The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 187, soldiers

Jiang Baiye left and executed the command of Chen Shao.

Chen Shaozheng wants people to come in and pack the tea set, Xie Yixin will push it in and pushed the door.

"Hey! How do you give me a meal? How do you give me a meal? I don't mean go back to eat?" Chen Shao is somewhat strange, seeing time, less than 11:30.

"Waiting for it, I want to go out with my mom, save you, I will send you a meal." Xie Yixuan said to go to the door.

"What do you do?" Chen Shao said Xie Yixin said on the lunch box.

"Don't ask!" Xie Yuxin, I am sorry to answer Chen Shao, in fact, Xie Yuxin's mother wants to bring Xie Yuxin to the Buddha, just Xie Yuxin knows that Chen Shao doesn't like superstition, so I don't want to say this in front of him.

"Okay, don't ask if you don't ask." Chen Shao did not break the idea of ​​the casserole asked the bottom, and took out the meal. For Xie Yuxin, Chen Shao not only didn't feel anything, but it is very happy. The family has a good wife, and the other is half, the other half is telling everyone, today has a good day, not to forget the previous days. It is strictly forbidden to waste, strictly prohibit classism. Only by strict discretion can ask others.

Xie Yuxin took the photos on the table and slowly looked. When the photo is complete, Xie Yuxin is attracted by one of the photos. The above is a foreigner, black and white photos can't see anything, just one thing can be sure, it looks very beautiful.

"Boch, original you like the foreign woman, no wonder, I don't look at it before you give you a photo." Xie Yuxin saw the woman in the photo, some feelings. However, she did not be angry, and I also hope that Chen Shao again in my heart. However, the foreigners have a little a little surprised.

"What is this sentence?" Chen Shao, who was eating, was a little bit touching this sentence. With Xie Yuxin, I have no intention of the Chinese woman, but the Ocean horse is good, but there is no great interest.

"What is the photo of this photo, I didn't know how to go, how can this photo appear here?" Xie Yuxin got the photos before the photo.

After seeing photos, when I contacted Xie Yuxin, Chen Shao was sprayed out. Even if Chen Shao's cultivation is better, it almost does not control it. He is really a little crying. Chen Shao couldn't help but think of: "My orientation is normal! How can I think that."

Chen Shao did not answer, but took the stack of Xie Yixin's other hand. From the inside, I will find a photo, and I will tell Xie Yixin: "You carefully compare these two photos, see if there is anything I want to say."

In fact, this is Chen Shao's mistake. The two photos are the information in the spy file. Chen Shao just turned up. There was no immediate collection immediately, but it was stacked with the artificial photo, which would be seen by Xie Yixin.

"Is this difference?" Xie Yixin asked. She looked for a long time, two photos a man, a woman, did not find any problems!

"I can tell you very responsible, two photos are the same person." Chen Shao said seriously: "And, even if I want to ask new, I will not like a man or a foreigner. Haha" Chen Shao couldn't help but laugh.

"This is a man, you can dress so beautiful, I really didn't see it." Xie Yuxin has always believed in Chen Shao, so there is no doubt, but it is only a little emotion.

"Oh, this is his hard work." Chen Shaoao.



According to a general practice, a revolutionary new government will follow the principles of the former government to sign or revise or revisit or revisit or revisit or redefigure the predecessor, establish a new government's revolutionary, establish a good image of the new government. However, in the early overturning of the whole, some people said: All the revolutions have previously been satisfied with the Treaty Conclusion of countries, and the Republic of China is considered effective, as for treaties.

There is a reason for the historical pattern, and there is reason to think.

However, these have become past formulas.


Several restaurants next to the Shanghai French concession are all treated by trucks, and people who are eating in eating have ran out. The national defense soldiers who stand on the battle of the fans are in the concession in the concession.

Since the days in the French concession, they have been worried about fear, and they are guilty of the battle, they are the only power in the rental. And it is surrounded by China, for fear of the Chinese army to attack them. The usual eye is higher than the top of the world, the Chinese people in the concession, is afraid of a cause. In the battle, it is a battle here. It is the old nest of others. Even if the French is strong, it is also a whirling, others have to attack your rental, not a split second.

A line of defense has been established in the war in the War, with a minimum of 22 French soldiers at least every day. These soldiers have also heard the sound of the truck, and they have grasped the weapons on the hand, and they are behind the defense line. The big people in the rental are strictly prohibited to provoke the Chinese soldiers first unless they are attacked. In fact, it is not intended to explain, and these French soldiers have not planned to fight with the Chinese army. The legal rental and Hongkou have been together. When the Chinese attacked the rain, they saw it clearly, and a brigade in Japan didn't use. Don't say them, and hundreds of people added it, it is estimated to the Chinese army. The tooth is not enough.

The National Defense Forces before the French concession did not pay attention to the French army inside, but pulpatically pulled a warning line directly opposite the French army, and raised a sign. The above is written in Chinese: the concession has been blocked, and any foreigners are strictly prohibited!

On the warning line, the two heavy machine guns, several sniper also ran around several high floors, and the sniper did not hide their own whereabouts, the muzzle aligned with the French soldiers inside. If you launched an offense, it is estimated that a twenty French soldier inside has been difficult to stick to a minute.

The 120th French soldiers saw such a scene, and they did they swallow the water. They didn't know what the Chinese army was doing. But I also know that the other party doesn't look like an attack, just see the two heavy machine guns, and the sniper rifle is right-up to their head, can you be afraid?

Surrounded by residents, they were attracted by trucks. They were originally thought to be a national defense army to attack the concession, and they attacked the rental industry. They were full of support, but some friends and family stayed inside the legal concession. Some worried about their safety . It seems that it seems to be in order to block the concession, and many people also put down the sorrow.

"The king cabinet, what this is this?" Asked a middle-aged middle-aged man with a body, asked a middle-aged man wearing a robe.

"Money shopkeeper, have you not seen that brand? Foreigners must not go out, the concession is blocked." Middle-aged people in the robe is the opening of the king.

"Just I thought it was our army to attack the concession, the feelings were only blocked! Those words that those foreigners are too uns, and they will be as pigs as pigs." The merchant remembered what the foreigners were, some Gite the teeth.

"Just, this is a dog, and a few french people have to buy things there. My man is just a bit slow, and I have interrupted a rib in the living, or I feel in time, I am afraid that my guy will be killed by living. Think about how buddy is a honest person, usually worked hard, I didn't expect it to be treated this. After the french people didn't, haha ​​laughed. I remembered that it is a sleeper. Do this sin, they are not afraid of the thunderstorm. "The king of the shopkeeper is a resentment.

"We are bullied by the foreigners. Just say that I entered the batch of silk last year, I haven't shipped it to the store, I was detained by a few French soldiers, but also said that I ship illegal Materials, pull my silk directly into the legal rental. But I don't want to think, don't say any illegal materials, even if I pull illegal materials, I can't get the French manager, not in the concession. Ugh! God, it is not a single car. I almost didn't bind me. Now I still owe a ass. Why is the great leader not to hit it early, we can also be less sin, if we last year China has completed the unity. I looked at those foreigners dared to be so unscrupulous. "The money shopper shook his head and his face helpless.

"Money shopkeeper, rest assured! One day with them, I have remembered that the French people have been very clear. When our army defeated the British law, I will go to the government to tell them. I believe that the current government is definitely not before. Nanjing.

"Yes, the king of the treasure cabinet will go with you, and then call other shopkeepers. Let's take a french. When the Japanese in Hongkou, the Japanese in Hongkou will go to the Bund to repair the road." Some excitement.

The two people have attracted the attention of the surroundings, and some of them have discuss each other, and the scene has become very lively.

At this point, I heard the argument of the surrounding people, and the leader of the leaders of the leaders picked up the megaphone: "Please feel free to stand in your country. I promise will give you a satisfactory manner. It is definitely not to let any exalious foreigners in China, and we will also give severe punishment for foreigners who are non-pressed. "

I heard the police officer's shout, the crowd also started cheering. Although they don't know what the soldiers of shouting, they all believe that military uniforms, believe that the commitments given by these soldiers, because they lead the China, they are soldiers of great leaders.


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