in the four sides. Based on the battle in three consecutive days, the elite troops will lose a lot of combat power.

Edward is to see this, the other three sides are not clear, there is no need to clearly, as long as you can break the Chinese army. The other three sides don't care at all. When the Allies can drive, they can drive to Jasque.

At the same time, the Chinese army arising from Jasque compressed the front line to two kilometers. Under this width, it is just the gathering area of ​​the Allied Forces. There is a tank with an average of 30 meters, and next to the tank is followed by the infantry chariot, there is a large group of Chinese soldiers.

The iron flow rolls, from the Chinese army, cracks under the battle, under the wheel, on the army boots, full of blood. In particular, in the track, not only the meat, but also put some white flowers, there is a flesh on the bones.

But no one can take these, because in front of them, there are countless enemies waiting for them to destroy. Especially those who hold anti-tank weapons, every time they appear, are the excitement of the Chinese soldiers.

The Tan Association, these soldiers following the tanks, the most direct goal is those infantiers that threaten the tank. Secondly, it is a priority to fight against the army soldiers who kill the enemy, as long as the shoulders take anti-tank rockets on the shoulders.

"The ground troad please note that a large number of Shelman is discovered in front of you." The warning of the Air Force in the car radio of the tank.

"Composition attacks, let the American little guy, often our tiger king."

With the command of the tank troops command, the pre-rush tank troops leaving the changedance, the distance between each other once again, and the speed of the infantry chariot slowed down.

"Full speed forward, occupation of the hills in front, stop at the highest point, giving me a high arrival, ."

On the route of the attack, there is just a vast hill, blocking on the road of the Chinese army attack. It is also very important to occupy the high-rise, this is also very important in the tank. Especially in the case where the high elevation angle cannot be formed, it is more important to the importance of the high elevation angle.

And those who have been driven down, in the face of China's tanks that have accelerated speed, can only put down the weapons, raise their hands, and prepare for the Chinese soldiers who follow the back. However, let the Allied soldiers who raise their hands and surrendered are surprised, the tanks have been driven by them, and the infantry chariot will also drive from them, even the Chinese infantry followed by the back of them.

No one goes to pay attention to them, and no one cares about them, they seem to be general.


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