The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1789: Battlestar

The Space Shuttle II, which was as huge as a mountain, was towed by a professional trailer and slowly left the terminal building and taxied to the take-off runway.

Said it is a runway for take-off, it is better to say that Bai is a large field that combines dozens of football fields horizontally.

The 4,000-meter-long super cannonball has a width of 300 meters alone. The huge space shuttle is on the runway, like a fat man walking on a single-plank bridge. The huge fuselage completely covers the runway.

Supporting such a huge weight is the two front and four rear six huge landing gears. The front wheel landing gear, the size of two tires alone, is five stories high. The thick landing gear and cushioning device are stable and stable. The support of the huge body.

And the last four landing gears, each of which has twenty-two equally huge tires. The gears of the tires are all like small houses. In front of this spacecraft, human beings are as insignificant as ants and people.

Under the vertical tail wing, sixteen fish-mouth-shaped tail nozzles are combined to form a huge oval tail nozzle with a little blue light on it, which is the light that the propeller starts to operate.

At the position where the space shuttle was preparing to take off, six huge blocking devices were raised, reaching a height of six stories, just blocking all the tires.

As the signal lights about to take off flickered, the Space Shuttle 2 tail spout made a deafening roar, and the huge waves swept back, and blue flames sprayed out hundreds of meters from the fish-mouth spout.

At the stage of preparation for take-off, the two pilots in the space shuttle cockpit directly accelerate the power to the highest level, until the data on the instrument meets the requirements for take-off, then they send the signal that they can take off to the spaceport control tower.

When the control tower received the signal, it immediately put down the blocker, blocking the blocker in front of the space shuttle tires, and quickly confined on the runway, and the space shuttle, which had reached the take-off power standard, was on the runway like an arrow from the mysterious Charged up.

The two pilots in the cockpit immediately increased the power output to the maximum at the first time of taxiing. The space shuttle weighing several thousand tons accelerated from a standstill to 500 kilometers per hour in a short kilometer taxi. .

At this time, all the folded plates of the space shuttle's three-corner wing were also put down, and the huge air current swept under the three-corner wing. Under the obstacle of the folded plate, a huge ascent force was generated. He got up, his body slowly left the ground.

In the space shuttle, the centrifugal force that was generated quickly was not felt at all, and even from the space shuttle preparation to take-off to the process, the people inside didn't feel at all.

In the crew cabin, the two reporters next to Cai Ruichen all looked at the outside scenery curiously. In the fully enclosed crew cabin, with the exception of the feet, the heads on both sides were all the outside scenery. During the taxiing phase, even You can see the scenery flying backwards and speeding on both sides, and you can clearly see the grass uprooted by the cold roots on both sides of the runway.

When they lifted off, they didn't even feel any difference. If they hadn't seen themselves getting further and further away from the ground, they wouldn't know that the space shuttle had already flown in the air.

"Dear passengers, we will enter the vertical climbing stage in 30 seconds. Please stay in your seat and do not move. The passenger cabin adopts an intelligent gyroscope control system, which can change the angle and position of the entire passenger cabin and always maintain the cabin. Don’t worry if you are parallel to the ground."

In the crew cabin, the voice of the captain heard, as if to take care of two temporary passengers, the captain also specially explained the rhythm of the crew cabin.

In fact, including the cockpit, all the crew cabins are equipped with a gyroscopic balance system, which can always maintain a posture parallel to the ground, so the people inside will never feel upside down or unsuitable.

Moreover, there is an independent gravity system and decompression device in the passenger compartment, so there is no centrifugal force and overload pressure under acceleration.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen was determined to let the two reporters follow temporarily, because there will be no burden or pressure on the human body, no weightlessness and huge overload, and the pressure will be blocked.

In 30 seconds, Space Shuttle 2 was slowly adjusting its flight attitude. The fishbill-shaped tail nozzle has the capability of vector propulsion. With the adjustment of the wings, Space Shuttle 2 slowly adjusted to vertical. Upward angle.

The direction of climb is naturally east, and the angle of flight is the same as that of the launch vehicle. When the angle and flight attitude are all normal, the two pilots also accelerate again. At the same time, the climb to the east angle is also just by the rotation of the earth. Gravity accelerates.

The principle of gravitational acceleration is like a hammer, the invisible gravitation is like the chain, and the flying machine is the big iron ball, and the human is the source of gravity of the earth.

So this is why many rockets are launched to the east. Of course, this is not absolute. The main thing is to be on the earth. In general, the smaller the latitude, the more advantageous it will be.

The Middle East Federation does not have any low latitudes. It is high or low, so conventional methods of launching eastward have been adopted.

However, for the current human technology, a good launch site only determines the carrying capacity. From a technical perspective, a launch vehicle can be launched anywhere on the earth. The difference is that the same remote rocket is here. One ton can be transported, but in other places, I am afraid it can only carry 300 kilograms.

And the majestic power of the space shuttle, the ability to get rid of the gravity of the earth is naturally sufficient, because there is no such difficulty, unlike the Soviet Union back then, this is quite a headache.

When launching eastward, the initial speed conferred by the rotation of the earth reduces the increase in speed that the rocket should provide, which can also reduce energy consumption, especially on such a large aircraft, the subsequent consumption is quite objective. digital.

There are three stages of taxiing, take-off, and climbing, but in the eyes of the people in the space shuttle, it is nothing more than a minute.

When the earth shrinks rapidly, and the arc of the earth’s atmosphere can almost be seen immediately, the panoramic view of the earth appears immediately.

This also means that the space shuttle has left the atmosphere at an altitude of two hundred kilometers. For the speed of the space shuttle, it is only a matter of minutes. The entire flight process is smooth and natural, without any fluctuations or accidents.

The two reporters sitting next to Cai Ruichen felt scared at this moment. There was only freshness and excitement. Watching the earth gradually came into the eye, there were various emotions, and there was no need to worry and fear.

However, the eyes of the two were quickly attracted from the earth to the endless starry sky. The bright galaxy appeared in everyone's eyes, and not far away, a disc that became clearer and clearer also appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, the captain’s voice came from the space shuttle again: “The terminal of this flight will arrive at Sky City in one minute. The space shuttle will directly dock in the space port of Sky City. All passengers are requested to wait for the automatic door After opening, walk out of the crew compartment."

In just a few minutes, leaving the earth and coming to the city of the sky hundreds of kilometers above the sky, all this, to the two reporters, seemed like a dream.

The huge sky city is getting closer and closer, and when it really comes in front of you, you can feel the visual shock brought by this behemoth.

The Space Shuttle approached the Sky City, and on the side of the disc-like Sky City, a door was slowly opened. From the door, two huge mechanical arms were extended to directly grab the Space Shuttle. , The space shuttle's power system was completely shut down, and the space shuttle moved along the earth's orbit with the city in the sky.

The whole process was completed in a flash.

Grabbing the Sky City of the Space Shuttle, he slowly pulled the Space Shuttle into the Sky City until most of the space shuttle's body entered the Sky City.

At this moment, everyone in the crew cabin also clearly saw the cosmic harbor in the Sky City, with smooth sides, bright lights, and a large number of equipment clearly visible.

The space shuttle fixed by the robotic arm to the space port of the Sky City has several huge pipes extending from both sides of the space port, which are like suckers attached to the various door positions of the space shuttle, including the cargo door below.

At this time, Cai Ruichen also stood up directly from his seat, and the hundred experts in the crew cabin also stood up from the seat and began to organize their salutes.

Upon seeing this, the two reporters all stood up.

In less than twenty seconds, the door in the crew compartment had been opened, and the channel attached to the space shuttle was tightly connected to the space shuttle's cabin door. Oxygen and simulated atmospheric pressure were no different from standing on the earth.

Cai Ruichen was the first to walk out of the crew cabin, walked only a few meters away, and stepped into the Sky City with one foot.

When I first saw the inside of the city of the sky, there was only one feeling, that is, it was extremely empty, and at the same time, there was a busyness.

What's empty is the space in front of you, which is extremely huge, and the panoramic image of the outside world with augmented reality is like a huge platform floating in the universe, so it feels empty.

Busy refers to all kinds of busy robots, robots coming and going, all very busy, holding various things, and busy transporting various things on this huge platform.

"Welcome to the future city of the sky, I am the butler panda of the city of the sky, the shortcut provides convenient services for everyone."

Just stepping into the Sky City, the ethereal voice of the panda came.

The two reporters following Cai Ruichen were already dumbfounded, their faces were full of shock, without reservation.

Several vehicles resembling electric vehicles in tourist attractions arrived at the exit of the passenger compartment, and brought the two reporters who were in shock back to reality.

Only at this time did they feel that entering the Sky City seems to be the same as walking on the earth. If there is a difference, it is that the air here is extremely fresh, which is quite a bit of a new rain in the sky. feel.

Cai Ruichen also invited two reporters to get on the bus, but instructed the panda: "Panda, arrange two tour guides and take two guests around."

"Please feel free to leave it to me."

As soon as the panda's voice fell, two robot butlers walked over, went straight to the two reporters, and gestured for a please.

The machine housekeeper, in today's world, has long been nothing magical. Seventy-five percent of the global households have their own machine housekeeper.

Both reporters belong to the high-income group, and the family has long bought a machine housekeeper, because both of them naturally accept it, and they also know that Cai Ruichen can't really accompany them.

Before leaving with the two machine housekeepers, the reporter from China still said to Cai Ruichen: "Mr. Cai, don't forget my interview."

"At noon, I will invite both of you to have lunch. At that time, there will be time to talk slowly." Cai Ruichen nodded and said.

When the two reporters heard the words, they all nodded expectantly, and then immediately indulged in the charming scenery.

Standing in the city of the sky, you can almost see the entire earth in your eyes, but what is really attractive is the endless starry sky beyond the earth.

Under the introduction of the machine butler, the two began to play in the Sky City.

On the other hand, Cai Ruichen, alone with the general, took an electric car, and left the place immediately.

The huge sky city has a thickness that can fully accommodate Space Shuttle 2, and it is naturally equipped with various equipment, which is definitely a veritable sky city.

If this city in the sky is built as a residential city, it can accommodate millions of people, and it will not appear crowded at all.

The thickness of the one-hundred-story high-rise building is divided into 20 floors. Each floor has its own special function. In addition to the power core system, there are also a large number of reserved weapon platforms. Cai Ruichen also plans to place a special The base vehicle will be used as the control hub of the entire Sky The base will take over the industrial city in the sky in the future.

All minerals mined in the universe will be recovered in Sky City, and all future high-end weapons and equipment will also be produced in Sky City.

Once the Sky City is completely completed, this will be the second retreat of the Red Police Corps. The first retreat is the Underground Kingdom, and the second retreat will be the Sky City.

If even the underground kingdom is not safe in the future, Cai Ruichen will move to the Sky City without hesitation, and drive the Sky City away from the earth to a safer place.

Because in the future, if even the underground kingdom is not safe, then staying in the sky will probably not be safe either.

This is not Cai Ruichen's cowardice, but he never puts all his eggs in the same basket, and at the same time he does not just prepare himself a retreat. Every time he thinks deeply, he considers the issues under the worst conditions. Be optimistic about the future and take every step firmly. (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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