The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 169 Special Forces (below)

Magnifying group attacks are not the strength of the Holka soldiers, they all martial arts high, especially in the mountain climbing and close-range knife gun.

The remaining four thousand Lakers quickly spread, ran on both sides, and planned to come to a roundabout.

But when they haven't run out, they have been waiting for the special forces on the side to pull the attack of the shock gun, and the intensive bullets are shot in the unsurvethless owners. Special forces are all sets of camouflage, and the appearance of the body is green, they are quietly squatting in the grass. If you don't enter, you can't find it. But when you walk, you have no meaningfulness, because you have already gone into the embrace of the dead.

The sniper's gunshots have never stopped, and the explosion of the rocket tube is mixed in the middle. The owner of the owner fell by one by one, and the death injury has reached more than a thousand people.

Finally, Patta can only order the detail of the troops. It is obvious that he has already stepped into the other party's carefully prepared, so that the soldiers of a brigade are not used.

There are more than 3,000 retreats of more than 3,000 Lukkkuns, and the special soldiers have stopped attacks in addition to sniper handles. The sniper stopped attack until the Oilkan soldiers of the entire brigade retired. However, this retreat of the Halla Mountain Tour has paid a few casualties, and the number of casualties has already stepped into two thousand.

The first confrontation quickly ended, and the special forces have achieved the first time victory. The Lölshan Tour has paid a heavy price, but they did not retreat here, and the three thousand old Herkers soldiers survived were scattered, and they once again pushed into the special forces just ambush.

This time, it is not a submachine gun, but a dagger. Wang Hanshan didn't want to let such a good training opportunity, and no more than such a near-body fighting of special forces, so Wang Hanshan directly ordered the troops, and the other side launched. However, the nearby fight is not really rushing out and the opponent hard, but a reasonable use of tactics, assassination is also good, ambush is also good, play your strength, and kill the enemy.

The special forces solve their backpacks and put down their own submachine guns. Weight, everyone has a feeling of generous. Nearly thousands also scattered, and rushed towards the Hallowan Diji.

Not long, the whole forest came out.

The five people walked together, and they held the Nepalese army knife in their hands, and their eyes were dead. Time has passed for two hours, and five of them also see various means of enemies. They sometimes get out of the grass and instantly cut your throat. Some are waiting for you to enter, and shoot you directly with the arrow. There is also a sudden coming from you, reversing your neck.

Just when they went to the trees near the trees, they have been waiting for three special forces above. Their legs clamped the tree, the body, the hands of the hand, grabbed the head of the owner under the body, with force, twisted their neck. When the two of the two passengers went to turn around, the grass in front of him shot two flying knives, inserted into their throat, which is another special forces that are ambush in the grass. Then the four special soldiers got each other, and they broke into the jungle and found the next goal.

Two older kara soldiers took back together, they were more cautious, and they watched the big trees around time. However, these two still did not hide. The owner who walked in front of him only felt that his left foot is light, and then it is a pain, bowing, his left foot is going to step into a small trap, and a sharpening in the trap The little stick, at this time, the stick has passed through the back. I haven't waited for him yet, and the front of the front leaves came out of a movie, and he didn't wait for him to reflect. A long army thorns have passed through his neck, and the trend is not even more directly through another neck. It is a clean and neat.

The two Lakers did not walk on the ground, and there were a lot of big stones in this place, layers stacked. At this time, they walked around, and the two people watched the surroundings. Just when they walked to a round boulder, then the lack of the owner, only felt what was to be entangled, not waiting for him to reflect, has been pulled down, hiding the special forces under the stone I have a result of him in an instant. Another removal of the Herkanese soldiers, seeing the comrades behind, hurriedly jumping down the stone. I haven't waited for him to see the situation below, I only feel that the neck is cold, and then it is a painful pain from the neck. I also spurt a bloodstream in my neck. He wants to use it, but everything is late. .

The river is not necessarily safe, although there is no big tree, there is no grass, there is no boulder, it seems to be safe. But some things look safe, often the most dangerous place. The three owners were walking on a small river at this time, this river is only three meters wide, and the river is very turbid. It seems that it is very quiet around it, it looks very calm. The three people put down the heart, and they took two people from the river water when the three people turned around. When I heard the sound of the water, when I turned it again, the two special soldiers who had been in the water had burned the handcuffs in the hand, and the two arrows were injected directly into the head of the two. However, two people were again shot, but they came out of the river, looked at the remaining Herkanese soldiers. One of the special soldiers reached out and rushed him to hook his finger. The latter "ah", waving the army rushed over. The special forces who picked up the finger, the simple and clear. After the latter, he has not returned his hand, and the special forces grabbed his right hand in his hand, with force, the dagger in the other hand of the special soldier, plunged directly into his eyes. It is already dead.

However, it is not only a special war party, and the Herkanese soldiers will wait for the enemy near. Compared with the camouflage of the special forces, the Lakers will look very naive. I haven't waited for them to have a chance, the special soldiers have discovered them, and they were found when they were concealed. There was only one consequence, that is, death.

In the grass of the tree, a room is quietly lying quietly. A special soldier is quietly coming, a green camouflage, full body is full of green broken cloth strips, both hands and face are green, see the appearance, and both hands also grabbed two daggers. At this time, in the eyes of the owner, the special soldier has been getting closer and closer, just when he is ready to shoot, the special soldier suddenly turned, and walked toward another direction. Seeing your goals slowly disappear in your own eyes, the ambushing Lakers can only give up helpless. Just when he is ready to find a new target, a slight sound came from the ear. The old man is in the heart, when he just turned, everything is late, two daggers directly into his chest. Before he saw it, he kill his own goal.

The footsteps of the night are gradually, and the battle is not over, but more cruel.

A dummy lonely in the woods, a special forces squatted in the grass next to it, watching the situation around him, nightly wet his clothes, sticked to a little cool, the moon rose, solitary hanging In the air, there is no way to face the earth. Thin mist slowly slowly, shrouded in the woods, covering the moonlight, the black cave in the forest. The special soldiers did not dare to pay attention to all the senses, they did not dare to let the silent movement in the forest, suddenly came back to the sound of the grass stem, he immediately got to look forward to the direction, but nothing could not see . Is it a small animal at night, a special forces. Three gods that appear then appeared let his heart. The three owners have just found the fake person, quickly rest, concealed, but I don't know if they have a dead com star.

A few minutes later, three Lakers did not respond to the dummy, and they did not find them. The three people quietly separated, a quiet forward, a military knife in a mouth, squatting, squatting, and wanted to sneak around the enemy in their eyes, and the other left in the original look.

The special forces looked at three people and tossed, there is no action to take action, prepare to attack the owner of the championship, suddenly stood up, holding a fake person with a hand, while the military knife is fast Its neck. However, the hand of this room encountered a fake person, immediately felt that it was not a wonderful 'ah, and the two older soldiers saw him, the special soldiers shot, and they slammed themselves. After the whistling soldier, the sword passed directly into the neck of the other party and killed it. At the front of the old, the old, the moment of turning, the special soldiers have already pulled out the bloody dagger, and the sharp dagger immediately cut his carotid artery, trachea, and fragile cervical bones. The next layer of skin is connected, and the head is cut down, and the blood is ejected. The owner of the sneak attack fake person is not good. In a short moment, the two comrades have fallen, but he did not fear, throw away the fake, waving the army to rush toward the special forces. He is not afraid of hell, but the result is not too much change, and it is less than twenty seconds. The dagger of the special forces has already inserted his heart. This special soldier did not go to the body, holding a fake, looking for a new place, attracting new prey.

From the afternoon to night, the whole wood is full of bloody. Over time, there are more and more corpses of the Louis soldiers on the ground.


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