The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 322, the lie show

ZTE 12 years, December 21.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, in the news distribution hall of Zhongnanhai China Government. Chinese and foreign reporters gathered together, basically those mainstream media at home and abroad were invited. Because China has important things to announce.

Regarding China's news, the information that can be obtained has been very small. Many news is also China's official announcement, like this news conference, less than a few times a year. Therefore, I received a press conference in China, no matter which news media reporter, I also paid to it, and I rushed in the morning.

After they all arrive, I didn't let them wait for them. At eight o'clock, he appeared in front of all reporters.

"The press conference begins, please receive the reporter who is allowed to ask questions according to the training."

The on-site staff royally reminded it once, this is the program that must go in each press conference.

"Today, this press conference is to announce a thing. The decision of the Japanese and Olympic Organization Committee, the 12th Olympic Games that will be held in 1940 will be changed to China Han Beijing. Based on the world The spread of sports, I promised this request. That is to say, the 12th Olympic Games will be held in China. In China, I want to take this opportunity to ask a request to the world, from this time to the Olympics At the end, the world can keep peace, so that the smoke of the war disappears on the earth, let the peace are in humans. If there is any dispute, you can use the negotiations, try not to see the knife. " "Now everyone can ask."

The reporter here did not care about the Olympic issue, but said the world's peace, or the meaning of the Emperor of the Chinese Empire, this is a big news. They all want to know the meaning of the Chinese Empire.

Today, the world is basically divided into two factions. The one is the alliance headed by Germany, and a faction is the League of British and France. However, there are three countries in the world that are economic or industrial, and there is no addition to these two blocks. These three countries are naturally Sino-US Su.

However, on the Soviet surface, it looks close to Germany, and at this time this time is like this. And China has just an explosive military conflict, although it is peaceful, but not on the situation, it has been placed on the desktop.

And China-US relations, more people have been unpredictable, saying that it is good to say that it is not good. Anyway, the two countries have already robbed the foreign trade market, and the commercial competition between the commercial competition is full.

It is the goal of focusing on countries around the world. In fact, many countries around the world can see that if you really choose a station, the United States tends to the allies, and China is naturally a shaft country. However, things have not officially formed, and they cannot be determined. This world has never been missing.

Therefore, for peace information issued today, it is the most concerned about everyone.

"Mr. Deputy Prime Minister, Your Guys will promote peace and call on peace of the world. Is China going to participate in any disputes in any disputes? Is it to dissolve the army?" A French reporter took the lead asked.

For such a problem, there is no angry, but very calm open: "The problem of this French reporter made me very surprised. Is there a country that does not like to fight? Is it possible to have at least a powerful defense? Is it? Your country also hopes that China returns to the full day, anything is bullied?

It is important to know that China is a country with sovereignty, and no one can interfere with the establishment of its own national defense. I hope to peace, but I don't mean the right to abandon the war. my country's construction of national defense is only to prevent aggression from other countries. I have never thought of active to invade others, and this is also a great obvious. Over the years, China will not be bullied, only given counterattack. my country's army is just a defensive force, and only the territorial integrity of the country is not bullied, and it will never take the initiative to attack other sovereignty countries. This world can supervise together.

Furthermore, only more powerful power has strength to maintain peace in the world. The earth is not personal, is a common survival space, any organism has the right to survive above. China as a member of the earth, is obliged to maintain peace in the world. Let the people of the people of all ethnic groups in the same earth. "

If the news conference, the press conference is silent, especially the French reporter, when the pass is full, the face is very unnatural. He naturally hopes that China is still in the Chinese, so in the world, France has a very strong opponent. There will be no failure of the British and French coalition in the past, and France will not lose money and shame. It's just a little fantasy in his heart.

Soon, everyone reacted, the second reporter, the British reporter also got up asked: "Mr. Vice Premier, I would like to ask China whether it is intended to be neutral, do not join the two military alliances?"

"This matter will not change, the Chinese Empire will remain neutral, there will be no one. There is a sentence in the discourse, people don't commit me, I don't commit crimes. As long as the sovereignt is not being damaged by his country, China is not Will take the initiative to find things.

Because whether in terms of economic or industrial, my country is very backward. From the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, we have been pursuing the national strategic approach to economic construction. Committed to the development of the national economy in peace, this is also a visual.

The world's two military groups are holding each other. This is a good thing. As long as it can keep balance, it is a good thing, so the two sides will scrap each other, they don't dare to break the balance. This will keep peace. I am more impossible to break this balance, and I will not break the balance between the two sides.

At the same time, I also appeal again. I hope that both sides will treat all things, and they can use negotiations with negotiations. Don't don't lose due to small loss, the war is not the best decision method for both parties. I hope the two sides restrain. "Zong leaves the mouth.

Originally a government press conference, natural official cavity is full.

Subsequently, the US reporter got up: "Mr. Vice Premier, I want to ask, since no party will not join the other side, why do you want to export a lot of strategic supplies?"

This problem has not hesitized hesitation, directly opening: "China has freedom of trade rights, and the trade in any country in the world is a normal legitimate business, and there is no so-called export strategic material. In business On the issue, Zhonghua is a colleague. "

"Why is it to export so many steel and military materials to Japan?" US reporters ask again. He is not in the distance of Japanese reporters to eat people.

"I believe that the eyes of the world are bright, China is a sovereign state, whether it is export, or something is our right. And for American reporters, I hope that you can ask this question. Pay more. China does not just want to export strategic materials in your mouth, and also export these things over more than half of the country. Especially in all European countries, there is a business, no matter whether the allied countries are also axes The heart is the same as it is.

Furthermore, China's commercial road is still thinking about the United States. The United States can sell, and our Chinese can also sell. Things you can sell in the United States, we can also sell. Don't say it? "

The last questionkeeping question, let the US reporter don't know how to answer once, and then only sit down, regardless of the default. From a war, the United States is equipped with a large number of export materials and weapons to the world with the identity of the creditor country. In this case, China is basically only the state official to let the fire.

......... This press conference will drive directly to the afternoon, whether China wants to achieve peace, or the harvest of major media, so that everyone is very satisfied.

It was originally used to think that the Olympic alteration of the place will make them ask questions, he has prepared a lot of abdomen, but the matter is good, there is no reporter asked these.

In fact, this is not surprising, the world is so subtle, who will hold where a groom will hold. Compared to the news value of China Hope Peace, this news is not worth money. These reporters are not a fool, where is going back to ask those questions.

From today, the world can also receive information from China. No matter what China has always maintained neutral, it is better than any news, and it has a good point.

Tell the world's own attitude, but also make many countries to make a breath, China said that there are news that we want neutrality, and there are also many countries believe. At least as such a big country, it is not a very sensible move, it will fight his credibility.

However, someone is a breather, and some people are very disappointed. Hitler is one of the people who are disappointed. Originally, he also had a hopes who wandered China. Now Zhonghua is standing up and says that no organization is added, which makes him hoped. However, he is only disappointed, but as long as the China's subsequent weapon equipment has endless support, then there is no Chinese to join in, it is not a problem. Anyway, as long as the ultimate goal is consistent.

Soon, Hitler and Stalin have also publicly speaking, and I hope that the world will express their peace in the public in Mussolini and Japanese Yunren in Italy.

This makes France confused, unclear what is going on. The UK is to take effect for its own "appeasement" policy and alliance against the policy, and Churchill that is originally jumped also stopped.

This day, in the future, said that many people were deceived, and this couldn't afford it, and the effect is surprising. Of course, this is less than subjective willingness.


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