The program team lost contact, and the character of Desert Island Live was reversed

Chapter 291 Not funny joke, fighting for the Spring Festival

After Su Zhe collected the seeds in a private chat and downloaded them, he immediately criticized Yu Haohua in a message on his WeChat Moments:

[I didn’t expect you to be this kind of person! I'm talking about serious movies! 】

Yu Haohua replied:

【ah? Isn't crosstalk serious? 】

Su Zhe:? ? ?

He glanced at the torrent he was downloading, and quickly opened it using the download and broadcast function——

A fat black man and a man with a perm appear in the video:



"never heard of that!"

Su Zhe:......

Is this really a cross talk?


Except for Yu Haohua, who is useless and only makes trouble, the others' ideas are very pertinent.

Some people have suggested that the situations in some foreign films are simple.

Su Zhe also thought of some foreign movies in his previous life, such as "Buried Alive", where one person and one scene could be completed within a week.


Watching the male protagonist be buried alive during the Chinese New Year? Is it more excessive than "33 Days of Love"?

The slogan of another New Year film is "May you always smile and have a happy family"!

The slogan of Su Zhe's New Year film is "I wish you lost love" or "I wish you lost contact"?

There is also "12 Angry Men", a domestic adaptation of "12 Citizens", a courtroom drama that tests acting skills, but as long as you find a bunch of people with excellent acting skills, it can be filmed very quickly. The biggest problem is -

There is no jury system in China, so there is no sense of immersion in the remake!

Su Zhe was very sad, writing and drawing randomly on the paper.

At this moment, he suddenly received a call from Li Wenshi. He picked it up and clamped it on the side of his neck:

"I've been in seclusion lately, so I don't have time to go out and play."

Li Wenshi's crying voice came from the receiver:

"Ooooooo, master brother, come quickly! Sister Liang didn't let me tell you, but I'm afraid..."

Su Zhe thought Li Wenshi was still being funny and said speechlessly:

"What's wrong? Did you meet a cockroach or watch a horror movie? What are you afraid of?"

Li Wenshi whimpered and cried:

"Sister Liang has terminal lung cancer and is about to die!"


Su Zhe didn't clamp the phone and let it fall to the ground and under the table.

He was stunned for a moment, then quickly lay down on the ground and tried hard to reach for the phone, but his hands were shaking a little and he couldn't hold it steady.

After struggling for a long time, he pressed the hands-free button and finally heard a voice from his mobile phone:

"Brother, are you listening?"

"Listening..." As soon as Su Zhe spoke, he was startled and his voice was extremely hoarse.

He calmed down and asked:

"You're joking, right? Then you really scared me, please stop, okay?"

Li Wenshi cried:

"No! Sister Liang was in the advanced stage before she came to film. Her bald head was due to chemotherapy!"

Su Zhe remembered that during the entire filming period, Liang Zhiruo kept coughing, and thought she was just weak and sick and had never recovered from her cold.

Now that I think about it, how can a cold last for four months?

"I'm so damned!"

Su Zhe hammered the floor hard and hurriedly rummaged through the system, hoping that the almighty system contained life-saving medicine.

It's a pity that the skills and rare items produced by the system only work on him and cannot work on others.

But he didn't give up and kept looking at the strange objects he already had over and over again.

"Master brother! When will you come over?" Li Wenshi interrupted Su Zhe's meaningless rummaging.

Su Zhe woke up with a start, tried hard to pull out the phone, and ran outside quickly, shouting at the same time:

"Jia Xin, follow me to the hospital!"

Jia Xin was frightened by his panic tone. He didn't even have time to put on his down jacket. He rushed over and asked:

"Who's in the hospital?"

"Liang Zhiruo!" Su Zhe got into the car, still feeling trembling.

Jia Xin was also shocked:

"That bald lady who is always gentle?"

He had some impression, because Liang Zhiruo's character was really good, and it was difficult for people to forget him in a short period of time.

In fact, Su Zhe and Liang Zhiruo have only known each other for four months. If we say they have a deep relationship, it certainly can't be counted.

If the two of them don't have more interactions in a year or two and something happens to Liang Zhiruo again, Su Zhe may only feel a little regretful and sigh:

"It's a pity that we are so young. We worked well together back then."

But the two were filming together a few days ago and have been together day and night for four months.

People are emotional animals. As long as the other person is not annoying, feelings will definitely arise between them. A drama is not short.

There are some couples in the industry who fell in love while filming.

And when you see a familiar person dying, you can still feel the approach of death even if you don't have any feelings.

Don’t you hear that the rabbit dies and the fox grieves, and that things harm its own kind?

What's more, Liang Zhiruo also saved him, and he admired his character and character very much.

Su Zhe couldn't help but recall every moment of getting along with Liang Zhiruo.

It's strange that they are all trivial matters, nothing profound, but they suddenly appear in the deep memory:

Came to the rescue overnight and appeared bald;

Practice your sword very hard;

rogue invitation to sing;

winking smile;

He seemed to have lost the concept of the passage of time. In a blink of an eye, he arrived at the door of the ward.

He stretched out his hand and put it on the door, but he didn't dare to push it open for a long time. He actually saw that his hand was trembling slightly.

"Su Zhe! Don't be so worthless!"

He yelled at himself in his mind before opening the door and saw that the ward was covered with posters, half of which were Liang Zhiruo's own, and half of which were An Ling'er's, and even "Evil Kiss" and "Secret".

The bed in the middle of the ward was covered with pink Barbie sheets, and there was a large pillow on the bedside.

Li Wenshi was holding a pillow, while Liang Zhiruo, wearing light makeup and a beautiful dress, was sitting cross-legged on the hospital bed and was talking to Li Wenshi.

When she said something happy, she grinned and laughed happily.

At this time, the sun shone in from outside the ward, condensing golden flowers on Liang Zhiruo's bald head.

When Liang Zhiruo heard the sound of the door being opened, he turned to look at Su Zhe, a sly and brilliant smile immediately blooming on his features.

Su Zhe was stunned for a moment, then stammered and asked:

"Are you lying to me?"

Liang Zhiruo slapped the bed and laughed wildly:

"Boss Su, are you too easy to deceive? I just had a cold for too long and turned into pneumonia. I came to rest for two days. You really believe Li Wenshi."

I see!

Su Zhe stumbled on his feet and felt his legs were weak. Then he looked at Li Wenshi lying on the bedside and found that her shoulders were shaking up and down with laughter.

A surge of anger rose in his heart, but he didn't have the strength to be angry anymore. He walked to the hospital bed with a wry smile, sat down, and patted Li Wenshi on the shoulder:

"Little girl, if you dare to make such an unfunny joke next time, I will report it to your boss."

Li Wenshi slowly raised her head.

At this moment, time seemed to slow down.

Su Zhe saw the dust in the air illuminated by the sun, smelled the faint smell of disinfectant in the ward, and saw...

Li Wenshi's face was covered with tears and snot, her facial features were twisted together, like an unfunny grimace, and she was crying silently.

When did she become so good at acting?

It's just a joke, you don't have to work so hard, right?

Two thoughts flashed through Su Zhe's mind, and he heard Liang Zhiruo's heartbreaking cough coming from beside him.

He turned around suddenly, as if he could hear his cervical spine screaming.

Liang Zhiruo covered his mouth and coughed, revealing a bright red color on his palms.

Even so, she still blinked at Su Zhe, as if to say:

Haha, I fooled you!

Su Zhe felt as if there was a big cold hand inside his body, squeezing his heart hard.

"what happened?"

Su Zhe didn't know who asked this, it was probably himself, but the voice was very distant.

Liang Zhiruo's voice was very close, and he said with a smile:

"You two always tease me during filming, but this time I won! It's very simple. It's late stage lung cancer. It's spread and there's no way to save it."

Su Zhe pursed his lips. After confirming the facts, he tried to calm down and confirmed:

"What about going abroad? How about using the most advanced treatment? If you don't have enough money, let me tell you. Save lives first."

Liang Zhiruo said helplessly:

"Don't be stupid. I am also an actor. Although I am not famous, I still have money for medical treatment and I have been to the best hospitals. It's just that I found out too late. Medicine can no longer save me. I don't believe in theology, so forget it. Bar."

Su Zhe was silent, not knowing what to say, but his eyes turned red.


After a violent cough, Liang Zhiruo quickly warned him:

"Don't do this! My parents cried and cried so much that they drove them away. Are you and Li Wenshi here to mourn? It's too late to cry after I die!"

Li Wenshi lay on the pillow and cried again.

Su Zhe pressed the bridge of his nose, which is said to hold back tears.

Hell, it’s useless!

"Senior sister, do you know? When you can't help but cry, stand on your head so that the tears that are about to flow will not flow out."

Su Zhe said seriously.

Liang Zhiruo was stunned for a moment and asked curiously:

"Why did you change your accent?"

Su Zhe answered her seriously:

"You have to use a Wanwan accent when saying this."

"Really?" Liang Zhiruo asked curiously, "I didn't mean Wan Wan Qian, I meant handstand."

Su Zhe simply fell on the hospital bed and put his legs on the wall.

Tears flowed from the corners of his eyes to his forehead.

Damn it, Hua Zelei is also a liar!

Liang Zhiruo laughed so hard that he was out of breath:

"Thank you! You are such a good man. You deserve to stand on my head on my hospital bed!"

She smiled and said:

"It's nice to get to know you before I leave. I just said I can't be hospitalized and wait to die."

She told how she discovered lung cancer and how she sought medical treatment. But after struggling for a long time, her hair fell out due to chemotherapy, but she still had no hope.

"I have been broken down and resented: There are so many bad people in the world, but I have helped out-of-school children, obeyed the law, and worked hard to do good things. Why do I get retribution?"

Liang Zhiruo rested his head on Su Zhe's shoulder and asked him:

"Do you believe in retribution?"

Su Zhe shook his head: "I don't believe it."

"I don't believe it either, so I'm just unlucky, right?"

Faced with Liang Zhiruo's question, Su Zhe couldn't nod.

She continued:

"I'm about to die. I can live for two more days in the hospital, but it's meaningless. A teacher I happened to know said you were looking for a beautiful bald actress, and I was happy. Isn't this tailor-made for me?"

Su Zhe thought of how she showed her bald head when they first met and said proudly:

To save time, I shaved off first.

I actually believed it at the time.

Liang Zhiruo looked at Su Zhe:

"I like acting. Thank you for letting me play Yilin before I leave. It's my first time to play a martial arts drama. It's very enjoyable. I like it very much."

She recalled it and shook her head, looking very proud.

But she immediately sighed:

"It's a pity that I can't play the heroine you promised. Hey, I'm quite useless. My good sisters have starred in so many dramas, but I have never played the leading role once."

A touch of sadness echoed in the ward.

Who has no regrets in life?

Let alone leaving at the age of twenty-something, even if you leave at the age of a hundred, you will still have regrets.

At this moment, Su Zhe suddenly raised his head and asked her:

"How long can you live?"

Liang Zhiruo was shocked:

"Suddenly so direct?"

She thought for a while and said uncertainly:

"The doctor is always mysterious and won't tell me. I think there's about a month left. Who knows? It's possible that while I was talking to you, I suddenly tilted my head and died."

She smiled and said terrifying words, which frightened Li Wenshi and cried even more.

Liang Zhiruo glanced at Li Wenshi helplessly and sighed:

"Originally, I didn't notify anyone, so I planned to die quietly so as not to leave a bad impression on my friends. I didn't expect that Wen Shi called today and was picked up by my mother, but this little clever guy tricked me out That’s it.”

"Don't die yet." Su Zhe ignored her teasing, grabbed her shoulders and said seriously, "One month is enough for you to become a heroine."

"Huh?" Liang Zhiruo was confused and looked at Su Zhe dumbfounded, "Look, I still seem like a good person, but I really can't do martial arts dramas! I can't even do normal scenes. I keep coughing and can't suppress it."

As she said this, she coughed violently.

Su Zhe directly picked up the case sheet on the cabinet and wrote on it——

"Get out of here!" Cancer King》

A cartoonist Xiong Dun/an actor Liang Zhiruo’s experience of fighting cancer in the hospital after discovering that he had a tumor.

The reason why he wrote two names was because the protagonist of the original drama "Tumor King" was the cartoonist Xiong Dun (adapted from personal experience), but if Liang Zhiruo wanted to adapt it based on his own personal experience, he would just change it to her.

Su Zhe didn't care whether changing the drama would be superfluous, let alone whether such changes would affect the box office.

He just wants Liang Zhiruo to be the heroine.

Liang Zhiruo was very surprised:

"Wow, Mr. Su is indeed a genius. He can actually write an anti-cancer movie tailor-made for me?"

She asked with interest:

"Your original idea was that the heroine was the cartoonist Xiong Dun?"

Su Zhe nodded.

Liang Zhiruo smiled and said:

"Then Xiong Dun! I just want to act, not be the protagonist of a documentary. I'm-actress!"

"Yes, actress!"

Su Zhe nodded fiercely, lifted Li Wenshi up, and shouted to her:

"Stop crying and ask your boss Zhang Hongwei to inform the crew of "Swordsman" who has a schedule? We will film in a month!"

Su Zhe didn't have time to carefully select the roles, so he could only let the newly-formed "Swordsman" crew come and assign the roles casually:

"Senior sister plays Xiong Dun, I play Dr. Liang, Xun Qingsong and the others (Yue Buqun and Ning Zhongze) continue to play the parents, you play the best friend, and Cheng Lanyun plays the patient..."

These are ideal situations. If an actor cannot come due to schedule conflicts, just replace them. Anyway, the crew of "Swordsman" has a large number of people, and it is more than enough to play "Tumor King".

But after thinking about it, Su Zhe simply gritted his teeth and said:

"Tell them that schedule conflicts are coming, and I promise to compensate them!"

He was speaking domineeringly, but Liang Zhiruo stopped him and said seriously:

"Don't tell anyone I'm sick."

Su Zhe was stunned for a moment and looked at her blankly.

"Let me go happily and don't make them cry." Liang Zhiruo emphasized again, "Just tell them that you want to compensate me for shaving my head and make a movie specifically for me."

Su Zhe was silent for a moment, nodded, and looked at Li Wenshi:

"Then let us know. If others can come, they can come. If they can't come, please ask your boss to find someone as soon as possible. The reason is..."

He was silent for a moment and said the reason why he cared so much before but now feels it doesn't matter:

"Conquer the Spring Festival stalls."

Li Wenshi was still crying, but nodded vigorously.

"By the way, there's also the song you invited..."

Su Zhe looked at Liang Zhiruo again and confirmed:

"What kind of song do you want? I promise, it will be very popular."

"Wow, are you the last wish angel sent by God?"

Liang Zhiruo looked at Su Zhe in surprise and said proudly:

"You still have to believe in retribution. Leaving is not retribution, but meeting you before leaving is the reward for my good deeds!"

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