The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1806: Li Lan

There is almost no difference between the Huaxia Capital and Marin City. They are also decorated with lights, the city lights are bright, and the festive atmosphere is extremely lively.

The big boss who just gave a national televised speech did not have time to accompany his family to have a reunion dinner. This year’s New Year’s Eve was the busiest year for the Huaxia regime. The policy changed drastically and a large number of financial plans were suspended. Fiscal expenditure has shifted to the military on a large scale.

In the past few months, monthly military expenditures have been soaring. By the end of the year, military expenditures exceeded 100 billion U.S. dollars.

Almost all of this 100 billion U.S. dollars of expenditure was exhausted in this month. This is a very large military expenditure figure. Even when the United States was in the fiercest war in Iraq, the monthly military expenditure was only 600. One hundred million U.S. dollars.

Although Huaxia also participated in the war against Indonesia, the military expenditure on the battlefield was actually not much.

Almost all of such huge military expenditures are concentrated in the rapid replacement of old equipment and equipment, and the huge military expenditures have been exchanged for large-scale army replacements.

The Type 59 tanks that have been in service for more than half a century in their hometown include various subsequent improvements and subsequent types of main battle tanks. All models before the Type 96 main battle tank will be eliminated.

The main forces in active service around the hometown will all be replaced with the latest Type 99 Type B main battle tanks.

A large number of old-fashioned armored vehicles and related army equipment are all installed on a large scale to replace new equipment. The efficiency of this replacement is amazing. Every day, a large number of new equipment is transported to military stations across the country.

The air force and the navy that really account for the bulk of military expenditures have many second-generation fighters in their hometowns. This time, all combat aircraft below the third-generation fighters will be completely eliminated. Brand new weapons and equipment are being produced. Efficiency, especially the scale of equipment deployment of the fifth-generation fighter.

According to the plan of the Air Force Command of the Ministry of National Defense in my hometown, in the next two years, my hometown needs to have at least 1,000 fifth-generation fighters. The scale of the third-generation and third- and a half-generation fighters must be guaranteed at any time. Available for use.

This is a very large air force development plan. Once it is implemented within two years, the size of the air force in my hometown can become the second largest in the world because the size of the air force of the Middle East Federation is the first.

At this moment, no one knows such a huge armament plan in his hometown and some people in the Middle East Federation. Once this plan is known to the outside world, the huge impact it will have on the global structure will be incalculable.

At that time, it will not be a simple storm, but a real storm.

Of course, if you want to rely on your home country’s own military industry, let alone two years, even five years, you will not be able to complete the installation of such a huge new equipment on land and air. The first is the expansion of production capacity, which cannot be satisfied in a short time. Such a huge demand.

But now, the entire Ministry of National Defense in my hometown is shocked by the amazing production efficiency. A fully automated production line from the Future Technology Group, under fully automated assembly with robots, takes only 12 hours to produce a J-20 fighter jet. , One production line can produce sixty J-20s in one month.

Moreover, the quality of fighter jets produced by this production line far exceeds that of manual assembly production. It can be said that there are almost no defects. The dimensional error of each component can be accurate to a few tenths of a micron. All industrial rulers can hardly measure the same zero. The difference in the size of the parts, each one is a perfect replica.

The fighter jets produced by such sophisticated and powerful craftsmanship, in the words of military experts in their hometown, are all works of art.

It is also because of this that the entire hometown truly understands how terrifying the Future Technology Group is. No wonder the Middle East Federal Guard is so confident that all weapons and equipment have not had any accidents or accidents, because every weapon and equipment, All are the most perfect, and all have textbook-like precise qualities.

While ensuring such amazing quality, it can also guarantee super-high production efficiency. The amazing effect brought by the combination of the two makes all those who opposed the big boss directly shut their mouths.

Of course, the resource consumption caused by such ultra-high efficiency production is also amazing, especially after the continuous installation of production lines, the daily expenditure on equipment production has exceeded 3 billion.

Eighty percent of this money is spent on the purchase of raw materials. The reason is very simple. The fully automated robot production line of Future Technology Group does not require molds or workshop processing, but it requires specific raw materials.

It is still unclear to the outside world. In fact, the super-sonic railway connecting the hometown to the Middle East Federation is carrying full load every day. Almost every ten minutes, there will be a vacuum high-speed railway freight train that stops at several super-large-scale railways in the hometown. Inside the station.

A steady stream of minerals are loaded on the train from here, unloaded one after another container full of industrial raw materials, and transported here to secret military factories everywhere.

One ton of concentrated iron ore can exchange one hundred kilograms of raw materials for my hometown. It seems that my hometown suffers a loss, but in fact, everyone in my hometown feels that this kind of transaction is not at all a loss.

The reason is very simple. One hundred kilograms of raw materials in exchange for one ton of iron ore can produce things that the old family can’t exchange for a meal of iron ore.

The ultra-high-speed vacuum high-speed rail, which spans thousands of kilometers back and forth at an amazing speed, has hundreds of thousands of employees, and tens of thousands of trucks. It has brought an amazing conversion rate for the exchange of materials between the two countries, and also directly brought the home super High-speed military industrial production efficiency.

At the same time, this has also brought huge additional benefits to Cai Ruichen. His hometown is rich in resources and rich in resources. There are tens of thousands of tons of refined minerals transported from home to the Middle East Federation every day, and these minerals are directly recycled into raw materials. Reserve them, and part of them is returned to their hometown.

Every day, Cai Ruichen can earn tens of millions of additional funds, which is a mutually beneficial and win-win situation for both parties.

Of course, my hometown knows that Cai Ruichen will definitely make a profit. This is a very normal thing. After all, it is a transaction. As long as it is good for both parties, it can last for a long time.

In fact, from the perspective of everyone in the hometown, Cai Ruichen should be grateful, because compared with the benefits Cai Ruichen received, in fact, the person who really benefited is the hometown.

The big boss, the second boss and five other people in the banquet room of Nankai, Kyoto, are all concentrated here.

In the royal kitchen, a large number of chefs are busy preparing ingredients, and the seven people in the banquet room are drinking tea on the side of the coffee table in the banquet room.

None of the seven people representing the highest rights in their hometown went back to accompany their families.

"Have you made arrangements for the engineers and scientists of the Future Technology Group?" The big boss asked everyone just as he put down the cup.

The second boss sitting on the side immediately said: "It is arranged by the local guest house, and some are arranged by the company where they are located. They have been arranged to ensure that they can also have a lively and happy New Year here."

"Then I can rest assured. At the beginning of the Lunar New Year, whoever of you find time to visit those experts, how can you say, these people have traveled thousands of kilometers away from their families to come here, and they must meet their needs." The big boss thought for a while. Said.

One of the people who had been in contact with these people in the Future Technology Group shook his head to the big boss and said: "I guess they will not have any requirements. The engineers and military experts of the Future Technology Group are all workaholics. Every day, it’s only four or five hours. The rest of the time, even if it’s eating, is staying at work. It can’t even be pulled out. There is no requirement for living environment, food, clothing, housing and transportation. We arrange for them. The driver and the car of China are still parked in the garage and haven’t moved for half a step. The house has not been arranged even once. This kind of extremely focused attitude and the working spirit of forgetting to sleep and eat is worthy of all military industrialists and humbly learning."

As soon as this person’s voice fell off, another person who had been in contact said, “In my opinion, they are all weird. When I visited Northern Machinery Industry last time, Northern Machinery Industry originally prepared some experts to guide and explain. However, none of them came. It was only when I realized that those people who were originally arranged were all drawn to the research room of the Future Technology Group to verify a technical difficulty of the improved J-20. The entire verification lasted from the afternoon to the early morning of the next day. And I was stunned that only then did I see the experts from the Future Technology Group, and each of them greeted me with sleepy eyes, and fell asleep directly on the single bed placed in the laboratory.

Later, I learned that these people have always been like this. From the day when I arrived at North Machinery, the experts had not even stepped out of the laboratory. They insisted on installing a toilet inside, where they can eat, sleep and sleep. , And the average working time is 20 hours a day. "

After listening to some sighs, even the big boss was quite speechless. Without looking, several dirty, beard and sloppy scientific maniacs appeared in his mind, working tirelessly.

"I heard that many of those people are still Cai Ruichen's students?" the big boss asked.

"It's all the same. This kind of working state cannot be cultivated in a day or two. It is a habit. It can even be said that it has become the norm. I estimate that in the future technology group, there will be many, many such people. Not alone."

The big boss nodded when he heard the words, and said: "This kind of life-threatening attitude is OK occasionally. For a long time, it will have a great impact on health. Don't they know how to combine work and rest?"

"I have arranged for professional medical staff to check, and they are all very healthy."

"I only sleep for three or four hours a day, can my body stand it?" the big boss asked.

"They are very energetic. I have never seen them getting tired at work. Later I learned that they can achieve the effect of deep sleep every time they fall asleep. Three or four hours of deep sleep is better than ordinary people's daily I slept for eight or nine hours."

The big boss nodded and confessed: "After all, they are here to assist us. Every one of them is top talent outside. We still need to take good care of them. After all, there is still a long time to come."

"Aren't they going back?" Hearing the words of the big boss, the second boss asked with some surprise: "Now that our current new main battle equipment has been upgraded and updated, isn't their work complete?"

The big boss shook his head when he heard the words, and said: "They will not go back for at least the next five years. That's why I asked you to prepare houses for them and arrange their normal lives as much as possible. After all, they may Staying here for a long time, and starting next year, their family members may also come to live in China."

"If they can stay in the country forever..." The second boss was interrupted by a knock on the door before he finished speaking. The door of the banquet room was opened, and he saw the secretary of the big boss with Cai Ruichen walked in.

When everyone saw this, they all stood up and greeted them with a smile. However, when they saw the people brought by Cai Ruichen, the faces of the seven people were obviously stunned for a moment.

Beside Cai Ruichen, stood a completely strange young man, who seemed to be about the same age as Cai Ruichen. The most important thing was that this man actually stood side by side with Cai Ruichen, sitting on the same level, and he was also a Chinese face. The temperament is exactly the same as Cai Ruichen.

When is there such a number one person in the world?

The big boss reacted first, walked up to Cai Ruichen, shook hands with him, smiled and said: "You called in the middle of the night and asked us to prepare a midnight snack without thinking about whether we old bones can survive. "

When Cai Ruichen heard this, he also said apologetically: "I'm sorry to disturb you watching the Spring Festival Gala, and I'm sorry to ruin your reunion time with your family."

"Just kidding, I know you. If nothing happens, you can't come in person. Don't say it's just twelve o'clock. Even if it's three or four o'clock, I will get out of bed." said the big boss.

"Thank you, Big Brother, for your understanding. Let me introduce you to the one next to me." Cai Ruichen car body, stretched out his hand to indicate the overlord on the side, and introduced to everyone: "Li Lan, my predecessor is also my ally. Today, I mainly brought him over to see you."

Li Lan, the seven people present did not have the impression of this person in their minds, and Cai Ruichen was so solemn and put himself in a low position, which shows that this person must be extraordinary.

Li Lan, the overlord, stretched out his right hand towards the big boss, smiled and said, "I also know a friend who is very similar to you. I believe that when you meet one day, there will be Many common languages."

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