The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 360 China University Unity

European countries and Japan have also received the notice of China's dismantishment, consistent. They are all hoped that countries have cooperated to make China a smooth in the country.

The Allied member states will soon give replies, agree with the China's dismantishment, and will actively cooperate with the China's disturbance.

At this time, they did not have a thought to take over, why to evacuate the overseas Chinese, and now there is only a sin of sin, avoiding the disgusting of China.

And Chinese people can have no more than many countries in Europe, now the war broke out, if the Chinese are harmful, I have to worry about whether China returns. Therefore, when China puts forward to withdraw an overseas Chinese, all countries are welcome, and they also hope that all Chinese have left, and it is difficult to explain to China.

In Germany, it is not so smooth. The move of China's disturbance made Hitler very confused. At that time, he personally gave Chen Shao to the telegram.

Withdrawing out of other countries, Hitler did not have other ideas, and the overseas Chinese withdraw from Germany would make Hitler very unsubstant. Is it that China has to withdraw from the German companies? Is there any other idea in China? This question in my mind is that when I receive the news of the China to have a vision, I have been echoating in Hitler's mind.

However, Chen Shao quickly dismissed Hitler's doubts, withdrawing out of the overseas Chinese is only an insurance measures, and it will not affect the relationship between Zhonghe. In Germany, the overseas Chinese only withdraw from those ordinary residents and will not withdraw from those Chinese companies. It is mainly for the safety of the overseas Chinese, after all, Germany is now in a war state.

Of course, Hitler also guarantees the safety of those of those who have, and many times, the Chinese citizens will be treated with the German citizens, and will also guarantee the safety of Chinese. I hope that Chen Shao will crack this move. Finally, Chen Shao also made a concession, only withdrawing the young women. This makes Hitler not think too much.

Among all countries, Japan's support attitude towards China's dismantishment is the most active. At this time, the French India has been in Japan, and the Malay Peninsula is almost very fast by Japan. Therefore, overseas Chinese to withdraw from these places must be with Japanese ventilation. Especially in the Malay Peninsula, there are many Chinese, and the property is quite abundant. This is still required in Japan.

In order to cooperate with the China's disturbance, Japan has temporarily stopped the "Golden Lily" plan to be executed. Mainly do not want China to see the spider silk, Southeast Asia has less Chinese, and their plans will only be more smooth. Anyway, they don't plan to scratemate the property of the Chinese. For Japan, there is no loss, but because there is no Chinese, it will be very smooth.

All aspects of the vocabulary of China have been more smooth. However, in this anchorage action, I also attracted a person to China, and said something that made Chen Shao were very unexpected.

United with all countries, the organized fleet is officially sailed, and the naval also sent cruisers and destroyed escorts to ensure the safety of the fleet.

For this anchorage action, Chen Shao took out a very luxurious ocean fleet, a large-scale ocean passenger train, and a temporary exhaust for freighter. In these passenger ships, there is a perfect medical facility that guarantees good health in every Chinese journey. If there is a small disease, it can be saved in time.

Embassies and offices in Europe and Southeast Asia, the Embassies and offices in China have begun to play overseas Chinese, and will play the speech of Chen Shao. This move has produced a huge response in overseas overseas Chinese.

Other places do not say, in Europe and Southeast Asia, because the war is burning around, many Chinese overseas Chinese are worried about their safety. In these twenty days of war, there have been many Chinese overseas Chinese began to return to China. The way. There are also many Chinese overseas Chinese to prepare luggage and buy a ticket to return to China.

Now that China sent a fleet to pick them back to China, and under the navigation of the Chinese Navy, this made many Chinese overseas Chinese cheered. The empire is always concerned about them, this concern does not have a slightest loss.

Of course, there are some Chinese who have fixed industries overseas. If you don't want to return to China, it is not easy to create a base industry. .

The truth is that China has helped them consider it. Whether it is factory or plantation and other industries, China will help them handle it, and the income will be handed over to the owner, and the difference is completed, so that the loss of Chinese overseas Chinese is reduced to zero. And it can also move the factory back to the country, and by the Chinese government, providing high quality machines as compensation, and also technical support for them.

If the Chinese who sells the plantation, if they don't compensate for money, there is a large piece of plantation that can be developed in Borneo. How many plants have you lost, you can get how many plantations in Borneo, and professional agricultural science and technology support, fertilizers are also half-price supply.

For these overseas Chinese overseas Chinese, China has prepared a lot of sets of compensation programs, and the final result is to let these Chinese overseas Chinese are satisfied. Despite this, Chen Shao has to pay a lot of money, but he is happy. Compared to these Chinese overseas, if they killed their lives in the war, I remembered the miserable scene, this money is paid, and when I think, I think it is worth it.

However, this year's imperial budget has been planned, and the next part is to prevent it, it cannot be easily moved easily. To this end, Chen Shao stretched into his small gold library, made a decision, this time the anchorage action, all costs were borne by the royal family.

Although Villens and the object have persuaded many times, the Empire's financialness has the ability to complete the dismantiganism, but Chen Shao is always insisting. Money stays without only a bunch of waste paper, only use it, it is worthless (no waste paper, then give gorgeous basket, gorgeous look at the heart is also comfortable). I still ask for not to say anything about this, it is said that the financial expenditure of the empire is. For Chen Shao's insistence, Len Ren and the object can only shake his head, no good choice, this emperor's idea is difficult to change. Unless it is a trusted fact and evidence, it is difficult to change the views of Chen Shao.

However, this thing still has a leak, and Chen Shao will not say that these costs are paid by royal family. But I don't know who said it out, I have known the people in the world. I also increased the reputation of Chen Shao again. In this regard, Chen Shao is only hilarious. Because in the heart of Chen Shao at this time, he didn't want himself to be too high in the hearts of the people, and reached a certain degree. He is very clear, the higher the station, the more painful, the better, don't make mistakes in a lifetime, otherwise it may be difficult to recover.

Chen Shao has always been great in the hearts of overseas Chinese overseas Chinese, because it is the status of Chen Shao changed their heart in the hearts of foreigners, so that they no longer become two or even three-class citizens. Compared to domestic, they loved the love of Chen Shao, deeper. Although many people don't think about Chen Shao, the real life is getting better and better, so that they also have to become accepted and evolved into love.

The compensation of this vocabulary has been transferred to the Chinese, which is paid by royal family. Many Chinese began to reject compensation, or require reduction of the amount of compensation. Because Chen Shao's royal image has been very frugal, there is no luxurious breath. It is also this to let the people love to wear, everything is also a guidelines for Chinese citizens.

In all Chinese overseas Chinese, every year is so huge, there is not much money in the royal family. How can this matter can no longer make the royal family, loss of loss, don't matter, it is impossible to make the emperor of the Chinese Emperor better than the people!

The content of the national original hot discussion has also been transferred to this matter. In many places, some people take the lead in organizing the slogans to help overseas Chinese, take the lead in donating to support Chinese overseas Chinese. Over the years, the Chinese government has made a comprehensive report that overthrowing the full story. Many people also know how overseas Chinese overseas Chinese will support domestic, and they have admired their overseas Chinese in China.

In the case of someone took the lead, those fundraising points quickly received a lot of donations. Modern development, the national hand has begun to have the money, one person has a little, and the power can be collected.

When Chen Shao knows that many local places have spontaneously organized donation activities, the heart is very satisfying and gratifying. A united Chinese will be invincible, no matter how strong the enemy standing in front, as long as the Chinese is upside down, he will be fearless. Unity is power, this is the most wanted to see, now China, even if there is no advanced weaponry, it will not be defeated.

Later Afghanistan this magical nation, so that the two world powers with countless advanced weapons and equipment are not a small Afghanistan. And Chen Shao believes that a united China is definitely difficult than the Afghanity. Just as a sentence: You can overcome my flesh, but you can't overcome my soul, which will continue until the end.

I have not accepted the good intention of Chinese overseas Chinese, but it will be made up. As for domestic donations, Chen Shao directly accepted. Although he is not bad, it is necessary to encourage the national mutual assistance. One party has difficulties, and the eight parties support, such spirit must be circulated. Therefore, Chen Shao is impossible to cancel the enthusiasm of the national, but it is very appreciated.

Those Chinese overseas Chinese know that domestic compatriots are also generous to support them. This makes them very touched, warm the atrium of their overseas parses, let them have a home for home.

The Chinese people are a family, no longer a slogan, but use the facts to prove. To prove this slogan, it is necessary to combine the government and the nationals to make this virtue will be passed down.


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