"Attack!" Lin Jianhui issued an attack order.

Soldiers who have been preparing to attack, they have made a charge on the mountain. Even the tactical backpack carrying components, but the soldiers are still very flexible to cross the obstacles on the mountain road.

On the hill, there is a soldier with a telescope, and the night vision telescope is used to guide the direction of the shot.

The heavy machine gun is a shot target by traction of the troops, to attack the offense. In the dark, despite many flares, there is a lighting bomb, but for these heavy machine guns, it still needs a more accurate offensive goal. Because the lighting bomb is not inexhaustible, it is impossible to take the entire position as white.

The Allies' commander also began to organize the remaining soldiers to defense, but the heavy machine guns he rely have only three, and there is no longer possible to form an effective fire network. His mines and wire mesh, also under the intensive artillery fire, one by one.

Counting the loss on the previous two hills, originally a complete infantry tour, now only five or six hundred people. Suddenly let this Allied commander want to cry without tears, especially this highland, is the focus of their defense. But only one hour, it has been suffering and hurt.

Before the war, there is a complete infantry group here, and there are several Indians, and now I can't see the previous "brilliant".

Even the mortar is also lost in the gunfire, which makes him completely lost their confidence.

"Generally reported to the Montton, we have lost the control of the situation, which will also be captured in a short time."

The Commander of the Allied Southeast Asia issued such a text, so that he felt that his face was hot. In the front two hosh, when the defenders were quickly destroyed by the Chinese army, he was still cursing Indians stupid. Now he will step into the rear dust of the Indian, how to not let him feel ashamed.

Organize the final power, how long will it take for a long time?

There is no 20th heavy machine gun, and China's offensive has become very smooth. Under the cover and guidance of heavy machine guns, when there is two hundred meters from the first trenches from the Allies, the start-up machine gun position and further press the counterattack of the Allies.

The sound of the assault rifle is constantly sounding on the position, and the sound is getting more and more intensive. It seems that the entire position is a light machine gun, and the Allied soldiers completely press it, and there is no chance to looked up.

Half shielding, half of the fast assault, so simple tactics, it is very smooth by the Chinese soldiers, the effect is also very good. Under the role of the assault rifle, each interchange position can be taken forward.

When they came to the trenches, there were sixty meters before the trenches, the rear mortar girders were also constructed, and they started direct support for their actions.

This Allied soldiers are even more difficult to look up, cats in the trenches, and those bodies or residual arms. Now there is only their God to pray in your heart, don't have the shells fall by themselves.

However, their nightmares have not ended yet, when the Chinese soldier has 30 meters away from the trenches, they have taken out the thunder, and the bee throws to the first trench. The continuous explosion sounds in the Allied Army, which is exploded in the trenches.

Sending those bodies that hide in the trenches of the soldiers, the remaining three heavy machine guns are also rapidly connected, and the fire soldiers are directly outside the cover of other soldiers and flash bombs. Spray the flame into the machine gun position.

Three burning fortress, because the screams of burning and the slight barbecue, adding a lot of colors to the night.

The first trench is occupied, and the things will be easy, when they occupy the third trench. The Allied commander here, a British Maicong General, led the restriction to the Chinese army.

Waiting for their long prisoner career, will also contribute to China's strength.

---------- Yangon China Sixth Group Army Command, when we attacked the ground forces, it has passed a whole ten hours. A night is also lapse in the gunfire, and the sky has begun to illuminate.

"Report Commander, 623 Division (The Second Army of the Sixth Army), the third group of the third group, they have completed the expected occupation task, and is currently in the Iliva Sashi, expects half an hour, will arrive at the Iliva, and other aspects. The unit is engaged. "

"Reporting commander, independent armored travel, with the cooperation of the 631 division, they have cleared the allies of the various urban bases, clearing the dangers on the road. The first troops will arrive at the reservation after ten minutes. Square. "

"Report Commander, ..."

... In the last hour, Du Yuming God is on the chair in the chair, listening to a newspaper to the front line.

This is true for him, and it has been waiting for a long time in order to come today. Although I have previously passed the domestic warlord, there is also experience with Japan, but the scale is small. There is no one like today, to command so many troops, or the three armies of the sea and air.

Therefore, he regards this battle as the most important battle in life, and is also a very important first battle.

Plus, Chen Shao, who is far in Hanjing, also maintains a high concern for this battle, which makes him want to perform well.

He wants to play a domineering belonging to the China Army, take the strongest attack power to complete the most important battle in his life.

Everyone will give yourself a goal, Du Yuming is no exception. When the Japanese spent three or four months, the British French was driven out from Southeast Asia. He doesn't want to lose to Japanese, and his goal is also very simple, at least in two months, to rush to India only in Southeast Asia.

That is to say, in two months, he has to play directly to India, go to "stroke" the pearl on the Crown of the UK.

For your own goals, Du Yuming can't say how many points, but must be completed. He doesn't want Xiao Japan to continue to go down with a little victory.

In this gap of this sealing, Liao Yaoxiang went into the command. To the old gods, Du Yu Ming was in the military ceremony, the opening: "Command, the first army has completed the established operational mission, and it has also been assembled to the edge of the Ilova. And the twelve Jianghe gun boats have begun to enter the Ilova, for us. The action of the next move provides fire coverage. "

Liao Yaoxiang is not only the arms director of the First Army of the Sixth Army, but also serves as the sixth group military staff, and many things are his hand.

Du Yu Ming stood up and went to the map, then asked Liao Yaoxiang: "Lao Liao, how is the second-line force progress?"

"It has begun to occupy all regions, and the results are still smooth. Some of the soldiers will not be a threat to them. Local residents are also very good to our attitude, there is no thing in the time." Liao Yaoxiang replied.

"Command the armed police force and the reserve forces, don't care, keep in mind the military discipline, once there is something to disturb the people, I must severely punish it. According to your instructions, give each village some eating past. In the future they will be the Chinese family One of the people, a good image must be established immediately.

Also, they cooperate with the police department to establish a stable security as soon as possible. The Minister of the Ministry of Public Security, Yan Xishan, has sent a large number of policemen, let them hurry to occupy the establishment of public security. This is also the top priority, the armed police and the police can also be a family, let them cooperate. "

For all ethnic groups in Southeast Asia, Chen Shao has never been killed. There are many people in Southeast Asia. There are nearly sixty nations in a single Vietnamese, and you can say a national hodgepodge. Not every nation is damn, this world, kind people are still too much.

So at the beginning of the attack, Chen Shao commanded Du Yuming, be sure to keep the image of the Chinese army, and the Myanmar will be China's Myanmar, and the image of the Chinese Justice must be established. Try to do something to send clothes, touch them with little things, so that the Burmese will accept China from your heart.

In general, it is the same as the policy implemented at the beginning of the pilot city, so that the Burmese is willing to become a member of China.

"I understand, this point please ask the commander. Although the reserve forces and armed police troops are just the second-line troops, discipline is not better than the active parties. As for public security construction, I will let them start as soon as possible." Liao Yaoxiang Road.

Du Yuming nodded and transferred the topic to the war: "The 61 army has arrived in the assembly, and the independent armor brigade is about to arrive. It is immediately carrying out the next action. Now it is definitely can't let Montton will come. Otherwise. And Sha Yawa, very likely to form a glue of us. "

"At present, we also occupy the advantages of the air. The sky has also begun to cool, and it is time to make some troubles to the Allies, and make Montton look at our power." Liao Yaoxiang opened.

Du Yuming is ordered: "Order the Air Force, send all the bombers to me, don't give me a private, today's time, to make a continuous bombing of Body and Shaya. Tell them, don't Heartache Ammunition, we are ready, enough for them to squander.

Give the boat bridge, quickly send it to the Ilova Sashi, after two hours, I have to see a strong pontoon on the river. Jiang River gunboat troops and artillery cover the actions of the boat, the Air Force also always conducts air protection against the boat bridge.

Other troops immediately rest, and supplement the pot to supplement their physical strength. After the pontoon is built, I immediately launched the River Action. "


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