The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1786: Overview of the Red Police Corps

Inside the base console.

In the atmosphere of the Indonesian war and the Jerusalem Global Defense Exhibition was in full swing, Cai Ruichen almost got out of these two things.

He has issued the latest order to the front-line command in Indonesia. The first stage of the war against Indonesia is to destroy as much as possible the active fighting force of the Indonesian National Army, and at the same time do his best to find out where the Indonesian government is hiding. Be sure to catch the top leaders of the Indonesian government.

Cai Ruichen has never forgotten about Larne and the biochemical rain storm bomb that appeared in Indonesia, and the other party can be regarded as having hands and eyes open to the sky, and can actually hide in the International Red Cross transportation vehicle, and through the supervision of American Airlines, appeared in Indonesia. domestic.

In this matter, the Indonesian government is very likely to know some relevant intelligence. In order to avoid another time, it must find the Indonesian government that is currently in hiding as soon as possible.

If these people are not found for a day, the situation may continue to undergo unpredictable changes. At the same time, if the Indonesian government is destroyed, the morale of resistance in Indonesia will be greatly affected.

If it wasn't for the fact that he still had things to do, Cai Ruichen would plan to go to Indonesia personally to find out the hidden group of rats.

Of course, if he waits for his work to finish, if Tan Ya hasn't gained anything yet, Cai Ruichen will do it himself again.

In the base console, a large number of construction lists are neatly displayed on the main display, and the dense lists are all weapons and equipment and soldier recruitment lists.

In ten years, the size of the Red Police Corps was close to one million, including a large number of engineers, instructors, biological units, and non-military combat units such as spies and hackers. The current size of the Red Police Corps was sufficient. The size of ten armies.

The size of the group army of the Red Police Corps is completely different for each group army.

The Mountain Group Army and the Jungle Group Army are light combat units. At present, the number of soldiers in the two armies responsible for combat missions is almost 50,000. Together with the various units composed of other arms, the number is almost 60,000.

Although it is a lightly armed unit, its combat effectiveness should not be underestimated. Although it is rarely equipped with main battle tanks, it is also equipped with a large number of sickle mechas. Centurion Siege Mechas are the main equipment for mountain and jungle combat, and mountain artillery. And it is equipped with a super-large helicopter cluster, and is equipped with a dedicated logistics supply center to develop a supply model specifically for jungle and mountain operations.

In the battle far away in Indonesia, although the Jungle Army is leading the battle, the subsequent Mountain Army will also be sent to Indonesia to participate in this war.

By then, Indonesia will have three combined armies of combat troops, as well as a large number of logistics, air force, and naval forces.

In coordination with the two lightly armed forces, the heavy forces of the First Heavy Equipment Group are the heavy units of the First Heavy Equipment Group. The First Heavy Equipment Group is currently the most powerful force in addition to the Forbidden and Guard Group Army being formed.

The First Group Army alone has nearly 80,000 direct combat personnel, with a total strength of 100,000, 100% mechanized troops, three heavy armored divisions under its jurisdiction, and the total number of main battle tanks of the armored units directly under the group army. , It reached three thousand vehicles.

This is a huge number. On average, there are 800 main battle tanks for each heavy-loaded division. Moreover, in the First Army, there are no rhino tanks. They are all apocalyptic main battle tanks. The most powerful fourth-generation main battle tank, a group army is equipped with 3,000 vehicles, and this number alone exceeds most of the world's army countries.

You know, Turkey was once NATO's largest army country, and its main battle tanks were only three or four thousand, and most of them were second-generation tanks modified, and the number of third-generation tanks was only a few hundred.

The First Army has naturally become the ace of the Red Police Corps. The ultra-large-scale main battle tank configuration is enough to sweep over half of Europe.

And three thousand main battle tanks, it only needs six thousand tanks to control, but behind each tank, there is at least one professional engineer and two logistics experts, responsible for ensuring the tank's continuous combat capability and rapid battlefield Supply capacity.

In the highly automated Red Police Corps, tank inspection and maintenance as well as battlefield maintenance are fully integrated. A tank requires only five people, two for driving operations, and three for later work.

In fact, three people are responsible for the supply of an Apocalypse tank, which can be said to be extremely luxurious.

One tank squad of the First Army is equipped with an astonishing three tanks, and one squad has three Apocalypse tanks. This is equivalent to a platoon of foreign troops with only one tank in a squad of each country.

A tank squad, four responsible for logistics, equipped with a professional automated maintenance armored vehicle, an ammunition supply vehicle, and a fuel supply vehicle.

Ten people are in charge of a squad, serving three main battle tanks, and after being on the battlefield, there is more than enough. The fully automated supply vehicle is the biggest contributor.

Therefore, a heavy equipment division of the Red Police Corps can be equipped with 800 main battle tanks.

The combat core of the entire group army will be carried out around these main battle tanks, with a large number of armored vehicles and warrior assault vehicles in cooperation.

The First Army is also equipped with a guided missile brigade, an air defense division, and a heavy artillery division. Combining each reloaded division’s own air defense and fire support forces, it is completely possible to establish a military theater area air defense without any support. Ability, the convergence of near and far firepower.

Putting the First Army in Indonesia can also be said to be overkill, because this is a force that specializes in tough and **** battles. In Indonesia, there is no army qualified to fight the First Army.

Therefore, the biggest role of the First Army in Indonesia is to deter the enemy and bring enough pressure to the enemy.

Among the remaining seven group armies of the Red Police Corps, in addition to the paratroopers and the marines, two of the group armies have been in the Wasteland.

The remaining three group armies, as well as the forbidden and guard group army that is being formed, cooperate with the airborne troops and the Marine Corps, are the troops in this world that can fight at any time.

The Red Police Corps has a combat force of 800,000, with tens of thousands of main battle tanks, nearly 30,000 armored vehicles of various types, nearly 5,000 combat aircraft, and nearly two large transport aircraft and peacekeeping transport aircraft. Thousands, and a large number of transport helicopters.

Moreover, the Red Police Corps also has a strategic nuclear missile force capable of influencing the global power structure. It has a missile force juxtaposed with the four services of sea, land, air and space. It has tens of thousands of various missiles, just a variety of intercontinental nuclear missiles. There are as many as 500, and the number of conventional missiles with various strike distances is calculated in units of 10,000.

This is mainly due to the fact that there is no conflict between the production of missiles and the production of other weapons and equipment, and the size of the missile army exceeds 100,000.

The missile force is also responsible for the local strategic air defense mission of the Middle East Federation. Combined with the defense unit of the base, it is enough to protect the entire country like an iron barrel.

However, such a large force did not make Cai Ruichen feel satisfied.

At present, the recruitment of the Red Police Corps has all begun to focus on combat troops, and the recruitment of other arms is almost at a standstill.

This is because the current scale of other arms is already sufficient and there is no shortage of manpower.

What's really missing is the speed of recruiting soldiers.

At the current rate of recruiting soldiers at the base, 500 soldiers can be recruited every day, but this speed is still very small compared to the battle that is likely to come at any time in the future.

Although the scale of the million garrison is not small, it also has a large number of advanced weapons and equipment, various rhino tanks and grizzly tanks, as well as a large number of third-generation fighters. It is no less than the main force of various countries, but for Cai Ruichen who strives for perfection. In terms of this scale, it is only acceptable.

The most important thing is that the Middle East Federation still lacks background and lacks a large number of reserve forces. Unlike many countries who retire a large number of soldiers every year, these can be re-enlisted during the war to increase the size of their forces.

On the other hand, in the Middle East Federation, the total number of retired soldiers in these years is not even 1.5 million, and they are all retired soldiers of the garrison. As for the Red Police Corps, there has not been a single soldier who can continue to go on the battlefield.

With the current speed of base construction, the current production efficiency of weapons and equipment has far exceeded the recruitment efficiency of soldiers, so Cai Ruichen has also made a large number of production lists for the production of garrison equipment.

At this scale, looking at the world is completely enough, but facing the future, it is far from enough.

With 500 soldiers a day, there are nearly 180,000 soldiers in a year. By next year, the combat strength of the Red Police Corps will reach one million.

The Red Police Corps has a strength of one million troops, which is of great significance to Cai Ruichen, because all special base vehicles will be activated in full.

At that time, there will be super units dedicated to special base vehicles, which will greatly improve the combat capabilities of the Red Police Corps.

However, exclusive super units cannot change the biggest problem at present, that is, the speed of recruiting soldiers is still too slow.

Calculated by the war potential of all countries in the world, the three countries of China, the United States and Russia can recruit tens of millions of troops at will. The population base and industrial foundation are consolidated, and someone who has a gun can go to the battlefield.

The second-tier countries can also arm a few million veterans at will, especially two countries like South Korea and North Korea. Although the country is small, its military resources are very sufficient, armed with five or six million troops. , It's not a problem at all.

Of course, if the Middle East Federation really needs a large number of troops, then the Middle East Federation is not a problem at all. The perennial war has brought not only disasters to the Middle East Federation, but also tempered the resilience of the entire Middle East nation. After joining the Federation, a large number of soldiers have been retired, and these are all resources.

However, this is not what Cai Ruichen wants, because the future war will not be won by simple numbers, but on the basic sound of super combat effectiveness, with more troops that can be used, this is what Cai Ruichen wants.

It is undeniable that Cai Ruichen can freely recruit seven or eight million veterans in the Middle East Federation, and there will be one-third of these soldiers who have participated in actual combat or have experienced the real battlefield.

But these people are all illiterate and unable to use advanced weapons and equipment. The weapons and equipment of the Red Police Corps cannot be used by an illiterate.

Although a large number of automation equipment and artificial intelligence equipment, advanced voice control and fool-like operation, many illiterate can operate some weapons and equipment, but they do not know how to deal with the abnormal situation of weapons and equipment, it may be because A small problem caused the equipment to lose its combat effectiveness.

What's more, it is not that Cai Ruichen looks down on normal humans, but after comparing the performance of the Red Police Corps soldiers on the battlefield, Cai Ruichen has a considerable understanding of the limits of normal human soldiers.

The soldiers of the Red Police Corps can endure and endure all the pain of war unless they die directly, but normal humans rarely can.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen builds a garrison like a big wave scouring the sand every year, in order to train a group of troops that can almost match the Red Police Corps in all aspects, and these troops will become the combat partners of the Red Police Corps in the future, born and died together. It will not become a burden.

With absolute high-intensity training, training subjects that surpass the limit time after time, and build a strong army from a hundred miles, only can we truly enter Cai Ruichen's vision.

The reason for the strictness is that it is entirely responsible for the citizens and every Cai Ruichen can also eliminate ninety-nine people on the training ground, and only one is left in order to protect the ninety-nine people. Lest you lose your life on the battlefield.

The elimination of these ninety-nine people is also to ensure that they will not entail comrades-in-arms and the soldiers of the Red Police Corps. The three armies may not appear if they are incompetent, but the inability of a soldier to kill the whole class is not alarmist.

Although every soldier in the garrison is an elite among the elite, Cai Ruichen is still the soldier who values ​​the Red Police Corps most.

Fortunately, the base also gave Cai Ruichen a hope, that is, the replication center. Cai Ruichen is not clear about the effect of the replication center, but one thing is certain, at least it can double the recruitment efficiency, that is, The base can recruit nearly 360,000 combat troops each year.

But all of this is based on Cai Ruichen’s ability to complete the task of super privilege promotion. Fortunately, this is not difficult. Cai Ruichen is considering how to complete the task of super privilege faster, because he has felt that the time left for himself is really Not much anymore. (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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