The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1738: The outbreak of war

Faced with conclusive evidence, the Indonesian government’s response is not surprising at all. If the Indonesian government can recognize it, it is not the government.

Faced with so many crimes, how can Widodo admit it, otherwise it will not be what Cai Ruichen will do to him, but the angry Indonesian people in the country will pull him down and tear him alive.

When the future media company announced the complete investigation results, all the media in Indonesia also carried out various reports. Without exception, these reports were all maliciously making excuses for the air superiority of the Middle East Federation, the so-called evidence , Also completely untenable.

Almost all Indonesian media aimed their guns at the Middle East Federation, focusing on domestically expounding the Middle East Federation’s ambitions to annex Indonesia, asking the people in the country not to be easily deceived. The death of Ahmed and his daughter has been the Middle East from the beginning. The conspiracy of the Federation.

In Indonesia’s domestic media reports, the Jakarta Police Department’s investigation results were also cited. The Jakarta Police Department’s investigation results are completely opposite to those of the Middle East Federation. Instead, the murderers were also Iraqis in Indonesia and were in the homes of these Iraqis. , Jakarta police also found Ahmed's head.

The Jakarta Police Department stated that Ahmed’s death was originally committed by Iraqis within Indonesia, and the purpose was to give the Middle East Federation an excuse to launch a war against Indonesia, thereby realizing control of the entire Pacific and Indian Ocean strategic passages.

In the results of the investigation released by the Jakarta Police Department, all the clues also appeared to be conclusive evidence. The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs also expressed serious protests against the Middle East Federation.

The whole of Indonesia naturally believed in their own country. Under the massive propaganda offensive, almost all Indonesians became instinctively angry. This is anger towards the Middle East Federation.

After this news appeared, Indonesia was in an uproar. At the same time, Indonesia, which had a high unemployment rate, all of the social contradictions were suddenly transferred to the outside world.

In the Federal Embassy of the Middle East in Jakarta, more Indonesians gathered. Although the people gathered this time are also organized, it is obvious that this kind of organization is not controlled at all. They gathered from all directions to the Federal Embassy of Indonesia in the Middle East. People, all young people, shouted for the Middle East Federation to get out, all holding knives and sticks in their hands, it seemed that they might rush into the embassy at any time.

At this moment, the alert level in the Federal Embassy in the Middle East has reached the highest level. All important documents have been destroyed, all computer storage devices have been formatted, and non-combatants have all entered the safe house to escape.

In the entire embassy in just one hour, it could be said that people left the building empty, and all the materials and documents were shattered and burned.

Inside the embassy, ​​only the guards who defended the embassy stayed, and outside the embassy, ​​the Jakarta police also guarded the embassy. Things have reached the point where the Indonesian government is still worried about the outbreak of war. He knew in his heart that if he ran into the Federal Embassy in the Middle East, the war would really break out.

So at this time, the Indonesian government is also extra careful. After all, things have not really reached the point where war is necessary.

What's more, the Federal Navy of the Middle East has come to the eastern part of the Indian Ocean, less than a thousand kilometers away from the Indonesian mainland. Within this distance, the carrier-based aircraft of the Federal Aircraft Carrier Group of the Middle East can carry out air strikes on the whole of Indonesia at any time, and the amphibious formation can also be used in eight Within an hour, landing operations were carried out.

In the face of the Indonesian government’s reversal of right and wrong, the Middle East Federation did not make any clear response. Only Cai Ruichen announced a message on his Weibo: right and wrong.

In just six words, it didn't say how to deal with the Indonesian government's measures. The Middle East Federation seemed to calm down all of a sudden.

However, within an hour, the Middle East Federation officially announced that it would take comprehensive sanctions against Indonesia, stop importing and exporting all Indonesian goods, and freeze all Indonesians’ property in the Future Technology Bank, and prohibit all Indonesians from entering. Within the Middle East Federation, all Indonesians in the Middle East Federation will be forcibly repatriated within 24 hours.

Indonesian ships are not allowed to enter the Persian Gulf. At the same time, Indonesian ships and flights are not allowed to dock in the Middle East Federation, terminate all flights from the Middle East Federation to Indonesia, and all investments in Indonesia will be terminated.

Immediately after the announcement of the Federation of the Middle East, China Xia also followed suit and imposed a comprehensive sanction of almost the same specifications against Indonesia, terminated all economic and political cooperation related to Indonesia, severed all diplomatic relations with Indonesia, and ceased everything against Indonesia. The export of products also prohibits all Indonesian products from being exported to China, and requires all Indonesian workers and tourists in China to return to Indonesia within 72 hours...

The firm attitude of the two major powers made Indonesia feel like a sudden snowstorm in June, with cold winter temperatures passing over half of Indonesia.

Almost all of Indonesia’s economy relies on imports and exports. Among them, the export of mineral energy is the main source of economy, and the main exporting country is China. At the same time, Indonesia's large number of commodity imports are also from China...

China Xia’s attitude, and its role, is enough to cause the entire Indonesian economy to directly face collapse. Moreover, Indonesia’s economic situation is inherently not optimistic. Once it loses a large number of cheap imported goods and export channels, it will affect Indonesia’s short-term The economic blow is too heavy.

The most important thing is that the continuity effect brought by China's breakup with Indonesia is the most terrifying.

There is only one reason for China’s comprehensive sanctions against Indonesia. It is extremely disappointed by the Indonesian government and requires the Indonesian government to correct its attitude, give the entire Chinese nation an explanation, and give additional compensation to all Chinese killed in the anti-Chinese riots in Indonesia. At the same time reluctantly all over the world, solemnly apologize to the Chinese nation.

Huaxia's attitude was extremely firm, and it directly turned out the old accounts and released a large number of various historical data on the Indonesian incident.

The information released by China Xia Xia is all traceable. In the past, foreign media reported a large number of anti-Chinese incidents in Indonesia, and many media also found out the reports of the year. In the conscience of journalists, many international media also all Reported according to the facts.

This has made many people from various countries who were still wandering about who they should believe, no longer need to wander at this moment.

Huaxia's shots almost confirmed Indonesia's negative image. Western countries that were still helping Indonesia to speak before had to be silent.

After all, the face of the country still needs to be safeguarded, and the distortion of facts depends on the situation. Some things really cannot be changed with just a mouth.

But these have not brought much change to the domestic situation in Indonesia.

No one knows better than the Indonesians themselves. If you admit it this time, what image does the Indonesians have in the international arena? Many smart people have already thought of this. Even if they are very clear, this time the government is indeed doing too much. Excessive, but it can only be regarded as not knowing anything and standing on the side of one's own country.

A large number of ordinary people follow the trend and stand in the position of the country regardless of right or wrong.

Coupled with deliberate incitement, the entire Indonesian country has become a mess.

Especially in Jakarta, as news of sanctions spread to Indonesia, more people surrounded the Federal Embassy in the Middle East, and even the Chinese Embassy was not spared.

And this time, the police were a little less active when blocking these people who can almost be called quasi-mobs.

The whole scene was very chaotic. The wide street hundreds of meters long at the entrance of the embassy was crowded with angry Indonesians. You can often see fist-big stones that were smashed against the walls of the embassy and the inside. building.

At the gate of the embassy opened, everyone was blocked by cement piles. The guards, armed with guns and live ammunition, watched the dense mobs outside very vigilantly.

The guns and bullets in the hands of every guard soldier have all been loaded, and once there is a collision with the embassy, ​​they will shoot without mercy.

The embassy represents the sovereignty of the country, and the embassy being attacked is equivalent to war.

There was a chaotic crowd outside, with loud voices, and every guard soldier could see the angry monkey faces outside the concrete pile.

As more and more monkeys gather, the scene is at risk of losing control at any time.

At this moment, a gunshot appeared from the crowd. A guard soldier was shot in the arm. The atmosphere inside and outside the embassy seemed to freeze instantly.

At the same time, no one among the monkeys yelled: "They didn't dare to shoot, they rushed in and killed these damned Middle Easterners."

The sound of gunshots and shouts made the scene completely out of control. The Jakarta policemen who were in front of them were all directly pushed away, and a large number of Indonesians rushed towards the embassy.

Inside the embassy, ​​Tan Ya looked at the restless Indonesian monkey outside with cold eyes, and ordered: "Allow shooting."

Shooting at the guards in the embassy and now rushing into the embassy is equivalent to war.

Those who are about to rush into the embassy have knives and sticks in their hands. They are not unarmed civilians. The embassy's surveillance pictures will be the most direct evidence.

The guard soldier at the gate of the embassy, ​​at the moment when he received Tan Ya's order, his gun was pointed directly at the Indonesian who was about to crash in, and quickly pulled the trigger.

Intensive gunfire sounded through the entire street, like a tide of crowds, one by one, falling down one by one, and under the mutual crowding, almost no one could avoid the bullets close at hand.

The dense bullets caused the Indonesians rushing towards the embassy to fall in pieces. However, this did not stop the Indonesians behind. On the contrary, when they heard the gunshots, the Indonesians behind became even worse. They were crazy, they all kept squeezing forward, regardless of the people in front of them falling under the gun.

Several Jakarta police officers in front of the embassy were also squeezed into the embassy along with the crowd. When they tried to pull out their pistols to fight back against the soldiers of the embassy guard, the snipers on the roof of the embassy were already ready. They have been targeted.

Amid the continuous shooting of rifles, a few crisp shots were mixed in, and several police officers in Jakarta were killed before they took out their pistols.

However, the crazy crowd has already entered the embassy. In the eyes of these Indonesians, the other party's bullets are limited and it is impossible to kill everyone. No, they have already entered the embassy.

Under the feet, there are large corpses of blood that has been flowing everywhere, which has not stopped the Indonesians from going crazy.

Just when all Indonesians felt that these Middle Easterners were about to die, four heavily armed heavy infantry rushed out of the lobby on the first floor of the embassy.

The hands of the four heavy infantrymen were all small-sized Gate cannons. Electricity drove the revolver, and the bullets sprayed to the gate of the entire embassy wall like a rainstorm.

Compared with the rate of fire of automatic rifles, the small Getter cannon in the hands of heavy infantry is the real **** of killing.

The dense bullets cut through like a huge blade. From the door of the embassy to the middle of the a large exploded blood mist suddenly exploded, each body in front of the merciless bullets, like pieces of torn paper , Very fragile.

In the entire street, intensive firepower resounded. In just a few seconds, the ultra-dense bullets directly and violently cleared a road of death that was more than two hundred meters long.

When the gunfire stopped, the entire street to the door of the embassy was like purgatory, with stumps and broken arms everywhere, blood mixed with intestines, and a lot of wounded struggling in blood, fear The screams filled the whole street.

The merciless killing of hot weapons has made every Indonesian monkey feel very personally what is fear and death.

Looking at the corpses that covered the entire street, a large number of survivors all screamed frantically, and then fled frantically outside the street, throwing knives and sticks everywhere.

The Red Police soldiers in the embassy had no sympathy in their eyes. The dead bodies in front of them looked like weeds on the roadside. They did not arouse their interest at all.

At this moment, the whole Jakarta was shaking, the war had broken out, and Widodo could only give orders for the war.

But some people are faster than Widodo. When the killing began, the Middle East Federation had officially declared war on Indonesia. The excuse for declaring war was straightforward. Indonesian soldiers pretended to attack the embassy from civilians and attacked the guards in the embassy. The soldiers fired.

There are videos that have the truth, even the process of the guard soldiers counterattack, the Middle East Federation has all unscrupulously displayed in front of the world.

There is sympathy, but it is more understanding. Under such circumstances, if there is no counterattack, everyone in the entire embassy will not survive.

And all of this was the Indonesians' own lives, which triggered this war.

(To be continued.)

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