The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 431 20 Years Middle Eastern Fengyun (on)

After the break, Chen Shao immediately returned to the royal book. At the meeting, when Jasque was said, Chen Shaoxin's sense of the crisis of the silk. This feeling is too sudden, which is still existing after the break.

This has given him to think about it. The US 200,000 aid Jun just boarded India, would it take this to attack Jask? This is a very important issue. If this speculation is true, it will become very passive.

How long can I support Jasque, a full adaptian defense? Chen Shao did not have the bottom. So, he will send such a command at the meeting.

Two infantry clerks plus a marine army strengthening group, enough to keep the Chinese aid to arrive, plus another Indian fleet, as long as it is not a large-scale military attack, there will be no big problem there. .

"Xia Mengyu, I will come to me here." When I arrived in the Royal Studies, Chen Shaoyi telephones directly called the Chinese agent's head Xiamen.


The content of the military conference, Chen Shao's attention is not only a Jask region. He is very clear, the security of this railway is the top priority, and this railway must be restored as soon as possible.

China does not have such a huge energy, sending our troops to focus on this long railway because this is too unusual. Desert areas, holding a railway for thousands of kilometers, is not an easy task. It not only needs a huge force, but also needs a huge funding to maintain. It is not only to let the Allied small troops to destroy the railway.

Therefore, Chen Shao need a helper, willing to help the Chinese to guard this railway. Since this railway is in the territory of Afghanistan and Iran, it naturally the best helper is an Iranian and Afghan.

As a famous Persian Empire in history, Iran also has a long history. The Persian tribe initially lived in the southwest of the Iranian plateau, after decades to expand the territory, 550 BC, the role of the Gusu Emperor overturned the Rice tribe, established the Persian Empire.

During the King Dariel Iron (522 BC), the Persian Empire reached the Tingsheng period, and its territory is in the Indian river basin, west to the Balkan Peninsula, Northern Armenia, south to Ethiopia.

Including 70 ethnic groups, 50 million, nearly 7 million square kilometers of land, becoming the world's first imperial, non-, European Empire.

The Persi Empire gradually moved to the fading after 492 (S) War before BC. In 334 BC, King Macedonia Alexandria Daddy's Emperor's Emperor, conquered Persia, and landing the country.

After that, Genghis Khan was in the 1219th rate, and successively conquered the flower scorpion model, Central Asia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and killed the king of the flower and slap the modules. In 1229, the son of Genghis Khan was watered twice to crim the flowers and killing the king. In 1260, Sun Xu, Sun Xu, who was encycloped again and again, occupied Iran and established Iri Khan Dynasty in Iran.

After the Persian Empire, many dynasties have been replaced, and it is modern.

The Dynasty Dynasty was built in 1779, and the first set of Delguto. In the early days of the Dynasty, the Western Liangqiang stood in Iran.

In 1801, Russia merged Georgia, the United Kingdom with Iran three war leads to Iran's mortal compensation and recognizing Afghanistan independence.

Since then, the French, Austria, the United States, etc. have been forced Iran to establish an inequality treaty, the second half of the 19th century, and Russia have obtained privileges such as Yizai, Built, establish a bank, training military.

In 1907, the English and Russian countries collude with each other in Iraq: North is Russia, the southern part is the UK, and the middle is a buffer.

Afterwards, France, Austria, the United States, etc., have succeeded Iran to sign an unequal treaty. Although Iran is still an independent country, it is actually in a semi-feudal and semi-colonial position.

The brilliant contrast of the Today's Today's shame is formed, and Iran will inevitably produce strong nationalism on the road to the pursuit of strong countries, and strong nationalism is very likely to lead to extremism and blindness.

Since the early 19th century, Iran gradually became a semi-colonial country, the social economy declined, and the feudal rule was translatically and cruel.

In February 1918, a mysterious people saw the Iranian military officer Li Sa Khan. Balli, and brought him a lot of weapon ammunition, as well as some military instructor.

In the end, after three years, Parliwei launched the coup, seized the power, and established the Balletvi Dynasty.

Bal Levi has adopted some measures to develop social economy, but at the same time implement personal **. Signing an agreement with the Soviet Union abolished the inequality of Saulan and Ira.

In 28 years, through the convenience of the British and French coalition forces, it announced that all inequality treaties and foreign countries signed by foreign countries and the implementation of tariffs were implemented.

When the Chinese Empire was established, the first time and the establishment of China, like German and South American countries, becoming the first batch and China established diplomatic relations.

At that time, the attention of all countries in the world was placed in China, who would care about the desert country without anything. The main thing is that the oil in the bay area has not been known.

Therefore, in addition to the coastal areas, Iran is very lucky to get from part of the Western powers.

In the later generation, before the Second World War, Iran is closely related to Nazi Germany. After the German invaded the Soviet Union, the UK and the Soviet Union were from Iran. Bal Levi was forced to retreat, his son Muhammad. Li Sa. Parliimi relaxation. The United Kingdom, the Soviet Union and Iran entered into the allied treaty, and Iran Xuan war.

In this time and space, the British and Soviet Union did not extend their hands here, Iran and Germany relations were not so good. Therefore, after the start of the war, Iran did not make a statement.

As a common encounter with Iran, both parties have a lot of common language, and the relationship has become more and more harmonious over time. Plus, in these years, China has a great assistance to Iran.

Hua Shang is in the Iranian factory, investing in business. The Chinese government also helps the Iranian training army, seven-fold eight-fold selling weapons to Iran to help them build defense and education. After that, there is a railway, the circulation of the Chinese biftails has become more convenient.

"Western powers have brought guns, oppressed us, plunder us, so we have to resist. The great Chinese brothers bring food and daily necessities to help us, so they gain the Iranian friendship."

This is the most sentence of Bal Levi, when he recalls, it will be inexplicable when he is twenty years ago.

China is to prove its own mind with actual actions, and have not signed any unequal treaties with Iran, and never take advantage of their cheap, any transaction is in a fair location.

Because Chen Shao knows that these leaves Islam, high-pressure policies may bring a moment of huge benefits, but it is not conducive to long-term interests. They will only be a bamboo basket.

Moreover, in the Middle East, the colonial road has not been connected. Therefore, very straightforward approach is to give them enough benefits, and will help you.

The force is not universal, and sometimes money offensive has been more effective.

Over the years, Chen Shao has never requested Iran to pay anything, even if it is an oil field, Chen Shao did not explore the land purchased in Iran. Instead, take the UK to open the knife, which naturally has his consideration.

Iran, Iraqi has been bought by the Longteng Group or has achieved long-lasting rights. However, these places are not close to the sea. The British is in the Gulf area, and it is dead to control the coastal area and did not let go. This is why Chen Shao why did he rent a place to Ren Jasque in the UK, he needs a port.

And the land of the mainland, when I want to exploit when I want to exploit, he doesn't want to expose all oil fields. The least war period is the case, otherwise, it will cause the troops to disperse defense.

It will give the enemy a lot of places that can be hit, anyway, now Jasque has produced oil, enough to use. There is no need to waste unnecessary manpower.

The influence of China in the Middle East is not just Iran, Iraq is also under the influence of China. For Chen Shao, I know the importance of the Middle East and the Gulf Region, how can I get all the countries in this area.

There are thousands of years of irrigation agriculture in the two river plains. Chinese antiques Iraq are in black. Belong to the Middle East country.

Iraq has a long history, and the two river basins is one of the birthplace of ancient civilization in ancient world. There is a city-state country in 4700 BC. In 2000, the Kingdom, the Kingdom of the Babylon, the Astrology and the New Babylon, known as one of the "four major civilization ancient countries".

It is destroyed for the Persian Empire 500 BC. The Macedonian empire was invaded by the Macedonian Empire 4 century. The Arab Empire was swallowed and became the Political and Cultural Center of the Arab Empire at the 7th century.

In the 13th, the 11th century is the Mongolian Xu Lili. The 16th century was ruled by the Osman Empire. In 1920, it became the UK "appointed ruling area". 21 years announced independence, establishing the Kingdom of Iraq, establishing a feve Dynasty under the UK.

However, the relationship between Faisal and the United Kingdom fell into the ice point from the very beginning, especially after Iran announced the abolition of inequality treaties, but also to break free from the UK.

In 1928, like Balletvi, there was also a mysterious person to find him, and brought him a lot of gifts. When he saw it is yellow skin, the Iraqi leader of this idea began to secretly prepare.

Three years later, Iraq announced independent and no longer controlled by the British. However, this king did not live for a long time, two years later, the heart is dying, the throne is inherited by his son.

This Faisal II is even more annoying the role of Western powers. After boarding, I will enter the state soon, embark on the way as his father.


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