The program team lost contact, and the character of Desert Island Live was reversed

Chapter 357 The Spring Festival Gala compromised, choosing skits

In Gu Long's novels, almost all characters are mature as soon as they appear, and neither their martial arts nor their personalities will change.

In comparison, Jin Yong's novels are almost all upgraded, and many of them even start when the protagonist is a child.

The trilogy is like this. "The Condor" starts from Guo Yang's fetal state, "The Condor" starts from Xiao Yang Guo, and "Yi Tian" goes even further. Zhang Sanfeng is still a little monk at the beginning.

Therefore, in the first few episodes of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", familiar faces such as Guo Jing and Huang Rong appeared, but the person who played Yang Guo was still a young child actor.

The audience was anxious again:

[When will Su Zhe appear? 】

[I’m so anxious. Su Zhe is so good at telling people off and will always keep people appetizing. 】

They were in a hurry, but the number of clicks was not reduced at all, and it has always been at the top of the oil depot.

Su Zhe didn't care anymore and concentrated on filming "Tang Detective".

This film requires a large number of comedians to participate. In previous lives, Xiao Yang, Chen He, Xiao Shenyang, Zhao Yingjun and others participated, including the leading actor Wang Baoqiang, who is also famous for comedy.

Therefore, Su Zhe also found a group of up-and-coming comedians, such as Ding Zhifei, Fan Yong, etc., who have all appeared on the Spring Festival Gala and performed sketches... and then made no sound. But they are all very high-level comedians.

The comedy plot just needs comedians to come up with inspiration on the spot. Almost all excellent comedies cannot rely solely on scripts. The most outstanding baggage is the live performance and collision of actors.

Therefore, in Shen Teng's previous life, a certain heroine who brought money to join the group had no sense of humor. The audience can also clearly see that when the heroine's role in the movie comes, it is not funny at all and is very pretentious.

(The yin and yang weirdness is to vent anger for Ma Li, but if you perform well and your skills can convince the public, you can only admit it if you pinch your nose.)

So on the crew of "Tang Detective", Su Zhe specially organized a script reading and brainstorming session to collide with comedy inspiration in a targeted manner.

Ding Zhifei, Fan Yong and other comedians are gearing up, ready to let Su Zhe have a good look at their abilities:

"Of course Mr. Su is great, but compared to shaking off the burden, we are the professionals!"

"Let Mr. Su see our business capabilities. Don't take our performance at the Spring Festival Gala as our true level."

"Yes, perform well, and maybe you can play the leading role in Mr. Su's drama in the future!"

"Protagonist? Does Mr. Su still write funny martial arts?"

After hearing this, Su Zhe shrugged:

"Not necessarily, maybe I will write "Wulin Gaiden", "Happy Heroes" and the like."

He will definitely take out "Wulin Gaiden", and "Happy Heroes" is the Gu Long work that he most wants to see adapted, but it has not been adapted before he traveled through time, which makes him deeply regretful.

If you have the opportunity in the future, you can also try it. Based on the original work, as long as it is not altered blindly, even if it cannot become a classic, at least it will not be too bad.

After hearing Su Zhe's words, even if they thought he was just drawing a cake, the group became more motivated and studied the script together, hoping to come up with better laughs.

Together they performed the lines in the script:

"I'm suing you for slander, he's slandering me!"

"Cheng Rang, ah Cheng Rang."

"What a fucking dragon with stripes!"

"The room is clean and has no peculiar smell. Either a transvestite or a gay."


When these lines were actually performed, they made everyone laugh.

You Mengli and Yu Xiang, who participated in the script reading, almost froze with laughter.

But Ding Zhifei and others were almost crying——

Why is it written so well?

Even the baggage is so funny, what else can we change?

Is it superfluous?

They held it in for a long time, but they couldn't even find a better baggage.

This is normal. After all, the script for "Tang Detective" that Su Zhe came up with was the result of a collision between comedians in his previous life (it was said in the interview that some of the jokes were suggested by Xiao Shenyang on the spot).

But Ding Zhifei and others didn't know. They only felt that Su Zhe was looking up at him pitifully:

"Mr. Su, it's not that we don't work hard, but we are already very good and it's difficult to improve."

"As expected of a man who has done two Spring Festival Gala sketches, we are convinced."

They have nothing to say——

You said, among all the idols, bosses, singers and actors, which one does not have a better future than a comedian? But why did he even steal our jobs?

Will you give us a bite to eat?

Su Zhe quickly said modestly:

"Don't say that... Doing a Spring Festival Gala sketch is the same as doing a national football team. What's there to be proud of?"

Everyone laughed together.

Complaining about the Spring Festival Gala skits, like complaining about the national football team, can always hit the laughter and pain points of all the people.

Talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives.

Su Zhe was happily dissing the Spring Festival Gala when he received a call from Zhu Jun, the new director of the Spring Festival Gala.

"Director Zhu, I didn't scold you..." Su Zhe almost bit his tongue without saying anything, "Ahem, are you okay?"

Zhu Jun's tone was serious but firm, and he actually agreed to the conditions proposed by Su Zhe:

"Su Zhe, please come up with a solo, a sketch. I trust you with songs, sketches...I won't interfere with your creation, but you have to take it easy and don't be too harsh, lest I can't control it."

Su Zhe couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He didn't expect Zhu Jun to be so responsible——

For the Spring Festival Gala director, the ratings are not important, because no matter how bad they are, they will not drop too much; but an accident is a major event that affects their career.

So Su Zhe had long thought that it was impossible for him to agree, but he didn't expect that he could withstand the pressure.

He's a man!

Su Zhe admired people who dared to take responsibility and immediately agreed:

"Okay, since Director Zhu is so responsible, I can't let you suffer. I will write a new song and prepare a new skit to make sure it's brilliant!"

After hanging up the phone, everyone immediately asked him curiously:

"Mr. Su, are you finally going to the Spring Festival Gala?"

"Su Zhe, we can finally see you on the Spring Festival Gala stage. This is the expectation of the people across the country!"

"Brother, you just finished complaining about the Spring Festival Gala. You will also encounter Waterloo, right?"

Su Zhe smiled:

"The censorship has been relaxed for me. If I can no longer produce good works, I will be very sorry to the audience and Director Zhu."

The decline of sketches has a lot to do with censorship.

For example, in the previous life, after two generations of sketch kings, there were thousands of Spring Festival Gala sketches, but in variety shows such as "Happy Comedian" and "Annual Comedy Competition", many excellent comedy works also emerged.

It can be seen that comedians have not run out of inspiration. As long as they are given space to perform and through full competition (both programs are competition types), they can produce outstanding works.

Now that he had obtained the permission, Su Zhe thought about the above works and thought to himself:

Who should I copy? Chen Xiaoer? Uncle Benshan? Or those rising stars?

Su Zhe told everyone participating in the script reading:

"You guys collide with inspiration first. If you can't find better ones, just use these, and the effect will be good. If you think of funnier jokes, make the work even better."

This is also the reason why Su Zhe organized a reading of the script. Of course he knew that the original script was already good enough, but if he could further improve the laugh point and make the audience laugh louder, he would definitely gain more box office!

"I'll excuse you for a moment, I'm going to write a sketch for the Spring Festival Gala."

After Su Zhe left, he thought to himself:

When I attend the Spring Festival Gala for the first time, I will definitely produce a ground-breaking work. Let’s forget about the rising stars like Da Suo that we copied before.

So who is Chen Xiaoer, or Uncle Benshan?

He thought about it for a while. Several of Chen Xiaoer's most classic sketches, such as "Protagonist and Supporting Actor", "Police and Thief", "Eating Noodles", "Mutton Skewers", "Pepper Noodles", etc., are all very long ago, but they can't be compared now. hour.

However, according to Zhu Shimao's words, Chen Xiaoer's "nose, eyes, and head are like this, it only took thousands of years for him to appear." With an image like his, "a petty thief, an unscrupulous trader, a ruffian, No need to act, just poke there."

Despite the fact that "such a thing came out in thousands of years", this "thing" is really irreplaceable to Su Zhe!

After thinking about it, Su Zhe couldn't play the role of Chen Xiaoer, but the role of Zhu Shimao suited him very well.

"After all, my face is the same as Zhu Shimao's thick eyebrows and big eyes. At first glance, I am the protagonist, a positive figure!"

Su Zhe sighed "helplessly":

"Even if I play a villain (Yang Kang), the audience likes me more. What can I do?"

Is he going to find a "Chen Xiaoer" and then play the role of Zhu Shimao himself?

Su Zhe scratched his head and thought for a while, but didn't want to do this.

Just like in "Protagonist and Supporting Actor", Su Zhe wants to play the protagonist unless he has no choice! (Who wouldn’t want to play the leading role?)

After all, it was my first time to attend the Spring Festival Gala. I wrote a script myself, played a supporting role, but used it to praise others. It always felt a bit weird.

And being a supporting character cannot increase the progress of [King of Sketch].

"Xiao Er, let's meet again when we have a chance."

Su Zhe made up his mind and began to read Uncle Benshan's works:

"Selling Kidnappers" series, "White Clouds and Black Soil" series, "New Year's greetings", "Uncle Niu's Pickup", "Red Sorghum Model Team"...

"It's not appropriate either!"

Su Zhe was a little helpless. The classic image of Uncle Benshan was that of rural uncles, some cunning and some simple, but none of them suited Su Zhe.

He thought about it and finally hesitantly wrote three words——

"Not Short of Money".

This is almost Uncle Benshan's final work in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala (later there was also "My Deskmate"). He returned to the top and made his apprentice Xiao Shenyang famous overnight.

It can be said that Xiao Shenyang is the person who best meets the definition of "overnight fame"——

Before New Year's Eve, you are unknown; after New Year's Eve, you are famous all over the world! Even the National Preceptor asked him to make a big bad movie.

In this sketch, Uncle Benshan is still a cunning farmer, but unlike other sketches in his peak period, the most outstanding character in this sketch is Xiao Shenyang.

"I play the role of little Shenyang - the sissy waiter?" Su Zhe scratched his scalp.

This sketch is worth a copy, both for its quality and for its support of the lead actor.

But the problem is-

"I don't want to play a sissy!"

In order to become famous, Xiao Shenyang can play anything, but Su Zhe is a top idol and a big boss in the industry. It is okay to play a handsome villain like Yang Kang, but playing a sissy?

It is easy for idols to be called "mother". He has the title of the most macho man in the industry, so he has survived. Even Heizi dare not say that he is not manly enough.

But after playing this role, will Heizi deliberately use slices to blackmail him?

Su Zhe scratched his head and thought to himself:

"Otherwise, it's better to copy Happy Twist. Although San Yanyue is as fat as two people, he is a former military art school star after all, so he is more suitable for me."

The Spring Festival Gala's "Help or Not", "Follow Him", "Today's Happiness", etc., and "Happy Comedian"'s "Tropic Thunder", "The Infected", "Where's the Thief", etc. are all pretty good.

Su Zhe casually wrote "To help or not to help", hesitating in his heart:

"Is it "Not Short of Money" with a higher ceiling, or "Support or Not" which is more stable?"

("To Help or Not to Help" ranks tenth in the ratings among previous sketches, second only to the ninth "Not Short of Money". However, considering that the ratings get lower as time goes by, it can be regarded as a work of the same level, but with a bonus It is indeed not as tall as Xiao Shenyang.)

Su Zhe couldn't make a decision for a moment, so he simply wrote down both scripts, put them away, and thought to himself:

"Let's just put them all out and see the effect on the spot."

And it also depends on the partner. These two sketches are different from Su Zhe's previous ones. They both need strong acting skills to perform well.

For example, Shen Ma has very good acting skills, not to mention Uncle Benshan, who is at the level of an actor.

"But who should I look for?"

Su Zhe thought to himself:

"Not Short of Money" needs to find suitable people to play the roles of Uncle Benshan, Grandpa Bi, and Yadan, but it is difficult to find them;

The relationship between the characters in "To Help or Not to Help" is simpler. The traffic police can find anyone to play the role, or even find a star to show his face. All he needs to do is find someone to play the role of Ma Li.

"Forget it, let's write the script first."

When he finally finished copying the script and returned to the conference room, he found that the actors were having a heated discussion.

Su Zhe put too much pressure on them. In order to prove themselves, they racked their brains and actually came up with some more interesting baggage.

However, the specific effect will have to be seen during shooting.

Su Zhe comforted them:

"Don't worry, the burden may not be forced..."

Fan Yong was still in a state of brainstorming and instinctively responded:

"And a caesarean section?"

Everyone laughed, and Su Zhe couldn't help but laugh:

"There are also people who blurt it out during the happy process. You are in good shape, keep it up!"

He clapped his hands and encouraged:

"Let's shoot it according to the script first. Once you have better ideas, we will shoot it again and choose slowly later! Don't be pressured. No matter whether it is adopted in the end, I will say that this is a collective creation. Don't worry, I am not lacking. That’s the reputation.”

He would not mobilize collective creation while taking all the credit for himself, openly and secretly promoting "Su Zhe did his best, teammate CJB".

He is so successful and goes out and says, "I am better at writing about baggage than these comedians." What's the use besides showing off?

But there are many people in the industry who can't see through this. They will do anything to attract a little attention, even good friends can backstab them, and they won't come down from the mountain.

Su Zhe is not this kind of person, and his attitude immediately moved everyone's hearts:

"Don't worry, Mr. Su, we will write a good baggage and live up to your trust!"

"Come on, let's rehearse it again. Only by rehearsing more can we find better baggage."

The secret of happy twists is to find better baggage in live performances over and over again, so the details of the early works are amazing and can withstand repeated aftertaste; in the later stages, the hips are stretched because they have become famous and there is no time to polish them slowly.

These comedians also understand this, and they have made up their minds to show their best, find the best baggage, and make "Tang Detective" even better!

This is not to repay Su Zhe, but for themselves——

Since Su Zhe is willing to respect their contribution in publicity, they can benefit from greater fame by putting forward their best efforts.

This is the benefit of knowing how to share.

Su Zhe was very satisfied with the morale of the troops. He took out two scripts and asked them:

"I have written two sketch scripts before, but I can't find anyone to cooperate with me in the Spring Festival Gala. Do you have any suitable comedians to recommend?"

They picked up the script and passed it around, but fell silent after reading it.

"What's wrong? Isn't it funny?" Su Zhe was a little uneasy. Are these two scripts not suitable for this world? Not acclimatized?

All the comedians smiled bitterly:

"It's funny, but a little too funny."

"We are even funnier. We have been performing sketches for more than ten years. Compared with this script, we are not even close to it."

"Give up! How can I, a little Karami, write a joke that surpasses Mr. Su's?"

"Let's show it off..."

Su Zhe:? ? ?

Because of these two scripts, his morale finally dropped to 100, but it suddenly dropped to 0...

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