The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 14th Powerful Standard

When Chen Shaoti finished the list of builds, he got a genetic scientist, let Chen Shao disappointed that the third page on the command instrument is still unable to turn over.

Chen Shao is helplessly walked out of the podium, and came out from the door of the fighting laboratory.

Standing on the street, looking up at the night sky, Chen Shao thought about the third page on the controller, the chariot shipbuilding page. I don't know when to build a red police weapon. Although the current Chinese People's Arms weapons and equipment are in the world's leading level, Chen Shao is still not enough. Just like this battle, the result is very brilliant, but you can still die, nearly 10,000 people, although many are slightly injured, only one thousand, but this is also a contrast, what is the Japanese army? The combat level, if it is replaced with the Soviet army, or the German army, how is the result?

These days, Chen Shao, I thought that there was very uncomfortable here. It is not armed for foreign people. This battle Japanese army is injured for 200,000, compared nearly 10,000 casualties, twenty more than one, this battle is in the large-scale war, it is already a miracle. . However, we must know that the People's Army accounts for the advantages of sea and air, and various weapons and equipment leads a large number of Japan. Tactical warfare is more than Japan, this result is only desirable to describe it. So he often emotion, if there is a weapon equipment inside the red police, how many death injuries will be. However, if there is a red police weaponry, there will be no today's results. It is estimated that this time, the People's Army has landed in Japan.

The development of military is to better safeguard national sovereignty, but a country is strong or not in military.

Chen Shao has always adhered to a country to get the love of the people, so that all citizens can feel freedom and fair, so they will love their own countries, rather than a strong light, and the German Germany is very Powerful, but why Einstein has to ran to the United States, although there are many factors in this, but at least it can be explained that the country's power is not the most important, the most important thing is to let people on this land happily. If the national is a little happiness, then your military strength is strong, and others will only say that your poor soldiers. Such power is not long, the subsequent Soviet Union is an example.

There are several elements of the war. It is important that weapons and equipment are aspects, but more importantly, the strength of the country. In addition to the war, the nationality is that the nationality is that nationality, this nation is not Shangwu, is it a good battle, is it brave. Also, modern war is a test of a national industrial capacity, testing your country's industrial capacity, can support the consumption and supplement of large-scale war. War is also a national quality that tests a country and can support the army that mobilize. Is it that everyone will shoot, is it a man who will drive, is it important to open a plane.

Chen Shao has always avoided too much money to spend on weapons and equipment, always insisting, enough to use it before World War II. Think about the future generations of the polar bear, when the Chechen is playing, a teacher pulls out more than two thousand people, and the lead is completely built, sitting in the empty, weapon equipment in the black city. This also allows the polar bear to lose a lot of faces, and ultimately the elite airborne soldiers will decide the militia militia. Although there are not many weapons and equipment in the future generations, each is just a little bit, and the troops still have the phenomenon of empty, but can you say that the Arctic bears are not strong? No, there is also a very important point. In the industrial aspects, the Polar Bear production capacity is extremely strong, military production capacity is powerful, but there is no money to buy. If there is a large-scale war, it is not a problem that the money can't make money. It is where you die, if you fight, open your horsepower, it is estimated that you will produce all kinds of missiles like sausages. Dumplings are like a variety of submarines. The tank will also cover the sky, and there is no problem with thousands of tanks a year. This is the real strength of a country.

The United States in the late Second World War II, the outbreak of industrial capabilities are terrible, how many troops before World War II, but have industrial capabilities, can wear hundreds of thousands of army from tens of millions of tens of thousands of army, and the plane tank is like money. Sprinkle the world, the monarchy is like a small sailing. If you can't even have these, you can't even say it.

Since ancient times, the Chinese nation has never lacks blood, and when striving to improve people's livelihood, Chen Shao is gradually stimulating the patriotic sentiment of this nation, so that all citizens can have the pride of the heart. It can voluntarily give everything for this country. At that time, China is really powerful.

Now Chen Shao has done the first step, defeating Japan, let all the Chinese children regain confidence. Confident, it is very important. The next step will arouse the national courage to dare to challenge the world, even if there is no courage. A soldier who didn't even have a battle courage, even if I got a rifle, I couldn't overcome a warrior who took a spear desperate. There is a courage to be good, this is one of the standards that review a strong army.

The Soviet Union is a famous country, but it is not good to say. Since ancient times, there is no such thing as a war, and there is a little very little. In the Mongolian period, Mongolia was beaten by Mongolia, and then modernized, and modern times have been defeated, and the British law defeated in Crimea, the Japanese war was defeated by Japan. In 1920, the Sovo War was defeated by Poland, and Poland was still winning. After being defeated by Poland, it also signed a Susu Treaty, which was defeated, and cutting the topical territory to Poland, and the Poland of Poland was a year. At World War I be defeated by Finland, all of Finland's country is added, and there is no more people in the Soviet Red Army. Especially in World War I, the Soviets were really not good, Sude's battle, just started to have a surrounding 670,000, and a surrounding tenth. In the first year, it was hard to imagine by the Germans, 1941, there were more than 4 million troops to be annihilated. Even if it is in the late, the German defense is rarely destroyed in the tactics, which exceeds the Soviet Union's sacrifice. When the battle, the second army was more shameful, saying that it was a fishing army, and the Austrian military army, the Italian army is almost. Take millions of army, there is no big result. To say Su Russia's strongest weapon, it is "cold", but it not only defeated Napoleon, but also defeated Hitler. Throughout the History of Sude, in addition to "cold", there is a large-scale anti-weapon of "cold".

In fact, Chen Shao is also only a stage for the Chinese nation, encouraging them, letting them have enough courage and confidence to show themselves on the stage. At this point, Chen Shao is just a leader, one is about to lead the Chinese nation to the world stage, to the brilliant pioneer -

After turning a bend, Chen Shao, who returned home, did not go to the family, but directly went to the office.

"Baili, how is the condolences of those dead injured families, is there a place for spell?" Chen Shao to the office, pick up the phone and called Jiang Buneli.

"The Chairman, except for the family of a few remote directions, the team's condolence team has left two-thirds, and it is expected that I have to go for two or three days. The blood gold is the family of the death and wounded warrior. It is the same as your request, all of which are excessive to the blood. "Jiang Baili has been very busy after the beginning of the day war, although it is very late, but he is still with many Staff and the Office of the Office. Like the staff, I was working in the office. The Sino-Japanese war is over, but their things have not ended yet, especially for the choice of reorganization of Nanjing and Feng Department, abandoned the eligible soldiers, for those soldiers who pick it out, and register They enter the new military camp training. Nearly millions of army, the workload is very huge. At the same time, I have to arrange for the troops that have just taken the land, and sometimes I have to cooperate with the police department of the armed police force to get the bandits and collect illegal arms. After all, in addition to the southwest, there is a construction of private armed people in the construction of private armed people. The recruitment of the recruitment of the recovery, the collection of the collection, and the general matter of Lin Lin. More importantly, the troops of this battle were more likely to be awarded, and the people's troops were easy. After all, they had detailed personal information when they soldiers. It is very convenient to view, and it is also very convenient to suppress blood. However, in Jinan, a group of Northern Trunters, a group is basically overtaking, leaving only one hundred people. Chen Shaoyuan indicated that these Northern Expeditionary soldiers who persisted in Jinan were suppressed according to the people's army. But the family of the people of these Northern Expeditionary, there is not so convenient to find, this has caused a small trouble for the military. To this end, Jiang Baili also fits a group to build a group to be responsible for this matter, but there is still hundreds of soldiers from hundreds of deaths, and don't know where they are born.

"The blood of the blood should be done well, those seriously injured soldiers, they also have to arrange their work after hurt, and the countries that cannot work will raise them. On the battle of the Mid-Japan, the soldiers have died, and they have valuable. Leaders, take care of their family, take care of their future life, this is what we should do, we are responsible for no loan. "Chen Shao never thought that he was a saint, although he has been deceived in many people. On this kind of thing, Chen Shao has always been doing his best effort, and people want to have their own conscience. Others have a sweat in front of them, as their leaders, only as much as possible to minimize their worries, will have more people to work hard for you.


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