The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1771: Prologue to Jungle War

Direct sunlight hits the equator. At the vernal equinox, the temperature in the Indonesian jungle is slowly rising under the sun.

The Jakarta War lasted less than a week. During the entire week, with a certain degree of attention from the outside world, the Middle East Federal Guard controlled the largest city in Southeast Asia with a very stable rhythm.

After the gun smoke cleared, the city after the war paid a heavy price. Urban buildings were damaged by more than 15%, streets and traffic were damaged by 20%, and the external transportation system was still facing paralysis.

After the war, there were less than two million people in the city. The direct casualties caused by the war exceeded half a million, half of which were affected by the war.

The heavy price of the war did not fail to stop the war. In Jakarta, there was not even a rat that could resist. The 200,000 troops of the Middle East Federation completely controlled the city, and at the same time made the city enter anarchy. .

The United Nations rescue agency quickly entered Jakarta when the war in Jakarta was extinguished. Jakarta also had to participate in the repair work of the city. A large number of corpses needed to be sorted, the city needed to be cleaned, and the houses needed to be repaired. No one is responsible for their homeland, and will only be abandoned.

Schools in Jakarta have resumed their normal learning system, but a large number of students are missing. At the same time, all the original teachers have been replaced. The temporary government agency organized by the Middle East Federation has begun to restore the normal pace of life in the city step by step. , Issued a notice to the country that the Jakarta war and its end, I hope that the original residents of Jakarta can return.

Light industry began to recover, the port continued to operate, international traffic was safe and smooth, and a steady stream of war relief supplies began to arrive in Jakarta.

At the same time, the Chinese Army also began to enter Jakarta and stationed in Jakarta with the Federal Guard of the Middle East to restore peace and stability in the city.

Unlike the security atmosphere in Jakarta at this moment, outside Jakarta has also become the core of the war.

More than half of the forces of the Federal Guard of the Middle East are deployed on the periphery of Jakarta, firmly protecting the entire city. Outside the protection circle, a new war is brewing.

There are millions of Indonesian National Army all over the country, preparing for a decisive battle with the invaders. Any place outside Indonesia, any person, may be the enemy.

In the front-line command of the Red Police Corps Special Forces Regiment, a meeting of all the elite special warfare masters in Jakarta is being held under the organization of Boris.

This conference gathered more than three hundred special combat teams, including top special commandos such as Phoenix and Ghost, as well as many elite special forces in the hometown, with a total number of more than two thousand.

Everyone in it is a veritable king of soldiers. On the battlefield, they all exist as ten. For ordinary soldiers, their combat effectiveness is terrifying.

"The mission you are going to perform this time is a long-term jungle survival war. No one is a natural victor. Wen has no first and Wu has no second. The enemies you face are not only familiar with all the local environments. The Indonesian National Army soldiers and international mercenary masters. This is a test for us, and it is also a test we must face."

Boris stood on the podium in the venue, dressed in a uniform, with three shining stars. The people below, with serious faces, listened to his speech carefully: "I know that you are all masters, but I hope you are one of them. All of them are humble masters. The slightest carelessness will ruin your lives. Always remember that the moment you step on the battlefield, you must treat yourself as hell. Don’t be merciful, don’t hesitate, trust your companions and comrades in arms. Resolutely kill the enemy and come back alive and victorious."

"Now issue a task briefing."

The so-called mission briefing from Boris's mouth is, in fact, just an electronic map, which is a whole piece of primitive deep forest that includes three volcanoes, and this deep forest is just beside Jakarta.

Indonesia is the country with the most volcanoes in the world, and volcanoes can be seen everywhere, in dense jungles, and even many ancient tribes.

The large jungle that spread from Jakarta to the west covers an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers, with high mountains and dense forests. In many places, no one has set foot in it even for a century.

A considerable part of the Indonesian army that disappeared near Jakarta is hidden in this dense forest. If the Indonesian National Army inside is not dealt with, the Federal Guards of the Middle East will also find it difficult to radiate and attack.

Because most of Jakarta’s external traffic has to pass through this dense forest, if the Indonesian National Army inside is allowed to continue lurking, it will pose a great threat to the traffic line.

There may even be a risk of frontline troops being outflanked. After all, the hidden enemies in this jungle are not thousands, but tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands.

Such a huge force is hidden in the jungle. It can retreat and guard the jungle, use the concealment of the forest to carry out traffic guerrilla warfare, and can attack back and forth, and even continue its strength to counterattack Jakarta on the edge.

Among the stretches of mountains, connected to the various towns on Java Island, the entire mountain range is complex and connected in turn, allowing you to move forward and backward freely.

According to the intelligence of the Red Police Corps, after the Dutch surrendered to the Japanese in the Indonesian archipelago on March 9, 42 during World War II, Japan did not encounter much resistance and took control of Indonesia. After the Battle of Midway, the Japanese troops were also on the main islands of Indonesia, especially On the island of Java, many military fortresses were built in an attempt to resist counterattacks from the Allied forces.

After the end of World War II, Indonesia became independent and ceased to be a colonial country, and the Indonesian National Army further expanded the size of its military fortress.

Therefore, no one knows what is hidden in this jungle. Under those complicated dense forests, there may be hidden military fortresses.

Even in the face of the US military, the Red Police Corps has not been so careful. The most important thing is that in the next year or two, the main battlefields of the Red Police Corps will be the jungles in Indonesia.

This will be a long battle, but also a **** training ground.

"The map in your hands is within the scope of your mission this time. Our magnetic storm tanks will surround the entire jungle and completely suppress the enemy's radio contact. Supplies will be delivered every three days. The air force and artillery will be you. The only support."

Having said that, Boriston paused, his eyes swept across the thousands of people on the scene, and said: "And this is everything I can provide for you. What is inside requires you to explore by yourself. My request is only One, kill all the enemies inside as much as possible, and open up a safe passage for the main force to advance."

Facing such a large-scale enemy in the jungle, Boris was not crazy enough to let the special forces under his hand eliminate all the enemies. The task of the special forces is very simple. Explore the situation inside, kill the enemy as much as possible, and develop Create a passage through which the main force can pass.

On the second day of the departure of the special forces, the jungle division of the Red Police Corps will also set off on time and enter the jungle to destroy the Indonesian National Army inside.

"Everyone, you will have the preparation time for the last night. With two or four people as a team, you can form a team by yourself. The equipment in the ammunition depot can be selected by you, and you can use it..."

After Boris finished speaking, he sat down directly, and his speech was over here. At this time, an old general who was sitting next to Boris stood up, and hundreds of special soldiers from his hometown on the scene also came all at once. Up the spirit.

"I hope that you can give play to the fine traditions of your forefathers, not afraid of difficulties, not afraid of sacrifices, and unite your friendly forces to resolutely kill the enemy."

In a simple sentence, the general from his hometown sat down.

This operation is also the first joint actual combat between the two armies. It is also the joint actual combat of special forces with extremely high specifications. In the words of my hometown, this time is not only to use actual combat to test their training results, but also to learn from friendly forces and improve themselves. Defects.

Therefore, this time there will be more than half of the action teams, which will be a mixed operation of the two special forces, absorbing experience from each other and testing each other's combat effectiveness.

After the meeting ended, thousands of special forces lined up to leave the conference room and began preparations before the war.

Boris also returned to his front-line command, and he would also be directly involved in the action. Just as he began to prepare his weapons and equipment, a young general walked in from the Tanya command on the other side and saluted: " Xu Zhichang, commander of the Jungle Group Army of the Red Police Corps, came to report."

Xu Zhichang (guest appearance by book friend), lieutenant general of the Red Police Corps, jungle warfare expert.

At this moment, there were two people beside Tan Ya, two people whom Xu Zhichang had never thought of. He hurriedly saluted again and said, "Xu Zhichang has met the commander and General Natasha."

Standing in Tanya's headquarters were Cai Ruichen and Natasha. No one in the world thought that when the Middle East Federal Defense Exhibition was exciting, Cai Ruichen quietly left the Middle East Federation and went to the front line of the battlefield thousands of miles away.

In fact, Cai Ruichen is quite free now. Once the annual government work is arranged and Ling Liang is in control of the military, he can be said to be doing nothing and does not need to manage the country at all, and there will be no problems.

But the outside world does not understand that in everyone's opinion, Cai Ruichen must be an extremely busy person. The fact is just the opposite.

"Look at this map." Cai Ruichen waved to Xu Zhichang without looking back.

Xu Zhichang stepped forward and saw that what was placed on the table was not an advanced electronic map, but an old and yellowed map. The content of the painting on the map was very simple, even rather rough.

However, the large number of coordinates marked on the map and the shape of the mountains on the map immediately put Xu Zhichang into the state of his job and said: "Commander, this is the topographic map of Mount Sara and Dege?"

Cai Ruichen nodded approvingly, and being able to see the content of this map at a glance shows Xu Zhichang's talent.

"This map is a map of World War II. It is a military map of Japan. In this jungle between Mount Sara and Dege, Japan built nearly 20 large and small during World War II. Underground military bases, there are a lot of hidden holes.

These caves are enough to hold tens of thousands of troops and can withstand heavy artillery strikes. Half of the air strikes are completely useless in these places. At the same time, the places where these fortresses are built are in the middle of the mountain. They are the commanding heights of the jungle and control the long roads. Looking at the jungle, most of the mountains are very steep, and the geographical location is the key point. "

As soon as Cai Ruichen's words fell, Xu Zhichang continued: "If these fortresses cannot be removed, we will not be able to control this jungle, and there will be no way to talk about safety."

Cai Ruichen nodded with satisfaction again, and pointed his finger at the map, then said: "I did not give the order to destroy these military strongholds, because no one knows what is inside. The most important thing is that we need these strongholds and control these strongholds. It is equivalent to controlling half of Java Island."

This jungle covered with multiple volcanoes spread directly from Jakarta to the west coast of Java Island, directly facing the Indian Ocean and covering most of the island.

The traffic in the northern part of Java Island is all passing through this jungle. Many mountains are interlaced. If you want to control Java Island, you need to control this forest first.

The area delineated by Boris is only a part of this jungle, and Cai Ruichen needs to let the jungle army be mentally prepared to control the entire jungle.

This is the first battle of the Jungle Army. As the commander of the entire Jungle Army, Xu Zhichang solemnly assured Cai Ruichen: "The Jungle Army will never disappoint the commander."

"I believe in your abilities, but don't be careless, and be prepared to face tough battles at any time." Cai Ruichen reminded.

Jungle warfare is not a modern city warfare. Tactical warfare is in the jungle, and in some respects it has to return to the most primitive state of war.

Although the military technology of the Red Police Corps is much higher than that of the other party, in the jungle advanced weapons and equipment can not be reached, and more still need to rely on individual combat weapons, so the military gap between the two sides is invisible. Close to a fairly fair position.

Cai Ruichen came here in person because he was worried that his troops would cause too many casualties in this jungle.

Without blood experience, a powerful force cannot be achieved, but too many deaths are unacceptable.

"The belief of the Jungle Army is not to be afraid of hardships and dangers. Every soldier in the Jungle Army is ready to endure loneliness and hard fighting in the jungle." Xu Zhichang saluted the army and said solemnly.

"Go down and get ready." Cai Ruichen patted Xu Zhichang on the shoulder and said.

Xu Zhichang left the commander with the map. Cai Ruichen took a deep breath and said to Tan Ya and Natasha: "I hope they can all go home victorious."

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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