The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 415 activates spies

Body and Sha Yada have become the land of the Chinese Air Force Bomber Forces, in a short day. Two thousand bombers were dispatched, and the two cities launched a carpet bombing.

Most of the five hundred kilograms of heavy bombs are destroyed by these two cities with permanent defense. Those who have lost their losses under the Rocket House, which basically collapsed this time.

It is a flat place in the two cities, that is, there is no way to do with China's exhibition road, can only be said to be the ruins of battlefield.

This is mainly the area of ​​the two cities, can't be called towns compared to those such as the Qingcheng, such as the city, such as the Qingcheng. This is the characteristics of the Southeast Asia, and the city is generally small, let alone city walls. How much is it better than a general town area.

Such small places, China is pouring 20,000 tons of flights within one day, and it is not destroyed.

In the underground bunker in Bili City, Monttadon looked at the cracks appeared on the bunker. A bombing of a day, the rugged bunker appeared in the crack. I don't have to report the intensity of the bombing without the report.

It is not the Body without air-defense firepower to stop the Chinese bomber, but the air defense firepower is lost directly in the first round bombing, and then it can't play the effect, soon drown in the explosion.

Boom - 3 giant spirit god bomber, this bomber can bounce directly at a high altitude of 10,000 meters in a high altitude of 10,000 meters in a high altitude of 10,000 meters. It is enough to pull these firepower points. And this height has made Montton's air defense guns.

The lamps in the bunker have been tilted in the explosion, more likely to rush, but there is no one to manage this at this time. As long as the light is still bright, no one is not thinking about it.

"Commander, the former troops call, the Chinese army has attacked it less than 50 kilometers from Bo Li." Zimla was handed over to Monttadon, and the Union Deputy Command has made himself abandon. Feared, but your face is still not very good.

"I know." Montton swayed, looking at the battlefield map on the wall by the light. Some sorrow in my heart, he is saddened by soldiers under his hand.

I fails once in Southeast Asia. I can insist on more than half a month. I haven't thought that my carefully built the defense line can only hold two days. The current Allied soldiers are more powerful than the time, but they can face China.

At that time, although he was the British Navy General, he failed to the black grid, still very eyeked. In his opinion, the original failure, the black grac has the main responsibility. If it is not sick in China, I am afraid returning to the UK will also be tried by the military court.

Now Monttadon has some understanding of the situation in the black gauge, China's attack is really sharp. At that time, the black gae can stick to ten and a half months, and he now admires this army old.

Montton's heart flashed in this idea: not to pay with Chinese, it can't understand. No wonder, once you encounter problems about China, it will become cautious. Because they have already seen the power of China, even the Chinese tried a large number of Japanese nationals and soldiers, Japan did not dare.

If you have seen in Monttadon, Germany's lightning war is the most sharp, now he will change this view. In the jungle, it is not a place in the European continental transportation network, and if the German soldiers will come here. Then he has confident to stop the Germans, this is very confident.

Now he has some feelings, can put the offensive speed so fast on such a complex battlefield, or in the case of it. Germany is far less than China. If the Chinese army is placed in the plain area, the China's lightning war will be more terrible than German.

This morning, the two sides declare war. China's offensive has not stopped, using the Jianghe gun boat and the air force cover, the bridge crossed the Eliva Chijiang.

The original bridge has been blown up by Montbuton, and he also placed a lot of defense forces on the river bank. Want to borrow the second big river in Myanmar, block the footsteps of China's attack.

His defense forces directly under the strong firepower of China.

Let the Air Force who are annoying Montton do not say that the Jianghe gunboats in Single Single will be enough for his defense forces. 100 tons of drainage, a double-loaded 105mm caliber, the body is equipped with a large number of double-loaded 12.7 mm heavy machine guns, as well as a 60-tube rocket launcher.

Plus the river bank opposite portable rockets and those car rockets, the anti-military defense for the Allies is a burst.

The original Allied army has an artillery group, but has not yet waited for power, it was eliminated by the Air Force and the Rover. As if the water drops fall into the sea, even the water is not caught.

The "China's boat bridge" The skills of the rapid bridge make them stunned, all mechanized bridge tools, so that all of the Allies captured the eyes. A solid pontoon is only used for an hour. Still in a wide river in Ilova, if you encounter a narrow river, the speed will be faster.

On the bridge, things are more simple. The rear of the troops began to knew the river, and once again launched an offense to the Allied Defense, the soldiers were divided into two ways, advanced to the Body and Shaya.

These happened when bombers were bombarded by Body and Shaya, and the Chinese bomber no longer came to visit these two cities left only. The Army has attacked 50 kilometers from the two cities. This is also the case of Zimra and Monttadon report.

When Montton was looking at the map, a staff came over, a form of a form, a look, and reported to Monttadon: "Report Commander, the injury and death preliminary statistics."

Some of the Montton, which is somewhat, is not turned, or a map, but his attention is not on the map.

"Take it!"

"Yes!" Staff looked at the form and opened the way: "Today, the Chinese bomber has a continuous bombing of the Body, the whole Buli City, except for the city wall, has not found a complete building. .

Through the loss of each co-row, it is concluded that there is a total of six thousand people during the day, and the number of injured people reached 20,000. One quarter is a serious injury, and the hope of treatment is not big.

The number of days in Shaya is also very huge, and there are seven thousand people, and the injured will also have a fast 20,000 people. Among them, it may not be more than 10,000 people. Even if you save, there are also nearly half of your life to stay in a wheelchair or lying on the bed.

Plus the number of dead injuries under the rocket of the rocket last night, there is currently nearly 70,000 deaths. "

"You go go first!" Wait until the staff ended this data, Montton faint open mouth. Strongly installed, at this moment, his heart is completely opposite to the surface, and his thoughts are like a tshemale.

SiMra looked at the four weeks, went to Montton's side, muttered in his ear: "Command, our medicines are not much, is it no matter what Indians, struggle ..."

In the heart of Montton, he turned over, his eyes panned blood, hate: "Do you want this city to become a ghost city? You know that once this Indian soldier thinks. , Do you go to decide alone? "

"But our medicines are really not much, there will be no more than a few days, and the next batch of medicines from India still need a week. If the drug is not enough, our soldiers will die." Zimla It was scared by Monttadon's eyes, but he did not shut up, and strive to keep him calm and said.

"This matter doesn't need to be said, now we can't ink these Indian soldiers, even though their combat power is rotten, we can't do this." Perhaps it feels that the Qi Mi is trying to keep the English-Chinese-legged soldiers. Montton's expression has recovered a lot, explained:

"Now whether the British and German soldiers or Canadian soldiers and Australian soldiers, they are all mixed with the Indian soldiers. If this is done, they will let the soldiers are chilling. And if the soldiers change, don't use China to play, we will finish themselves. I can also die for a few British and King soldiers, and it will never let this kind of thing. "

Zimela did not say anything, Montton said enough. Before he was worried about the British and French injury, in this case, he no longer insisted. Now think of, the previous words are indeed considering.

-------- In Hanjing Forbidden City, in the Royal Studies, Xia Mengyu came here, and Chen Shao has waited for him.

"Hidden in the Southeast Asian Allies, the highest spy is ready." On the same day, Chen Shao second summoned Xia Mengyu, and asked this matter.

"After receiving the command of Your Majesty, the current enabled work has been completed, and this spy can be activated at any time." Xia Mengyu replied.

"Well, I am now authorizing you to activate this spy." Chen Shao picked up a plan from the table, and handed it to Xia Mengyu. "This is this mission of this spy. Tell him, Ensure that the quick completion task must also ensure accurate data. "

"Yes!" Xia Mengyu did not look at it immediately, but a guarantee.

"Does the military factory do?" Chen Shaotou asked.

"It has been dealing with it, and it will be completed before the arrival of Germany," Xia Meng Yu Road.

"Very good, go on!"

After Xia Mengyu walked out of the Royal Studies, Chen Shao was caught in meditation.

This time is a trial and a very important attempt. I haven't used that kind of thing before, and I don't know how the effect will.


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