The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1750: Catch the culprit

On the outskirts of Jakarta, the war did not spread here. However, all the traffic arteries that entered the city were cut off. On the highway, pits nearly 100 meters in diameter were blown up. Bridges were all broken and railroad tracks were blown. Flying, the entire suburbs are also a large area of ​​smog.

A large number of cars were jammed on the road out of Jakarta, and a large number of people were leaving the city. The cars could not leave the city, but they did not stop them.

Indonesians with a large amount of belongings are scrambling to leave Jakarta. You can already see the appearance of a refugee area in the suburbs.

The city of Jakarta covers a huge area, and it also includes several nearby cities. Once you get to the outskirts, it really feels like a wilderness.

There are also many towns and villages along the main transportation lines. Because they are close to the capital, the economy is not bad.

However, in the face of a large number of people fleeing, the villages and towns near Jakarta began to feel a little overwhelmed in just a few hours.

Near Jakarta, there are news of riots everywhere, as well as news of various massacres in the Middle East Federation. Most Indonesians are also scared.

In the small supermarkets in the villages and towns, almost all the living supplies were sold out, and people who fled can be seen everywhere along the road.

In a coastal town close to the east, the whole town is based on the sale of seafood as its main source of income. More than half of Jakarta’s seafood comes from this town. The fishing port near the town comes in, and it is the largest in Jakarta. The seafood distribution market is also very prosperous because of seafood.

The war has almost stopped business here. A large number of seafood is almost unattended on the dock, and they are swarmed by people from Jakarta.

No one came out to stop it, because it couldn't be stopped, and even a large number of merchants in the market had left with their own mouths.

Although the two sides of the war never specifically embarrassed businessmen, there is too much news that makes these business owners deeply worried.

The riots in Jakarta have reached a very serious point. Red-eyed Indonesians, as long as they are rich, are all targets.

The news of the massacre of the Middle East Federation spread rapidly around Jakarta. After all kinds of rumors were clouded, they were often exaggerated. In the ears of ordinary Indonesians, the news has reached most of Jakarta’s city. Killed all.

And this kind of rumors, almost everyone believes, because the Middle East Federation's air raid on Jakarta was too violent, and it meant to destroy the entire city.

In the huge port and seafood market, there are few people in sight. Ice cubes and various seafood are scattered all over the place. The shops are all closed. Vehicles of various sizes are parked in the market in a panic, while the fishing port outside In the middle, all kinds of fishing boats have almost been cleaned, leaving only empty docks.

At the end of the pier of the fishing port's convex **** structure, on the edge of the cement pier supporting the pier, heads were slowly drilled out. The turbid sea water smelled of stench, and these people didn't feel anything.

One by one black shadows climbed from the concrete pier to the pier, and on the flustered pier, even a ghost could not be seen.

One or two, exactly twenty people climbed on the pier, four of them were not wearing diving suits, but the individual armor on them was enough to keep them lurking underwater for a long time.

On the bodies of these twenty people, all were sprayed with the logo of the skull and crossbones, and the diving suits were unbuttoned. The faces of the individual armor helmets on each of them were like skulls, which looked very infiltrating.

This is the unique decoration of the ghost special commando. The three-dimensional skeleton spraying and the metallic luster on the individual armor, if you see it for a moment, it really seems to see a walking skeleton, in the heart of the enemy, How much is a little shock.

The Indonesian National Army did not expect that the most elite special forces of the Middle East Federation would actually come to this seafood market, because there is not much value here, and even the National Army here does not have troops to guard.

Twenty ghosts sneaked into the seafood market silently along the pier. In the sky, twenty wasp drones brought the entire seafood market under surveillance.

"Why is there no one? Don't you need to do business?" Xiao Xiaoxiao walked along the way, looking at the seafood piled everywhere, and said strangely.

The Red Police Corps still doesn't know that it has become synonymous with the devil in the minds of Indonesians. When they thought that the Middle East Federation was about to kill it, they all fled.

"Such good seafood, it smells like this, it is really a waste. It is a pity that our logistics department will not arrive until a few days later." Brother Xiang shook his head and looked at the boxes of fresh fish on the side of the road. Tao.

"When the war will be difficult to do business, both sides of the war also need the market to ensure the circulation of materials and facilitate the purchase of supplies..." Xiao Xiaoxiao said with a frown.

Since ancient times, the relationship between war and businessmen has always been delicate. If it is a normal commodity circulation, both sides of the war are very welcome. After all, merchants can be purchased nearby to reduce logistical pressure.

The same is true for modern warfare. When you arrive in a city, many supplies and materials will be purchased at the local market. Of course, they are just ordinary goods.

But even ordinary commodities are very important to a large-scale army. It is impossible to rely on logistics for everything!

And like this situation where the entire market is running out, the Ghost Special Commando is the first time it has seen it. If it weren't for the intelligence officers to repeatedly confirm that there are really few people inside, Brother Xiang would not choose to land here.

The fact is just like the brief description of the intelligence, this market that can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people has not even seen a ghost.

This was only a few hours, and each of them seemed to be crushed by their guns.

"It seems that this information still needs to be reported. Don't expect to be able to get regular supplies nearby." Xiang Ge said.

The others also nodded. In fact, it doesn’t matter if there are supplies. The Red Police Corps is now out to fight, and the last thing to worry about is the logistics supply. A technological expansion station can meet all the needs of a medium-scale war. Overseas supply work.

Therefore, the scale of the logistics system of the Red Police Corps is also the smallest among all national armies, and the proportion of combat personnel and logistics personnel is also the largest.

Along the way, I walked towards the frozen food area behind the seafood market, avoiding the occasional escapees, and soon lurked in front of a large freezer at the frozen market.

The freezers here are all personal, with different sizes, and the layout is skewed and chaotic. Fortunately, the numbering sequence above is not confusing.

The cold storage targeted by this trip is the most inconspicuous corner position of all cold storages. The size of the freezer is equivalent to the size of a carriage, and it is also modified with a freezer carriage.

"Captain, confirm that the target is here?"

Looking at the small freezer in front of me, it was a bit unbelievable. There were several people hidden inside.

This time, the target of the Ghost Special Commando is the main murderer who triggered the war. After Tan Ya's investigation, the main criminals and suspects have all been identified.

Although the war broke out, Cai Ruichen has not forgotten the few people who caused the war, not to mention the masterminds, and the identities of each of them are not simple.

Widodo’s nephew is the main behind-the-scenes man. There are also some Widodo’s family members, including the president of the National Bank of Indonesia and several people in the government.

And these people now, in the common saying, know that things have been revealed, and they all run away.

Cai Ruichen naturally can't let these people get away with it. What's more, they are all decent figures in Indonesia, and they are Widodo's cronies and tribes. Only by catching these people can they fully fulfill Widodo's crimes.

All you need to do is to portray the enemy as inexorable, then you are naturally on the side of good people. What's more, this matter is that Widodo is looking for death. Cai Ruichen doesn't need to find a way to set up a memorial arch, even more so.

"The target location on the intelligence is here. It shouldn't be wrong." Brother Xiang said, then directly ordered: "Scan the underground to see if there is anything abnormal."

One of the reloaded infantry directly took out an address detector and started to detect the ground under his feet. The neutrinos quickly penetrated the soil layer. In just a moment, the entire underground structure came out. .

The picture of the geological scan is also presented on each individual terminal.

There was nothing wrong with the intelligence. Underneath the frozen storage on the surface, there was actually another cave. There were two-story basements with a depth of 120 meters, and the total area was more than 200 square meters.

This made everyone's faces full of joy, and Brother Xiang was no exception. He immediately ordered: "Find all the ventilation pipes, and search to see if there is a second entrance and exit."

Underground facilities, which are not professional safe houses, must have vents to ensure that there is a need for oxygen exchange below.

The vents were quickly found. There are a total of eight vents, and each vent is disguised as a fan of the freezer refrigeration equipment. If you don’t follow the gaps in the geology, it’s really hard to find this. Hidden design.

The other exit of the underground facility was also quickly found. It was directly connected to the dock. Below the dock, there was a hidden underwater berth, which was enough to park two speedboats.

"Check the situation below." Brother Xiang immediately ordered again.

Two archer girls stepped forward, opened the fan at the air outlet, and put down the two small crawling robots.

A robot like a spider, sticking to the ventilation pipe, crawling downwards, and soon reached the end of the ventilation pipe below. Through the gap of the ventilation pipe, the following situation immediately appeared in all personal terminals. .

The space below is really not small. The place where we photographed is completely underground, more like a luxuriously decorated villa. At the moment below, several men and women are opening uncovered meetings. The scene is really vivid. , Just looking at the picture, you can feel the peachy breath rushing towards your face, and at the same time the voices of the three men can be heard.

"This place is really wonderful, I'm afraid no one would think that we will hide here and be happy, and the food inside is enough for us to enjoy the end of this **** war."

"Now I am worried that our army will be defeated. If the Federation of the Middle East rules here, we will have no future."

"What are we afraid of? Our network of relationships is so huge, and the money in the account is enough for us to be smart for a few lifetimes. When the time comes, we will dive out, find a country and live a life like a god, no matter how big it is, we will also have a facelift and a facelift. Who can find us."

"What's more, whoever wins and loses in this war is still too early. Procrastination can bring down the Middle East Federation. Look at Cai Ruichen, when will he be The jungle is our world. The Middle East Federation has only advanced weapons and equipment, and once it has penetrated into the dense jungle, it will still be slaughtered."


"Asshole." Xiao Xiaoxiao flushed, and then cursed a little angrily.

The brother Xiang on the side looked at it with gusto. After all, the sister papers below were all quite a pity, and there were no traces of the body. They were really seductive.

This made Xiao Xiaoxiao annoyed and knocked Brother Xiang on the head, and said, "You still watch..."

This made the other members of the Ghost Special Commando all couldn't help but laugh secretly.

Brother Xiang immediately looked righteous, raised his head and chest without any insignificance, and ordered: "The identities of the three targets below have been confirmed. The commando sneaked in from underwater. After half an hour, he used smoke bombs. As a signal to launch an attack."

After Brother Xiang finished speaking, he took the assault team directly and left this place to Xiao Xiaoxiao. It was just that before going far out, there was Brother Xiang’s slightly wretched laughter, which made all the team members, They are all quite speechless, it seems that the captain is a bit unreliable!

Fortunately, Brother Xiang, who was in action, never seemed careless. The commando sneaked in from the underwater exit position, and killed several bodyguards on the underwater berth, and successfully entered the underwater dock in the basement. .

On the top of the freezer, Xiao Xiaoxiao saw that Brother Xiang and the others had successfully entered. Through the robot, he released a large amount of ether gas directly into the basement. After watching the happy men and women all fainted, the next The situation is quite simple.

Gradually cleaned up and killed the security inside, and successfully captured the three hidden targets underneath. In the end, these three guys didn't even understand how they were caught.

(To be continued.)

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