The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 375 Typhoon Level Attack Nuclear Submarine

"What is going on in China is ready?" Hitler looked at the list of hands and asked.

"According to the list of heads, all the goods have been transported to Am Ruudam, and they have sent a lot of 'gifts'." Andrend.

"This kind of thing we don't have to be a small gas. Since it is China demand, we will meet them. Not to mention so many weapons, if Chinese needs, it can be changed." Obviously Hitler's mood is good.

"In this case, do you want to contact Chinese aspects, let's take all the goods to exchange weapons and equipment. It is the rest of the two good things." Andrend opened.

"This matter makes me think about it, not anxious. Now the main task is to eliminate the Allies soldiers, it is always a thorn of my heart." Hitler opened.

-------- In the deep darkness, the sea breeze is roaring, and the waves are raging, and the boundless Atlantic Ocean is unhappy in the heart, the North Sea waters are also somato.

A large-scale fleet is moving forward in the Atlantic, a battleship driving in the forehead is the British super unsatisfied battleship.

The first World War, the big ship gunnaphorse was pushed into a peak, and the battle on the ocean came to the Age of Armored. And undoubtedly, in this regard, the British is not afraid, because his Royal Navy has come to the world's most spectacular fleet, although there is a little in a battle, but the dead camel is big, the huge Royal Navy Modernization has been achieved before the war.

At this point, on the flagship front, Jazz, Fubus, is thoughtful. The huge fleet of this company was led by the British Navy's Marshal Pubus, which is also a master of the British Navy.

The eyes of his eagle quickly swept quickly from the North Sea area of ​​the cabin, and he was familiar with this sea area. The North Sea is like a big triangle, the west side of the European continent, the German public sea fleet replenishment Port William is located in the top corner of this triangle, the British coastline constitutes the bottom of this triangle, and the bottom of the north and south The angle is just a valid way for the Germans to the Atlantic Ocean. However, the bottom corner of the south is a narrow English Channel, and since the war, it has always been the sadness of the Allies. Fortunately, the self will be prepared, and the German must be free to enter and exit the Atlantic, and they must first defeat the "giant homs".

In his opinion, it is because the opponent is in a comprehensive disadvantage, the German public seas fleet has been holding the Allies fleet. However, although the Allied fleet has successfully pressed the Germans on the surface, the motor power of the self is also treated here and cannot effectively support other theater.

And the sudden move of the Chinese Navy, disrupted all his deployment, and now he has to hold up the sword of the sheath, avoiding the German male fleet.

Suddenly, a short footsteps came, then, a middle-aged man in the costume dressed in royal naval ran came in.

"The commander of the official, the Naval Department came to call!" He said.

"Mind!" Forbes worked in the head and waved.

"Electronics Allied Joint Fleet: The first-time fleet is reported to report, and it is expected that it will arrive at the south of Faroe Islands in the south of Faro, and I hope that you will be prepared."

"Know it!" Forbes never carefully.

With the arrival of the telegram, his thoughts fell to the distance. After the start of the war, the Allies only played several small-scale encounters in a disadvantage, and did not actually have a hitting opponent. Individual German battleships are still free to free from the North Sea area, harassing the British coastal residents, attacking the British traders. To this end, the press has been criticized to criticize his leadership war.

Previously, the Navy was found that German submarines entered the peripheral position of the British military port. The sensitive Forbes immediately speculated that the Germans will might have a big action in the near future, although it is still unclear, but he thinks this is the German fleet. It is best to time. He immediately issued a command that strictly monitors the movement of the German movement to all English ships, and asked the British Navy to get the recent activities of the public sea fleet as soon as possible. However, there is no such thing as an effective intelligence, and the news of the Chinese fleet visit has been sent out, and he is so depressed. When the information came, he was more depressed.

Originally, Forbes decided to seize this opportunity, given the western German, taste it. After three considerations, he finally came up with a plan, and sent a small-scale fleet. It was planned to defeat and inceive the enemy in a certain waters in the Beihai. The main force of the entire fleet was in advance in the battlefield set in advance. Once the enemy enters ambush, the enemy immediately implements a fatal blow. The previous program quickly received the British Prime Minister Churchill.

I looked at the plan on the table, the Fubus's face revealed helplessly. According to the pre-deciphered Telegraph, he is convinced that the first fleet will encounter with the German fleet near the West Coast of Faro, and the main fleet that he leads will arrive at the 60 mile from the northwest. After the advancement fleet and the German male fleet, pretend to fractive, lead the enemy to the direction of the main fleet. At that time, the main fleet will appear in the rear of the German fleet within two hours. With the number of firepower and carrier machines of the main fleet, he has completely capable of cutting one-third of the combat power of the German public seas fleet. In that, Germany lost its power against the Allied Navy against the Allied Navy.

Now it can only be combined with the advancement fleet, and return to the UK together, so as not to be drilled by the German fleet.

"The commander, there is still one thing that needs to report to you, because our pioneering fleet has encountered some trouble!"

"What trouble?" Forbus was shocked, his face was solidified in an instant.

After hesitating, the colonel was carefully looked at his face, immediately said: "Yes, the first fleet is sent to the news, the first fleet of the Level Leading battleship engine has failed, speed already Down to ten sections, can't keep up with the advancement of the fleet. It is expected that the maintenance time is two hours, because the time is related, the first-time fleet has no way to wait, and I don't dare to divide the troops. During this period, the Leissen left is opened by the first fleet. "

"Call, don't worry!" The colonel did not finish, Forbes gently greeted tones, and quickly put their hands. After a little thoughts, he said: "Now Li Sias has excellent The Royal Navy soldier is in service, the ship is also commanded by our royal navy, they are absolutely not lost! "

After saying, Forbes sighed in his heart: "France's shipblass technology is more and more regular, and this will happen."

"But ..." The school is open.

"Don't wait anymore, colonel!" Forbes frowned, he was a bit annoying. He couldn't help but say that "the maximum speed of Le Siki has reached 29, which will soon catch the fleet. At this point, we don't have to worry. "

"But the problem is that there is no such a force to provide effective protection for Le Si. Once you enter the German submarine position or really meet the German public sea fleet, the situation will become very dangerous!" I have a balanced state, and I have finished the words you want to say.

"Well?" Forbes obviously didn't take into account this situation, he stunned, he asked, "Where is the position of Le Sik?"

"Before 15 minutes, they also got contact with us. Now it should be ... um ..." The colonel quickly examined the map, pointed to a region, "has arrived in the Wulo Islands in the West 300. Near the sea area. "

"Command Joint Fleet accelerates the speed, and the command of the command of Le Si will be repaired quickly. When we arrive in Faroe Islands, we will provide usage carrier support protection." Forbes did not hesitate, in this critical moment, he It is not possible to take any errors again. You must pick up the pioneer as soon as possible.

The colonel looked at him, whispered: "The commander, why not wait for the day, send a carrier to protect, but also wait until the Faroe Islands."

"No, this will expose the whereabouts of our entire fleet, I can't take such a big risk for a ship! Please perform my command, colonel!" Despite the influence of traditional thinking, Forbes has always excluded this Sea new generation of weapons, like the vast majority of the royal naval officers, he is a firm battleship support. He believes that the battleship is still the power of the sea, and the main way of the sea battle can only be the competition between the battleship and the battleship. The times are progressing, although he doesn't think there is much role in the aircraft carrier carrier in the sea battle, but it is quite good to protect the airspace and search for local ships. At the time, the aircraft carrier who was circulated inside the Navy will dominate the sea battle, he is a nose.

"Yes, the chief!" The colonel was in a hurry.

Looking at him, Forbes resumes the map.

------------ At the same time, at the west waters of the Faro Islands, a Chinese typical nuclear power submarine is quietly moving there. Unlike the surging scene above, it seems to be quiet.

The typographic attack nuclear submarine was named after Liaodong, and the two soldiers were on duty. They were opening a radar display every 30 minutes, and repeated actions have made him feel a boring.

"There is a situation! A ship is discovered in front!" The screen on the screen flashed a small green point, one of which screamed.

With a rushing alarding, the inside of the submarine began to slowly came to a burst of footsteps.

"I am finally here!" The latest typical typhoon nuclear power submarine, long Liu An Shun looked at the watch. Since the secret instruction received from the Navy Headquarters, these two months have been trained. They, wrapped around the earth, came here, have been lurking in the sea, boring for so long, it is almost over.

"Immediately report the orientation of the other party, head, distance, and speed!" He took a deep breath, he said calmly.

"Aggression 236! Railway Northeast! Distance 37 Hai!" According to the radar measured, after a series of calculations, a staff said loudly, "Airport!"

Liu Anni nodded and turned to see a while in the chart, and then calculated it in his heart, then reached a series of commands: "Be careful to stay silent ..., stop, continue to keep the depth. Determine the Allies Ship? "

The typhoon nuclear power submarine, maintains the original state, continues to hover, no one is talking, the boatman is waiting.

... "The target is close!" A soldier rapidly stood up from the position.

"Can I verify each other?"

"The wind is too big, but through the sonas can be determined, this is a big guy. In addition to our navy and super tanker, I am afraid only have a super unambiguous battle, and the sonar identification shows that this is not the Bismarck class and the Kunlun Mountain level, it is A unfamiliar ship. "

"It is impossible to appear in our tanker here, why is the other party to move forward, and only one of the lonely." Liu Anshun frowned, once again looked at the time, loudly in his mouth. Then I passed a moment, he suddenly turned, and waved his hand and said, "floating to the hidden mirror height ... liter the counl!"

After 10 minutes, it is like a small floating thing on the sea, and a black threshold slowly raised from the water. Although the harsh climate affects the visibility, Liu Anshun still saw a darkness in a dark, and the contour of the battleship was faintly visible.

"Rising the communication buoy, passed the situation here to the Imperial Information Department." Liu An Shun.

Not long after, a staff ran to report: "According to the detection of the Imperial Information Department, this ship is the original French Leisi removal, because the engine fault is separated from the Allies' ahead of the Allies."

"Well ..." Yang gave a brow, Liu Anshun's heart was completely calm.

"Report, the front ship only suddenly stopped." Suddenly, a soldier shouted and waved Liu An Shun.

"Is it to find us?" This is the first thought of Liu An Shun's sea, but he shakes his head again, and quickly dismissed this ridiculous thought. Because he knows, in the current level of the United Kingdom, it is impossible to capture a submarine that has been completely silent in the sea, or so advanced nuclear power submarine, unless their scientists inven inven invented very powerful Earth magnetic field detection technology, but This is impossible! . As for France, there is no way.

"It seems to have failed." He replied quickly.

"What is going on, what is Oolong." Thinking, Liu Anshun decided to look forward to the situation and then said: "Immediate dive to 80 meters deep, to the southwest, accelerate to 6, we welcome! "

The typhoon attack nuclear submarine is launched, and it slowly moves towards the area of ​​the black shadow.

"Note! 1,700 meters from the target ... 1500 meters ... 1300 meters ..." A series of data continued to spit out from a soldier mouth.

"500 meters!" Liu Anshun was a passage in his heart, and then waved his hand: "Parking! Flient to the hidden mirror!"

With the rise of the peri-lens, it is visible to the huge warship in front of the submarine.

Liu Anshun's eyes said: "It is indeed the Leissence Resessment, the four-dressing turret, the world is unique. ..."

"Report! Headquarters!" Did Liu Anshun finished, a staff ran in a hurry, "The Allied Joint Fleet has quickly advanced to the Faroe Islands, it is very likely that the Leissea Resembled And the British pioneer fleet is likely to be around us. "

"It should be like this!" After listening to the telegram, Liu Annun nodded.

Looking at the secrets on the desktop, the Navy's headquarters is very clear: the sea battle is about to break out, under the premise of ensuring its absolute safety, balance the naval power of the two countries, so that they will die. Main goal, British aircraft carrier.

"Adjust the head, dive, and move toward the Farot Islands. At the same time, power generation to the headquarters of the Navy, tell the Germans here." Liu An Shi said coldly, without any anti-submarine force escort, the fate of this battleship has been destined. But that is not his dish.

------------ Hanjing eight o'clock, the China National Defense Command Center, at this moment, the lights are clear. The senior generals of the three aspects of the sea and air are gathered here. A huge "European Sensitive Area" military map is hung on the wall of the long table.

The shoulders of the shoulders stood the star king in front of the map, holding a stack of thick information, is reporting a detailed situation in the report: "According to the inner line, Andrry has convinced Hitler, and the Germans are likely to be in the near future. Western lines put a large number of troops in Poland and the Director of the Soviet Union for redeployment. And the detailed information of our intelligence department, Hitler has not decided to give up the sea lion plan.

Japan is also secret to the North Korea, and according to the line newspaper, Solin is also immersed in the joy of harvest, ignoring the warning of the Soviet intelligence department, and did not increase in Weica. "

At this time, the door of the conference room was gently opened, Wang Jie quickly went to Chen Shao, whispered: "Liaodong report, has found the British Joint Fleet Branch Admiral Fleet Lee Six Sales Super unsecured war ship The orientation, the specific goal has been passed back. Please tell the Germans if you want to inform the German? "

Because Wang Jie's arrival, the meeting stopped, everyone worked hard to listen to the news he reported. Although his voice is very small, at this time, there is no different speech here, because the conference room has become quiet.

Chen Shao asked: "Where?"

"Just in the British striker fleet, it is this place." Wang Jie went to the electronic map, pick up the baton, pointing to the North Sea Faro Islands.

"What do you see about this secret action?" Chen Shao asked. This time, Chen Shao did not hide what they mean. Although these generals have a good relationship with Germany, but in the big year, Chen Shao believes they as a military standard.

Silence for a moment, Chen Shawei first published his own view: "I think the most threatened part of the future will be aircraft carrier formation. Only these aircraft carriers have the distance to destroy the land and empty system, and only these ships can only Provide adequate air protection for other ships in the Naval Forces. Therefore, we must eliminate the aircraft carrier!

Although the current national naval is still pursuing large ship giant ghostism, it is undeniable that the aircraft carrier has not disappeared as a new generation of sea weapons. As you often say, its risk cannot be ignored. "Speaking here, Chen Shao has paused, and his eyes gaze his eyes, and then he said firmly." My thoughts are consistent with His Majesty! That is to say, the British aircraft carrier must sink! But also balance the strength between Germany and the Allies. It is best to let them all. "

I heard it, everyone nodded in the venue, it was hidden to each other.

I saw that everyone agreed that Chen Shao took the meeting room and then raised the tone: "If the Marriage German failed, then I estimate that the unlimited submarine war will come soon, and the anti-submarine war will become a future The mainstream of the sea battle. Therefore, before this, we must minimize the UK's maritime aviation power, and the substantive gap between the Navy of the two countries will maintain the persistence of the war.

And if the UK failed, we must also weaken the power of Germany, the bottom line is, so that the Navy of the two sides is completely disabled. "

"Immediately send electricity to Liaodong, let them see the machine, ensure that their safety is the most important thing, the task is the second. At the same time, the German intelligence department will give them the coordinates of Leis." Chen Shao Directive .


"Tell them that they are safe after being the biggest victory." Chen Shaoqi added.


... this is why Chen Shao has grown the German Navy, Europe's naval strength and development potential are still very huge, and it is necessary to come to a big battle to consume the heritage of European countries. Of course, Chen Shao will also be alert to the factors that raise the tiger, otherwise it will not send submarines to Europe.

China is too far from Europe. This matter must also be concealed. Conventional submarines often float the charging to increase oxygen, which cannot be eligible for such a long-distance sneak task. Nuclear power submarines are the only choice. Considering the attack task, this is not a red police officer.


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