The program team lost contact, and the character of Desert Island Live was reversed

Chapter 228 Invitation from the Archaeological Association

Celebrities often make trending searches and attract attention even with trivial things.

But in the eyes of the official media, these are just things that are not worthy of publicity.

But Su Zhe is different. He has attracted the attention of the official media twice in a row.

The last time it triggered Huo Qubing’s grave-sweeping wave, everyone can still understand that an influential film and television drama has this kind of magic——

For example, in Su Zhe's previous life, "Shanghai Beach" inspired countless people to imitate Fa Ge in wearing trench coats and scarves, and the introduction of "Break Dance" sparked a break dancing craze in mainland China.

Although it is rare, everyone can understand that it is normal for a historical drama to make the audience fall in love with the historical figures in it.

What's more, although Huo Qubing is played by Su Zhe, the character creation relies not only on the actors, but also on the efforts of the director, screenwriter, Fu Huadao and other crew members.

Some people attributed this incident to the crew of "Emperor of Han Dynasty", including CCTV. They did not deliberately highlight Su Zhe. They just selected a tourist who mentioned Su Zhe and praised him secretly.

But replicating pottery from prehistoric times?

This doesn’t belong to history anymore, it belongs to archeology!

And compared to boring archeology, this kind of technical reproduction is obviously more interesting and more interesting to the audience.

There are also more breaking news.

After Su Zhe finished his breakfast, H Province Satellite TV released the morning news, and major newspapers and news outlets also followed up with reports.

Some directly collected online information. Even after completing the report, some people sent Su Zhe an interview application. The studio compiled some questions, and Su Zhe answered them before sending them to major media.

The media immediately released the interview in the form of pictures on Weibo——

[Question] How did you come up with the idea of ​​replicating the pottery of primitive civilization?

[Answer] I am filming the historical science variety show "Let's Time Travel". The first episode is about the Stone Age. I wanted to show you the real details, so I learned how to reproduce the original technology.

Netizens who saw the interview were amazed:

[As expected of Su Zhe, he is too serious and meticulous. Just for an episode of a variety show, he has to study skills that he would never use at ordinary times. 】

[The main reason is that he is so talented that he can reach the top level by just learning. 】

[Chicken soups are all liars! It is said that hard work is the lower limit. With the level of hard work of most people, it has not reached the point of competing for talent... Nonsense, Su Zhe just learns it, it is the upper limit that I can't reach! 】

[Maybe it’s because the author of Chicken Soup is also an ordinary person. Based on the experience of most people, they still can't understand how terrifying Su Zhe's talent is. 】

[Haha, am I the only one who noticed that Su Zhe secretly advertised the show? Anyway, I was hooked, so I must watch it! 】

[Watch the live broadcast first. In addition to making pottery, making houses is also very interesting. You will know after watching it, Su Zhe is awesome. 】

The second picture——

[Question] As far as I know, there is no research in this area in China. The relevant firing technology has been lost long ago. Where did you learn the technology?

[Answer] I researched it in the yard. In fact, our ancestors could do it, and we can certainly do it too. It’s just that it lost its practicality, which caused the technology to be lost.

Netizens were even more surprised when they saw the interview in this picture:

【Fuck! You didn’t just learn it, did you research it yourself? Zundu and fake toot? 】

[The image of Su Zhe in my mind instantly changed from a genius who learned something like that to a master who founded a sect! 】

[Actually, what Su Zhe said makes sense. Modern people really want to study. How could there be technical barriers to the technology of primitive people? It’s just that the archeology professor doesn’t know the technology, and the potter doesn’t know the archeology. 】

[Oh, that’s easy to say. You’ll know after you try it. Can this be reproduced casually? 】

[I opened a ceramics studio, and the choice of clay alone dazzled me. Moreover, Su Zhe’s technique is extremely superb and his modeling ability is extremely strong. Although he pinches it very casually, he is able to perfectly reproduce the shape of the cultural relic and lift it with ease, which made me fall to my knees. 】

[(Short of talent and knowledge) I testify that I am a hand-up master. I want to post replica videos to gain popularity. I have failed many times just by following Su Zhe's techniques. It is hard to believe that he succeeded once during the live broadcast. 】

[If this wasn’t a live broadcast, I wouldn’t believe it to death! 】

[Suddenly I understand why Su Zhe likes live broadcasting of variety shows. His ability is too powerful. If it were not live broadcast, countless black people would definitely say it was script, editing, and special effects added! 】

The third picture——

[Question] Can you talk about the difficulties encountered during the reproduction process?

【Answer】Lack of professional tools. If I were in a professional pottery studio, I could easily make it, but squatting in the wild and using only my hands would be too difficult.

But it also made me realize the hardships of our ancestors. They relied on their hands to gradually build their homes in the desolate wilderness, making life better for themselves and their families, and laying a foundation for our descendants.

I think this feeling is the biggest gain from this re-enactment. The value of cultural relics lies not in their appearance, but in the spirit contained within them.

【Sublimated! But I don’t know why, I’m not disgusted at all, but rather moved. 】

[Because it’s true, Su Zhe didn’t mess with the value. 】

[(Short of talent and knowledge) After seeing this, I remembered that Su Zhe hadn’t used professional tools yet. Gan! Looking at my room full of professional equipment, and then looking at the messy finished product, I feel like I’m being laughed at. 】

【Hahaha! Don't compare yourself to Su Zhe, or you will doubt your life. 】

[Before you laugh, click on the homepage first! With little talent and little knowledge, he is the number one person in the handicraft field of Xiaopo Station! Top 100 up masters! The famous technology emperor! 】

[In other words, the Technology Emperor cannot understand Su Zhe just like us? 】

This is normal, after all, it is a top-level skill!

The top skills rewarded by the system are more terrifying the more niche they are.

Because the system does not judge the level according to the industry level, but based on the objective level.

If you are in a field with wide public participation and fierce competition, such as musical instrument performance, sports competition, electronic games, comprehensive chess and cards, etc., the level of the top players will not be lower than the top level recognized by the system.

In these fields, Su Zhe cannot easily become the king.

But in niche fields, such as certain intangible cultural heritage, master-disciple or even father-son transmission, there are only a dozen people in the world who know it. The highest level is in the system judgment, which is at most advanced or even intermediate.

This is not to slander non-hereditary people, but an objective law. The inheritance of a dozen people, no matter how talented and hard-working they are, cannot compare with the progress inspired by tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people under competition.

Pottery is not a niche, but the pottery of primitive times can definitely be considered a niche within a niche. Su Zhe is undoubtedly the number one in the world in this field and can withstand any scrutiny.

The more netizens discuss and the more professionals participate, the more the public can recognize Su Zhe's level.

In the end, it even attracted the attention of CCTV News Channel.

They interviewed Professor Chi, a former professor of the History Department of Beijing University, current director of the Chinese History Museum, vice chairman of the Chinese Archaeological Society, and an expert on prehistoric civilization.

Professor Chi said bluntly:

"The pottery reproduced by Teacher Su is essentially a direct dialogue with Neolithic civilization. Its unique feature is that it has made outstanding contributions to the popularization and promotion of archeology in a vivid form."

The reporter asked:

"Based on Professor Chi's professional judgment, are there any errors in Su Zhe's reproduction process?"

Professor Chi couldn’t help but admire:

"Teacher Su's level of reproduction is very professional, and it has answered my doubts about some prehistoric technologies. I personally welcome Teacher Su to come to the Archaeological Society to give relevant lectures."

"Lecture?" The reporter was a little surprised. "Does archeology also require learning specific techniques?"

Professor Chi immediately explained:

"It can help us understand the history of technological development in the Neolithic Age from a technical perspective. Even if we can discover the inheritance, it will also help us study the relationship between different cultures."

In fact, since there are no written records in prehistoric times, archaeologists can judge whether major cultures are father-son culture, brother culture, or mutual influence through the styles and techniques of excavated objects.

Although this interview did not appear in "Xinwen Lianbo", it also caused quite a stir on the news channel.

Countless people poured into Su Zhe's live broadcast room on Penguin, making the people who broadcast the Penguin live broadcast happy from ear to ear.

Signing a contract with Su Zhe was indeed the best choice for them.

Not only are there a lot of viewers, but the style is also high! Isn't this more positive than female anchors sidestepping and game anchors cheating? !

This 40 million is so worth it! The stock price increase brought about by this incident alone is worth 40 million!

Su Zhe saw the sudden increase in the number of barrages through the screen. After figuring out the reason, he quickly said humbly:

"Professor Chi is ridiculous, but if there's anything I can do to help, Xiao Su will give me my best."

[Don’t call yourself Xiao Su, Professor Chi calls you Teacher Su! 】

[Professor Chi is not a polite name. He really feels that Su Zhe can be called a teacher in the technical field. 】

[For the first time, I feel that there is someone in the entertainment industry who is worthy of the word "teacher". 】

Su Zhe couldn't say anything, so he could only smile and change the topic:

"Forget it about giving lectures, I'm afraid of being criticized. But I will sort out the techniques I've researched and send them to the Archaeological Association to do my best."

Liu Heluo sat next to him, carefully taking care of the Dawenkou White Pottery that was boiling water, and looked at the barrage with envy.

She doesn't envy Su Zhe's popularity and fans, because she has them too, even if they are less;

But she really envied this kind of recognition from experts to the public, because she really didn't have it, never had it.

Although she is carefree and has a very strong psychological quality, she has been regarded as a representative without strength since her debut and has been ridiculed countless times. As a result, when she masturbates at night, she always dreams about being praised by everyone.

But in her most daring dreams, she didn't dare to appear like Su Zhe——

Top professors praised, the public marveled, CCTV reported?

Don't even think about it!

Apparently five years ago, Su Zhe was criticized by the same public opinion as she was.

If there is anyone in the world who can relate to Su Zhe's experience the most, it must be her, Liu Heluo.

She was lost in thought when she suddenly heard a gurgling sound. She turned around and saw that the water in the white pottery was boiling. She was so frightened that she screamed:

"Ah! The water is boiling!"

Su Zhe was startled and turned to look at her strangely:

“What’s weird about water boiling?”

"It won't burn, right?" Liu Heluo was very nervous, fearing that he would burn the white pottery and be scolded by the audience for destroying "cultural relics".

Su Zhe said helplessly:

"Gui, a three-legged cauldron, has a handle to hold it and a neck as thin as a bird, making it easy to pour water. It was originally used to boil water. There is a fire in the middle of the three legs. How could it burn out?"

Although Liu Heluo looks sweet, his style in variety shows has always been mudslide, but for some reason, he couldn't help but act coquettishly in front of Su Zhe:

"I'm afraid~"

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