The Prosperous Era of Longwan

Chapter 209 208 Civil and Military

Wei Guangde really never thought about what Weng Pu was worried about, that is, the reinforcements of Xuanda and Da troops arrived on the battlefield but did not dare to take the initiative to fight.

But after thinking about it a little more, Wei Guangde felt that maybe he would still be able to do this.

Wasn't this the case in the 29th year of Jiajing's reign?

King Qin's army gathered around him, but no one dared to take the initiative to attack the Anda troops who were scattered and looting near the capital. In the end, they easily exited the pass.

As for those battle reports, if you use your brain a little, you will understand that if you don't dare to fight in the first place, how can you expect people to fight to the death, either by killing good people and taking credit for it, or by encountering a few unlucky guys who have strayed away.

"So, what your lord means is to force the Xuanfu army to fight before the Datong army arrives?"

When Wei Guangde said this, he suddenly understood the meaning of Weng Pu's actions. He was taking the initiative to provoke the war so that An Dahan would not dare to look down on the Ming army, and also so that the Datong army who arrived later could not stay away from the matter.

If the Xuanfu army fought life and death there, while the Datong army stood aside and watched, the lawsuit would inevitably go to the Jinluan Palace after the war, and Xuanfu was not the stepmother.

Although the army was afraid of the enemy and was timid to fight, it still knew the situation and had to fight hard even if it was just pretending. It is no wonder that Weng Pu planned to send him to the Datong army to supervise the battle.

Two people, two pairs of eyes staring at the Xuanfu and the Datong Army, the final attitude of the capital must be based on their opinions.

"It would be best if the Xuanfu army can severely damage the Anda tribe. The main thing is to show a combat attitude. When the Datong army approaches, the Anda tribe should choose to withdraw from the Great Wall."

Weng Pu said softly.

Wei Guangde was silent now, and it took him a long time to ask, "Is the frontier army really so incompetent?"

Although he was mentally prepared, Wei Guangde couldn't help but not believe what came out of the mouth of the right minister of the Ministry of War.

That's ridiculous. If what Weng Pu was worried about really happened, and the Xuanfu Datong army gathered after that, but they didn't dare to fight against the Anda tribe, what kind of military morale would the Ming army have in the long run? I'm afraid they wouldn't turn around when they saw the Mongols in the future. Run away, spend so much money to defend the Great Wall.

"There are some in the border army who dare to fight, but not many. So after the Datong army arrives, you have to pay attention to which of the following generals have the courage to fight the Tatars. These people are the key to this battle. Pay special attention, don't be fooled by those Being greedy for life and afraid of death has led the war to a wrong direction."

Weng Pu continued.

"Master Weng, I really don't understand. In this case, why don't you mobilize these people and leave the generals who dare to fight? There is also the Great Wall. Money is still being invested in repairs every year, but the passes along the Great Wall are so bad. There are many, I went around the big and small passes, and I feel that I can hold the big pass, but I can't hold the small pass at all, and there aren't many manpower."

Wei Guangde said again.

"It's impossible not to defend. Xiaoguancheng is mainly located in a remote location. You see, there are many dangerous places along the way. If the frontier army's combat power is slightly stronger, even if the Tatars break through Guancheng, they will still be in the process of rushing in. It was blocked by the army coming from the surrounding area.

Ahem, the reason why the Pass is a Pass is because of the terrain. It is more convenient for transportation, so it can naturally garrison large armies, and the city of Guan is less likely to be breached. "

Weng Pu explained.

After listening to Weng Pu's words, Wei Guangde understood why there were so many passes on the Great Wall and could be divided into large and small gates. It was related to the road conditions.

Even if the Tatars break through the small city pass, there is still a difficult mountain road behind them, and they will naturally be blocked by the reinforcements.

Of course, this requires that the Ming army still has basic combat power and full determination to fight. Otherwise, as Weng Pu said, if they run away when they see the Tatars, it will be useless no matter how good the terrain is.

It was just at this time that Wei Guangde suddenly remembered the information he had received before. It seemed that the Xuanfu side had done a good job this year. Except that at the beginning of the year, a group of troops were surrounded and annihilated while patrolling the border. After that, the Tatars invaded before the new Governor of Xuanda, Xu Lun. Under his command, the fight was impressive, at least the scene was not ugly.

There has been no fighting in Datong this year, so I don't know what their combat strength is.

At this time, Wei Guangde had some thoughts. Since the Xuanfu side wanted to start the war first, as long as the Xuanfu army was urged to fight bravely, before the Datong army approached the battlefield, the inevitable result would be that our troops would retreat. It is very likely that the Datong army would not even start fighting. The answer is to withdraw from the Great Wall.

Yes, Wei Guangde wanted to go to the Xuanfu Army to supervise the battle instead of waiting for the Datong Army. The final achievements of the two were completely different.

For Weng Pu, no matter what the final result was, he was well-organized and made great contributions.

For Wei Guangde, if he acted with the Datong Army and had no military exploits, it would be a meritorious service as an associate, but if he supervised the Xuanfu Army's defeat of the Anda Division, it would be a great achievement.

Although Wei Guangde is not very interested in military merit, he still wants to go back to the Hanlin Academy to review, pass the exam and be promoted. If he is lucky, he might be able to get the rank of Taichang Temple or Zhanshifu, which would be great. He knows that his age is a flaw, but There may be a chance to move to the Ministry of Etiquette. Now, moving to the Ministry of Etiquette is nothing more than being in charge. It is better to gain qualifications in the Hanlin Academy and become a bachelor before moving to the Ministry of Etiquette. Before, it was more comfortable in Taichang Temple and Zhan Shifu.

As Wei Guangde was appointed to the Hanlin Academy for review, Wei Guangde naturally revised his path to becoming an official again. Before, he thought that he would stay in the Hanlin Academy for three years and wait for the end of the school. Now he does not need to, saving three years and taking the exam. Once it’s full, you can edit it.

It's just that it's something that's easily available. It seems like a good choice to grab it. It's a pity to lose it.

Although Wei Guangde was worried about being arranged by the court to become a military and civilian official and thus put an end to his desire to join the cabinet, he did not want to miss the opportunity to make meritorious deeds and make his resume look better. It seemed to be an option.

Wei Guangde was a little confused and didn't know what to choose.

"Sir, when do you plan to leave for the Xuanfu Army?"

Wei Guangde thought for a while before asking.

"Calculating the time, Miyun Military Preparation Officer Li Zhen will bring the grain and grass baggage in the next two days. I will go with the grain truck at that time. This way, I will have more guards around me, so I will not be afraid even if I encounter a Tatar reconnaissance cavalry."

Weng Pu spoke out his plan.

Wei Guangde finally made up his mind to claim the credit, so he immediately said: "Sir, your body has not recovered yet, and it is a long journey. I am afraid it will be detrimental to your condition."

While speaking, Wei Guangde still looked concerned, as if he was very concerned about Weng Pu's physical condition.

Well, no matter what, by intercepting his documents, he saved his official career. At least he didn't offend those powerful forces when he first entered the officialdom.

"If I just go to the Xuanfu Army to supervise the battle and force them to fight, I think I should be able to do the job."

Wei Guangde spoke his thoughts carefully, staring at Weng Pu, paying attention to his expression.

"You can't."

But when he saw Weng Pu, he shook his head and said, "If you go to Xuan Mansion to supervise the battle, I'm afraid you won't be able to control the situation well."


Wei Guangde was very surprised by Weng Pu's words. He didn't know how to control the situation. He just asked the Xuanfu army to go out and fight, kill some of the energy of his troops, and wait for the Datong army to arrive.

Then, Wei Guangde heard Weng Pu really say what he thought.

"You think you're just here to urge them to fight?"

Having said this, Weng Pu shook his head again, "The key is to make them hurt our base and make them fearful, so that they can retreat before the Datong Army arrives."

Hearing this, Wei Guangde frowned slightly. It might be difficult to do it with the power of Xuanfu alone.

If it hurts my head, it would take a lot of strength to do it.

And according to Weng Pu's opinion, it seems that they can't use all their strength. They mainly focus on deterrence, that is, only sending out a small group of troops to attack the Tatars to let them know the combat power of the Xuanfu army, so that they can force them before the Datong army arrives. Walk them.

"Sir, are the troops here really so miserable?"

It seemed that Wei Guangde had asked before, but he still couldn't hold back and asked again.

Weng Pu shook his head, nodded again, and then coughed several times.

Thinking of Weng Pu's words before, Wei Guangde suddenly had an epiphany. No wonder Weng Pu asked him to pay more attention to the generals below and look for those who dared to fight after Weng Pu asked him to go to the Datong Army.

The overall combat strength is not good, but some courageous and capable generals are selected to fight alone.

That's what happened.

For those who are timid and afraid of death, just let them wave the flag and shout for credit from behind, as long as they don't collapse the team when they run for their lives.

Wei Guangde suddenly felt that in fact, these civil servants in the Ming Dynasty were very aware of the moral character of military commanders, but they were unwilling to care about them, either explicitly or covertly.

There are only so many official positions, so leaving some incompetent people behind does not seem to be a bad thing for civil servants.

If all the incompetent people are demoted and talented people are promoted, I am afraid that someone will pick up the warriors to take back their rights. You must know that at the beginning of the founding of the country, the status of warriors was not low.

Wei Guangde suddenly felt that although there were many brave generals in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, it seemed that most of them were not outstanding enough. Most of them were short-lived, and even more were mediocre. I am afraid it was also the result of manipulation by the civil servant group.

To promote civility and suppress military power, it is natural that the performance of military attachés should be as mediocre as possible, so that civilian officials can excel.

Weng Pu suddenly noticed that Wei Guangde's eyes seemed to glow for an instant, and then quickly returned to calm, but there was something else in his eyes, which seemed to be sharper than before.

When Wei Guangde looked at people before, his eyes were very calm, but now it seems different from before.

Is this enlightenment?

Weng Pu had heard someone say that once some people have enlightenment, their energy and spirit will change. The most obvious place is the eyes, which are the windows of the soul and cannot be hidden.

Thinking that Wei Guangde was from a guard house, Weng Pu suddenly realized that his previous words might have really made him realize something.

But at this moment, Wei Guangde was thinking about the way to be an official that he had just realized.

What did the books teach before?

Everyone is competing on an equal footing, and you can only stand out if you perform better than others.

Of course this is true, but just now, Wei Guangde was thinking that you don't have to stand out, but you must make others look more mediocre.

The behavior of civilian officials towards military generals can actually be extended to the battles between civilian officials and civilian officials.

When two people compete for a position, Wei Guangde used to think about how to perform better than others, so as to reflect his own advantages, but now Wei Guangde thinks about how to make the other party's performance look more mediocre.

Even if there is no good way to deal with one thing and you can only handle it in a very ordinary way, then you have to find a way to make the other party do worse than you.

As for what means to use, it doesn’t matter.

What these old-timers in the officialdom only understood were absorbed by Wei Guangde after a few words from Weng Pu.

But now, these things he thought of were of no use to the situation at hand.

The battle between the two armies still relies on strength, and it cannot be solved by conspiracy and trickery.

"Do you understand?"

Noticing Wei Guangde's change, Weng Pu asked tentatively.

Wei Guangde came back to his senses and hurriedly bowed and said: "Your Excellency, you have great insights. I have figured it out. Thank you very much for your advice."


Weng Pu coughed again and again, and it took a while to stop.

To be honest, Weng Pu also felt that he was not in good health these days and was not suitable for the long journey to Baoan Prefecture. He insisted on going by himself before because he doubted Wei Guangde's ability.

It seemed that Wei Guangde understood what he said just now, but he was not sure yet. After all, he had no contact with Wei Guangde before, so he didn't know what Wei Guangde's understanding was.

"What would you do if I sent you there?"

Weng Pu curiously probed and asked to see if he really understood or pretended to understand.

But in his heart, Weng Pu felt that Wei Guangde might have understood. After all, he was from Wei Suo, so he really had such exquisite thoughts.

However, he didn't know what Wei Guangde realized.

"According to your wishes, go to the Xuanfu army to select generals who can fight and dare to fight. They will take the initiative to attack Anda. The other troops with lower combat strength will stay put and exert pressure. As long as there are one or two generals, If they excel, it will have an impact on Anda Khan's confidence in combat and make them want to retreat."

Wei Guangde slowly expressed his understanding there. Weng Pu nodded slightly while lying on the bed. After Wei Guangde finished speaking, he sighed.


Weng Pu's sigh stunned Wei Guangde. He didn't understand Weng Pu's attitude for a moment. Did he say something wrong?

When I was confused and confused, I heard Weng Pu's words.

"If the border troops had been stronger, they would never have been able to do this. We would have to wait for the Datong Army to arrive on the battlefield and go all out to destroy this Tatar army."

Weng Pu's words echoed in Wei Guangde's ears, seemingly concerned about the country and the people, but what Wei Guangde was thinking at the moment was not what his words revealed.

Civil servants always put the interests of the civil service group more seriously.

Perhaps for the sake of long-term peace and stability, they are willing to select one or two good generals to guard the border, but they are not willing to carefully select military personnel and make them too good.

In the court of the Ming Dynasty, there was still the Xungui Group. They were too deeply integrated with the guards, and the civil service group was unwilling to allow them to restore the combat power of the founding of the country through the guards and re-emerge in the court.

A noble person should still behave like a noble person, and it is good to maintain the current life. He is greedy for enjoyment and is indolent in work.

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