"Get up!" Chu Jin stretched out his hand to pat his forehead, and said in disgust, "You stink to death!"

Mr. Mo's movements stopped for a moment, and he raised his eyes in shock.

He stinks! ? '

I can't believe it, it's the first time someone said he stinks!

Taking advantage of this gap, Chu Jin slipped out from under him like a nimble demon fish.

"I stink?" Mr. Mo leaned over.

"It stinks." Chu Jin raised his eyebrows slightly, looking serious.

Seeing her being so serious, Mr. Mo almost doubted himself. He lowered his eyes and smelled it, and he was relieved only after making sure that there was no peculiar smell on his body.

How can a person who suffers from serious cleanliness tolerate the smell on his body?

"Pfft!" Seeing how nervous he was, Chu Jinyou chuckled, "I'm just kidding, I'll take a shower first."

Yuluo then dodges into the bathroom.

She is now fully awake, and she can't stand the pungent smell of alcohol on her body.

Chu Jin came to the bathroom, filled a bathtub full of water, dripped some essential oils in the water, and then lay down barefoot.

It was also at this time that Chu Jin discovered an important problem.

I didn't bring a change of clothes with me.

In desperation, Chu Jin had no choice but to shout outside, "Mo Zhixuan, bring me a piece of clothing and come in."

Mr. Mo raised his eyebrows lightly, took out a white shirt from the closet, knocked on the door of the bathroom, and said in a low tone, "Put on mine first, and I'll have someone deliver new clothes tomorrow morning."

Chu Jin opened the door of the bathroom a crack, and stretched out her slender white arms, "Where are the clothes?"

Mr. Mo looked at the dangling white arm a little speechlessly, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, little girl, guarding against him is like guarding against thieves.

After Chu Jin changed her clothes and came out, there was no sign of Mr. Mo in the room, so she didn't think much about it. After nearly a night of tossing, she just wanted to sleep well.

The temperature in the room is constant throughout the seasons. Chu Jin climbed onto the bed, put on the quilt, and fell asleep.

The next morning.

As soon as Chu Jin opened his eyes, he saw Mo Zhixuan's sharp-edged face. Chu Jin was stunned for a few seconds, and then realized that he squeezed his temples with some headaches. Last night...she seemed to have drunk too much.

A hangover doesn't feel good at all.

Head a little dizzy, and a little pain.

Alcohol is really not a good thing.

"Morning, Ah Jin." A deep voice came from above his head.

"Morning." Chu Jin yawned sleepily, "What time is it?"

"It's only a little past nine o'clock, you can still sleep for a while." Mr. Mo's voice sounded a little lazy.

It was full of security, and only at this time could she feel that she could let go of her guard and sleep comfortably.

Because all the wind and rain were blocked by the man in front of him.

Downstairs, someone was already busy in the kitchen, Zuo Lingxiang hummed an English song and was busy in the kitchen.

There were already two sandwiches on the table.

Mr. Mo strolled to the kitchen, and when he saw the figure in the kitchen, he frowned slightly. Mr. Mo never cared about insignificant people. At this moment, he had forgotten who Zuo Lingxiang was. When she is a servant in the villa.

"Morning, sir." Seeing the person coming, Zuo Lingxiang raised a standard smiling face. She was wearing delicate makeup and a slim dress. Because of her short stature, she specially chose a pair of high-heeled shoes to wear to cover up her appearance. Defects in height.

Although he was frying eggs, he didn't even wear an apron.

In short, it doesn't feel like a servant.

Mo Zhixuan frowned indistinctly, and nodded slightly as a response.

It's so cold sir.

Like an iceberg.

Zuo Lingxiang thought subconsciously.

At the same time, Mo Zhixuan's astonishing facial features made her amazed. Even those movie stars, popular little fresh meats, were not half as good as Mr. Mo Zhixuan.

No one is perfect, sir, although his appearance is astonishing, but his temperament is like sitting on an iceberg, this kind of person must have no heart, right? Probably just playing around with Chu Jin.

Fortunately, she is self-aware that what she covets is not the husband, but his wealth.

Even if she didn't get any money, she earned it if she could sleep with her husband once.

"Sir, my mother is not feeling well today, so she asked me to prepare breakfast. I grilled steak and fried eggs, and I can eat it in a while." Seeing Mo Zhixuan's puzzled expression, Zuo Lingxiang continued, "Mr. , Mrs. Zhang is my mother."

Seeing her like this, he probably misunderstood her as a servant!

She is not a servant, she is from a prestigious university.

Looking at Chun's appearance, I knew that she would not be admitted to university, she was just a vase.

I don't know how the husband fell in love with her!

If Chu Jin is out of the packaging of "rich family daughter", she will be nothing.

Mrs. Zhang is not feeling sick, but she drank water mixed with sleeping pills, which is why she has not woken up until now. Her mother is poor and short-sighted. If she is sober, her good deeds will definitely be ruined.

When Zuo Lingxiang said this, Mo Zhixuan remembered that Mrs. Zhang had stayed in this villa for many years, and Mrs. Zhang was honest and honest, and had no scheming. He trusted Mrs. Zhang very much, so what happened last time, He forgave Zuo Lingxiang so easily.

"I don't need you here," Mo Zhixuan said slowly, with a low and magnetic tone, "Let's go out first, and take Aunt Zhang out for a walk during the holiday."

Zuo Lingxiang looked at Mo Zhixuan, and said hesitantly, "Sir, the eggs are about to be fried..."

Not only eggs, she also prepared exquisite steaks, sandwiches made by herself, and boiled milk.

The purpose is to make Mo Zhixuan look at her with admiration.

Because Zuo Lingxiang knew that a wealthy lady like Chu Jin would definitely not know how to cook.

Although she is not as good as Chu Jin in appearance, she is ten times better than Chu Jin in other skills. She can speak multiple languages, is versatile, and has a wide range of knowledge. She is a thousand times better than Chu Jin, a canary locked in a cage. times.

Facing Chu Jin, Zuo Lingxiang fell into a very strange feeling.

Jealousy on the one hand, and disdain on the other.

"I said, go out." Mo Zhixuan repeated coldly.

"But..." Zuo Lingxiang said in a very embarrassed way, "Eggs..."

"Get out!" The faint words, as if stained with ice, are so cold that the roots of the teeth tremble. Mo Zhixuan has held a high position all year round, and he exudes an irresistible aura that is irresistible. Suppressed, others didn't feel anything, at this moment, his aura was fully opened, like an emperor looking down on the world, Zuo Lingxiang couldn't stand it at all.

Cold sweat broke out from Zuo Lingxiang's body all of a sudden, and she didn't care about the eggs anymore, she walked out the door shaking her legs, hardly daring to look directly at Mo Zhixuan.


Sir is terrible.

At the same time as terrifying, his body exudes a fatal allure, making people unable to help but want to approach, conquer, and possess.

How can someone like Chu Jin be worthy of such an excellent gentleman?

Seeing Zuo Lingxiang walk out, Mo Zhixuan's expression softened a little. He rolled up his sleeves, revealing a strong arm, walked to the pot, put all the steaks and sandwiches inside into a lunch box, skillfully Wash the pots and pans, cook porridge, flour, and pancakes again.

Ah Jin doesn't like western breakfast.

Ah Jin likes to eat breakfast made by himself.

It is said that a man should stay away from the kitchen.

Before, he thought so too.

Men should be born on the battlefield, defending their homes and defending the country, what's the deal with dealing with oil, salt, sauce and vinegar like a woman? Is this still a man?

But now he feels that a real man should win the battlefield and the kitchen.

For my daughter-in-law, I will do everything and do everything.

Zuo Lingxiang stood outside the door, almost biting her silver teeth, the husband even disliked her for making breakfast! At the same time, it was extremely shocking! The husband actually cooks himself!

Moreover, the husband even cooks with such an accent, so eye-catching.

If an ordinary man appeared in the kitchen, he would definitely look like a mother, but although the husband was in the kitchen, he showed the domineering spirit of pointing the country.

What kind of gentleman stays away from the kitchen.

It is estimated that they are all made up by such crooked melons and dates.

For a moment, Zuo Lingxiang's eyes became more obsessed.

After a while, the smell of porridge wafted in the kitchen.

Mo Zhixuan walked out with the lunch box he had just packed, and seeing Zuo Lingxiang was still there, he said a little displeased, "Why haven't you left yet?"

Zuo Lingxiang froze for a moment, then said immediately, "I'll stay here to see if sir needs help."

"There is nothing here that needs your help, go and accompany Aunt Zhang." Mo Zhixuan walked out the door while talking.

Back to Su tomorrow! Back to Su tomorrow! Back to Su tomorrow!

Say important things three times!

The little fairy hasn't left any messages recently, and Deyin is crying.

After returning to Su, I will update normally and reply to comments normally.

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