The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1752: Landing in Jakarta

Inside Jakarta, I analyzed the behavior of the Indonesian National Army. Everything is just like the result of the Red Police Corps Staff Headquarters. After entering Jakarta, a large number of Indonesian National Army disappeared directly into the city and integrated into the residents of the entire city of Jakarta. .

Even the police are almost invisible. A large number of policemen are abandoned on the streets. Even those military equipment and armored vehicles and the large opening doors are abandoned on the streets. The entire city can hardly be seen in just a few hours. Any armed personnel on the Indonesian side.

In the city, the atmosphere suddenly calmed down, and the riots gradually cooled down, but everyone knew that this was just a brief calm before the real storm.

At the same time, all the embassies of various countries in Jakarta have also begun to act, because almost all the institutions of the Indonesian government have been destroyed, and there are no officials operating, and the embassies of various countries can only use their own means. Contact all nationals in Jakarta, **** them to the embassy for resettlement, and wait for their return home.

The chaos in Jakarta, in just a few hours, has caused thousands of casualties of foreigners, and various countries have also urgently initiated action plans for the evacuation of overseas Chinese. The next Indonesia will inevitably be raging. The best way is to All the citizens, all take it back.

In Jakarta, which covers an area of ​​more than 700 square kilometers, there are tens of thousands of Dutch people living here alone. It is quite troublesome to withdraw completely.

There is no way for the Netherlands to evacuate all the diaspora at one go. If all the diaspora are used, the cost is too high, and it is impossible to evacuate so many diasporas quickly. When there is no other way, the Netherlands has directly found the future technology. The group leased a cruise ship that happened to be near Southeast Asia, and at the same time sought help from Huaxia to help the Dutch evacuate their nationals.

Many countries beyond the reach, all followed suit, and they all sought help from nearby countries, or simply hired them.

Especially in this kind of Indonesia, it is almost equivalent to anarchy, which makes countries quite anxious.

There are no soldiers and police in Jakarta. Once the riots recur, it will be another tragic bloodshed.

Countries can't wait any longer, and they all do their best to evacuate all the nationals as much as possible, even the United States is no exception.

But when someone comes out, someone comes in.

The Middle East Federation puts the main attack direction on the island of Java, which has naturally become the center of the battlefield.

On that day, many people with special identities entered the island of Java through various channels. Among them, there were many international mercenaries who used money to do things, and many of them were notorious executioners.

The Indonesian government has not really disappeared. It just doesn't have the energy and ability to handle domestic government affairs under the interference of the Middle East Federation, and put all its energy on this war.

The Indonesian National Army abandoned its main combat equipment and all sneaked into the city to engage in guerrilla warfare. At the same time, the Indonesian government fully accepted the original US proposal to hire a large number of foreign mercenaries to come to Indonesia to deal with the federal forces in the Middle East.

There has been such a tradition for mercenary forces in the Western world for thousands of years, and Southeast Asian countries are no exception.

It’s just that none of these have escaped the eyes of the Red Police Corps. It’s just that the Red Police Corps has no way to stop it. After all, the Red Police Corps has not even entered the battlefield. Indonesia is open everywhere.

The Indonesian government is also hungry. As long as they are mercenaries and killers who are willing to take money to do things, they will always come. They are all high-priced hires. The daily hire cost is 5,000 US dollars per person. Some famous ones. For mercenaries, the cost of hiring can even be as high as one or two hundred thousand dollars a day.

Indonesia, which has lost its capital, has connected almost all of the world’s mercenary companies except the Future Security Company. Thousands of mercenaries around the world will arrive on the island of Java in the next week. A war.

Indonesia is intensively preparing for war, and the Red Police Corps is no exception. As time goes by, the first fleet of the Red Police Corps directly and domineeringly passed the Sunda Strait on the edge of the quiet city of Jakarta.

The Indonesian National Army did not even have the ability to block. The Indonesian navy’s combat warships, large and small, were all destroyed, even if they were mine-laying ships, not even one was left.

The First Fleet passed through the Sunda Strait forcefully. The Indonesians on both sides of the strait looked nervous and not angry. On the Sunda Strait Bridge, countless Indonesians could only watch the warships of the Middle East Federation. Pass under the bridge and enter the Java Sea.

For Indonesians, this is almost equivalent to despair, showing that the national army has no ability to stop it at all.

However, in fact, the Indonesian National Army also has a lot of artillery units, but these artillery can not even build up positions. The Red Police Corps naval aviation unit has been patrolling the two sides of the Sunda Strait at the highest density. The Indonesian National Army 6th Army The artillery troops of China were immediately destroyed as soon as they were pulled out, and they did not even have the ability to resist.

Prior to this, a large number of international military analysts all believed that the Federal Guard of the Middle East chose to attack from Jakarta, very lack of thinking. After all, Jakarta is close to the Pacific Ocean, coming from the Indian Ocean, and its geographical location is not ideal.

But no one thought that Indonesia's ability to control the Sunda Strait was so weak that it almost had no defensive power. The huge aircraft carrier battle group passed directly, completely ignoring the feelings of the Indonesians.

This has also made the international community boo almost all of you.

This has directly shown that the Indonesians have not only lost the sky, but also the sea completely. They have no even the commanding heights of satellites. Now there is only one advantage left, that is, the advantage of local combat.

In modern warfare, the weight of the sky and time can often balance geographical advantage and human harmony, and under extremely accurate satellites, the geographical advantage of information prepared in advance is often not absolute.

When you have a certain geographical advantage, plus absolute air supremacy, control of battlefield information, and control of battlefield electromagnetic power, even if the other side is in harmony, you can say that there is no advantage at all.

What's more, the country participating in the war this time is also China, and the sharpness of the China Sixth Army is well-known in the world.

Once China has dispatched troops to Indonesia on a large scale, Indonesia’s defeat in this war was originally a matter of time. Now, the international community is also analyzing what will happen to Indonesia in the future.

What will happen to the largest city in Southeast Asia, which accounts for nearly one-third of the Indonesian economy?

The time for the Middle East Federal Guard to board 6 is much faster than anyone imagined.

When the Indonesian army disappeared in Jakarta, the first time the First Fleet passed through the Sunda Strait, the No. 6 Unit of the First Brigade of the Navy 6th Corps had already landed in Jakarta.

There was no resistance, and no people could even see the crowds. When a group of soldiers of the Navy Team 6 got out of the helicopter, only the special forces soldiers who stood at the scheduled 6 points and waved at them with their hips akimbo.

To the soldiers of the Red Police Corps who came down with their equipment, it was not like they were coming to fight at all, but more like they were coming here for a vacation.

The two reinforced battalions of the vertical boarding 6 units, transported by the peacekeeping transport aircraft, quickly completed boarding 6, and built a simple line of defense like a walk in the courtyard. The Federal Embassy in the Middle East not far from the sea directly became It was 6 o'clock in the first boarding.

The two battalions of the 6th navy team strengthened their battalions, and without any resistance, they opened up a large area of ​​safe 6 games with great ease.

Then watched the air cushion board 6 equipment, transported pieces of heavy equipment to boarding 6 point, and there were more navy 6 team soldiers.

All this was done under the eyes of a large number of Indonesians, and under the indifferent eyes, it was more of a loss of future life.

Because of this **** war, all the industries in Jakarta were destroyed, a large number of oil refineries ceased operation, and various industries were all stagnated. There was no need to go to work, but what to eat?

The Indonesian National Army soldiers hidden in the distant crowd are all on standby. Shooting is easy, but what about after shooting?

At this moment, no one wants to start this, only wait-and-see and wait-and-see.

The Red Police Corps likes this relaxed feeling very much, but everyone is very careful. After they entered Jakarta, they knew that the enemy was everywhere.

Outside the Jakarta port, the Indonesian government, which directly abandoned the entire port, left a messy port. A large number of cargo ships were stranded in the port. Even the Indonesian customs officers disappeared without a trace.

The Red Police Corps took control of this place for the first time. A large number of international merchant ships were leaving the port in the sixth sequence, but they were quickly intercepted by the Middle East Federal Guard. The Indonesian government does not need these commodities, but the Red Police Corps does.

At the same time, the Red Police Corps also began to take actual control of the port. The port of Jakarta can directly dock class aircraft carriers and all supply ships. It has complete loading and unloading equipment, which can speed up the time for material transportation and landing. Let the following troops board 6 ashore directly through the port.

The control of the Jakarta port is a crucial first step for the Red Police Corps. If the Indonesian National Army had not given up directly, the Red Police Corps would also have to forcibly occupy the port.

The first time the port was controlled, all the people stranded in the port were directly expelled, and all road junctions outside the port were all set up for the first time to set up defensive lines.

Although the Indonesian National Army abandoned this place, no one can say whether they will attack this place.

The gate of the port warehouse area leads directly to the central main road in Jakarta, Indonesia. There are a large number of residential buildings outside the port. On the windows of the residential buildings, you can occasionally see many Indonesians looking toward the port.

Defending here is an armored platoon of Navy Team 6. Two apocalyptic tanks guarding the intersection from left to right. Iron horses blocked the entire road. The warrior assault vehicles and multifunctional infantry fighting vehicles were all external gunpoints.

The actions of the Red Police Corps have always been extremely fast, controlling a place and establishing a defense line is the most basic ability.

However, for the entire platoon of Navy Team 6 soldiers at this moment, the pressure in their hearts is not small. On the streets outside, you can see Indonesians penetrating their brains everywhere.

The mind detector has not been established yet, and no one knows how many soldiers of the Indonesian National Army are hidden in it and whether they have weapons.

While everyone was watching the outside carefully, a woman and a little boy walked up the straight street. Both were dressed in Arab costumes, women and children, plus Arab. Dressed up, the long black robe covered his body, as if he was here for help.

At this moment, on the commanding height of the port container, the crosshair of a sniper team directly aimed at the woman and child.

"Are they here to seek refuge?" Observer thought instinctively.

"If they are really Middle Easterners." The sniper's crosshairs, without ever leaving the woman and the child, added.

At the moment the sniper team's ears also heard the command of the Sergeant Major, to be careful.

The Red Police Corps also emerged from the war in the Middle East. It is very clear about the dangers in this situation. Some children carry bombs and detonate their bombs through the appearance of asking for help. Others are hidden under the wide black robes of women. With a submachine gun or a bomb.

The sniper stared at the child's eyes stubbornly. When there is no instrument that can distinguish danger, everything can only rely on experience and his sixth sense.

Seeing the child's barely emotional eyes, the sniper frowned, his fingers slowly placed on the trigger, the expressions in the eyes of the two people did not see any emotion at all.

Often these eyes have already represented danger. If you come to ask for help, you should look at you praying, and you should lift your veil and show your face to get help.

But neither of them, which made the sniper's brows have become Chuan-shaped, if he was in the Middle East, he would have pulled the trigger.

"Damn it, don't give me the feeling of danger anymore." The sniper kept cursing in his heart. He didn't want to pull the trigger, but he had to be responsible to his comrades again. Thirty meters was already his limit. Once the woman and the child were within 30 meters of the intersection, he would pull the trigger without hesitation.

Everything stopped at a distance of forty meters. The woman pulled the child to a stop nearly forty meters from the intersection. Then the woman said to the child and saw that the child was directly facing Running at the intersection, while running, one hand was still trying to take something out of his pocket. At this moment, the gunfire sounded.

The running child fell to the ground, and an apple in his pocket slipped out...The atmosphere instantly solidified.

(To be continued.)

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