That night.

The Mary Sue Studio worked overtime and stayed in the office to watch "News Room" together.

They must respond promptly based on the news content.

But Su Zhe didn't treat the employees badly. He directly set up a copper pot and started eating hotpot mutton takeout in a lively manner.

Eating hot pot in winter is really a beautiful thing.

One employee praised:

"Oh, this mutton is so authentic. The master sliced ​​the lamb himself. It melts in your mouth and doesn't smell fishy! Look at the knife skills, it's half a lifetime's work."

Su Zhe remembered that the other party was from Beijing. What was going on with his poor Beijing dialect?

Can eating hotpot mutton change your accent?

But to be honest, he is really not used to the local delicacies in the capital. He only likes the hotpot mutton.

In his previous life, when he went to eat hot pot, he would not hesitate to order more meat, but always order more vegetables and noodles to fill his stomach.

But now, he finally has the freedom to cook mutton, show off the mutton in large plates, and show off his round belly, not to mention how comfortable he feels.

Gong Man looked at him dumbfounded and said in surprise:

"Don't you really need to go on a diet? After gaining weight, fans complained about body management, saying that domestic male artists are too slack."

Jia Xin looked envious, holding his chopsticks tightly, almost drooling:

"Don't mention it, his physical indicators are too healthy! He eats hot pot every day recently, and his uric acid is still low. I don't know where he ate?"

But when he followed Su Zhe's diet, his blood sugar and blood lipids did not drop, and his uric acid increased. How can he explain this? As a result, I can only go on a diet recently.

Gong Man immediately looked at Yan Xiling:

"Sister Yan, what kind of weight-loss drug is so effective? It's more powerful than Orlistat!"

Yan Xiling spread her hands:

"If there is such a good medicine, can I not give it to you? Don't compare with Su Zhe. He has more muscles, a high basal metabolism and consumes energy quickly."

That was all she could explain.

Su Zhe also echoed:

"Yes, and creation consumes a lot of energy. It seems like I am lying down and not moving, but in fact my brain is running rapidly and I consume a lot of calories."

He was talking nonsense seriously, but given his strong creative ability, others believed him and praised him:

"It is said that Zhou Xingsi wrote "The Thousand Character Essay" in one night, which shows that the creation consumes a lot of energy. The boss consumes calories to create, which is also very scientific."

A group of people chatted and ate meat all over the world, and finally waited for the broadcast of "News Live Room".

Su Zhe immediately straightened up, looked at the TV seriously, and saw a few big characters appearing on the news screen——

"In-Depth Revealing the Chaos of the "Rice Circle""!

The host reports:

"Recently, in order to vote for awards, fans of the idol Zeng Qisheng verbally abused and insulted the singer and actor Su Zhe for a long time..."

Hearing the tone set by CCTV, which was not "fighting" but a very clear stance, the Mary Sue studio burst into violent cheers.

Yan Xiling was more keen and noticed:

"Zeng Qisheng is an 'idol', Su Zhe, you are a 'singer and actor'! The official characterization is completely different!"

This is official recognition!

Although it is not as good as the title of singer, performing artist, etc., at least CCTV has given Su Zhe gold and solidified his identity. If policies such as restricting idols are introduced in the future, it will not be applied to him.

When Su Zhe and others saw the official characterization, they knew they had won.

But among the tens of thousands of people who follow the news, they still don’t know the whole incident and watch the pictures on the TV carefully.

"News Live Room" gave some screenshots of fans' speeches, including Su Zhe's "posthumous photos". This bottomless behavior really shocked the public who are not familiar with the "rice circle":

"This is too much!"

"It's like the Internet and society!"

"These people must be controlled!"

Especially when the report went in-depth and some of Zeng Qisheng’s fans were interviewed, and it was discovered that many of them were young girls, the public became even more angry——

Whose fault is it that a group of young girls who are supposed to be "innocent" say such bottomless dirty words in their prime?

In fact, you can't just blame idols, just like you can't blame games or novels. This is biased and reverses the cause.

But the public’s first reaction is indeed to blame the idol and hate Zeng Qisheng:

"It's all his fault for bringing up the child!"

"Strongly recommend that Zeng Qisheng be banned!"

"Give the circle a bright future!"

"We should also promote celebrities like Su Zhe more and let them learn from Su Zhe."

The CCTV report, which has been prepared for a long time, will of course not only focus on Zeng Qisheng, but also cite examples of other idols.

(This is under scrutiny, it’s the chaos in the rice circle).

This left the audience stunned. The ratings of "News Live" continued to rise, and some people started discussing it online.

Although many people have heard about the chaos in the rice circle for a long time, when the authoritative media gathered together to uncover it, they discovered that there was already a rotten smell under the lid.

The report mainly classified five types of chaos in the rice circle through examples:

Support fund-raising, high-value consumption, voting, etc.;

Insult each other, provoke fights, spread rumors and attacks, etc.;

Comparing others to show off their wealth, etc.;

Brush quantity control rating;

Interfering with public opinion, etc.

But more shocking than these behaviors is the participation rate.

According to CCTV statistics, 11% of junior high school student netizens conduct fan support activities online, 10.3% of high school student netizens, and 5.6% of elementary school student netizens!

Netizens were shocked:

[1 in 10 students? This is too scary! 】

[Originally, I thought the rice circle was a special case, but I didn’t expect it to be like this in general! If young people are strong, the country will be strong. What if all the young people are in the rice circle? What to do next? 】

[Don’t just focus on the idols in front of the stage, but also see the profit-seeking capital behind them! 】

[Yes, idols-fans-business platforms-entertainment agents-marketing agencies-advertisers-manufacturers, this is a huge chain of interests. 】

How big is it?

The report gave the answer:

"The total size of China's idol market is expected to reach 140 billion yuan."

In sharp contrast, the total annual box office of Chinese films is around 30 to 40 billion.

Or compared with its highly entertainment-oriented neighboring countries, the total size of Bangzi’s idol market is around 20 billion.

No wonder capital is salivating over this.

Compared to Bangzi’s fiercely competitive Red Ocean market, the domestic idol market is definitely a blue ocean.

[No wonder these domestic idols can only hang out in China, and they are already full of food. 】

[On the other hand, Bangzi idols can at least be exported overseas and earn some foreign exchange, which is somewhat useful. 】

[Haha, domestic idols can only make money at home, and very few can go overseas. 】

[The few overseas idols were trained by Bangzi for us. 】

[Wait a minute, Su Zhe is very skilled, why doesn’t he go overseas to gain fans? 】

[Correction, Su Zhe is not an idol, he is certified as a "singer and actor" by CCTV! 】

[And he focuses on providing excellent works for the Chinese people. This is the most important thing. There is no need to please foreigners! 】

[A Chinese artist must first satisfy the spiritual needs of Chinese people, rather than flatter foreigners. 】

Xu Cui felt very happy when she read the comments on the Internet and kept saying to Su Zhe:

"Brother, look, your popularity with passers-by is so good now! I clicked in and took a look, and many of the people who spoke for you were passers-by."

Su Zhe nodded, but paid more attention to the news. Looking at the reports on TV, he couldn't help but sigh:

"It turned out to be such a mess."

Even though he is half an idol, he has never been involved in the fandom. Mary Sue Studio is not a "player" in the fandom, so he really doesn't know these inside stories.

Yan Xiling nodded and said:

"In fact, it may be more chaotic than reported."

She pointed to the mutton being cooked in the copper pot and said:

"These reports are only public information on the Internet, and undercover visits can only reveal the superficial information at most... Do you believe that the rice circle will expose all the dirt on the surface?"

In the copper pot, the mutton is under the water.

In the rice circle, only a small part of the chaos is exposed.

Su Zhe stretched out his chopsticks and fished out a lot of mutton from the water, and put it into his mouth with emotion.

Jia Xin also looked at it with emotion and praised:

"The filth is hidden in the dark, and the mutton is underwater. It's such a good metaphor... Wait, boss, why did you eat all the last plate of mutton?"

Su Zhe burped and watched Jia Xin desperately fish out the mutton, but only fished out the hot pot base...

After eating the mutton-boiled meat, Su Zhe held a small meeting and asked everyone:

"Now that the coverage is favorable to us, should we do anything?"

Yan Xiling suggested:

"You don't need to do anything, just wait for public opinion to ferment and use you as a positive example."

Su Zhe agrees:

"Okay, then go home and sleep! Take a taxi and pay the travel expenses tomorrow."

The employees burst into laughter:

It's great. I work overtime with Mr. Su. I don't do any work at all. All I do is eat and drink.

They were very relaxed, but the idols named by CCTV were extremely anxious.

Especially Zeng Qisheng, who was the first to be named and the biggest idol on the list, was completely anxious and quickly contacted Yan Xiling.

After Yan Xiling saw the call, she couldn't help but sneer:

Haha, now you know you are anxious? When she proposed to shake hands and settle the dispute before, why did she pretend to say that it had nothing to do with her?


She wanted to press her to death, but then she thought again and answered the phone with a wicked smile:

"I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry..."

The other party ignored this nonsense and proposed to stop fighting and make peace, hoping that Mary Sue Studio would not continue to attack Zeng Qisheng.

Yan Xiling was shocked by the other party's brain circuit and blurted out:

"You don't think these reports are a blackboard of our public relations and are used against you, do you?"

"Isn't it?" the other side asked, "We admit that we underestimated you before, but we are not easy to mess with."

Yan Xiling was convinced. How could she have the ability to mobilize CCTV to do such a big special report? It's just that Zeng Qisheng happened to hit the muzzle of the gun.

"You guys, you'd better make some corrections and don't be full of fandom thoughts." Yan Xiling reminded her and hung up the phone with disdain, "You're sick!"

Previously, after a certain big-eyed celebrity was scolded, he actually used means to ban Tuantuan. Maybe they really thought that a mouthpiece is just a soft mouthpiece without an iron fist behind it...

But the next day, the official announced: Operation Qing L has begun!

This action was to rectify the atmosphere, not to target a specific person. Therefore, Zeng Qisheng was not banned, but as a typical representative, he received unanimous criticism from public opinion and focused the action.

Under a magnifying glass, his behavior of indulging fans was picked out one by one.

Fans were still dissatisfied and clamored wildly, saying that this had nothing to do with my brother. He was a good person and it was just some idiotic fans who had problems.

This is also a common trick of the fan circle - cutting at the speed of light.

He also said that if according to this standard, all idols have problems, why should I only target my brother?

Then there was the news about Su Zhe’s fan training behavior:

[Anyway, when the fans on both sides were yelling at each other, Zeng Qisheng ignored everything and allowed the fans to go crazy; Su Zhe, however, persuaded the fans to calm down. 】

[This shows Su Zhe's maturity and magnanimity. What's funny is that young fans still laughed at Su Zhe for raising the white flag to surrender, saying that he was too cowardly and lost his fans. 】

[Not only that, Su Zhe’s fans are different from those of other idols. Instead of PUA fans, he just raises funds to make the list. He also always advises everyone to chase stars rationally and not spend money randomly. 】

(This environment was created when Yan Xiling fired a large number of profit-seeking fans)

[Look at this fan group "Learn from Su Zhe, a good example". Su Zhe is also in the group. He doesn't give out benefits every time he shows up. Instead, he asks students to learn from him! 】

[I am in this group. Su Zhe asks him questions as soon as he comes online, and he also gives me lectures. I'm so ashamed that I haven't spent a penny on Su Zhe yet, but I've given him several questions in vain. 】

[Oh my god, the top scorer in the college entrance examination is in class? Is this called a fan base? It's obviously a tutoring group! 】

In Operation Qingming, Su Zhe became the most unique star.

Other celebrities were either corrected or expressed support, but only Su Zhe was discovered with his "weird" fan training behavior.

In particular, the fan base "learn from Su Zhe's good example" became an Internet sensation overnight and was instantly popular.

# Su Zhe’s tutorials for fans in the fan group have also become a hot topic.

Even reporters went to interview Su Zhe and asked him why he wanted to take classes in the fan group.

Su Zhe scratched his head. He really didn't expect this matter to become a hot topic, so he asked helplessly:

"You saw someone saying 1+1=3, do you want to refute him?"

The reporter couldn't help but nod.

Su Zhe spread his hands:

"I got such a simple question wrong. I couldn't help but want to explain it to him. Isn't this normal?"



【So simple? It turns out that the questions in the eyes of top scorers in the college entrance examination are like this. 】

[In my eyes: Book of Heaven; in Su Zhe’s eyes: 1+1=2]

[Understood, this is what he said on Weibo: There is an integer greater than 2 that cannot be written as the sum of three prime numbers. Wait for his rebuttal. 】

[Well, you want to get proof of Goldbach’s conjecture for free! 】

Although Su Zhe didn't expect this matter to be a hot search topic, he was already prepared for the fact that the training fans were paying attention.

Let's put it this way, he lost at least tens of millions or even hundreds of millions in potential income just to train fans——

With the size of his fan base, he could make a lot of money by just PUAing his fans and asking them to raise funds, but he didn't do that.

He has even been asking Yan Xiling to control the fan base and change or eliminate fans who are too stupid through fan training. This is another huge loss.

Many people in the industry think that he is mentally ill if he doesn't make money, and even some fans think that he is too lenient.

But now, the behavior is finally paying off.

Regardless of anything, Zeng Qisheng, who is crazy about money and wastes money, lost several endorsements and directly lost hundreds of millions due to the damage to his image.

Moreover, due to the boycott of public opinion and the official roll call, some film and television resources immediately abandoned him, resulting in even greater indirect losses.

On the other hand, Su Zhe endured the temporary temptation and received numerous praises. Even the parents of many fans felt:

"If you really can't control your children's pursuit of celebrities, then pursue Su Zhe. Maybe you can even teach your children some topics."

More importantly, one of the newly confirmed top 2 male idols has fallen, so Su Zhe is the well-deserved number one!

Advertisers all know who is the man with the highest endorsement value in the Chinese entertainment industry!

And before advertisers bid, the system's harvest is even more gratifying.

Because this time, the character that was destroyed was——

Idol circle!

This chapter has been reviewed again...

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