The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 401 assassination of Chen Shao's results (on)

Twelve people have ten people, one is a member of the Sino-China Training, and one of the unusual group members who have been trained for a long time. The number of people and the level of training are greatly cheap.

Compared to the UK's empty group, the history of China's special forces has passed for nearly 30 years. Although the later generations of Chen Shao did not be a soldier, how many of the information on the online special forces were also seen, and the nature of special forces was also clear.

With the direction indicated by Chen Shao, let China's special forces have leaving a lot of detours. It has been strong than that of the emission group from zero. What's more, there are two sniper sniper at a high place.

If you count the weapons, the gap is even bigger. One party is the latest attack rifle in China, and one party is a hundred submachine guns in Japan.

Whether it is on the range or shooting stability, the Baid-Types of charge cannot be compared with the Chinese assault rifle. It is normal to be abused.

At this point, the situation of the empty group is destined.

Under the cooperation of sniper, although the training of the members of the empty group makes their counterattacks, but the results cannot be changed.

The two sides are two or three meters, and the threats do not have a member of the Hanzhu squad by the performance of the hundred shot guns. The bullets of the assault rifle, with the help of the optical sight, the gun bite on the side of the member of the empty group.

As long as you avoid it, you only have a dead.

The battle was over to the end, and only five minutes was over. Twenty-four empty group members are all in this jungle.

There are a lot of factors such as the fast ending, and one side of the yarn squad will take advantage of Tiantian and. Master an absolute initiative and weapon equipment is superior to a member of the empty group. And at the beginning, the air group was surrounded and allowed to lose the way. This leads to this special forces ended.

If this battle is placed in fair position, the weapons in both parties is almost, and no one will occupy cheap. Once such two troops are handed over in the jungle, it is not enough for a few minutes to divide. It is even possible to make a long-term jungle special combat. It is really testing the quality of the soldiers.

"The third group immediately cleared the mines, other groups checked whether the enemy was dead." The squad leader quickly issued the order, now the time from Chen Shao arrived here, no more than five minutes. Must be a little faster.

Members who got the order of the Order were immediately separated, of which three members of the third group quickly pulled the lead, according to the map, found the landing of the underground. Take out the thunder tool and quickly dig the mine and fill the pit. Subsequently, a small metal detector was taken and checked on the road to ensure that all hidden dangers were excluded.

Other specialists have checked a member of the empty group that has been killed and make sure they have been dead.

Three minutes have passed, a message from the radio: "Yellow chops, ,, I am Nestlé (!). Does the danger have been cleared, whether the danger is cleared."

After the four teams of the squad leader got four groups of confirmed the news, they immediately replied: "Nestle, here is the ornoid, the threat has been cleared, you can enter."

"Affairs according to the original plan!"

"The Yellow Son is clear!"

The Yellow Snaps have started again, and the jungle along the road is quickly advanced toward the direction of the military camp.

In less than two minutes, Chen Shao's team was just after a few minutes.

In the past 20 kilometers in front, the battle has also ended. After a member of the Yellow Township squad, the Forbying Guard was also eliminated.

However, they did not leave immediately, but continue to be ambushed, and they all replaced special ammunition.

Half a child, when there was five kilometers away from the row of the row, Chen Shao's team came here. Already waiting to start attacking the team in accordance with the plan.

And the two rockets also lived at the same time, and the gunshots in the jungle in the jungle. However, Chen Shao's driving is very strong. After two fake shells explod, speed up speed will continue. The latter guard's vehicle is also half followed, and it quickly advanced toward the military camp.

The team's guards began to cross the guard, followed by the squad, but also started with the guard.

But at this time, both sides have been put on special ammunition.

It is very busy, ten minutes, raised the 18th white bodies. After that, they just exchanged them, there were trucks that laughed together to go to the military camp.

The 18th white bodies were also transported together to military camp.

------ After an hour, China officially passed the news of Chen Shao.

From the Chinese Ministry of National Defense spokesperson, Tiejun, personally announced news from all media in the world:

"Just today, I was attacked by armed wrapping when I was inspesed by Borneo, and the migrant motivation of the Armed Works was clear, the actions were fierce, and the tactical literacy is extremely high. Not only all Equipped with an automatic firear, there is a lot of explosives.

They fired two rockets to our great leader's car on the road to inspect the team. The shells explode next to the car, and a total of 18 people's armed parts, shot a lot of bullets to the team. Meet the team guards and more people.

Now I have confirmed that the 18 armed worships have been killed. At present, the specific situation of ZTE Emperor is not clear. However, one thing can be determined, that is, there is no life risk.

For this shameful attack, my China Defense Department is very angry, vowing to revenge. Once it is found, it is the organization, that China will do not die.

Believe me, the Chinese National Defense Army will give the enemy to pay a heavy cost! Let them regret today's move. "

This news is too sudden, too shocking. These reporters who were ejected were also surprised. How can some people dare to provoke China, this is not the old birthday, looking for death.

At the press conference, a blue-bloused German reporter, took the lead asked: "I first expressed deep concern about the encounter of your country, I hope that your country can get rid of danger soon, smoothly and rehabilitate. After that, I think I know that there is no country that is there is such a national who has been an indignant? "

If a German reporter, let the press conference that thieves whispering instantly caught quiet. They all want to listen, who is doing it. No matter which country's reporters, I believe that my country is definitely not stupid to do this. So they are not too worried, but hope, let China determine their own camp.

"About this problem, we have not investigated it yet. However, this news has the latest situation, we will immediately publish it. I believe me, this time will not be too long."

... ------ Just when the Chinese National Defense held a press conference, the garrison of the Chinese border began a big action. A large number of original dispersed troops were assembled and began to advance to the border. All directions are.

At the same time, the Ministry of Defense also issued a national secondary warning command. A large number of soldiers were transferred to the border, and the air defense troops along the coast began to duty in the 24 hours. Air Force's patrol range is also doubled.

Nanhai Fleet, Beihai Fleet, East China Sea Fleet, Direct Aircraft Carrier Fighting Group, three major fleets and aircraft carrier battle groups began to be outside the China Sea.

In particular, the South China Sea Fleet is the first time to send the main ship to Borneo. And there is also a division of Marine Corps, and go to Borneo.

In Borneo, the airplanes in Bornee continue to take off, and the whole Borneo's sky is strict.

This is the biggest military actions since the founding of China. Not only don't have a hidden hidden measures, but they all have known people. This is the pressure of China to the world. Tell everyone, China is anger.

Especially in the south, the Group Army of the Myanmar Railway is even more attacked on both sides. And the reconnaissance machine has been launched many times and investigates the military facilities on both sides.

At the sea, the South China Sea Fleet is all dispatched, and the warfare of the Youth-based battleship fleet is directly in the Philippine's Japanese fleet under the cover of the carrier. As if, it is really easy to move in Japan.

The garrison in Guangxi, Guangxi, Yunnan is also assembled in a kilometer buffer, and the gun group in the territory has also been torn out of the coat. Light trap armored vehicles and wheel tanks are also ready to go, the guns of the soldiers refer to the opposite Japanese army and the Allies.

Tibet's Mountain Group Army has also begun to turn over the Himalayan Mountains to the Indian border assembly, making a situation that should be attacked at any time.

Southern is lively, northeast isas are not calm. The power of the two group Army is forced to Japan and the Soviet Union, and the tanks of the Rumina, that is, it can be listened to you.

In the big west, a large number of troops began to go to the border. On the Mongolian border line, the two group army's troops have crossed the red lines stipulated in the Peace Agreement in China, and again assembled in the Sino-Soviet border. The soldiers refer to Siberian plains.

For a time, the military opposite the China has changed, whether it is the alliance or the neighbors of China, it is scared by the China. However, after they all saw that China just put a look, she was relieved.

British Soviet high-rise has successively reached a strict order, strictly rule the soldiers, and now no one can provoke China, and look at the future form.

When the Chinese as such a big military action was seen, everyone was shocked. Especially there is a ghost Japan and the United States, the palms are pinched. But good in the hearts of Roosevelt and Yiren and others, and there is no order that makes them regret.


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