The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 158, British Fleet

For this attack action, Di Wolf feels that there is a feeling of the British fleet. What's more, there is also a helping of the bombers in the sky. Although Di Woli does not understand the order of the naval department, he understands that the Navy must have its own consideration. Furthermore, this will make the submarine troops have better actual exercise, and this Di Wolf will only be happy.

What is the concept of a hundred and twenty torpedoes, and it is still high-density, high speed run. Even if it is the future of the US aircraft carrier, there is only one end of the loss, and it may not hurt the aircraft carrier, but those frigates and destroyers are traged. The premise is that there is no matter whether the submarine has a problem.

I heard the screams of the officers and men, Kas probes looked at the sea, printing in his eyes, dozens of torpedo, torpedo, high-speed approach.

The British Oriental Fleet is built on the ice and fire, there is a plane in the sky, there is fish thunder in the water. The periphery destroyer wants to avoid, but it is already too late, and the torpedo is too close. In the 30 meter water, the torpedo is already close at the time when they find it. And even if there is time to avoid the torpedo, hiding this, but also hiding his torpedo, too intensive.

"Fast hide to avoid torpedo!" Case has no time to care about where these torpedoes are coming, habitually shouted, just at this time.

Case's voice just fell, a destroyer in his eyes was already hit by torpedoes. The huge explosion came in the first time, and the whole destroyer was almost blamed, and there was no such estate to return to balance, and the two explosions came from the side of the destroyer.

In Kasy, a thousand ton of destroyers were thoroughly dismembered in the explosion. The aura of a ship did not have a sparing. The explosion came too suddenly. The British Navy officers and soldiers in the destroyer did not hide at all. Countless iron sheets, this corpse is fried around, and then the destroyer is also seen on the sea. Only a large number of floats can prove that there is a ship before the sea.

This destroyer is only a beginning, because it is close to the direction of torpedoes, so the first is the first.

At the same time as the first destroyer reimbursed, Case also heard the huge explosion in other three directions, and continued. Case has only endless heartache at this time, he knows that there are absolutely more than three warships into the rear dust that has just been destroyed. At the same time, I still have an annoyment, or if he ordered the fleet, even if the torpedo attack, there is also a chance to avoid, and it will never lose so much.

The fact is much more than a matter of fact that there is five warships at the same time, especially a cruiser, and a total of five fish thunders. A cruist of more than 8,000 tons is several sections, and the sailors in the ship have not escaped, not being killed, that is, the wreck is fast.

A cruiser of luck is only a fish, just a five-six-meter gap on the ship, and appointed the vain. Also, in addition to being killed in the cabin and luck falls, other sailors have a chance to deliver escape.

Three of the remaining three are the destroyers, even if it is in a fish and thunder, there is no chance to be very excited.

These six shot warships are the most peripheral, and there are two destroyers and cruisers in the middle, and the center is two battles.

At this time, the four in the middle of the cruiser and the destroyer, worked by the deputy gun, start shooting close torpedo.

The pressure can be collapsed under pressure, or the potential can be made.

Many of the British soldiers on the ship now have the second one. After seeing the next place, there have been 200% of the combat power. Many torpedo were destroyed and exploded directly at the sea. The warship is more horsepower, and it is better to avoid the torpedo. Although there have been six warships in the periphery to block a lot of fish thunder, but there are still many torpedo, deduct the quantity of torpedo.

The third explosion was passed to the ear of Case, Case has now been able to do it, can only listen to the life.

Submarine troops in the sea.

The intensive explosion came up in the sea, and all the submarine officers and soldiers were forgotten.

Di Wolf is also exciting, but he will restrain his emotions and have not cheered with others.

"Everyone is not happy, our live has not been finished! Command all the submarine team to advance 500 meters, launch the second fish thunder, this time the launch is dive, waiting for the waves." Di Wolf Road .

Di Wolf's words made the people in the command room wake up and returned to their respective positions and was busy again.

The submarine's front of the submarine has advanced five hundred meters, but the four warships from the Mid-British segment is still almost one hundred hundred meters. The normal fleet is sailed, and the general distance is in a few sea, and the sailing is very close to 500 meters.

It is also a hundred and twenty torpedo, which looks more dense this time.

At this time, the four warships in the Mid-British fleet were left with a cruiser, but it also escaped the attack of the first wave of fish.

The center of the two battles and the agency guns also started attacking the approached fish thunder. The gap between the ships made these torpedo, and this place was also the center of torpedo attack. And have passive guidance, these torpedo slow adjustment directions, the goal is clear, that is the two battleships.

However, there are two floors to resist, the speed of the two battleships has also mentioned the highest, and only the remaining torpedo can no longer make a threat to these two battleships. Can there be a torpedo?

It is more than a long time, and the time is only a minute.

Before the day's dive bomber, I just played. Now I see the submarine is finished, I have not teased my mind. At a few, a three-thirds of air defense firepower, and the dive bomber is not polishing against the two battleships. As for the cruiser, they can ignore the minds, at least before the two battles are eliminated.

The carrier machine is a little, that is, no matter the strong, special to pick the money. Compared to the value of the battleship, the cruiser can only stand against the side, and it is still a vintage cruiser, and it is never seen in the eyes.

Another point, each exercise is strongly putting on the fire, sometimes it has to cooperate with the fighter first to eliminate the air defense cruiser. There is no powerful airline, nor the exercise, naturally, according to the habits.

The captain of the leader also felt that this is too bullying, and the forty-five dive bombers deal with the two battleships that do not have much air defense firepower are really advantageous. However, I have no hands in my hand. I did a perfect ultra-low-altitude, when I swept over the Nelson battleship, the heavy bomb under the machine is also smashed. The aviation fell directly in the chimney, two huge chimneys were completely collapsed, and the half ship bridge was fired. Four high-absorbers posing here completely disappeared in the explosion, and the speed of the battleship slowdown slowly.

Other dive bombers are also a pick, at all, do not give a breath.

The second wave of torpedo also stringed in the water and fluttered toward three warships.

Only left the cruiser took the five torpedoes, but did not hide, the ship was in the first of the torpedire. In the explosion, the cruiser's ship was raised at a high rise, and there was no fall, and even the hit angle was completely destroyed. The sea is constantly incorporated, plus the propeller behind it, and the whole cruiser is like directly into the sea. However, things have not ended yet, but the torpedo is not only one, but it is necessary to face a lot. Without the lucky opportunity, the latter torpedo flemits the nearly 10,000 tons of cruisers into countless fragments. Several the soldiers jumped to the sea, and flooded in the explosion.

Nelson is the longest, because the Royal Oak Skull has entered the reservatory of the cruiser, but the torpedo is too much, and it is still coming together and can't avoid it. First, the radiopellet of the tail, lost the power, and the result can be immersed, soon drown in the explosion. The battleship that was sneak at the German submarine in later generations, now in the same fate as the later generation, but now is not a sneak attack. There is more than a thousand people in the whole host, there is less than twenty.

The Nelson's battleship has been a few bombs, and they are sinking.

Case is completely desperate, he did not escape with the officers and soldiers on Nelson. He didn't live again, and death is the best relief for him.

The encounters in the past few years have not stopped in his mind. He thought of a lot, but he could think of it is his family's antique art from this ancient oriental country. Case still remembers these beautiful antique arts, which is all of his emperors when he participated in the Eight-Kingdoms twenties ago. Think about how the scenery is in the past, I went to the Odou Fortress to investigate, but not only a lot of finances were booked, but also a boss's appreciation. Only he had his status today. Now, I have succeeded in this ancient country, and now I am also defeated in this ancient country.

Case is really unwilling, for a short twenty year, this original ignorant country is now so powerful. The country who slaughtered, can be trampled at the country, why is it so powerful now. The fleet who led himself even didn't see the other's warships, and they went to the ground.

"God! Did you fall asleep?" Case issued a last sentence.

The screams accompanied by a huge explosion, and the two dive bombs lost two flights. Case is a unwilling heart, with a sinful body, and the Nelson is pulverized in the explosion.


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