The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1766: Cai Ruichen's Secret

"How is dinner today?"

In the evening breeze, on the top balcony of the Silent Future Technology Hotel, Cai Ruichen and the big boss sipped the tea brought by the big boss, Cai Ruichen spoke.

"It feels okay, but you scared us a bit." The big boss watched Cai Ruichen pouring the tea from his cup like a cow, and his face felt a pain, and then said: "I don't have a few packs a year. , Can you not waste it so much?"

"In my opinion, what tea is drinking is the atmosphere. It depends on who you are drinking with. It is not the tea itself." Cai Ruichen put down the tea cup, and the sweetness in his mouth was long. It was indeed very good tea, but he did not look at this kind of thing. Too heavy, in his opinion, the most rare thing is the current state of the two with the big boss. There is no intrigue and intrigue.

As for the scaryness of the big boss, Cai Ruichen shrugged and continued: "That's because you don't understand me."

After hearing this, the big boss said after a long silence: "You are in this state, it's really not like a young man, saying you haven't reached thirty this year."

"I'm only twenty-eight." Cai Ruichen nodded and said.

"Yes, if you don't say it, I'm afraid no one knows that you are only twenty-eight." The big boss said with emotion.

"Am I very old?" Cai Ruichen said weirdly.

"No, you are very young, as if you were still 18 years old, but your mentality, sometimes I think you are terrible." The big boss said seriously.

When Cai Ruichen heard this, there was a trace of bitterness on his face. Everything has a price, and the price of growth is often the most precious.

Thinking of the deaths in the virtual world of the base, thinking of the endless knowledge, at this moment he has the urge to scream fiercely.

During that time, Cai Ruichen was the least willing to recall, but it was his choice.

Just like the tea in a cup, taste it, and then you will know that the suffering will come.

"It can be said to be my honor to be called terrible by you. Unfortunately, few people in the world can become my confidante." Cai Ruichen said lightly.

"It seems that I should not be your confidant, and at the same time, I am also very curious, is there your confidant in this world?" the big boss asked.

"So far, there is a person who can be called a confidant." Cai Ruichen said.

"Do I know? Where is the person?" The big boss asked with interest. A person who can be made a confidant by Cai Ruichen must not be an ordinary person.

"You don't know, it's hard to tell where the person is, but he is also a descendant of Yan Huang." Cai Ruichen didn't know how to answer correctly, because he didn't know himself.

The big boss is a little baffled, and there is such a confidant?

Seemingly aware of the big boss's expression, Cai Ruichen added: "I will introduce you to you when I have the opportunity. To make his relationship with me clearer, I want to call him a senior."

"I can make you call senior, I'm really curious about his ability and identity." At this moment, the big boss also thought about all the outstanding Chinese in the world, but they were all wrong. How could he imagine that the senior whom Cai Ruichen said was not in this world.

"He said he would come here to find me, but I don't know if he will come." Cai Ruichen said.

"Listen to what you say, and respect him very much. Isn't he better than that?" the big boss asked curiously.

"Strictly speaking, as long as I am given time, I have the confidence not to lose to him." Cai Ruichen replied.

This answer made the big boss very surprised, and even unable to understand. The man standing at the top of the world would say such things. He is still a Chinese. Is there any unknown boss hidden?

"I don't understand." The big boss said simply.

"It's not that I don't want to say it, but I don't know where to start. When there are signs in the future, I will definitely tell you everything." Cai Ruichen said in a deep voice.

"Ji Tuyi Island." The big boss thought for a while and suddenly said.

There are many things related to Cai Ruichen, but there is only one thing that really cannot be explained, and that is the incident that took place on Jituyi Island. The obvious traces of artillery cover can not provide any explanation. After that incident, Cai Ruichen, Also remained silent on the matter.

But this matter has always been in the hearts of the top leaders of China, the United States and Russia, and Japan knows a little bit about it.

The outside world can't get any information, but the leaders of the four countries all know very well that the matter is too suspicious.

When China, the United States and Russia jointly conducted investigations on the island, many clues were discovered and many benefits were obtained.

An unknown army definitely attacked the entire island that day, and there were traces of Cai Ruichen's battles on it. In the deep forest area on the island covered by artillery fire, there were a lot of bloodstains, as well as Cai Ruichen's footprints and traces of battle.

Among the remains of the battle, there are the remnants of armored vehicles and many individual armors, which have become the research objects in the laboratories of China, the United States and Russia.

But what happened on Jituyi Island? What armed forces attacked that place? Where did the wreckage of the sunken warship come from?

The big boss only knows one thing, the real answer to these questions lies with Cai Ruichen.

The leaders of China, the United States and Russia actually already have results in their hearts, but this result is hard to believe.

Eliminate all the impossible, and even if the remaining result is impossible, that is the answer.

The Three Kingdoms are well aware that the items left on Jituyi Island are most likely to come from a mysterious force, and this force is still very strong. The electronic equipment and raw materials in the individual armor completely exceed the technology currently available in the world.

The most important thing is that the three countries do not believe that there is a so-called mysterious organization in this world, and there is an extremely powerful army. The only possibility is outside the earth.

But this result is really incredible. Even the three countries are more willing to believe that there is an unknown powerful military force in a certain corner of their status, and they are unwilling to believe that the enemy comes from outside the earth.

Because the bloodstains left on the battlefield, as well as the individual armor, clearly pointed out that the attackers were humans, and there was no difference between DNA and humans.

Although the Three Kingdoms are very confused, they are all clear. If Cai Ruichen was willing to say this, the Three Kingdoms would have known it for a long time, and there was no need for them to ask questions. But if Cai Ruichen didn't say it, they would have no result if they asked.

The reason why the big boss suddenly proposed it was because from Cai Ruichen's mouth, he inexplicably connected the Ji Tuyi Island incident.

"Do you think humans can travel through time and space?" Cai Ruichen did not answer the big boss's words, but asked the big boss instead.

"I don't understand these, because in my world view, these are beyond the scope of human technology." The big boss said naturally.

"I said yes." Cai Ruichen did not explain anything, but said simply, and without waiting for the big boss to speak, he continued: "I don't know anything, don't ask, our current mission , Is development and growth, and the rest is imaginary."

At this moment, Cai Ruichen understands why the base does not want to tell him who the final terrible opponent is, because he is unwilling to tell the big boss at this moment. First, he still doesn't know exactly what the enemy is. Second, he doesn't want to let the big boss. Distracted.

Once he feels it is necessary to make it public and not be treated as a lunatic, then he will definitely say it.

Everything in the wasteland now tells Cai Ruichen a cruel fact that once the ultimate enemy appears, it is definitely not his own business, but the fate that the whole world must face together.

Hearing this, the big boss also cut off the idea of ​​continuing to inquire, because he knew too well that there were too many secrets in Cai Ruichen's body, and he could only know it when Cai Ruichen was willing to say it.

The most important thing is that the relationship between the two is not compelling, and the big boss naturally can't let Cai Ruichen talk about things he doesn't want to say.

"What about Hua Meixue?" The big boss turned aside, asked Cai Ruichen, and added: "I'm not willing to uncover your scars, but I also like Mei Xue very much and care about his situation. "

"I don't know at the moment, she may be safe, or maybe..." Cai Ruichen took a deep breath, the expression on his face was very heavy.

"Can't even be sure of safety?" The big boss thought about a lot for a while, and his tone was no longer the previous doubts, but worried.

The big boss also doesn’t believe that someone can really evaporate without warning in the eyes of the two superpowers. The big boss also knew a little about the incident that happened in Somalia that night. It was also a Cai Ruichen that the outside world would not know at all. Mystery.

"I hope she is safe now." Cai Ruichen muttered.

The big boss was about to open his mouth and continue to say something when he heard the rushing footsteps behind him. It was a sound unique to high-heeled boots, even on the carpet.

Natasha's figure appeared in front of the two, with a strange expression on her face and said to Cai Ruichen: "The girl you followed at noon suddenly disappeared from the hotel where she lived two minutes ago, and the person who followed him was also knocked out. Now, big boss, the person you sent over is also dizzy."

Hearing Natasha's report, Cai Ruichen suddenly became interested. He was originally only slightly curious, but now it is completely different. The girl really has a problem.

The big boss next to him also became interested. After all, he is not a fool. A Chinese with a Beijing accent didn't even know him. The big boss was also concerned at the time.

I also asked people to inquire about the situation, but they didn't expect that the two would actually associate with each other.

Moreover, it is not easy for two groups of professionals who followed the girl to be knocked out at the same time.

"Let's take a look?" Cai Ruichen invited the boss.

The big boss nodded, and the two followed Natasha and left the hotel.

On the way, Cai Ruichen immediately contacted the base, in the Middle East Federation, if he wanted to find someone, it was very simple.

However, what he did not expect was that the base could not find the girl's trace, as if the girl had already left the range of the base.

"Have you found any signs of space teleportation recently?" The search failed, and Cai Ruichen asked the base immediately.

"In the last month, there has only been one spatial fluctuation, but because the fluctuation range is too small, it is impossible to determine whether it is a spatial transmission."

After getting the answer, Cai Ruichen didn't have any extra thoughts, only thinking about whether there were other possibilities.

It didn't take long for the car to come to the hotel where the girl lived. The two stunned people were still there, and the surroundings had been quietly sealed off.

The place where the girl lives is just a very ordinary family hotel, very corner, but the surrounding environment is very good, very quiet.

Separate from the big boss here.

Cai Ruichen walked towards the position of the stunned guard, but did not attract the attention of the pedestrians. The corner of the hotel beside the hotel, the stunned guard, also happened to wake up, and when he saw Cai Ruichen, he said with a little shame. "I'm sorry, the commander, that girl is very good at anti-tracking and information protection. We can't find any information about her at all, but I just saw him walking out of the hotel and was about to follow, so I didn't know anything. "

"Where did she go?" Cai Ruichen didn't mean to blame him, but asked.

Jian Wei pointed at the hill behind the hotel.

Cai Ruichen frowned and asked the base: "Base, what position do you say about the temporal fluctuations."

"Just within a mountain stream less than three kilometers away from you, the location has been sent to your elf assistant system."

Hearing what the base said, Cai Ruichen didn't hesitate, and ran towards the location given by the base. The distance of three kilometers, even the mountain road, was very close to him.

It was just suffering from the forbidden guard behind and all of them hurriedly followed, but after a few breaths, nowhere could I see Cai Ruichen's figure.

In less than three minutes, Cai Ruichen appeared beside the coordinates marked by the base. In the mountain stream, three figures seemed to be waiting for something.

"The scenery here is not very good, why are the three hanging around here?" Cai Ruichen walked into the mountain stream and said to the three at the same time.

The three people turned around at the same time. In addition to the girl in the morning, there were also two men who looked like bodyguards. When they saw Cai Ruichen, the two bodyguards quickly protected the girl behind them.

The faint moonlight shone down the mountain stream, and the three of them barely saw Cai Ruichen's outline, but it was still very unclear, but the girl in the middle spoke: "I didn't expect that the majesty of a country would find here alone, you great."

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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