The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1826: Intimidate Egypt

Cairo, the capital of Egypt, welcomed a distinguished guest today. The streets of Cairo have been cleaned up half a month ago. A welcome banner will be hung on both sides of the road after a certain distance.

Cai Ruichen, the supreme leader of the Middle East Federation, paid his first official state visit to Egypt.

Cai Ruichen and his party arrived in Egypt by special plane, and were greeted by the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Prime Minister. The convoy entered Cairo, at the gate of the Presidential Palace in Cairo. Egyptian President Sisi led the high-level Egyptian government. They were already waiting here early, playing music in the military band. On the arrival of the convoy, Cai Ruichen and Sisi met for the first time at the gate of the Presidential Palace in Cairo.

Cai Ruichen and Sisi are no strangers. When they attacked Israel together, Egypt and the Middle East Federation have established a deep friendship. Over the years, Egypt and the Middle East Federation have had close relations and close economic exchanges, and tourism between the two countries It has good contacts and is the main neighboring partner of the Middle East Federation.

However, Egypt has always been deeply politically influenced by Western countries. Sisi’s words in Egypt are not absolute authority. The Egyptian military is mixed with too many Western powers, which is beyond Sisi’s control.

For Cai Ruichen’s visit this time, it can be said to be intriguing. It is not only because Cai Ruichen has rarely made official state visits to the outside world over the years. It is really strange to visit Egypt suddenly, but also because three days later, the 33rd International Olympic Games It will be held in Baghdad, and Sisi will also attend the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games at that time. At this time, Cai Ruichen actually went out to visit people who will arrive in Baghdad three days later.

And in recent months, Egypt has received a large amount of military equipment assistance from the US military. Unlike other African countries that have received attention, the military equipment that Egypt receives assistance from the US military is very advanced.

The Egyptian Defence Force is the most powerful of all the countries in northern Africa, and is even on the list internationally.

Egypt has a regular army of 500,000, including an army of 350,000, consisting of 4 military regions, 2 corps headquarters, 4 armored divisions, 8 mechanized infantry divisions, 1 Republican Guard Armored Brigade, and 4 independent armored brigades. , 1 airlift brigade, 2 independent infantry brigades, 1 paratrooper brigade, 4 independent mechanized brigades, 15 independent artillery brigades, 2 surface-to-surface missile brigades, and 6 assault groups.

The Egyptian Army has more than 4,000 tanks of various types, of which 400 are US M1A1 main battle tanks, more than 6,000 armored assault vehicles and armored transport vehicles, more than 1,000 artillery pieces, and various anti-tank carrying equipment. There are more than 3,000, with a large number of air defense missiles and surface-to-surface missiles.

The Egyptian Air Force is also the original air power in the Middle East, with an air force of 30,000. There are 34 squadrons. There are 572 combat aircraft and 125 armed helicopters.

As for the Egyptian navy, it is a bit lackluster, better than nothing.

In Africa and the original Middle East, Egypt can also be regarded as a regional power. Of course, it is nothing compared to the world powers.

In the past few months, the Egyptian Army has received thousands of m1a1 main battle tanks and a large number of advanced Army combat weapons that have just been retired from the US military’s active service forces, including a large number of individual anti-tank missiles. Even the U.S. Army’s active military tactical missile systems have assisted Egypt with hundreds of sets.

In terms of air force weapons and equipment, the U.S. Army also supported Egypt with a batch of Fighting Falcon fighters and seven Hawkeye early warning aircraft that were about to be sealed.

Such a large-scale military assistance has directly caused an explosive increase in Egypt's military strength, and the Egyptian Defense Force, which has been using American equipment, has also greatly increased in strength.

The Egyptian Air Force alone has more than 300 third-generation fighters, and it also has a complete air force combat system, early warning aircraft, tankers, reconnaissance aircraft, bombers, and electronic warfare aircraft. all.

Now, all of these equipment have been handed over to the Egyptian Defense Forces, and adaptive training has begun in the Egyptian Defense Forces.

And for Egypt to receive such a huge weapon support, it naturally has to pay a certain price. The US military base on the Suez Canal will be further expanded, and the US military has agreed to increase its presence in Egypt.

And in the future, if the US military and the Federal Guards in the Middle East break out military conflicts again, the Egyptian military will provide all logistical assistance to the US military as much as possible.

These are basic conditions. As for whether there is a deeper agreement hidden, the outside world naturally has no way to know.

After the US military gave all the weapons and equipment, Cai Ruichen began to take action, which naturally made the outside world confused about Cai Ruichen's thoughts. After all, this was completely unreasonable.

If the Middle East Federation wants to intervene in such a huge military aid from the US military, it should be launched early. After all, many of these weapons and equipment can directly strike from Egypt to the major cities of the Middle East Federation.

It has fundamentally constituted a threat to the security interests of the Middle East Federation.

Now, the outside world wants to know, what exactly is Cai Ruichen's purpose in visiting Egypt like this?

In fact, Sisi was also extremely puzzled. He also didn't know the purpose of Cai Ruichen's visit. However, due to etiquette, the relationship between Egypt and the Middle East Federation, and the relationship between the two, Sisi could not refuse Cai Ruichen's arrival.

The welcoming ceremony on the scene ended. Cai Ruichen walked into the Presidential Palace in Cairo at the invitation of Sisi. In front of many media, the two sides held a high-level dialogue between the two governments. It could not be a topic of strengthening the economy, trade and tourism of the two sides. Money matters.

After lunch at noon, Sisi and Cai Ruichen met in the meeting room of the Presidential Palace in Cairo.

Before Cai Ruichen could speak, Sisi called out all the people in the living room. There were only two people facing each other in the entire living room.

"Mr. Cai, it's not the first time I met you, and I know you better. Now it's the two of us. If you have anything to say, please tell me directly." Sisi sighed and said to Cai Ruichen.

"Since President Sisi is a sensible person, he should also be clear about the purpose of my arrival." Cai Ruichen said without delay.

Sisi took the initiative to speak out, and it also proved that Sisi could not sit still.

Cai Ruichen's arrival, even though he didn't say anything, had already given Sisi enough pressure.

In the previous few months, the Middle East Federation had seen nothing and made no sound to the United States’ support of Egypt’s massive military equipment.

But everyone with a discerning eye knows that it is impossible for the Middle East Federation to let such things happen. The calmer the situation, the more anxious Sisi is.

Sure enough, when all Egypt successfully received the weapons and equipment of the US military, Cai Ruichen suddenly visited, and Sisi's heart was raised in his throat almost all the way.

As for Cai Ruichen's purpose, Sisi didn't know it. Ordinary people can think of it in Sisi's position, let alone Sisi who has been the president of Egypt for so many years.

Sisi sighed again when he heard the words: "Mr. Cai, I believe you should be very clear. Although my president is the supreme commander of the Egyptian Defense Forces, he can control the troops, but he doesn't even have one third. This is still based on the prestige of sending troops to Israel. The troops with combat capabilities are beyond my control. Western agents are trying to split Egypt. To put it bluntly, if I reject the United States, I’m afraid that night, Cairo will stage an armed force against the palace again, and I am helpless."

Sisi’s tone is full of bitterness. The Western world’s intervention in Egypt is too serious. Most of the officials of the Egyptian Ministry of Defense are supported by Western countries.

Although Sisi is the president, he cannot mobilize the troops across the country. Almost all troops with combat capabilities are controlled by the high-ranking generals in Egypt. Once Sisi does something against the United States, he will be immediately caught by the army. Pull down.

In the past, the Egyptian Defense Forces were able to obey Sisi’s orders to attack Israel because of the constant grievances between the Egyptian Defense Forces and Israel. Therefore, the West could not interfere with the Egyptian military’s long-term attempts to retaliate against Israel.

But in the face of the Middle East Federation, the situation is completely different. The high-ranking generals of the Egyptian Defense Force will naturally follow the wishes of the United States and can benefit from it.

"Sisi, how many years have we known each other?" Cai Ruichen asked suddenly.

Sisi froze for a moment, but immediately said, "Eight years."

"Yeah! Eight years, that's why I came to you." Cai Ruichen said pointedly.

Sisi smiled bitterly when he heard the words, and said: "I know that no one in Egypt knows you better than I do. The comments of those international critics are all eight. Nine. You are not a politician. But a realist, I believe that before you come to Cairo, the Middle East Federal Guard is ready to fully attack Egypt."

Speaking of this, Sisi paused, and said with a look of hatred for iron and steel: "Hate the arrogant fools of Yelang, and naively think you dare not do anything to Egypt, but they don't know, it seems like a night. Egypt, which has skyrocketed in strength, has been hung on the edge of the abyss, and it will be overwhelmed at any time."

"There is one thing you said wrong. I have no plans to invade Egypt completely." Cai Ruichen heard this, shook his head and said, "It hasn't been there since the beginning."

When Sisi heard this, he asked somewhat unexpectedly: "Why?"

In Sisi's view, Cai Ruichen played his cards completely unreasonably. This was true for Israel, Turkey, and Iran and NATO.

In his opinion, once Cai Ruichen takes action against Egypt, he must quickly control Egypt's military and administration under the momentum of thunder, and the Middle East Federation is fully capable of this.

And with the strength of the Egyptian Defense Forces, it is impossible to resist the iron shoes of the Middle East Federal Guard, and the entire NATO will only protest the actions of the Middle East Federation on behalf of Egypt, and let NATO once again break out a war with the Middle East Federation because of Egypt. That is almost nothing. Possible thing.

Even if the United States delineates Egypt as a red line, the current United States is completely unable to resist the military operations of the Middle East Federal Guard at its doorstep.

I can't help but say that in Africa and Europe, the strength of the United States cannot compete with the Federation of the Middle East.

"There is no reason. If I were to completely destroy the Egyptian regime, then I would never come to see you today." Cai Ruichen said without explanation.

"Then what do you want me to do?" Sisi asked directly.

Cai Ruichen couldn't just come to meet an old friend, not to mention that the two weren't old friends in the strict sense. Sisi knew this very well. Cai Ruichen's trip must be meaningful.

"What do you think of the performance of the weapons and equipment of our Middle East Federal Guard?" Cai Ruichen asked.

"The world's most, this is obvious to all in the world." Sisi replied simply.

"What is the performance of our main battle tanks, our air force fighter jets, compared with the weapons and equipment of the same generation in the US military?" Cai Ruichen asked again.

"Complete victory over the U.S. Army." Although Sisi didn't know the significance of Cai Ruichen's questions, he answered honestly.

"I didn't intend to destroy Egypt, but to tell you that what the U.S. military can give you, I can also give you, and what the U.S. military cannot give you, I can still give you." Cai Ruichen said strongly.

When Sisi heard the words, he was stunned for a moment, and then immediately became excited, even a trace of flushing appeared on his face because of the excitement, and said, "Mr. Cai, please speak clearly."

"If Egypt becomes a part of the Middle East Federation and the Egyptian Defense Force is transformed into the Middle East Federal Guard Force, it will directly have all the corresponding weapons and equipment of the Middle East Federal Guard Force, including the fourth-generation Apocalypse main battle tank and the fifth-generation Black Hawk fighter. And invader fighters, and the Egyptian navy will also have a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier battle group." Cai Ruichen said.

Hearing Cai Ruichen’s words, the excitement on Sisi’s face faded away. If the United States supports Egypt in order to stir the situation on the border of the Middle East Federation, the plan to install multiple THAAD systems in Egypt will also further stimulate To the Middle East Federation.

The end result will be the Middle East Federation’s anger and military action against However, the Middle East Federation directly wants to include Egypt in its territory. In contrast, the United States still At least the sovereignty of Egypt can be preserved.

However, Sisi is very clear that once the Middle East Federation takes action, the current government of Egypt will be destroyed directly.

On both sides are guys who cannibalize people without spitting out bones, behind them is a jackal, and the youngest leader in the world in front of him is a fierce tiger.

"Do I have a choice?" After weighing in his heart for a long time, Sisi asked Cai Ruichen helplessly.

"You only have to accept and reject." Cai Ruichen shook his head, and then said: "You know best about the treatment of the principalities of the Middle East Federation. Except for military and financial power, the rest of the rights still belong to Egypt."


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