The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 391 Financial War

As early as the Japanese sneak attack, the United States participated in the news. It is estimated that in addition to the United States, it is a festive.

The Allies naturally don't have to say, the United States has joined, and a large number of weapons are not to be sent to them. This is the scene that Churchier and Stalin are very happy, the Pacific things don't care, and it is best to solve the urgentity.

I don't have to say it. There is still a person in this, which is Chen Shao.

The United States is not small, otherwise it will not store 10 million tons of heavy oil in Hawaii. Nowadays, this United States spent two years of slowly stored liquid gold, which in turn became a humor of pearl port. This is not seen in the later generation.

In the Second World War II, when Japan sneaks to Pearl Port, there were still 450,000 tons of heavy oil, but they were not detonated by the Japanese Aircraft. Standing in another angle, this can't be said to be a regret.

Now Chen Shao has completed this regret, not only 45 million tons, but tens of millions of tons. Such a result, Chen Shao is very satisfied. Even if it is not a Chinese, just consume the strength of the United States, for him, as long as the result, as for the process, it is not important. What's more, this dog has been raising for so long, and it should also play its role.

---------- In the Royal Studies, Chen Shao personally met with Yu Shixin, this is the second time that Quasi is the second time.

"Dear Emperor, I don't know if you call me to China." Yuxi Li Xin has been thinking about this problem on the road to China, but it still can't think of it, what is wrong, you need him to go to the horse person. Now Jewish organization has multiple offices in China, what is wrong, contact these offices. Why did you find him from Palestine?

"Mr. Yi De Shin, we are also friends. I don't know how Jew is living in Palestine area." Chen Shao smiled, did not answer Quasi, who immediately responded.

"Speaking here, I also need to thank Jewish organization of Jewish organization. The large-scale land transferred through the UK has now settled in Palestinian. And with the help of you, our Jewish and local residents also More and more harmonious. You and China are our largest grace of our Jews. For Chinese language, the dripping of the water is reported. China's difficulties are the difficulties of our Jews, we will fight for help. " Now life, the words of Quasi-Shi Xin are also opened, and they are not stopped.

"The Jews and Chinese have a lot of the same experience, mutual help is it. I promised to help you to build a country, this will not forget, just now there is still no time. However, now there is something that needs your Jewish organization. "Chen Shao quickly said that it was about.

"I don't know what you need to help. As long as we can do, there is no two words." Yi servant did not say death, he is very clear, the power of China is so powerful, it is necessary to help them Not small. Small busy people don't need such a Labor to call him from the big old and far, and for China, it is not too small.

"Reassured, I will not let you be difficult, this matter is there. There is no way. You can make it simple. The United States gates, the Longteng Group is in the United States, in order to ensure the benefits of the Longteng Group Loss, we decided to transfer the Longteng Group in the United States to the country. This is not difficult for you! "Chen Shao directly open.

This is for future preparation, if the Longteng Group is a normal business group, he doesn't need this. But the Longteng Group has many things that are not mariberable, once China and the United States started. In order to avoid the United States to open the knife on the Dragon Teng Group, those secrets must be quietly transferred. Otherwise, if the United States directly freezes the assets of the Longteng Group, the loss is not just money for China.

By then, many dark things will be exposed. When they arrive, they are not those money, and the loss is still a reputation. To know, the Longteng Group is now not only in the United States, and it is also a lot of divisions elsewhere. Once the inside inside is exposed, the fight against the Longteng Group will be fatal. I am afraid that Germany will point the spear to China.

At this time, Chen Shao is to take those inside, and secretly transferred the assets obtained by the Longteng Group. So hanging like Japan, like enterprise in the United States, all assets are frozen, nothing. Of course, Chen Shao also believes that there is such a courage to freeze a local consortium. But the world is unique, and it is not kind to the matter, it is really a thing. After all, the war starts, what is possible, ready to be better, it is better.

As for the patent, Chen Shao does not care, his patents approved abroad are outdated, and some are already in international. He is less patent, and he will not feel distressed. These are fur and rain than war wealth and financial plunder.

"Do you have anything possible to avoid it in your country? And your Congress stands opposite the United States?" From Chen Shao's Chinese, Yi Fu Shin heard a lot of questions, and I couldn't help but say it. Out.

"In the future, who knows, just in case. After all, the United States has participated in the war, and lost most of the site on the Pacific. We have such a huge consortium in a country that is in a war, which is always insured." Chen Shao did not directly answer the words of Qu Xin, some things, it is impossible to let outsiders know.

Easy servant nodded, although there is still a lot of doubts in his heart, but he did not say it. It is directly open: "This is busy we can help, but it is very likely to be known by the Rosenie family. After all, the relationship in Jewish organization is complicated. It is basically difficult to let them know. Don't know if this is related? "

He is very clear, the United States is the land of the Rosielda family, although it has not been a lot now, but the dead camel is bigger than the horse. And Chen Shao just said to be secretly acting, then this has to be considered.

"This matter is not too much, we will hide you. And this matter, you must strictly control the number of people who know, you can organize the high-level characters to do. Can be known by the Rosenie family, will not let They know. "Chen Shao opened.

"Learn, we will pay attention." Yi servant kneels.

"This matter takes a lot of time and effort, I hope that our two can work together to cooperate with tacit."

...... Tight family control, completely opaque black box operation, like a bell table is generally accurate coordination, will always be earlier than the market information, and completely cold, never-endless power desire, and based on all of this The profound insight of wealth has made the Roscheld family in the world's more than two hundred years of financial, political and war's cruel vortices, and establishing the most huge financial empire in human history. The US Morgan family, the Rockefeller family consortium, and the early days of their happiness, and the name of Roseceride exists or dark.

China's Longteng Group is built in Chen Shao's universal spy, when the Roselde family has not fallen, the heroic protrudes, occupies the world financial market. Especially in the five banks of Jewish organizations, it is even more powerful to make the strength of the Longteng Group.

The currency war is horrible than the smoke battlefield.

In the later generation, the Soviet Union, Wanta (if you have never heard of the name of the Thae Tower, please don't be surprised, because what should be ignored is the most free Western news media in the world This is a story that is happening. It has already been a boiling in the international financial and diplomatic circles from Singapore to Paris, but Western mainstream media maintains incredible silence.) And other US financial wars The senior experts should be equipped with the corruption for the former Soviet Union, and the country wealth in the former Soviet Union was heard. The situation is annexed to US economists Jeffrey. Saxis directly gave Ye Liqin to revise the presidential order, American lawyer Jonathan. Harbor Pencil has developed countless Russian legal provisions, the US Treasury, Summers giving the Russian Ministry of Finance The deputy minister's letter or even detailed guidance how to develop and implement economic policies. The Russian economy's condition is under the "careful care" of the "American doctor", it is impossible to know.

In the winter of the 1991, the Russian people were extremely harsh. The Russian economy has serious bloody body. The "wealth meat grinder" after the international financial person is running, after the "wealth meat grinder", a large number of former Soviet Union's society The mainstream people's life savings all over the night. The university professor, doctor, officer, engineer, have embarked on the cold streets, go to sell various low-cost small commodities, some of them have to beg. When Gorbachev had a peaceful discussion in Madrid, Gorbachev had even left the meeting in advance because his Russian delegation fell to the hotel's accommodation fee.

Where did the Soviet people have accumulated 70 years of huge wealth? It's really like the Soviet economy said that the Soviet economy has already "capitalless debt"? The people's wealth will really "evaporate" no trace?

In fact, in the super inflation, wealth has not evaporated, and wealth only has a transfer. Tower's $ 27.5 trillion (500 billion fifty times Bill Gates) is the fallen of the former Soviet people's "evaporation" wealth.

It is completely different from those in history that the poor and weak countries in history is complete. With thorough rapping, this is the first time in human history.

The huge destructive power of the financial war is not less than the level of the Soviet Union's war. It is different that the huge cost of the War of the National War is the status of the world's super big country, and the fatifier defeat, The national disintegration and long-term decline are caused. The war's destruction of the Soviet Union continued for 4 years, and the disaster of the social and economic collapse caused by the financial crash is close to 16 years.

The master behind Wan Tower is the United States, and the master behind the Longteng Group is the responsibility of China, James's financial team, and Wan Tower. However, the Dragon Group's responsibilities also have the most concealed action. If this matter is exposed, it will cause a discussion of the world.

The economic crisis in the same year, the Longteng Group was embarrassed. It is not only monolished, and there is a credit currency. In the past few years, there have been a scene of fake currency in foreign countries. This is not a small Japanese gold lily to match, but a real world wealth to scraighten.

Dollars, pound, ruble, yen, franc, and Mark, these more famous currencies, the process of circulation, constantly there is a chance to take into account in the war, and will converge in the wealth. Then, the real coin to buy heavy metals, from the real silver to the steel oil, and people do not refuse.

There is still a little in financial plunder. If the United States is now 10 US dollars, I have taken 10 yuan in China's coin exchange for $ 10. I bought a ton of oil with this ten dollars. Now the war broke out, oil prices have doubled, that is, one ton of oil is $ 20. Coupled with the recovery of the US economy after the economic crisis, the value of the US dollar began to appreciate. It is assumed that it has become a ten dollar exchange of 15 yuan in China, and the price of oil has doubled. One ton of oil value is $ 20, that is, the previous ten yuan in China, now has become a thirty yuan in China.

It can be seen that the ten yuan in the war becomes 30 yuan after the war, earned 3 times the profit. Moreover, this thirty-centurian loan back to China can continue to invest in China, and China's economy can continue to develop rapidly. There are also ten yuan China coins to replace the Ten US dollars to invest in fixed assets, there is a $ 10 in the market. Bank of America will release $ 10 to make up for this empty block. And the thirty-cents have left the United States later, but the market is more than ten dollars, it will be inflation. (Gorgeous, I don't know if it is right!) This is a true bottoming behavior, in invisible damage to other countries in short-term injury. Perhaps the world is now thinking is the relationship between war, causing the economy that is getting worse, but this kind of thing will expose. Chen Shao also wanted to gradually got a hand, after all, the greedy is further hell.

Later, it is a world of dollar. The so-called US dollar is the world's reserve assets, trade and international payments, exchange rates, and even monetary and payment, and the US dollar is hooked. The US dollar is determined by the United States is the absolute monopoly of future generations. New York Wall Street is the world's major financial center, and US investment agencies determine the direction of every moment in the world financial market.

And Chen Shaoa will break this face, the world will be the world of Chinese yuan, this world will not have a soil living in dollar.


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