The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1797: New year, privilege escalation

Time flies, time flies, and another year has passed in an instant.

This year, many global sensational events have been continuously launched internationally.

First, the United States withdrew the THAAD anti-missile system that it was planning to deploy in South Korea, and immediately lifted all sanctions on Russia.

NATO also followed suit and announced that all sanctions against Russia have ended.

It directly brought Russia's economy this year and achieved leap-forward growth. The economy, which was originally sluggish and recovering, was immediately relieved, bringing more business opportunities to Russia.

At the same time, European countries have also begun to receive Russian natural gas steadily, and there have been no more moths throughout the year.

The Ukrainian issue has also been resolved in a comprehensive and proper manner. NATO has completely ceased all support for Ukraine and recognized Crimea as Russian territory.

This led the Ukrainian government to fire map artillery against NATO as a whole, but NATO was not moved at all.

Ukraine was betrayed in Eastern Europe, while in the Far East, on the four northern islands of Japan, Russia began to build military airfields on the four northern islands regardless of the protests of the Japanese, which attracted great protests from the entire Japanese society.

But when Japan approached the United States, the United States’ attitude became ambiguous. It didn’t make any statement. It just called on the two sides to sit down and talk. There was no substantive action. Russia, as always, did its own way.

However, Japan has also received huge benefits. The United States sold the retired Kitty Hawk-class aircraft carrier to Japan at a price of 2.5 billion U.S. dollars. Externally, it announced that a Japanese company would purchase the aircraft carrier as an exhibition hall for visitors to enjoy. .

In this regard, Japan gradually closed its mouth. Although it has never admitted it, it has gradually acquiesced to Russia's actions on the four northern islands.

At the same time, the whole world has gradually learned about China's changes this year, and almost all have instinctively understood the root cause of the sudden change in the international situation.

China’s military expenditure last year was only 200 billion U.S. dollars, while last year’s military expenditure alone reached a staggering one trillion U.S. dollars, and it will continue to increase military expenditures next year, which is expected to account for percent of the annual fiscal revenue. thirty.

This year, it was not the Middle East Federation that caused the sudden change in the international situation, or it was not directly caused by the Middle East Federation, but China Xia. No one can deny this.

In the eyes of everyone, in the Middle East Federation this year, apart from the Indonesian war, there seems to be no major news. The main news comes from the Future Technology Group.

Future City in the Sky is one of the most watched news throughout the year, and another news with the same level of attention is interstellar immigration.

Last year, three months after the exposure of the Future City in the Sky, the Future Technology Group Space Shuttle III completed the construction and performed the first ascent to the sky at the Tehran Space Port, and immediately began its second flight.

Space Shuttle 3 carried a total of 500 professionals and technicians from various fields from the Future Technology Group and China, and also carried a large number of equipment and materials, and flew to Mars.

Space Shuttle 3 accelerated with the help of the earth's gravity and reached Mars at an extremely alarming speed in only 25 days, a full ten days earlier than the original plan.

The successful arrival of Space Shuttle 3 on Mars also brought a perfect end to the first step of human interstellar migration.

The huge body of the Space Shuttle will land directly on Mars and will perform a three-month residency mission. During this period, Space Shuttle 3 will return to Earth after the completion of the first phase of the Mars immigration base. A mission to and from the Earth and Mars is carried out every two months.

Future Technology Group officially opened interstellar migration, and the first group of people who immigrated to Mars was 500 people, and this year, it plans to immigrate 5,000 people to Mars. Some of these 5,000 people are selected from around the world. Once the registration and assessment methods are passed, they will go directly to the Future Technology Group to receive three-month training, and finally qualified people will be able to truly emigrate to Mars.

Last year, Mars has also become the most popular vocabulary of all mankind.

While people's attention is drawn to Mars, they have not forgotten the earth-shaking changes that are taking place on the earth. This change does not mean the international situation, but is all concentrated in the territory of the Middle East Federation.

As it enters this year's end, the development plan of the Middle East Federation last year of more than ten trillion dollars has finally reached the time to test the results.

The first is the full application of wireless power transmission technology. In the Middle East Federation, no gasoline-burning vehicles have been seen. The entire Middle East Federation has also begun to completely ban vehicles other than electric energy. It is the world's first real A country that realizes all electric energy transportation.

The Middle East Federation has the world’s most abundant oil reserves. This year’s international oil prices have risen from the original oil war between the United States, Saudi Arabia, and Russia due to changes in life in the Middle East and the demand for oil that has dropped to a freezing point. Oil prices have once again experienced a continuous decline.

However, this decline is very slow, but the whole world knows that in the current Middle East Federation, domestic demand for oil has been reduced to the point where only the military needs. Once a large amount of oil is exported, it is estimated that the world's oil price may drop to There is less than twenty dollars per barrel.

At that time, not only will Russia's economy fall into a cold winter again, but the entire shale oil industry chain in the United States will directly collapse.

This will be catastrophic for both Russia and the United States. Fortunately, the Middle East Federation has not done this. The decline in international oil prices is just because of market conditions. They are worried that the Middle East Federation will sell a large amount of oil and cause losses. Sell ​​a large amount of oil as soon as possible.

In fact, the Federation of the Middle East has done nothing. The amount of oil exported every year has not increased, and it does not seem to have any meaning in this regard.

The wireless power transmission technology popularized throughout the Middle East Federation has also completely changed the human life pattern. It does not require chargers, power sockets, and high-voltage cables across the country. The nationwide power grid is a thing of the past.

The current citizens of the Middle East Federation have only one real-name receiver in every household. The monthly electricity bill is automatically deducted from the bank card bound to the real-name receiver. At the same time, the Middle East Federation has also fully realized the national wireless Internet access with a minimum of 6g. Speed, really let all human body know what is called rocket speed.

The operator of the Future Technology Group, which is responsible for the national network of the Middle East Federation, only limits the speed of one-fifth of the network speed. Even so, a successful connection to the Internet in the Middle East Federation will keep the speed at 1g per second for transmission and upload. speed.

Also because of this high-speed transmission speed, it has also truly realized the rhythm of the citizens of the Middle East Federation closely following the global footsteps.

In addition, the vacuum high-speed rails throughout the Middle East have also completed the construction of half of the national lines, realizing the plan of opening one third of the lines to traffic in the world.

Now in the Middle East Federation, from Jerusalem to Dubai, and then to Baghdad and Tehran, it only takes ten minutes.

It has truly realized a leaping and uninterrupted transportation hub. Wake up on the edge of the Mediterranean Sea in the morning and go to work by the Gulf of Aden at the time of breakfast. After work in the evening, you can go to Jerusalem to see the holy mountain, and then browse the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Then go home to sleep.

However, what has really attracted global attention is that the first vacuum high-speed rail linking China from the Middle East Federation, after a year of construction, this high-speed rail has also been completed.

It passes directly from Tehran through Pakistan, then through the Kunlun Mountains, and then into the hinterland of China, extending directly to the estuary of the place where the emperor crosses Jin.

And in the middle, there are still a lot of exports, but this railway is not open to the outside world, only for cargo transportation.

Eventually, it will be connected to the independent high-speed rail for cargo transportation in the Middle East Federation, realizing the super speed of national cargo transportation.

But what is really interesting to talk about is the difficulty of becoming a citizen of the Middle East Federation.

If it was five years ago, it would not be difficult to become a citizen of the Middle East Federation, even if you were not originally a Middle Eastern citizen, but as long as you worked in a registered Middle East Federation regular enterprise for more than three years, you could apply for the citizenship of the Middle East Federation. .

And every Middle Easterner in the world can return to the Middle East Federation at any time and become a citizen of the Middle East Federation.

But since last year, countless foreigners who want to immigrate to the Middle East Federation to experience the rhythm of life in the Middle East Federation have discovered that it is almost impossible to live in the Middle East Federation for a long time.

The temporary visa for foreigners of the Middle East Federation has also been shortened to only seven days, which can be said to be the shortest time for a temporary visa in the world, even shorter than that for a tourist group visa.

Unless it is for formal business negotiations, business investigations and other formal reasons, if you just want to visit the Middle East Federation or just for a stroll, there are only seven days.

However, the Middle East Federation is also the simplest foreign visa requirement among all countries in the world. If you want to take a look at the Middle East Federation, you only need to have no criminal record.

Therefore, the Middle East Federation has almost become the largest tourist destination last year, and everyone believes that the Middle East Federation's large number of high-tech technologies will also attract more tourists this year.

Last year, the brand-new airliner of Future Technology Group Airlines was also formally successfully developed and successfully completed the global test flight.

The new futuristic passenger aircraft is a high-end global passenger aircraft with the fastest flying speed in the world, similar to the supersonic passenger aircraft being studied by Airbus in Europe and Boeing in the United States.

In the future, the ultra-high-speed passenger plane will directly enter the atmosphere after taking off and then enter the atmosphere. The time from Baghdad to the capital of China will be shortened to only half an hour, and it can fly to every corner of the world in an hour.

As soon as this passenger plane appeared, it immediately attracted a large number of orders from airlines around the world. This time, no airline was on the sidelines.

Because the future science and technology group can build spacecraft, the construction of this ultra-high speed passenger aircraft, the outside world naturally trusts.

The most important thing is that this high-end aircraft has a huge market share, and the industry has just started, and everyone wants to seize more benefits.

Although the cost of future passenger planes is not cheap, each selling for as high as 400 million US dollars, but on the day of completion of the test flight, more than 300 orders from major airlines around the world have been received, and this is still a preliminary order.

And after the orders of major airlines in the world, there are hundreds of private orders from all over the world.

In particular, the oil tycoons in the Middle East Federation have almost one manpower, and the privately-made passenger planes cost one billion U.S. dollars each, but the supply is still in short supply.

This is because although this kind of passenger aircraft is a large fixed-wing aircraft, it has the function of vertical landing and take-off. As long as there is a flat field, it can take off and land.

In addition, the Future Technology Group also has professional pilots who can be employed by the owners of these aircraft to be responsible for the driving and maintenance of the aircraft.

For this reason, this super airliner that can fly around the world in an hour has suddenly become the new favorite of all billionaires, just like sports cars and beauties, jewelry and handsome men, it is very popular. .

Of course, this is also consistent with Future Technology Group's consistently high quality and service first attitude, which has won global trust.

However, it is also very important that as long as the money is handed over, the aircraft can be delivered within three months. This efficiency is the reason why so many buyers, especially individual buyers, are attracted.

As for Cai Ruichen, who brought all these changes, in this year's time, it can be said that it is not high-profile at all.

The development of the Middle East Federation is in an orderly manner, and all plans are implemented smoothly, without Cai Ruichen's worry at all.

During this year, Cai Ruichen was not really idle. The war in Indonesia required his attention. The time agreed with the overlord was less than one year left. He was desperately trying to improve his abilities.

Over the past year, Cai Ruichen has been constantly squeezing himself every day, pushing himself to the limit every day, day after day, week after week, and never stopped.

At the same time, the Red Police Corps has also made sufficient development during the year. The construction of the eight main armies has been fully completed, the rust removal of a new batch of garrisons has been completed, and brand new weapons and equipment have been installed. The Middle East Federal Guard The combat effectiveness of the garrison forces is rising in a straight line.

What Cai Ruichen really looks forward to is that with the one-year expansion of the universe, the daily fixed income of the base has already reached the mission requirements of the super technology authority, reaching 500 million US dollars.

The base also gave him the best New Year’s gift, and entered the review stage for the completion of the authority task. Tonight is the New Year’s Eve of the Middle East Federation, which is the same day as the New Year’s Eve of his hometown. Tonight, Cai Ruichen’s authority at the base will enter Level to a higher level of authority.

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