The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Chapter 401: Declare war on Israel

If the Israeli government issued a statement when the fighter plane was destroyed, they would make appropriate preparations.

But in fact, the Israeli side didn't even know that its fighter plane was destroyed.

Because of the fighter plane that kept the radio silent, the Israeli Air Force could not receive the signal of this fighter plane when it entered the territory of other countries for air strikes.

Otherwise, if you Israel can receive the signal from this fighter, it does not mean that others can also receive the signal from this fighter.

Even if others don't know what this encrypted signal is, but at least they also know that there is a fast-moving signal source in that place, it is not difficult to judge next.

So until the vague video came out, the Israeli side knew that the fighter plane it sent out to perform the mission had been shot down.

At this time, the Israeli official response had not had time to coordinate, and the rapid response of the future technology group once again caught Israel by surprise.

Because of the Israeli side, not many people knew about this attack, and they didn't even know how to react.

Although Israel’s bureaucracy is the least, the overall operating system of the country is relatively slow.

When everyone’s own country’s fighters were shot down, the Future Technology Group, the Iraqi government, and Iran had all responded quickly.

There is no need to say much about the efficiency of the future technology group. As for the Iraqi government and the Iranian government, there is no time to think about it. Anyway, whether it is right or wrong, it must stand on the opposite of Israel.

Even the governments of the two countries were actually still not sure about the situation, and the government spokespersons began to send out news.

Regarding Israel’s involvement in the Middle East, in fact, every country in the Middle East has always responded very efficiently.

Of course, there is no actual action, but this verbal support is not slow at all.

Immediately, many other countries in the Middle East responded immediately. Almost all are faster than the Israeli government.

Fortunately, the Israeli government had the first lesson. It is also rare to become more efficient. The government spokesperson quickly clarified the situation.

However, this time the Israeli side did not say that this time was an accident, but requested the Future Technology Group to release the pilot immediately. And to apologize and compensate for the shooting down of the fighter.

The Israeli government did not give any explanation or explanation for why the Israeli fighter plane appeared again near the headquarters of the Future Technology Group.

When Cai Ruichen got the explanation from Israel. He immediately stated on his Weibo.

For Israel's response and recovery, it is really disappointing. Future Technology Group is just a company that wants to develop peacefully. The Israeli government has never been offended.

And the Israeli government made trouble for him one after another, and he was very puzzled.

But for this behavior of Israel. He said he would never be as silent as last time.

Once he finds out the attack on himself this time and determines that he has any relationship with the Israeli government, he will retaliate as soon as possible.

But what kind of revenge will be involved. Cai Ruichen only said on Weibo that he would reserve the right to take all military actions.

At the same time, I apologized to Israel. He is absolutely impossible to apologize to an extremely shameless government. What's more, in this case, the Israeli air force invaded the airspace first and went deep into the central area of ​​Iraq. Under the authorization of the Iraqi government, Future Technology Group has the right to activate the rules of engagement and shoot down other countries' aircraft that invade its own airspace.

Therefore, he did not need to apologize for reason and reason. The Israeli government must apologize to the Iraqi government and the Future Technology Group for this malicious intrusion.

As for the behavior of the Israeli government that shot down without warning, he said that this was not an unintentional invasion, but a malicious behavior. What the police did not warn was the right of the victim, and no explanation was required.

At the same time, Cai Ruichen also said that before the Israeli side apologized and made compensation, it was impossible for them to release the Israeli pilots, and if the Israeli side did not express it, Future Technology Group would hand the pilots to the Iraqi Islamic Supreme Court for trial. .

The Islamic court is a court with strong beliefs. If an Israeli pilot accepts such a court trial, the result does not need to be considered. It must be very tragic.

It can almost be said that if you don't die, you will lose a layer of skin, and there is even a high probability that you will be directly sentenced to various death sentences.

Maybe it will be the first Israeli sentenced to death by stoning. The picture is so beautiful.

Regarding Cai Ruichen's Weibo, the Israeli government expressed regret, claiming that if the future technology group does not apologize and compensate, and return the pilot, the Israeli government will take all necessary measures.

In the face of Israel’s second statement, the Future Technology Group expressed great regret.

Then, under the shocking eyes of all the world, the Future Technology Group took out a lot of communication records, and some records related to Mossad's actions in Iraq, and placed them in front of the world.

At the same time, the Future Technology Group stated that Israel’s shameless behavior has nothing to say with such a government.

Do not give the Israeli government any chance to Technology Group stated in an official form that Future Technology Group will treat Israel and all Israeli-related personnel and facilities in the future. , To implement a full-scale act of war.

This is the first time in human history that a company declares war on a country. In the face of a powerful Israel, Future Technology Group has produced enough evidence and then declared war.

This declaration of war is not a declaration of war between two sovereign countries, but a declaration of war by a company against a country.

Although this kind of behavior will not be recognized internationally, it is felt by the whole world that Future Technology Group is definitely not joking.

People are just wondering what kind of confidence the Future Technology Group has used to declare war on Israel, which has extremely strong military strength.

Only for a while, there are definitely more people watching the excitement than discussing it, just when everyone is curious.

Future Technology Group made a move that shocked the world. They published a large number of documents and materials on their official website. Without exception, these materials all pointed to the main signs of Mossad's global activities. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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