The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 342 is dissatisfied with China

At noon, Chen Shao and Roosevelt met the first time, this time it is estimated that the two meet the last time.

The meetings of the two did not have someone in the scene, and there was no pen in the conversation. In the end, only two people know.

In the subsequent reporter reception, the two have an answer to the reporter's question.

The content is nothing more than wants world peace, and it is necessary to play the status of the two countries in the international position, which prompted the war away from human beings.

In the subsequent dinner, the two talk about it for a long time, and it seems like a friend who has not seen for many years, very harmonious. But how many false ingredients are in the end, it is estimated that only two people know.

When the dinner ended, Roosevelt returned to the country, he removed the "mask" on his face, and the expression on his face was quite helpless.

At this time, it is already ten o'clock in the evening, but Roosevelt does not have a rest. He couldn't help but take a name "China Military Report", and in his side, there are many documents, "China Economic Development Report", "China Industrial Horizontal Growth Form", "China's Foreign Military Aid country list "and other files. And these reports have written a CIA.

Obviously Roosevelt attaches quite important to China, otherwise there will be so many China's various strengths of China's all aspects. In fact, this is also unable to think, although China is in the face whether there is an economy or industry, it is behind the United States, but it is also a lot of Sude. And many news and information are published by China, how much credibility is, and this is only the Chinese know.

And Roosevelt has never believes that the defense data released by China has been real. This southwest government that suddenly raised from the Southwest China, in accordance with the consistent practice, low-key hunition is their old line. It is now impossible to announce the real data, and if things are like this, then you need to think about thinking.

Although Suide, Roosevelt has a call, but not heavy. But for China, Roosevelt is not darentest. Although China announced, last year's fiscal revenue is more than 10 million US dollars, this number is a country that has developed only more than ten years, and it is already a miracle, and it is also very likely that it cannot be copied. But Roosevelt has always asked himself in his heart. Is this number true? Since it is a miracle, this miracle will not be bigger, may now be more than the US.

This envisaged Roosevelt did not say anyone, because this assumption, there is no trust in the world to find a letter. It is a Chinese, it is estimated that China has exceeded the US in economic and industrial. But this problem has always made Rossford to sleep, he always has such an intuition, so that he has to pay attention.

If you let Chen Shao know that Roosevelt's thoughts, it is estimated that Mono will turn a lot of Roosevelt in the image. It will also put Roosevelt to a higher position and treat it more seriously. Because of all China's strength, it has exceeded the United States. As for the things published, the mouth is growing on myself, I like it, how to say it. Real circumstances, there is this matter under the monitoring of the spy, he will sprite itself.

Roosevelt is always concerned about the construction of China's major cities, the construction of Chinese domestic transportation networks and various infrastructure. Results and data made him a deep sense of crisis. A few days a few days, dozens of days a big change, this speed is not used to describe, but can be schedulous. A photo of a year ago, a photo of the present, the same location, how many similarities can be completely seen.

China's more than ten years of development, in Roosevelt, has created countless myths. It is possible to change it to become possible.

Perhaps he often pays attention to China's construction, so in the heart of Roosevelt, there is always a feeling that China has exceeded the United States. In his heart, you often ask yourself: "In the end is the worry of Chinese, or believe in your feelings."

At the beginning of the founding of China, the world's situation and the current situation were now judged, so the US and China launched many business cooperation. At the point of view, the Americans did not get how much benefits, in addition to solving many employment problems, there is not much interest to map. And in the economic crisis, China refused US commodities to flow into China, which is always a thorn in Roosevelt. I feel very uncomfortable.

The profit is not, then there is only one explanation, the big head is taken by China. This doesn't matter, but it is inevitable. However, the United States uses the company's business cooperation, it is indeed faster to get rid of the influence of the economic crisis, which is also the fact that it is. Based on this, the stab in the heart of Roosevelt is a lot, but the world has become subtle, China has moved these years, which makes his heart becomes bigger.

This is an aspect, and there is another aspect to make Roosevelt extremely uneasy, that is, China's military strength. Seeing the Chinese military report, Roosevelt reminded the dialogue between noon and Chen Shao.

"Mr. Chen, China has more than two million regular army and one or two million reserve forces, and the total force has broken through four million. Is this number not too big?"

"Mr. Roosevelt, you have to know that China has thousands of square kilometers of land, and borders with many countries, maintaining certain military strength is inevitable. And 4 million army, to face more than 10 million square kilometers, you Do you think? Beware, the neighbors of China, can have six million troops, the boundary lines of the two sides reach thousands of kilometers, ask if we keep four million army? If China is the United States, there is no natural The enemy, that China can also keep hundreds of thousands of armies like the United States. After all, the army is more, and the expenses will also affect the basic construction of China. So the quantity of the troops is not determined by us. , But determined by the actual situation. "

"Various countries are not to sign a peace agreement with the Soviet Union. There have nothing happened in this year. It is necessary to keep such a military size, it is necessary? As far as I know, the Soviet Union has transferred most of the troops to Europe. In this way, is there any pressure on your country? "

"This is not wrong. It is sometimes very sudden. Isn't it? Isn't it? Is it necessary to wait for the invaders to open the national door, invade my country, I called the soldier to re-launch the weapon rebellion? I used to be our national defense strength It's too weak, and I finally turned into East Asian. I can bully. From my governance, such a thing will never let him happen again. Since I say this, Mr. Roosevelt, I can show you the attitude towards China's attitude , That is, people don't commit me, I don't commit crimes, and people will commit me. "

In addition to the Chinese military strength, there is another thing to make Roosevelt feel very depressed.

"In this case, then I also believe in the purpose of the development of the military in your country, defend the territory, this point is understood. But is the military assistance of the countries of Latin America is also a guideline policy?"

"I think Mr. Roosevelt is misunderstood. China has all legitimate sovereignty. The Latin American countries are also the same. The military trade transactions between sovereign countries, it is normal, as for military assistance, it is also to buy. I am also There is not so much money to squander, the military trade of China and Latin America is a normal legitimate trade, should have nothing to do with the third party! "

"The United States cherishes friendship between your country, but your country will sell a lot of advanced weapons to Latin America, such a move, is your country not afraid of destroying the friendship between the two countries?"

"Mr. Roosevelt, in fact, our two countries are the same. It is better than two businessmen. Since there is a customer to come to the door, there is not a business, and I will go out the truth. And I think Mr. Roosevelt is also very clear China is working hard to develop basic construction, need a lot of money. Everyone is a business person, it is clear that there are more profits of arms business, and China is also impossible to give up the profits of the hand. As soon as this will hurt the United States and China Friendship, that can only say that there is no way, because I don't want to lose the US friendship. In this way, if the United States doesn't want us to give weapons to the United States, then we have to sell weapons. As for default Things, all by my Chinese one. I don't know how to make a big concession, even the most basic integrity of the business people can be discarded, and we can see our sincerity. "

When Roosevelt heard Chen Shao, I didn't know how to answer it for a while. I can only open this topic helpless.

It's now, Roosevelt doesn't know how to decide this. Trade between China and Latin American countries is no longer two days, and the United States has repeatedly protested to China, but there is no substantive results.

As early as Roosevelt, I claimed in its inauguration: "In the world political field, I will make the country to follow good neighborl policy." Subsequently, the United States has made some adjustments to Latin American policy. It mainly includes two aspects: in politics, advocating the internal affairs of any American Countries should not interfere with another American country; in economical, we must pursue mutual impairment between American countries.

In December 1933, at the seventh Pan American conference held in Montevideo, Uruguay, the US government signed the principle of mutual interference in the Americas, saying to give up "interference rights" on the Americas.

It is worth noting that Roosevelt's "Good Neighborhood Policy" did not truly stop the interference of the Malian national internal affairs. The so-called "neighboring policy" is also a scorpion of the United States.

It is necessary to be a beautiful interpretation of the so-called "good-neighbor policy". Therefore, China sells advanced military weapons to Cuba, Uruguay and other countries, Roosevelt is very dissatisfied.


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