The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 132 attacks in Taipei

At this point, don't look at hundreds of thousands of Japanese in Taipei, but truly fighting power is the tens of thousands of regular troops. Now the war is not the era of big knives, how many teams can you pull up? The current soldiers did not have long-term training, and they could not form effective combat power. Tactics is on the one hand, and good tactics have no soldiers to perform, it is also white. Just as the militarian overseas Chinese in Japan, in addition to the basic shooting shoots, there is no way to form a teamwork between the team, many of the tactical movements do not understand. Even if you shoot, the queue doesn't know where it is. Such armed forces, if it is better to fight the wind, if you encounter a tough war, a thousand people are not over or endless.

At the end of the morning, the Southwest People's Army has been prepared to prepare for the Southwest People's Army. Taipei City is a bit distance from the sea, the battle, the gun is unable to support. Thanks to Keelung Port and Rolling Boats, some heavy artillery can be transported to Taiwan without any coupling, otherwise this attack is not so good now.

Although Taipei is a big city, it is only a few more than ten years ago. It looks very high before, it looks very high, but it is far away. Although the ship is not enough, the heavy burden is enough to destroy the wall and sweep the obstacle for the offensive forces.

At this point, in addition to a little gendarmerie for the Taipei city wall, the rest is the army. After the death of Sichuan Village, the military commanding power has fallen into the head of the head of the stationer, and the guy who is born in Zhuzhi, Sichuan Village is not the same. After analyzing the characteristics of the Southwestern Army, decisively withdrew the formal troops on the wall, and replaced the armed overturn under the supervision of the gendarmerie. The formal troops were all withdrawn into the city, and they wanted to launch the Southwestern Army. As for the armed overturn in the city wall, it is necessary to prepare for the lane fighting for the formal troops, and strive for time.

Kong Wenhong's offensive method is very simple, four-sided hero, does not divide the primary and secondary attack. The bangs of the two squadrons participated in the battle - 2 and a squadron's fighters have also reached Taipei.

When the bomber casts the first flight, the heavy cannon on the ground also started the shell.

The aviation and shells are not rich in the four-faced city walls of Taipei, five hundred kilograms of flights, is very powerful to the murder of the city wall. Basically, you can blow a hole in your hit, plus the heavy guns on the ground. In just a few minutes, the four-sided city wall has been blown up for more than a dozen big mouth, and the width of the gap is under the shelling, and the expansion of the time from time to time, when the bomber completes the task, the four-sided city wall has the least collapse of each city wall. One. The most serious hometown of bombings, even half, there is no poured city wall is also scarred, and shakes.

The bomber is gone, but the heavy cannons on the ground have not stopped. At this time, the number of naval transport ships is not much, but it is still no problem that supports a high-intensity operation of 3,40,000 people. If the battle target at this time is other island, there is no big port like Kelong Port, and the boat is unused. That time, Kong Wenhong will not use such high-intensity shells, because the logistics is completely unable to keep up.

This is also the same as Chen Shao, is not a military development, now fighting, and playing is a logistics. Even if you have millions of army on the front line, the logistics can't keep up, and the bullets are light, and the bullets of the logistics can't keep up, and those millions of army don't have different waves. The ancients said: the soldier and horses have not moved, the grain is in advance.

Just like Chen Shao, why don't you build a warship, and what is the development of bulk boats, container ships, and rolling boats. Dip the chariot factory to produce trucks, transporters, are the same truth.

Just like the current Taipei, there is no powerful transportation. How do those tanks go to Taiwan, so many artillery, how can sheas, if there is no such thing? You can imagine the big city like Taipei, you can only fill in people, this is the Chen Shao. Only when you play your biggest advantage, you will be smooth.

In the sound of the shell, more than 200 Chinese leopard tanks rolling the smoke to their respective walls. Each surface wall has six orchard tanks, and there are many armored cars, the infantry follows behind the tanks and armored vehicles. Use the temples to use the same.

At this time, each soldier at this time is angry. Yesterday's battle is a monk of the land team, although the Army has a war, but it is doing some sweeping work, for the front of the Army officers and soldiers In terms of such a cold bench or a head. So today's Taipei is striving to fight, each soldier has taken out the top of the top ten. Determination must exceed the offensive speed of the Marine Corps yesterday, let the soldiers who follow the Marine Corps in the back, and the Army is absolutely strong in the land of the Marine Corps.

In this good competition, Chen Shaohe Cai Wei and others are happy, and there is competitive progress will be faster, and also explained that the people's military soldiers have already have a sense of belonging to the troops.

When the heavy guns in the ground stopped the shelling, under the command of the gendarmerie, the armed overturn hid in the distance hurriedly running the wall that has not collapsed. There was less than two% of the military and supervisor's gendarmer in the city wall. It is backup for the city wall.

However, when they go to the city wall, the offensive troops have been close at hand, and the city walls have truined dozens of machine gun firepower. Under the firepower of tanks and armored vehicles, they have seen a wall of the wall to see one standing on the city wall. It is equal to confrontation with the dead, after dying some people, all other armed ovensishers are in the city wall, they don't dare to explore the head. After the gendarmerie gun took two people who tried to escape, under the head of the gendarmerie, in the face of the gendarmer bayonet, they were courageous and start standing to shoot outside the city. The rifle in the hand is ringing, but even they don't know, the bullet is playing.

For such counterattacks, the offensive troops did not care, tanks and armored vehicles ignored, even the pauses did not, directly pounced towards the collapse of the wall, and there were many of the armed ovensishers in that place. Almost the same as the city wall, but also began to have a counterattack. It's just the same as the city wall, there is a high contribution, and there is also the protection of the city wall. It is now a flat place now, although there is a lot of gravel can be a bunker, but the angle is flat, it cannot protect itself.

For those who fight at the landslide, although it is unable to cause too much casualties to the offensive force, the offensive troops will not be soft. The gap of nearly 100 meters, the firepower of the offensive troops has been fully suppressed, plus the tank guns from time to time, and more and more machine guns, not only those armed people, is the military's gendarmerier, do not dare free. Explore the weapon attack.

The brightener of the front will not weaken the weakness of one party. When the first tank ignores the gravel, after climbing the gap, more and more tanks and armored vehicles are also rushing into Taipei City.

I was forced by the military and overseas Chinese of the gendarmerial pressure. Once they saw that there was no gendarmerie around, they were very real and accused. At this time, it is not surrendered, it is equal to the funeral of his own life. Under the advancement of the tank, more and more armed overturn are surrounded by the troops followed by the troops. Sometimes, as long as the rockets can make those armed foreign people to take the initiative to surrender.

The armed ovensisy on the wall did not resist it. With the help of mortar and grenade, the soldiers went along the wall from the wall, the first elimination goal is to wear the military uniforms, sometimes those of the people Standing on the side, waiting for the gendarmer to throw the weapon after being destroyed. At this time, the gendarmer is more evil for those armed ovens, and they can't die early.

When the battle starts to now, how long has not been in the past, and the pace of offense before, after entering the Taipei Street, the speed of attack is slow.

At this time, tens of thousands of Japanese military troops have been divided into large and small houses in Taipei, in the alley, intend to block the attack on the Southwest People's Army.

After encountering blocking, the attacking troops on the four sides were suspended at the same time.

The temporary headquarters of Keelon.

"This small Japanese commander has two kings! I want to fight with us." Received Kong Wenhong, who came to the front report, looked at the city map of Taipei and said to the four seas.

"Hey! It is unsempicious struggle." I learned that the Japanese planned money four seas did not worry, he is the army of the army and know the strength of the Army. It is also not worried about the lane fighting, because it is one of the subjects that have been training since the Army City. Now the Japanese army will play in front of the people's army army, that is not waiting for dogs and cats than climbing trees, completely Abuse.

"It's also very pleasant. I know that the death of the flavor can only increase the injury or die. The lane fighting can indeed offset the advantages of we are in a different advantage. At least our tank troops can't play the necessary combat power. As for us, the attack is so smooth, It is also because the other party did not stick to the city wall. "Kong Wenhong is a person who is very serious about what is the matter, the Japanese movement does make him bright. Originally, he thought that the Japanese army will be the same as yesterday, and the inch soil does not let the death. This choice is really wise today. If the People's Army and the Japanese army have fallen into the plastic state, it does not comply with the strategic intention of the southwest.

"The idea is good, but I can only say that they don't know our strength. And do you think that you do your own strengths? Say that the day of the Japanese is not a way to play the street!" Qian four-seam took the map. .

"Oh, Chairman said: 'Small Japan belongs to brain disabilities in the strategy, but it is called a genius in tactics'. Now it seems to be quite true." Confucius Hehe said: "Command frontier troops In order to cover the road war in the armored car, today give a small Japanese good one, how is the alley fight? "


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