The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1803: Wasteland hyperspace beacon

"Say your second intention. し"

In the luxurious hall, Zhai Si was silent and pondered for a long time before asking the two of them.

"The second reason is very simple, we are about to help you clear a few troubles, I hope you don't mind." The overlord said very domineering again.

Zhai Si's face changed, and his voice said coldly, "Which ones?"

"I don't know the specifics, I just know that those people must die, and some of them are still effective men under your command." The overlord continued.

"That is about to start the war?" Zhai Si said with a deep breath.

"No, if you want to start the war, the two of us don't have to come here to see you. Maybe you will know what your men are planning, you will be very happy that we helped you get rid of those disobedient guys." Overlord Speak.

After hearing the words, the originally annoyed Zhai Si immediately suppressed his inner anger and asked the overlord: "Give me a reason to kill my subordinates."

"They are trying to establish a teleportation beacon over time and prepare to summon the forces that make you into this world. I can only stop their actions." The overlord said simply.

As soon as Zhai Si heard this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said: "Woe, they dare to do this?"

"Bao Ji has the ability to transmit in space. Although he is only an eighth-level mutant, he is the most difficult one. I don't have any evidence now, but our detection system has repeatedly detected the existence of a hyperspace transmission beacon. And there are signs of the existence of Bane in the vicinity, coupled with the ability of Bane's space, I have to make a decision, this riddled world is about to be destroyed in the hands of Bane, once Bane is successfully transmitted over time The beacon is successfully established and the signal is sent out. Then I assert that the current world will become the central battlefield of a devastating war, and all creatures on the battlefield will be involved in it.” Overlord It is rare to say so much, he obviously doesn't want to have a conflict with the mutant now, otherwise there is no need to say so much.

After hearing the words of the overlord, Zhai Si himself was also a sensible person. He immediately slumped in a chair, looking at the overlord with a fluctuating expression, and then asked aloud: "Is it too late to stop?"

"The initial signal of the overtime transmission of beacons can no longer be stopped, but as long as it can be blocked now, it can take at least two years." The overlord said solemnly.

Hyperspace teleportation beacons are just like coordinates. There is no way to teleport to unknown coordinates, because the most extensive area of ​​the universe is not a planet, but an infinite universe.

Therefore, the super-space transmission must have detailed coordinate data. If it is a transmission beyond space, it also needs another precise coordinate in time and space. Otherwise, after transmission, it is very likely to be directly transmitted into the universe.

The hyperspace beacon is the coordinate information that guides the hyperspace transfer. The hyperspace transfer can record the coordinate position of the transfer target based on this information, and then accurately perform the hyperspace transfer.

Cai Ruichen understands these simple truths, and the words of the overlord and Zhai Si also made him feel like he was rushed.

Obviously, the overlord knows the origin of these mutants, what created these mutants, and it is obvious that this must be the original enemy of the overlord.

Although the initial signal of the hyperspace beacon has been sent, it is still necessary to prevent it, because the party receiving the beacon still needs to confirm the specific information of the coordinates multiple times. If it is only a beacon, the confirmation will be very troublesome and needs to be used. It takes a lot of time to determine the coordinates of the hyperspace transfer.

"Then you are so confident, I will stand by and watch you kill my people?" Zhai Si took a deep breath and said.

Hearing these words, Cai Ruichen also stood up, but he did not speak, and the overlord next to him said: "We never intended to ask for your consent. It was just based on etiquette to come here to talk to you, whether you are or not. I would like to see that someone is destined to die here today."

Hearing the words of the overlord, Zhai Si struggled in his heart. He naturally understood the meaning of the overlord's words, and he became even more miserable if he really did that, what the consequences would be.

Regardless of the human beings in this world, or the mysterious forces that have been hidden, in the eyes of Zhai Si, they are not easy to provoke.

Among them, the survivor base owned by Cai Ruichen has the same defensive power as an iron barrel. It took tens of days to mobilize hundreds of millions of mutants, and Cai Ruichen could not help it in the end.

Even though the battle was only the failure of Bane, it still sounded the alarm for Zhai Si, and Bane suffered losses under Cai Ruichen's hands again and again. Every time he flees in embarrassment, it is even more obvious that Cai Ruichen is definitely not simple, although He didn't take the initiative to show the grandeur, but he had already asked Zhai Si to deal with it very carefully.

The other is the mysterious person of the overlord. Although the overlord seems to be a lone ranger, he has received much attention from the mutants since the rise of the mutant. The reason is very simple. A large number of high-level mutants in the world have all died. In the hands of the overlord.

Especially in North Africa now, even a seventh-level mutant can't be seen. For a long time, there has been a very powerful force to clear the top mutants, even the eighth-level mutants.

In addition, no human forces in the world are in the eyes of the Zhai Si, but these two have made the Zhai Si feel a little sleepy and sleepy, and have greatly frustrated the Zhai Si's ambition.

In addition, there is another thing that makes Zhai Si very awkward, which is far more serious than the threat that Cai Ruichen and the overlord pose to him. It is a feeling that someone is trying to control himself.

This feeling came from instinct, and it gradually made Zhai Si come to understand that his entire nation was created, and the guy who made himself tried to control the entire world by controlling the mutant race.

Zhai Si has no reason to doubt this feeling, because this is the most reasonable explanation, turning global humans into mutants that can be controlled. Once high pressure comes, controlling the mutants is equivalent to taking control of the world at once.

Zhai Si is naturally ambitious. In his opinion, mutants can dominate the world sooner or later, and advanced mutants are also beginning to study human technology. Once they have learned human technology, plus the lifespan and physical fitness of the mutants themselves, That mutant race must have a boundless future.

Therefore, Zhai Si is not in a hurry at all, learning to progress, waiting for the decline of mankind, naturally controlling the world, mutant humans will replace humans and become new humans.

With such ambitions, it is naturally impossible for Zhai Si to allow someone to control himself, nor to allow anyone to destroy his own grand plan.

After weighing the pros and cons for a long time, Zhai Si exhaled and said to the two of them: "I will take you there."

The overlord nodded, gestured for a please, and said, "Please."

Zhai Si shook his head, sighed, and walked towards the hall.

Both the overlord and Cai Ruichen followed closely behind Zhai Si and walked towards the core area of ​​the mutant base camp.

Leaving the hall and walking inside, it is not a luxurious rest area, but a study area. When you walk inside, you can see a classroom-like layout. There are many advanced mutants inside, learning.

A large number of books and documents left by humans in the cities are becoming the best tools for mutants to learn. Even in some classrooms, the two also saw human scholars being forced to teach these mutants students.

And without exception, the lowest level of mutants here is above the fifth-level mutants. With the super learning ability of the fifth-level mutants, it may not take long for these mutants to fully grasp the cultural accumulation of humans for thousands of years. And technology.

This shocked Cai Ruichen and the overlord, but at the same time, a strong killing intent flashed in their hearts.

Non-self races must have different minds, not to mention the mutant human race. Once the mutant has fully grasped the technological advantages of humans, then humans will not have the slightest chance of winning against the mutant.

However, unlike Cai Ruichen's thoughts, the overlord had a killing intent in his heart, but it quickly disappeared without a trace, because he knew very well that no matter how hard a mutant person worked, it would be difficult to escape the tragic fate in the end.

Cai Ruichen's idea is even simpler. He is considering whether after returning this time, whether to send a 10 million-ton hydrogen bomb to completely destroy everything here.

The three of them had their own thoughts, and soon came to the five-star hotel in the center of the city square.

Under the leadership of Zhai Si, the two went directly to a suite of the hotel. Just when they came to the door of the suite, they saw that the door of the suite was opened, and the figure of evil appeared inside the door, and said, "Lord, you are looking for me. ..."

Before Mi Ji could say all the words, she saw the overlord and Cai Ruichen behind Zhai Si, Mi Ji was like a frightened kitten, flew back several steps, looked at the two of them vigilantly, and said, "You two What do you do to the Lord, I advise you to put it on the Lord immediately, otherwise this will be your burial place."

In other words, it seems that Woji is about to summon manpower to save the priest. All of this seems to be true.

In fact, this is indeed true. Misfortune didn't know the arrival of Cai Ruichen and the overlord, because in the base camp, their instinctive detection could not be on all the time. This is a super impolite behavior among super mutants.

What's more, once something happens, all the senior mutants will know instantly with the contact information of the advanced mutants, and there is no need to turn on the brain's radar.

He only sensed the misfortune when Zhai Si was about to reach the door, and then took the initiative to open the door to welcome the Lord's coming.

As the world's top mutant person, the power of Zhai Si has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of every mutant, and he does not dare to offend Zhai Si in the slightest.

Mutants are a high-pressure race. In order to maintain the stability of their rule, even the best subordinates will not show any mercy.

Of course, if there are enough power and strength and supporters to overthrow the rule of Zhai Si, there is no problem.

"Go ahead and talk about it." Zhai Si stopped the misfortune and ordered.

Wu Ji's face became stiff, and he stepped back again, watching the three people walk in and shut the door.

"Lord, I can't understand your behavior." Looking at the three people who came in, Wu Ji said to Zhai Si with some seriousness.

"Then I need an explanation for your behavior. Why do you want to establish a hypertime transmission beacon? At the same time, how do you know the hypertime transmission beacon?" Zhai Si asked directly when he heard the words.

"Please forgive me, I am also for the future of the race in the distant place, so I am taking charge without authorization." Hearing the words of Misfortune, his face instantly turned pale, but he also recovered immediately and said to Zhai Si.

"Do you know what kind of consequences your behavior will bring?" Zhai Si asked misfortune.

"It will bring prosperity to our race, and all ordinary mutants will be promoted to high-level mutants. It will allow us to completely rule the world and seize more of the world." There is nothing dare to say so far. Yes, speak directly.

After hearing this, Zhai Si shook his head because he knew very well that there are many people with this kind of thinking among mutants, and the catastrophe is only one of them, and it is only one of the most people. , It’s just that Bane represents this group of people.

"I have warned that the consequences of doing so will not be bearable by our entire race. I understand what you think, but I cannot tolerate your behavior." Zhai Si applied coldly.

Shaoji's face paled again, but now that he has no excuses to explain, he can only bite the bullet and say: "Please forgive me for not reporting, but please see that I am also for the whole race. On the premise of the future, forgive my behavior."

Speaking of this, Shao Ji turned his gaze to Cai Ruichen and the overlord, and a deep hatred flashed in his eyes, and continued: "Please don't take the outsiders' scheming, the two of them are our real enemies."

Before Zhai Si would react, the overlord stepped forward, stood in front of Zhai Si, and said in the face of the misfortune: "There is no need to justify your ambition. If it is true as you said, everything can be fair. I now think that you should have been in touch with or received a message from there. I wonder if I was wrong?"

Hearing the words of the overlord, Wu Ji saw Zhai Si's eyes become colder, and he hurriedly said: "This is all nonsense. It is the most absurd separation of people who are not my race."

"Then I ask you, if you don't receive the information from there, how do you know how to establish a hyperspace transmission beacon?" The overlord's mouth curled up and asked about the evil.

This question was asked to die for misfortune. Looking at Zhai Si who had shown obvious killing intent, he decisively activated his own spatial teleportation, leaving the green mountains without worrying about firewood, but his face instantly paled. The unsatisfactory spatial teleportation is actually invalid.

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