The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 70: Do you still want cheats?

Hao Ren played with the small piece of metal in his hand, and did not feel that this thing was special - in fact it looked really ordinary.

It was just a long, slap-shaped diamond-shaped piece of iron. It looked like a reinforcement that fell from an old wood farm implement. It was grayish-black and had weather-beaten wear marks. It had a smooth side and a curved side on the other side. The veins of the veins are like the hieroglyphs that are specially engraved on fake artifacts to swear. Hao Ren can confirm that this thing is ordinary iron: he tried it with a magnet.

"Let me see." Vivian couldn't help but grab the little piece of iron and rushed over it. Hao Ren saw the other side's move and reacted: "Do you know this?"

"...not sure, but I should have seen it somewhere," Vivian's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. "It's not like this, but I saw the symbol above. Where did you get it?"

"I don't know," Hao Ren scratched his hair. "I remember this when I was very young. I was only four or five years old, a four-and-five-year-old kid, in a toy box. More points, less things can be noticed. I remember that this is definitely my own back, and I don’t know what happened. I was very special in this year. I cleaned up the old things several times and I didn’t want to take it. threw."

Vivian was obviously not very satisfied with this reply. She pinched a small piece of iron and rubbed her fingers with the lines. It was remembered that it took me two minutes to look up: "I did see this symbol for a long time, and it was a long time. A long time ago... I mean that it has been at least 1800 years old. But I can't remember the details - you know that my memory seems to be a bit sick, and it will be confused for a long time."

Hao Ren swallowed his mouth. He didn't listen to anything else. He heard the words "thousands and eight hundred years" and suddenly he was happy. "You mean this thing may be an antique?! And it may be thousands of years. antique!?"

Vivienne White had a look at Hao Ren: "You can try to sell it on the antique market and see if anyone wants it."

Hao Renxiao smiled and knew that this was another episode of his own small citizen's mentality, so he no longer mentions the antiques to sell money, but he still puts the small piece of iron in a rare and precious way: even if this thing is worthless, he is directed at it. It can make Vivian's thousand-year-old demon a surprise. This is also a treasure.

Then the two continued to clean up the house. There were not many debris piled up here, and Hao Ren often cleaned it down, so the work was completed very quickly. The debris that was transferred after a while was thrown into the small warehouse next to it. By the way, Hao Ren also cleaned out the half-boxes that had long been thrown away, and the basement turned into a clean new room. There are beds, tables and chairs, and even a cable interface. There is no big sun that Vivienne hates most: the only window in the basement is a small skylight on the top of the west wall, half buried in the wall of the big house. Under the sun, when the sun sets, there is direct sunlight coming in, which is in line with Vivienne’s living habits.

Hao Ren still feels that letting a beautiful girl like Wei Wei'an (please remember that the vampire sister is always seventeen years old) living in the basement is a kind of violent thing, but it is also good to see the clean room, the guilty feeling in his heart. It was slightly reduced, and more importantly, Vivian looked particularly happy. She enthusiastically helped Hao Ren to smear the dust that was contaminated when she was working. She smiled like a flower: "The landlord is really a good person, thank you, he used to When I was outside to discuss life, no one was so good to me, then..."

Well, the vampire girl’s bitter past is not enough. In short, we know that this unfortunate girl has finally ushered in a good life after thousands of years of life and embarrassment – ​​at least in her opinion, life is pretty good. The girl is easy to satisfy the horrible level and is as good as Lily.

It may take a few days for Izak to adapt to the new life here. As a cook, Vivian also needs a few days to adjust to the second casks that suddenly come out at home (the first ham can be eaten in one go) The next three bowls of noodles Lily), the running-in period between the new tenants has just begun, and according to Hao Ren, the current situation is stable: the big devil is a kind-hearted guy with a good temper that is contrary to his ethnic setting. In this way, Hao Ren does not have to worry about his daily life more jumping and jumping: Tian Pei see, Lily and Wei Wei An live together, this family will come to a temper, Hao Ren should consider sleeping on the road.

Since the family doesn't have to worry about playing for a while, Hao Ren naturally wants to pay attention to his work unit: he hasn't seen the Raven 12345 for several days, and he has a lot of problems.

So in the morning of a clear sky, the autumn wind was getting cold, Hao Ren took the broken bus to Wang Bazizi, and after a journey to the slag, he came to the mighty place: the Paradise Earth Office, referred to as Station Office.

The luxurious bungalows of the Raven 12345 always look like that. The space in which it is located is like a time-smooth solidification on a foggy morning. The bungalows are pleasantly landscaped, while the outside is always covered with a thick fog. Pan Hao, Hao Ren sometimes wonders if he wants to go to the thick fog to see, perhaps the secret of this "divine world", but every time he can't make it, he didn't even dare to go with the Raven 12345 To mention this - God knows that the nervous woman will give him a brick after hearing Hao Ren's whimsical thoughts.

Hao Ren led a blue element servant to the office of the Raven 12345. When he pushed the door, he saw that the goddess was studying behind the desk to study an image floating in the air, watching her face. Emei was locked, and sometimes he fell into a contemplative appearance. Hao Ren was shocked: this unreliable guy actually had serious work!

At this time, the Raven 12345 had already felt someone coming in, and looked up and said hello: "Hey, Hao Ren, I haven't seen it for several days, the color can be ok, the time difference is reversed?"

"Amount, okay, okay," Hao Ren couldn't enter the psychological state of "Personal Pilgrimage" every time he met the goddess. After a long time, he simply got used to it. The right to be a job is to meet the department manager." I came to think..."

"Don't worry, you will report the details of the mission in detail," Raven 12345 waved his hand. "The last two days you said too simple, I can't write a file."

You listen, this is more formal! God still has to write a file...

Hao Ren had to clear his throat and talked about the experience of the first two days in the UK. This time, he focused on the undead under the Johord Castle and the half-devil hunter named Nangong. He felt that this was the task. The biggest accident in the process, so it is worth mentioning. After listening to the Raven 12345, he silenced for a few seconds and asked Hao Ren a question: "What do you think is the biggest difficulty encountered in your mission?"

Hao Ren was silent for a few seconds, and finally frankly said: "The flesh is a fetus, I really can't do this life-saving work--I feel that I still need some fighting power, even if I don't have combat power, I can do a little self-protection. In the underground palace. When I ran with Lily, I almost died. Most of the time, I didn’t say that I was playing a little monster. I was trying to prevent myself from being beaten by little monsters. If this is not done, it will be dead! It’s time to go, but is this speed slightly slower? Or the next time you give me a less **** task...”

"It's already the easiest job for you. The rest of the same period is only a task to go to the three mediation wars. Are you going?" Raven 12345 rolled his eyes. "But you really need exercise to strengthen this. Physical adjustment can only give you a foundation, and real combat strength requires training. So, I will give you first..."

Before the Raven 12345 was finished, Hao Ren immediately became spiritual: "Give me a secret recipe? Is it true that there is this stuff!"

"Oh--" Raven 12345 squinted at Hao Ren, "You have seen more novels, and you thought that I really gave you a martial arts cheats and other things, you will step into the sky? That thing also needs to learn training, mortal To release a fireball, you have to do two months of exercises to become familiar with the formula. Arcane magic requires advanced mathematics. You think that like the game, you can get the Frostbolt by double-clicking the skill book. - I want to be beautiful. I usually see a math problem called a tired and tired guy. Even if he gives him a curse, he can't learn it. The question bank of the 'Ten Years of Casting 30 Years' simulation is enough to cry out. So... do you still want cheats?"

Hao Ren: "..."

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