The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 403 declares war to the UK

At present, because of Chen Shao hitting time, the world situation began to become confusing. Everyone is watching the movement of China.

China did not let the world have been waiting for four days after Chen Shao. The Chinese Defense Department announced the photo of the 18 bodies and will also publish the photos of Chen Shao's driving.

Smoke left a very obvious trace on the special Chinese sedan of Chen Shao, especially on the body housing on both sides of the body, covered with bullet holes, and several glass also ruptured.

The scarred car is enough to explain the fire strength of this attack. The domestic people are already filled with indignation, and then they see this shot, many people are burning in anger.

A large number of students and corporate employees have embarked on the streets and asked the community to unite and severely punish the murderer!

It is not possible to let China fall into the dark age of decades, and the world must let the world see China's power.

The reputation of East Asia must not talk about it, but to make it. Although China has now bid farewell to this title, but it is absolutely not allowed to appear on the Chinese head again.

In order to expose the status of the Chinese nation in the world, we are not afraid of war.

The veterans of the veteran veterans are connected to the armed departments in all regions and require demobilization. Re-join the army, the blood is not cold, and the war is not stopped.

Some of them are retired, some are retired from the regular troops, but they all have a common point, that is the heart of Chen Shao 100%.

Seeing the sedan that is full of brackets, they can imagine their scenes. For the safety of Chen Shao, it is more hated for those who armed themselves and back to back.

The rise of China, has developed in peace for more than ten years, and some people come to the tiger, which is absolutely unforgettable.

I don't see you, those who sleep in the Mausoleum. I don't see, who let the Chinese people live on the day. I don't see it, who is expelled, and also my river.

It can be reached today, and there is actually a hobs of the highest leaders, how to make people not angry.

The slogan of the war never neat, unprecedented enthusiastic, unprecedented.

After the announcement of these photos, the China National Defense Department also officially held a press conference. The content of the conference was published early, only two, one is the result of the survey of this attack. The second point did not explain it, just said it was.

At the beginning of the press, the iron army rushed to the subject:

"According to the joint investigation of various departments, the attack on the Chinese emperor has been a result. At present, the identity of the current attack has been confirmed that according to the evidence of the various parties such as weapon ammunition. By creating hidden in Braho The evidence obtained by the espionage in the continent indicated that this is a clear attacker. The purpose is to assassinate the highest leader of our empire, and make a turmoil in China, and the third party is planted, misleading my Chinese future political policy.

This is a sinful assassination, and it is also an unforgettable sin.

In response to this event survey, I am agreed by China. Today, on behalf of the Chinese Empire ZTE Emperor, the Ministry of National Defense Department, the Ministry of National Defense, the General Office of the China National Defense Department, officially announced that the Chinese Empire and the Great Britain and Northern Ireland United Kingdom entered the war state, broke all diplomatic relations, canceled all The trade and military assistance, withdraw the embassy and staff. "

The did not say who the murderer is, but the last sentence is full of killing war, has explained a lot of problems.

At the press conference, the Chinese, the jumbles were scared by the Jie Tiejun, especially the reporters of those alliance members, even more shocked.

It is really too unexpected, because everyone is expected.

When they want to ask what is going on, the Qi Tiejun directly announced the end of the press conference and turned away. Only for these reporters broad back and that tall.

All reporters see the press conference after the end, there is no time to do what is more. They have to send this news back to the country, which is more urgent than the original war.

At the same time, the Hanjing Office in China was also sent by China. There is no indication, there is no explanation, and the war will declare war.

When Churchill received this declaration, he sat directly in the chair. How did he think of this perfect plan, how can it be seen by Chinese?

Even Roosevelt is also an intake, he is also considering, which link is revealed. Let China point out the goal directly to the UK.

Although China has no explanation, both people understand. It is definitely the action of the empty group is broken, otherwise China will not say what to plant challenges.

In the face of China's declaration war, they did not sieve, and did not say anything. At this time, I didn't use anything. Just let them doubt, why is the bodies published by China not a member they sent out, what is the cat in this?

This problem, they have no time to explore now. China's move has not been kept, and now I can only have the first skin and the Chinese confrontation.

Anyway, there is more scorpion.

Since the fact is already the case, Churchill doesn't think too much. Can only order the troops in India and Ximeashi to strengthen defensive efforts. However, he did not intend to declare the war now.

Germany is different from Japan, whether it is Yiren or Hitler, who is in the east, even Germany, is a festive festive. They all saw the photos published by China, and they also got the news that China declared war to the UK.

Planned success and reached their expected purpose. Nothing is better than this.

The two countries issued an olive branch to China, hoping that China joined the Axi League and confrontation with the allies. In this regard, it will soon be rejected by China. However, Di Rose is not disappointed, this is just a routine action, nor does it expect China to really join.

Anyway, it is a migrant army, and it doesn't matter.

As, China officially declared war in the United Kingdom, the China Sixth Group of the Burmese Railway was also inspected before the final war.

As the commander of the Sixth Army, Du Yuming also arrived at the headquarters in the first time. At the same time, the reserve forces and armed police troops are all competed by him.

The Sixth Army, as one of the 12 main group army of China's standby strength, and it is very powerful. And due to the needs of combat missions, there is also a great understanding and targeted training for climate and battlefields in Southeast Asia.

And different from the Jungle Group Army, the Sixth Group Army must also take into account the combat mission under various conditions. The most common saying is the combination of jungle combat and mountain combat and river basin combat.

In order to cooperate with this combat, the special mixed fleet of the Chinese resident Yangon officially was named the Chinese Indian Ocean Fleet, and also directed by Du Yuming.

Because the Navy in the Indian Ocean has been eliminated by Japan, but the British native has no power to send fleet again. Therefore, the main combat mission of the China Indian Ocean Fleet is still cooperating with the ground. Fire support for action inside.

When the war will be burned in Southeast Asia, Chen Shao, who has not appeared in the past few days, has been "transferred" back to Hanjing, mainly because Hanjing's medical level is higher, and in order to Chen Shao "soon recovery."

Two women naturally returned to Hanjing with Chen Shao.

However, after Chen Shao returned to Hanjing, he did not meet anyone, but directly in the Ministry of Defense, as for the ward for Chen Shao, it is naturally empty.

In order to do something, here are "wards", it is very complete. And after a while, I would like to reveal the "injury" recovery of Chen Shao. Also, even Xie Yixin and Liu Feiya and Chen Yun and others, often go to here.

The faithfulness of the person in the Ministry of Defense Command Center naturally does not need to be suspicious, Chen Shao is not afraid of what exposed here.

Just when China officially declared war, it came here to a "guest". This is the first time Xie Yixin came here. However, the staff inside did not dare to block. Just getting her a meeting room away from the fighting center.

When Chen Shao knows that Xie Yuxin came here and came to see her. I only saw a dull Xie Yuxin, quietly sitting inside.

"What's wrong, who provokes our queen to be angry." Chen Shao came to her, and the hands were on her waist and asked in her ear.

"Do you really want to launch a war? Can you avoid it?" Xie Yuxin took advantage of the chest of Chen Shao, Shen Sheng.

"Hey!" Chen Shao did a tight, sighed: "The war is not chosen, and now the war in the world is a general trend, no one can be alone, including us."

"Every time I go to the Qingming, I saw the nearly 10,000 tombstones. They saw the names on the monument. They all have family people, and I think that the war will make their wives, yin and yang. I am very uncomfortable." Xie Yuxin Sright again. After she heard the news of China's declaration of war, she was sitting uneasy, and the ghost came here. Every time I think of those white-haired old people come to the Martyrs Cemetery, her mood will become very heavy, I want my own man to give myself a little comfort.

"You also saw it, in order to force us to join the war, make the means. With the rise of a home country, there is always some people to sacrifice. It is no exception. For the future generations of Chinese children, it is still necessary. To do it. "Chen Shao closed his eyes and slowly said.


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