The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1756: Confident Red Police Corps

"This is an ultra-efficient massacre of innocent people in our country under high-tech equipment. I hope people from all walks of life around the world can see the nature of the killings brought about by this war. At the same time, for the Middle East Federation deliberately targeting innocent civilians. The act of killing, our National Army will take all measures to counteract..."

As the Middle East Federal Guard officially launched a full-scale attack on Jakarta, the Global International Channel of Indonesia’s National TV Station also began to carry out a large number of reports. The content of the report, without exception, all pointed to the madness of the Middle East Federal Guard in the city of Jakarta. Blow.

A large number of images were also announced by the Indonesian national television station. In the images inside, you can see the Middle East Federal Guards carrying out crazy firepower on the buildings on both sides of the street. This firepower includes the direct attack of the tank’s main gun. Weapon rockets, even heavy-duty howitzers provide long-range precision strikes, and there are images of powerful anti-material sniper rifles shooting people in the building.

The images released by the Indonesian national television station can be described as bloody, and there is never a lack of **** images in the images. It seems that this will be able to more painfully prosecute the crimes of the Middle East Federation.

At the beginning, people from all walks of life around the world also talked about it, and the media in Western countries all took advantage of this opportunity to operate wildly.

After all, such a picture is too easy for people to misunderstand. Heavy fire strikes against urban buildings and there are still people inside. Does it distinguish between soldiers and civilians?

In the eyes of normal people, this is indeed excessive. For this, the Middle East Federal Guard has not given any explanation, because the explanation is also useless.

In the face of common sense, the so-called explanation is redundant, and the Middle East Federation’s approach is very simple, that is, to open up the number of battlefield reporters as much as possible. At the same time, future media companies have also released a large number of battlefield scenes.

The battlefield scenes announced by Future Media are more detailed. A large amount of battlefield video data and the entire war scene are like a real-time war documentary, and they are also announced to the world at the same time.

War broadcast is not the first time that a media company in the future has engaged in it. The more this time, the more we should let the world see what the war is like.

The published video is not from the perspective of combat soldiers, and even in the published video, there is a very clear video title: Eyes in War.

With the help of future media companies' huge global attention, this video quickly spread all over the world. Everyone who watched this video exclaimed, it was really terrifying.

In the video screen, there are mobile shooting devices. From the slight shaking and movement mode and speed of the screen, it is not difficult to see that this is a flying shooting device, and the shooting locations are all indoors.

In the pictures taken, there are houses between rooms. In this picture, you can enter every room through the door, and you can see the situation in every room.

At the same time, the surrounding sound can be recorded clearly, the camera is very clear, and the resolution is no less than those of large movies.

And in these pictures, you can clearly see that many houses have weapons reserves, and you can even see many Indonesian men standing by the windows holding weapons and watching. Some people have even anti-tank missiles and sniper rifles. And other lethal equipment.

Whenever you see someone holding a weapon in the house, or there are weapons in the house, the next picture is almost the same. The intensive firepower instantly covers the outside of the house. From the picture, you can clearly see the outside of the building. The wall was destroyed with ease, burying the so-called civilians holding weapons inside.

In subsequent pictures, you can even often see that the Indonesian armed soldiers in some buildings were wiped out by war robots that rushed in. The whole process was very fast, and the shot that was always flying in the air remained unscathed. , Start searching for the next house.

The efficiency of the entire operation is terrifying. It does not require any contact between the soldiers of the Middle East Federal Guard and the enemy to locate the enemy and strike and destroy it.

This kind of war mode made everyone who watched it deeply shocked.

Behind the video is a brief interview with Tan Ya by military battlefield reporters of Future Media.

The reporter asked: "General Tanya, how many of these miniature drones are currently active on the battlefield in Jakarta?"

Tan Ya's answer is very simple: "At present, there are 50,000 micro-UAVs that carry out early warning and guide strikes, all over the front line of the battlefield."

At this point, this video ends here, and the last impression left to people is that Tan Ya looks confident.

Telling how many micro-robots are on the battlefield is already a sign of super self-confidence, and the announcement of this video by the Middle East Federal Guard is tantamount to putting the advanced weapons and equipment it uses on the foreground.

This makes many people feel a pity that once such an advanced combat mode is known to others, the loss will be too great.

It’s just that the whole world doesn’t know that Hornet drones do exist, but the real means of targeting Indonesian soldiers is not these drones.

At this moment, the whole world is also amazed at the advanced level of military equipment of the Federal Guard of the Middle East. A simple little miniature robot can already see all the leopards.

With the current global technological level, there is no difficulty in manufacturing micro-drones. There are also many micro-robots in the military of various countries, but like this, 50,000 micro-drones are dispatched ~Even to achieve real-time information transmission and connection with frontline soldiers, this is the most difficult place.

It can also be seen from this that the level of the Middle East Federal Guard’s establishment of an information communication system, even if countries are reluctant to admit it, is very clear that they are far behind.

The most frightening thing is that the Middle East Federal Guard has obviously begun to use this technology on a large scale, and the effect is extremely good. Those enemies that hide the deepest cannot escape the dense eyes of the entire battlefield.

Countries are also quite aware that the Indonesian National Army’s choice of such a tactic is really helpless, but it is so easy to be countered, I am afraid that no one can think of it.

Many people thought that Jakarta would inevitably bury a large number of soldiers from the Middle East, but they did not expect that Jakarta at this moment would instead be a cemetery for burying the 200,000 elite Indonesian National Army. The urban guerrilla tactics developed by the Indonesian National Army failed. Up.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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