The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 407 bomber dispatched

The big air battle that happened over Southeast Asia lasted for a long time, and the fighters of both parties returned to the fuel replenishment. In the end, China has a small number and has achieved the victory of the first battle. The elimination of the Allied fighters was nearly 90%, and the email rights did not let Montton take it.

However, things have not been ended, and after the preliminary email. Du Yuming did not stop the idea, but the first time sent his strategic bombardment. What he wants is that complete hollow rights is not a preliminary.

Boom - 2 Improved type, bombing - 3 giant spirit god bomber, a total of more than 200 bombs take off from Yangon major airports.

At the time of the bomber, more than 200 fighters have also begun to clean up the air defense firepower of the Landing Army Airport.

Although the allied ground air defense forces is very intensive, the high-speed brushed fighters are still the nightmare of all air defense soldiers. What is the effect of twenty millimetric aircraft guns in the human body, and the body tears is just the best ending.

Southeast Asian Allied air defense firepower is very powerful, this is no doubt. But under the attack of a large number of high-speed fighters, it is also drowning under the rain.

Of course, in order to clean these air defense firepower, China is not lost without loss, compares such a loss or acceptable.

It is only a day of time, in the face of the failure of the Air Force, although Montbarton is very anxious, but also keep enough reason. The heart is depressed without a slightest.

He did not have a hand with the German army, which can be awarded a victory, although the allied strength is not big, but it is not so thorough as it is today.

Eight hundred fighters, now there is only no hundreds left to be used normally. This is also looking for two such failures in the past and Germany.

Even he had always been very popular among Alex, which was destroyed, which was a member of the Allied ace pilot in Europe. Now, he is also here, this is the result that he didn't think of before he was on.

What makes him more depressed is that China's lost aircraft is not a lot. Many planes are injured, but also fly back. This is hard to see on the Allies.

One thing he wants to admit that from today's battle, in the air force, China has stronger than Germany.

However, he has not waited from the air force failure, and the radar troops have passed a message that let him frown.

"Southeast direction once again discovered a huge cluster, straight behind the airport."

"Fuck, but also not let people live, Tiandu is fast, come on!" Montton couldn't help but have a whisper, gentleman's style, I didn't know where he got.

It is still coming to the sky, it's still coming. Although the Chinese commander has repeatedly married many times, he still issued a command of the final air force.

"The resulting plane will take off immediately, and must intercept the other party."

He is very clear, it is now close to dusk, and after the plane is boiled, it is basically difficult to land. But he has no way, lifting emptops, and always eliminates it directly on the airport.

This is his current force. If it is not the Chinese Air Force ignore these two airports, I am afraid that Montton's remaining dozens of aircraft will also be reimbursed.

However, he did not think of it, this time, there is a fighter, more or a bomber.

After receiving the Montton's order, the exhausted allied pilot still climbed the plane and once again lifted it to the Chinese machine group.

When the sunset is about to go down, the Chinese bomber troops are coming to approach the Allies of the Allies.

"Mr., our mission is to protect the bombard troops, remember your mission. After honor, you can get ten units in every bomber. Their wife children are still waiting for them to reunite, remember With the responsibility of your shoulders, who dares to take it, leading to the loss of the bombing force, go back to the military law, "cover the bomber's fighter chart leader crocodile (code), when you are about to enter the bomb area, once again in the headset The fighter is over again.

"Reassure, the captain, I have already played enough today, and there is a lot of stars at the end of the machine. It will definitely complete the cover mission." The sound of the birds in the wireless channel.

Today, many fighters have achieved good records. At this moment they are unclear, and there is already an Allied ace pilot destroyed in their hands, or an League Air Force Major General. Otherwise, on their merits, it will also add a strong stroke.

"The cover brigade should pay attention to the cover of the brigade, please pay attention to the enemy machine, the number is nearly one hundred, which is now close to you." The front warning machine has given them the latest enemy dynamics.

"Pay attention to the alert, the eighth squadron is ready to cover." The team leader crocodile has reached the latest order, and then he operates a plane to come to the side of the bomber team.

Adjust the channel and said to the bombard troops: "There is also a fish of the net, but you will give us, you will continue to advance. We will not let any enemier break through the defense line."

After listening to this news, the bomber team leader has sphereed a thumbs up, saying in the headset: "Look at you."

The crocodile also has a thumbs up to the bomber leader in the cabin, followed by accelerating the aircraft to the front of the bombing machine.

In less than 30 seconds, the two air soldiers once again met again. At this time, the sunset has already reflected a flaming of the sky.

However, all people don't pay attention to such beautiful scenery, and the air combat is once again opened. This air combat may become the last air war in Ximei.

The number of fighters in China occupied the advantages, and the millennium has more than a dozen. The two sides began to hide around the bombing machine, one hand, caught in the air battle.

The fierce air battle scene is also a point than the previous air. Many Allied pilots have been fighting with the dead, because they are clear, this sky is no longer there. And they can live a chance to go back.

In this case, there is only a vigorous battle.

It is indeed very much vigorous, and there is a plane in the sky or direct explosion, along with the pilot's body to be a piece of residue.

In air combat, the bombing machine is still moving forward, as if can't see the air war around the side. Directly move forward and fly away from this airspace. A squadron's fighter continues to escort the bomber, follow the bombing machine group to move forward.

The air combat in the rear has not been seen, and the bombing machine group has begun to separately, and the squadron is rapidly advanced toward the Allies in the airports in Myanmar.

Among the Southeast Asian Allied Command, Monttadon also received news from China aircraft to the airport. His first reaction is that the airport is over. I want to get it with an toe, such a time, such a forward direction, also divorted the soldiers, definitely the Chinese bomber troops.

The purpose is self-evident, and it is definitely coming straight to your airport.

"The first day, I have to smash my air force, it is the teacher of the German !!" Montton helpless belly.

China helped German training army, and it is no secret after the war broke out. And the tactics like the lightning battle have a Chinese shadow. Although the German aspects are not admitted, there are still many people to play, China is a German teacher.

"There is no way to sleep at night, I hope that the defense forces in front will not let themselves disappointed." China has such a tough offensive means to capture the email in the day. Monttadon is very clear, land in terns, China will do it at night. Perhaps, don't wait until evening, as long as your airport is destroyed, China will launch a large-scale attack.

At this point, he did not think about the situation of the airport, the plane was almost, what to do at the airport. The bombers owned by the Allies are still in India, and they don't need to defense again here.

What's more, even if you want to keep the airport, there is no way. It is better to put energy in how to cope with the next wave of attacks in China.

At the same time, the bomber formation also arrived at the airport. In dusk, the ground personnel of the airport were about to be evacuated, but everything was too late. Air defense fire is destroyed, all airports have nothing to guard at all airports, they can start bombing at will.

The improving type of -2 can be loaded with nine tons of ammunition, like B-29 in the United States, but the voyage does not have B-29 so far. However, this close-up bombing task is more than enough.

Furthermore, in the bombing machine group, there are some of the latest giant spirit bombers, whether it is a voyage or load, far exceeding the B-29 super aerial fortress.

The maximum volume of 12 tons, four bombings, each of which can carry three tons of bile. You can also mount overweight bodcasts and some special large biles.

When they come to the target, the poppecks under the machine are opened, and the height is maintained at three kilometers to ensure the accuracy of the bomb.

Under the control of the bomber, it is first put on the bombings in front of and rear, followed by two bochouses in the middle. This is mainly to consider the stability and structurality of the aircraft, allowing the aircraft to maintain balance at the heaven.

The whistling of the bomb, then the explosion followed. In the eyes of the bomber unit, the ground is flashed first, then it is rolling the smoke. It seems that the dominoes is the same, the explosion advances forward.

Not much time, the ground airport was exploded and dusty. And in the dust smoke, you can also see the fire flashes of the explosion from time to time, soon, it has been covered by smoke.

When all the bombs have been completed, they will start returning when the sunset is completely falling. On the other side, the cover brigade has also completed the »Business, and the Allies will destroy the last aerial force in Myanmar.

The two will be exchanged again, in the night, fly back towards Yangon Airport.

At this point, I have passed a day, and China has acquired Burma's email.


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