The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 135, Mid-Day, Talk (on)

In the evening of the Japanese Camp Conference room, the lights are bright, but at this time, all people inside, full of haze.

Although the Kaohsiung, Taiwan has a Japanese army that mixed into the group, but it can not help now the overseas battle. Kaohsiung's detachment will also be eliminated at any time, and the defeat of Taipei makes everyone eloquent. They can't even be reflected, in just two days, their strong Japanese Empire Emperor's Emperor of the Japanese Empire, the opponent, the Chinese army they have been looking down. The power of special qualifications is also lost in China. Now they are now black, which is a dish, which has been in Japan. During the hardships of decades, they have already paid the east.

The fruit of the first World War was taken back by Zhonghua. The results of the Battle of the Sino-Japanese Battle will soon not guarantee. Lushun has also returned to China. It has also supported the Northeast China, which has not had any relationship with Japan. Dedicated Japanese. Japan's three places in the complaints, business is a heavy loss, and the convenience of the two countries will be held in Japan. At this time, the big capital will not only face the Chinese military pressure, but also face the pressure of domestic merchants.

When the news of the battle of Taipei failed back to the big camp, the Base Camp held an emergency meeting. However, people who came to the big camp conference room did not speak. Everyone is suppressing their breathing, and I am afraid that it is too big, causing the Emperor's attention.

Perhaps the atmosphere is too dull, maybe it is dissatisfied with these people, and Yu Ren said gloomy: "All, I convene you, not sitting here to see your silent silence, now Taiwan is about to be changing by China, we At this point, the strength of Taiwan is only a mixed brigade (Hengo detachment), what should I do? "

"Your Majesty, I also proposed to form a joint fleet, and the Navy of China, as long as I eliminate the Navy of the branch, the loss will be saved." The Navy Minister Okada is still insisting on his own point of view, but now he is fighting How much is the confidence of the China Navy, he can't say it. As a navy minister, he is not allowed to retreat.

The shock of China to the world is too big, and it is also included in Japan.

"Hey! Okada, you have to make a clear impact on the failure, will cause more influence on the empire, but we lose more than Taiwan, or even, the empire will face the danger of the second time. You are the biggest sinner in Japan. "The new Army Minister Yu Yu said coldly. After Bai Chuanyi died, Yu Yun became a minister of the Army.

"You are in an alarmist, the big Japanese Navy is invincible in Asia." Okada Senaic refuted.

"Yeah! The third fleet has become a fishwell, but you can hate that your Navy has occupied most of the military expenses, but it is not to be completely a fleet." Yu Yu did not intend to let alone Okada Qiken, It was originally injured in the wound in the Navy, and then sat down a salt.

"The failure of the third fleet, I admitted that your army, hundreds of thousands of people were eliminated, Shanghai rental, Qingdao, Lushun, Taiwan will not guarantee, what else is eligible for the Navy." Okama Nor is not weak.

"If the Army has no more than a number of military expenses in the year, how can our Army fail, China is just a weapon's advanced weapons, if there are so many funds to study new equipment, will there be today's failure?" If the Okada Kajun, Yu Yu has been very calm accept. Because he is a new Army minister, the above defeat and him have not much relationship, it is the responsibility of Bai Chuan's compliance. Now Bai Chuan righteous is dead, and there is no relationship with him.

"Okay! I will give you a brigade in the future, and you will swim in the future!"

Just when Yu Yanyu is about to say, sitting on Yunren has already bursting it. At this time, the Army and the Navy are still doing unnecessary disputes, which makes him very angry.

"Zhu Jun, now it is not a matter of responsibility, but think about our next action plan. Is it war?" Yu Ren pressed the fire in his heart and said slowly.

"The emperor, I still have just proposed, this is also the opinion of the All Empire Naval, the big Japanese empire can't fail." Okama Saica took the lead.

"The Navy has a few more than a good fortune." The Navy must fight, Yunren asked the question that he cared, he was not a military home, just a decision maker.

"This, this ..." Okada Qausa Support I can't answer it.

I have been sitting on the side of the silent, I'm saying: "Your Majesty, I support and the Chinese aspects and. The two ministers of Lu Hai is the funding problem, which is the current problem is capital, this is the current empire. Faced with the biggest problem. While the empire loses a lot of colonies, it also loses a lot of property. Now the Imperial Finance has fallen into a great crisis. The empire has no longer beaten again. Just said that if there is money Dead China Army, why can't we wait a few more time, and wait for the empire to return to the economy, and then vigorously develop for a few years. At that time, the empire has more funds, and we can develop a variety of weapons and equipment. Waiting for our Navy to make more powerful battleships When the Army has a fight against China Tank, when the Air Force is not afraid of the China Air Force, we will vigorously train the army. At that time, we will wash the shame of today. "

Fortunately, he fell into the people in Pensive, and drunk a bite of tea, and took a japanese scorpion, and took the idea, and then said: "At this time, we have an advantage for China, but it is also the weakness of the empire. It is the Chinese population base, according to Chen Shao's consistent practice, that is, the development of people's livelihood construction, the Southwest is the best proof, now Chen Shao's land is not just southwest, according to the news on the newspaper, this time Mongolia was also Chen Shao Incorporate the Chinese version, these will cause serious dragging from the development of China. According to the policy of Chen Shao, these issues should be solved in the first time. This is our opportunity, our military power exceeds China's only opportunity. Now we should not Touching the Chinese nerves, if China does not hesitate to fight all the costs and the empire, then we are more passive. "

Fortunately, the words of the game, at this time, the conference room has fallen into a new round of silence. They all think about the rush of Yunkou, which is easy to see the words of Yamukou. Otherwise, now Okuma Saiting will come back to refute.

Laokou said: "Chinese say that there is a saying" Failure is the mother ', the defeat is not tight, and we will pay back the things we lose today. At that time, Japan is also the first in Asia. "

Yun Ren wants to say: "Let me consider one night, everyone will go back to rest!"

If you don't think about it, he understands that Yiren's ideas have been in the past few decades, all war, Japan is in a victory. Whether it is the Battle of Good Wars, or the Battle of Japan. However, these are all the political achievements of the Emperor, and Yiren has just been in the last place, and it is difficult to accept the results of the defeat.

1928, July 9th.

Today is another big sunny day.

At this time, Yuren's mood is complete and the weather is contrary to the clouds.

Yunren, just finished breakfast, has not got up from tatami, and Yu Yu has been in a hurry to come to Yiren's palace.

"The emperor, just received the telegram from the North Korea stationed, today in the junction of Dandong and North Korea today, there is a large number of tanks, the sky has a plane to close against investigation. North Korea Station Send a telegram, please ask if it takes a while. "Yu Yum has walked to Yiren's side.

Yun's head is a sound, Taiwan can be lost, but North Korea is absolutely not lost. Now China puts a pair of attitude to attack Korea, and the housing leaks live in the rain, and Yu Ren is unprecedented.

"I come, I will call my mouth." Yun Ren said to the door of the door, and the Yuxi standing on the side: "Do you say that our North Korea's garrison can block the China Army's attack?"

"The emperor, according to the situation in the previous battle, though we have a few teachers in North Korea, but it can't stop." Yu Yu has not concealed anything, according to his own opinion, try to answer truth from facts. Yun's words.

"Cough! I hope to come!" Yu Ren sighed, helplessly said.

At this time, the Langkun is rushing to the road to the palace. For the actions of China, he also received the news.

When Yu Ren saw the first sentence of Yunkou, it was agreed to the proposal yesterday, and it was called Yingkou Ren to contact English and American.

Yuskou is rushing, and the first time I met the Ambassador of the United States and the United States in the Shoushi, I promised them to ask for the requirements of the two countries. I hope to stop all military actions as soon as possible, and let and talk about it.

British and America also contacted each other to this matter, he agreed to Japan's request. They also need a peace far East. The main thing is that the Soviet Union purchased the battleship to China, which made the British and American countries began to be vigilant. The battleship is a war weapon. Although they are very uncomfortable to the rise of China, they even want a strong land army to curb a strong country. In the population base, China is a good choice for the combat power exposed to Japan's operations. And they also know that China and the Soviet Union are not walking, which is what they want to see.

At noon, Chen Shao received a Bag and America to stop and talk to Japan. I didn't feel too big for this, and I gave a command to the troops in Northeast last night. The active forces of the army and the reserve troops were assembled in the border of China, and put a pair of attacks. The plane was even more time. Flying to the head of the head of the head. This is why Chen Shao deliberately, and the purpose is to force Japan to go to the negotiation table. Of course, if Japanese don't know, Chen Shao does not mind directly attacking North Korea.

Chen Shao then said that in the face of the United Kingdom and the United States, I promised and talking to Japan, but Chen Shao also said that once the peace is failed. China will expand the war. At that time, China will be the first goal to completely defeat Japan.

Japan said that this peace talk will be taken seriously, and the two sides can reach, avoiding the two countries to fall into the war.

When the China University agreed to talk and talks from Japan, it was in a huge cheer. Everyone understood that this is a great victory, and the miniature Japan has not been able to do it, otherwise it will not ask. How many years, from the first opium war to now, nearly a hundred years of time, a few generations of humiliation, from today, will not return. China tells the world with his own strength, China is no longer bullied at will.

The first unequal treaty "Nanjing Treaty" signed, China first cut the land, compensation, agreed tariffs, seriously endangering the sovereignty of China. Making China began a semi-colonial semi-feudal society, the people's lives fell into the heat in the hot, and the forever and the forefront of the foreigner, the nation's self-esteem was ruthlessly trampled, and the glory of the five thousand years was completely funeral. From 1940, until now in 1928, 88 years have passed, and now China has strong strength to say no. I don't see it. Is there a weapon to China? It is enough to prove that the current Chinese nation is now standing.

The location of the peace talk is selected in Shanghai, China's negotiations, the main representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chen Shao just tells the main line of his own, and others will go to play by themselves. The faith has a feeling of death for Chen Shao, and now the status is, it can be said to be. It is not the support of Chen Shao, and he and the Ten Ryn Articles have no status today. At the beginning, I didn't know which corner didn't know in which corner of it may be like the Nanjing officials who are receiving investigations.

The Japanese peace talks is Tianzhongyi, because when he is in the prime minister, he also serves as a minister of the foreign minister. This battle is advocated by the Cabinet of Tianzhongyi, although there is a new foreign minister, but the Monkou is fortunate. Don't want your own old to carry this name. Yes, for the bustle of Yunkou, this peace talk means that Japan admits to defeat, as a defeat country, always promises some conditions, it is your own cabinet. Therefore, Tian Zhongyi was pushed out.

The first peace talks were selected on July 11th. At this time, Chen Shao didn't want to delay again, just want to end this war as soon as possible. If there is no way in Tian Zhongyi arrived in Shanghai at 10, Chen Shao is still going to start talking on the 10th.

On the 11th, I just arrived in Shanghai Tianzhongyi, and the ship was sent directly to this talk place, Long Teng Hotel. The top floor of the Longteng Hotel at this time has been isolated as the location of this negotiation.

When I entered the negotiation place, I haven't elapsed from the road from the road. As a witness in this negotiation, the ambassador of the United Kingdom and Mid Germany announced the formal start of peace talks.

As the main person in charge of this peace talking about China, he said: "China has always been a country that loves peace, we never launch a war outside, now it is true, the same is true. It is challenged by the Japanese, and our highest leader is underway, and it will declare the war in Japan. Now Japan requires peace talks, in the spirit of hobbies, I don't want to add unnecessary casualties. The highest leader of China has promised. This time, we will come up with the biggest sincerity, and I hope that the day can also take the biggest sincerity. Otherwise the war will continue, and the scale will further expand, and it is not that you die, I die, I China will also be able to completely defeat Japan as the first goal. "

The opening of the opening, making the ambassador of all countries ambassador, they first heard the discourse in a Chinese people. Especially the words behind, let all people feel a cold, they can listen, this young diplomat is not empty. Because now China has such an airway to say this.

Tianzhongyi has naturally heard, although it is said to be Chinese, but this is said to Tianzhong, and there is no language barrier. Although this time, he was confirmed, and his heart was very reluctant, but he did not choose. I'm working on the Chinese language: "The monks represent the Japanese Empire and the Chinese astrs, since the proposal, naturally, I will take out the sincerity of the twelve, this Chinese does not have to worry."

"This is good, I don't think about the circle, now I talk about our conditions. The first Japanese admitted to defeat, abolished all the unequal treaties. The second Japan must compensate the various losses of China, the compensation amount is 2 billion Dollar. Fourth, there must be no condition to return the Ryukyu Islands. The fifth cut Jeju Island and the treasure island. The sixth on the China Open the trade port, cancel the tariff of various goods in China. Seventh Japan must publicly apologize to China, to those Death apologizes under your slaughter knife. "The fault said with a calm and said his own conditions, much higher than the bottom line given by Chen Shao. The bottom line of Chen Shao is a $ 500 billion and a Ryukyu Islands. As for the Jeju Island and the treasure island, it is the same.

Tianzhongyi face with the difference, it is getting more and more black, or if it is good to cultivate, he now wants to leave. Running the anger in my heart, after the arrival, the interface said: "First, in the 7th point we have no problem, second, sixth point we can discuss. But cutting the land, we will never agree. At the same time It also requires China to return to prisoners, as well as all China Army withdrawing in Taiwan. "

"It seems that there is no need to talk about it again. Taiwan is originally our inherent territory. Now our army has already occupied Taiwan. It is still a big saying that you are still here, call our army to evacuate Taiwan. Now I tell you our attitude, In addition to the second and fifth, other conditions are our bottom line, the bottom line is absolutely unable to change. If Japan seems to be unacceptable, then we only have to take it, what will develop in the future, I will develop it? I don't dare to guarantee, maybe Japan's loss will be several times the conditions now. I said that I am very kind. "Said said quietly, he now saw a gloomy Tianzhongyi, The heart is very happy.

"You are hard to be strong, we can also mobilize tens of millions of army, and you can't break the fish."

"How much? You are tens of millions of people in Japan, and we are more tender. However, since it is said that there is no need to continue talking, this is purely wasting time, We met on the battlefield. "The faith is smiling. After that, I stood up, I installed a deputy to leave, and I walked toward the gate.

Seeing the negotiations will be broken, the British and American countries are not dry, the British ambassador hurriedly got up: "Mr. Zhong, don't be busy, Mr. Tian, ​​please, find out the result of both parties."

The US ambassador has also said: "Now the two countries do not need to play again, and things will always have the results that both sides can accept. Now and talks now, many problems can be discussed."

The ambassador of the two countries act as the role of the uniform mud.

"Sir, just I am too anxious, I apologize to you. As for those conditions, we can talk again." Tian Xiangyi saw the defending and stopped, and the heart was relieved. To leave, he has some measures. He knows that now Japan is really can't play again, and it is afraid to feel it. If you really start, because of your own words, Na Zhongyi hasn't returned to Japan, and only the road can go.

"Okay! I don't know how to talk about Mr. Tianzhong?" The truth will be on the slope, and return to the negotiating table.

"There is no problem in the first point, we can talk from the second point. It is too much for $ 200 billion. We can only take 100 million in Japan. This is our limit." $ 200 billion This is not a small number of pens, and Japan still has to develop a domestic economy, how is it can't come out?

"Although I have the price of the sky, I don't have such a good value." 19 billion dollars. "

"This price is still too high, we can't accept, 500. is our limit."

"Okay, I don't have much to say, don't cry, billion, less than this number, we will not agree." Zong said that he said seriously, there is no waiting for Tianzhong, and then said: "To know how much money is buried in Taiwan every year, and how much money taken from China, a single" Mattar Treaty "makes you profitable, and you have made all kinds in China Crime, I still feel far enough, this is only a little compensation. Just two months ago, how many people have killed, don't you need to be bothered by you? "

"Maximum billion"

"You are 60 billion, me nine billion, so let's take a step, save us not to have a good relationship, 800 billion." The object is staring at Tianzhongyi.

Tian Zhongyi thought for a long time, todped with difficulties.


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