The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 348 Flash Poland

Hanjing time is 12 o'clock in the afternoon, the Central China Defense Command Center.

Here, no matter when it is, three hundred and sixty-five days a year, it is 24 hours a day, and there is no rest at all. National defense is unable to slack off.

In the command center, many people have gathered, and many senior generals of the National Defense Force arrived. However, they only bring their eyes and ears, come here to only listen and see, don't worry about them.

I have finished saying more, and when I was sitting in a giant monitor, I asked Cai Wei next to: "Songpo, the German began."

"Now Berlin time is at 6 am, according to the Germans' plan, it has already begun." Cai Wei looked down and said.

"What progress is made, and I will broadcast it at any time." Chen Shao wanted to ask: "The Japanese are also ready!"

"According to intelligence, they have been prepared, the Japanese joint fleet has arrived in Jinlan Bay waters, and the battle will quickly start."

"Then let's take a look, this first wave of offensive is too powerful. I look at how others attack, turn it off, put you in the defensive position, how to resist the opposition of each other, or How to fight. "Chen Shao opened the senior military officer inside the command center.

With a more huge aircraft tank, the war mode of World War I have been completely different from the battle. The China Army is the earliest exposure to the modern war concept, and also experienced the test of the battlefield. But learn more, learn more about other countries, always not bad.

These days in Europe have created good offensive conditions for Germany. Poland is very suitable for motor war in the case of good weather, not only has a vast plain, but there is almost no natural barrier, the only river that may hinder the Germans. Because of the summer and water level, during this period, the first large river in Poland-Visca can even be disconnected in any part. Vioerately, the road conditions in Poland will become a swamp in Poland, and the ground will become very visible. The terrain of Poland not only has difficulty in causing the Germans, but its geographic location is even more unfavorable.

Poland has a total of approximately 5,600 kilometers, of which in the western and northern parties are 2,000 kilometers, which is more than 300 kilometers in the Southern Munich, which means that Poland is surrounded by Germany, especially If the Bojun Board Army is closer to its territory, the Germans can surround the Bao Army in the protruding department as long as the Germans will start in any direction.

In the China National Defense Command Center, Cai Wei introduced the deployment of Germany in detail.

"The Germans planned to make full use of its advantages, and divide the army into three directions - west, north, south to attack Poland, is implemented by two group military groups, two major attack spears will form two huge clamps, The main force of Poland is surrounded by the Westwhi River. This operation is expected to start hostile actions before the declaration war, and actually direct the command of the army of the Army. Bruheqi will be responsible.

Southern Group Army: From Lundeste, the commander, served as the main attack, launched an attack from Germany, Moravia and Slovak border.

Northern Group Army: Directive by Feng. Pochemians, assists, from the German East Pusher launched an attack.

C Group Army: Directed by Feng. Librae commander, responsible for the possible attacks of the West Line to defensive British and France, a total of 22 divisions, mostly composed of backup, according to Harde, probably only deal with " Task for paying tariffs.

Germany also left a fourteen reserve forces to handle bursts. "

"How is the force configuration?" Chen Shaoao.

"There are 26 people in the Southern Group Army, about 880,000, and there are 16 teachers in the Northern Group military group, about 630,000 people. Among them, 18 of these teachers are the fast troops, the strongest combat is the most powerful." Cai Wei Road.

"That is to say, in order to deal with Poland, the Germans dispatched a hundred and 500,000 people. Big Hand!" Chen Shaoao.

"It is indeed a big hand, coupled with the Soviet offensive forces, as a million points of Poland, I guess it can't be supported for a month. It will be overwhelmed by the Sudou troops, the best results are all captive. Cai Wei Road.

"You have to grasp it, Germany can eliminate Poland in one month." Chen Shao knows that the future generation of Suds attack Poland, and it has been completely eliminated in Poland for a month. However, the Sudu here is much stronger than the later generation, and it is better to reveal from Poland. It is not good to get color, and in front of Suide, it is even more unbearable.

As early as the Weimar Evil of Germany, the Baojun is scheduled to work with the English French two countries to fight against the German, and actively attacked German East as the main idea. Germany's counterfeiting way is inner line, and surrounded the Word of the War to surround the annihilation, such as the battle of the battle. However, with the increasing strength of Germany, the Baojun's highest commander also recognized the initiative to return to the German hand, and began to prepare the defense as a spindle plan. Because of the previous foreign diplomacy, the Bojun has re-recognized the threat of Hitler until March 1939, and plans to fight against the operation plan - "Western Plan". The content is dominated by defense, with the focus of the western territory of the Poland population, rich resources, and industry-developed Western territories (this is based on political decisions), and waiting for the West Line to attack Germany, in the region where it is necessary to defensive The Baojun also focused on corridors and but Ze, which stems from Polish politicians believe that the Germans may occupy these disputes, they will be chips, re-negotiations between the British Fa, and finally sign a compromise. And about.

"Western Plan" will launch the Polish army troops along the border of Delfo, the force is extremely dispersed and lacks a good defense position, which is very easy to surround them from the side of the side. Such a plan, in Chen Shao, is an extremely stupid plan, completely looking for death. However, he also understands that this can not blame the Polish army, sometimes the eyes and pattern have determined a lot.

"According to my estimation, if Germany began offense, the Polish army cannot be able to rearbor. When you change the position, the final result cannot be evacuated before being surrounded by the German Quick Force, and forced to use the most direct casualty to defend against the defenders. When the Polish has developed this plan, the ending has been destined. One month Still the most optimistic estimate. "Cai Wei opened.

After listening to Cai Wei, Chen Shao nodded, and his mind is similar.

At this time, Chen Fuqin came over and walked over and went to Chen Shaojing, a military gift: "Hanjing time at 10:40 in the morning (Berlin time at 4:40 in the morning), German Air Force began to exploit the roaring Poland towns At 10:45, the German Army is in the north, south, and the West 3rd direction invaded Poland. In the same time, Sude officially declared war in Poland. "

"Continue to pay attention." Chen Shao opened.

The battle started, the incident, China's opportunity came.

Germany's attack is very sudden, Poland although there is a detailed defensive program, it is also a big chaos for a while. Unable to form effective defense, a heavy loss of time.

Different from the later generation, although Germany has also taken a flash against Poland, but at that time, Germany has not fully understood the role of the armor, and more support for the Braz attack. Mainly in view of reasons such as reducing risk, the highest commander will be used to support the armored and other fast troops to support the traditional infantry division, and the armored divisor is also spread in the group army, but did not form a military unit. As a result, the Battle of Polish is actually in the armored soldiers, rather than the main battle, more military operations are the responsibility of breakthrough, surround and annihilation with traditional infantry.

The later generations also officially became the battle of the armored soldiers in the Bay of Poland, which was later the role of France, fully playing the role of the armored soldiers, and truly implemented a flashing battle with a rapid assault in armored soldiers.

However, here, Germany has appreciated the effectiveness of the rapid assault in the army, and both quantity or quality, it is better than Germany in the later generation. Therefore, in the face of the German tank, the Polish army's defense line retreats, and a division of a teacher is surrounded, and it has become a military power chapter in German soldiers.

The German Air Force will conduct its operational goals - to capture the email air in Poland, so actively attack the Polish plane parked or taken off, and also blown the ground military goals, including the cavalry troops, infantry, transportation lines, and communication stations. .

The German Air Force conducted a very violent attack of Poland Airport, destroying any aircraft on the ground, and claims that "German Air Force is destroyed on the ground on the first day of the war", but in fact, there is only one airport to attack, and Only the twenty-eight-in-one airplanes were lost, while the Ban Air Force's combat plane was taken into the scattered secret airport before the war, and the Germans were also destroyed in the ground, but it was Most of the training machines.

The birthplace of the Polish Air Force still exists, and some results are also achieved in the war. If the coastal combat launched in the war, the Germans sent 4 groups of bombers to Warsaw, and encountered the "Pursuit of Travel" forces from the Polish army. Shrick dropped down, and it loses ten, damaged by 24.

However, compared to the active traveler, the Bombard's bombardment of the Polish army is not as expected. The Polish army assembled twenty-four P.23 bomber attacked the German leader, but these bombers were designed to be low-altitude slow flight. The bomb hits the armored troops, so that it has become the best goal of 20 mm airborne gherries in German, and the final Polish army has lost weight.

However, the record of the Polish Air Force will stop this place. In order to completely capture the right to airline, most of Germany will send most of the fighters, and pursue Poland. In the face of a locust-like plane, the Air Force in Poland will be eliminated. It was until it was found by the German Air Force. After the approach to hundreds of bombings were sent, the Polish Air Force was completely lowered.

The air force is over, the results of the ground forces can be imagined.

In fact, before the battle, Germany has sent several special troops to Salay in Poland, protecting the main factories from Poland to prevent themselves from being destroyed by the Polish. Because of these things, it is Germany.


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